4 4 ~TE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. YritcI6oilc adh'c bureau OT ficadcnIcG ostume 1p Fr aAt. YN.Y. GV J. V. I LL UI I( ('at, Go ,oi:. ifloors made to order and rented. Also lass Canes, {lss iats aod Caps, Mass College line. Address +d ivW'. C. KOIN, Western ttngr., T I~ R s}rr, .tir.yfA('Issg WILL FEND) Al" (i'll STORE 'Ill I1 L.1IC S' AND) (1101 La)' STOCKb Wealso carrv a eryCmlesteLine of Chr1istina" ('m.ds, phe z Stf.., Caist Cases, etc. AT LOWEST PRICES 'We Would1 esei'lly oor 51Book sor chiildrien, of swhiche 1or lmde os an uossally 1large ain(lcareful aeortisenit. 33410,,SOUTH STATE STEL. lT This epace belonge to the Stu- dents' ELetire Association. FOR.0 PROMPT SERVICE go(r5(D C(iiisgm TE.LE,174iONE 106. 515 E. LISBRTY. W e call ((Itlet tion( to our romplete lineof ('enter Draftt-Nickel Plated Lamps, ranlgiig in price fr -os 15c to x.50 each.iTltesa fLamps are of the latest and ((((t1imprCoved lpatternsianad msakes. locttiditig 41The New Itorlaelter," "iThe "le" "The Royal" "'tie lerlinS tudeint Lamp, ""'Fhe FPerfectionaStudent Lanip"if youe 'want thes best Lamp for the Lrwos l 1orty come ansd see us Ol~d Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Has Received a Fine Line of New'Goods. 204 Fast Washington St., near (tie Ass. W. J. B03TH, PRES. WARsOLDs 1st Vise prss J. V. 5SiiE SIN d Vice-pre5 JOsH. CNaLoe, Asst. Cashier SifiTh Sf1VINGS BIRNK I i E I a . I A Good Time at the Athens 'To- night. The Athe5(s wiill he Isurtnedtovier ss thse fotslso'r estosiliht its thse tsl jLIeo is Lxlrtis'tgt((a s oiispiiil. A thioroughs goo d timie is piromisedi. ici program wii (ill conist of comiiedy, specfl otisanldsvtaudevrille . r'lets lltysmosis ftii-.nter s; the Weilh SisIces, chug soc1d sstce artists; 'soley andi Jones, Irish knockot cstiicclians ie;... It s ssandsless It is -said thast onsesof the Last De- psartmen'it c~omitteemens'i, in ordter to rtshossow ithfusllylie seas working tso secret e55oraisir for Wa'sbiiiiton's birthsday, siowerd the refsisal of ex- Presildest ClevelanssltIoesome. The ref is Il of Mr. (Clevelansd was sent by tselsegirapsh, antd thse abssent-miindesd professor remsarksed:t ''IX'hy, 1e wrnics like a schsscloy-"' 'fis say aslspeise like an old gasg, buat the coni- isitteemana vouches fosr its truthful- Iii'ss. iteisiss, t'.irsssCisconotioniiitoc wil 'Ibe C. USociety' sst'the 1Presby- (1t r etesll. 21etcgies Ii .sS'Icrieo c'hurchl will givesciassits ) f2r5itiand 35cetals. tc rie lthe chsurchs larlosrs this evenino. 23 asdif' eiite.Everybsody is itivitesd. Sentr Clss Prt~. A jsrograisi party will he given at 'ThI e sissi clasSssof the .sitertsrv Gratnger's acads'toy, Saturdsay eveniiig. Deparinoent is tis give a party' ihis - - -- eveniing ini (le Balrbosur Gyiiititiii. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. It is tos be illtshieinaturie of ta resep- XViss the Aisn Arbor Rielesad youi tionstohe girls of thie class by' the caitlessisiect fssr impsortant poinss bsyesintihe se }slasit s oitieirsgiveciibelssss bsy the class in prev'iosryers. No Leave Ainn Arbosr. itis'itltiis lhavt e e n -isuedl, i i :2 ,.sn.. rivic S t. ssss'.......:2 .t. 7:5a.tt.. tiv a st City....;:5a t ortal onieiseiss g exteindedslto tlliaesi 't7:2'5a is .Arive trsi (t((( ((i. 21P.t. Isers of' the cltes. ffic etselist .25 .1.i.Arvetiicnai... :0p iet' fy'etirssers vsery rsires~f iii iiins issi 7:2'" a t...Aris" i odicssess'is.... 31 ~t of the excelleist class spirit possessedsl7i25 asis...Arrive rt.iWayne ....i12:55 sean by' the seniorstcltass has beeis the r-1::5 .m.. 9rrv tlv>ln." t.555 .si stilt ofth lese patiesthe niemtbeso 1:5a irrive, wttit... 2 .1p.m thte ituslse'ssiigbetler l.rciiisi tls 5 . At Aise 5'iitsd.ipiie.a is i 'I tsigits iiictiioii is to be stInstly iii tUi Y> iniforimtl ansd ssill isegin it S o'eloss. 5:49 p. n...sAr iCiscinni....n:5o a. its Senior Engineers Visit Shops. n:0pin.. riv eitiE......... . 740 a.m For t lttl eX elIelce n clca 8:3 . tn...Arise Laiusig... ...lo .is m. Isse 5 ii lrest8pere3irta. itii 5 Ars ivGrsisd' tapids.. it:5 seas sioik theii si Cite sslechlsactl etigia ' '4:6 . 's...AriteS t;in ti..... 8:00tp.im. i 4:.5 p ni... trire bay eity... :31p.ssm. aetie rsiiis thde vtiotis Shiope sld (t5t ).ins...rrivetsin~pd.. ....75 atri rudtect oa.ey .sp i:: rieiia tsao P. t: in severalssf telaltces visitesl. iiost intstitng cyie everisnosised. "Base ________B aii aitiHomse,"Itis piayedIby two personss Takeprud lesosseits ai~e~it'in runsiiissetiderrors tsa tme s oanygains befors the Jitiior Hop, of Mrs. Bos iayed os 5heii. Sent prepaidl tossnyaddrsass Granger'. Call attofhice Grangetr's eBASE BALL AT HOME CO., Acadeity, 312 Maynard. 5.50Jt.Ckasibeo omre 'Transacts a general Blankhtg Rosiness. FIRST NATIONAL BAN4K sIAsnn sluor Caisiita, w5i0. OSuripslus andCrofis, 140,000 rissscsoagssnelbingssinss.Foreign osexage' bogisiansolssd. Furnlish ltters of E.0D. KINNE, IPsss. HtARR5ISON SULE, Vices-Pro., Car. Mais andsuoStretsei. Capitai, $50t000. Surtplus, F3,000. Tirassusia general bankinsgbusinss. R,'KsmP, Pss. C. , GREENEs,YVcerss Fssis. H01BLSEUttasir. IThefAnn flrbor Savings Bann Ctapital Stosk. $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resores'.. iiot,000. Orizd us er theusi erialso ainiing Leo'. eftis istate.sReceises sdeposits, bisss asdserils rexchangesnstheipricpl cieofr(tse Usited Stat,s.tDraftscsedusonesproper idensuification Safety deposit Coxes is rsst. OF(CSc:m Chistsias Mask. Pres..t. Olttrr smas, Vise-Pses.; Chas, E. liscos, Caskier; M. J.FritzAsistaCsir THE .. Fancy rocers We keep everything nsnally kept in a frst-cltss Grocery and Blakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST, YOU'RE NEXT U. of M1. Barber Sloop and Bath Itoomo>ls. J. R. TssaAs'OWSat, Peep. 3a2 S. etate St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE ... We suarsnsesisOur Work. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of Stste Street BARBERSHOT'is Peas & ELF'S BAR ER HOP If yon desire first-slass work and sourteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. Ebalm er a Deco Cals attsiensdey or Night. Ns. 161 E. kiberty Street.Reridenceo53 ForthikAve, Ikoss (559. THOSE HOBBY TROUSERS MIL WARD DRESS SUITS STATES theAa* WVhenlyou receive 0 ~ ..Il tame "Hailer" is on the article tt on the box. This is a guarantee that 'it is Peninsulargood. Souvenir Holiday Gifts ! The largest line in 'wash. Peninsular enaw Coelnty of gifts dosirable for ladies and gentlemen.' Enqraving Examine oturStock. Comipaq~, DETROIT, MICH.1 DANDALL, State Phone 144- 4hz 8 5