THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. * Prof. aughaed Lecture Bef~ore the Published Daily (Sunas exepited) during the J Cotaliaed Ferse Page 1.]1 Coltege yeae. at- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, l)ben thte general belief that the chief q~gtE: he 57Rn Pris, ennng Bock.. ieans~ of spreadeeg typhoid fever has3 Bet i honles ata.147 et. bieen y dinkig water. In mnty _________________________________ instainces this was iiiilioubtedly the- CSEIANtASJN(. EDITOR~. case. In tite varioeus camtps there F. aaeeLaaae,'et t.. terre different arrangemnts for the 11USaactSS oActAxGl. stipply of drittlinigsater, in imaity of o. I IlAce, 'taL. thini the water wasuniubiteidly iih-N EDcITRSu. tained frotit soutrces witich were prob-. AthleticEdBliesr, T. It. seetasie, 'so L. 'ably ifectetd. In tthers the driiik- P. W. dbalse, '55, A. 11. SlMcUAsa., '01 E, leg water swas miost prohbably peire. b F. D. NAMAm, 'dl. c.1Ii. LU,eW, 0, Yet ini regittenits whilcih tad thie OB. iceeese.St B ceater, there score ianiy cases of typhoid fever. Ini these instances, lie spead ilfIthe tdiseasecaBnhtrish 'rhe eahaeerteiee teiet DIiti il_.ref th ablee ttaedcito the eiinhygieitic coil- he eatteg-' ytar, iii tal;._ teer1dcliverefrell titiec ofte ecateels. It seems very noeas eceh day. Nrued a, tumeilluniaione, an other sealter rendc'd fee publecation ce at le robalely tehanteagreat miaiiy cases ccii handed in at the DItLYe1,;, eore tepiee., 'r bee attIibietled to the spread of disease m iled oIte edeitoerltwfore:3 p n.ofthtie da preevious tolilaClttonwichtithey ateexecteeed Ceoity flies iand other inisects. aSeshecipete.ion 1,30lCef at at 1111DILYsfie Soine.p1eoile lave thu tat tee Meyer'e,ors etoteta esetteut, oaswith le ial i' eeviele of Inorthlernl troops ill seoetherii Masages.Subciribers ewitleonetes t tlltbyl retinepomtly a.teilofetice aci'ytfaitelaruea llly ha've]leelad agreat deal tee cairierste eliver papll All cages in e Ceetteet, nteIsts ers lee in docwih titifever leist suimemer. the ofiie leg a p.eei. oeel hiyslrevseetoteheltOniithe cointrary tile three regienets -___weeieh i lad the largest nulmlber of Special Lecture on thce Blood. eases, inever cieosed Mason anti Tweo years legoie neprofessors eel Dixitlis lite. Dr. Saxe Moweers, a the Meedicae leartmenelt begeen 'liigan1giaduiate,seas oiie of the_ series of speecial e(ires, deliveered surgeoseof01 leis regimient. in the eveneineg, choieenuig as thire Ir. Vaeighie believes tieat on- topic subjects 1on1 weichte ly hacelsanitarlya eangelileits in the caiips beet s epecially e'ggedeill research. together cwitie the great number of Prof. George Deeo c iii begin a sinl- flies atne othler inseacts probablly played iliar series of lecteires next Weelees abeout as impllortanlt a part in the day evenieg, at 7:30 o'cleeck, in tlee siread eef the disease as ded the inc- lower lecture reseeeeof tile Meelical iure driimkiing water. Ini view of Building. Pcrof. Dsek cwiii speak on11tis fact tile commilission have devised the bleoed, aieel nore pearticularly 011n mew anite miproved lhygienic equiip- the blood ini lmalarialcieases. Thie e ects for tile treeoposwhich are to be selectioin of tilhiject is very timle- sent to Cubta. They leave also under ly, as mney imlpotrtlant faects haive, illconseatioeen a necv applianece whiicih receiit years, beene atdedleolotel w001 It erii iz~e.all the driinkiiigceater knowvledgea of tile eatheoleogical ceni-fos tiee troops. tions of tis diese.e, tiore learlicu laly to thec knowleledge eef life lei-e Tried to Get Cleceland. tory of the laismoiumllllwheichm is nowt h le commellittee levig in charge knowm to be its cense. Preof. D~ock tite Wtsiiigteem's birthdeay celebra- has imaeefreqent conltributtionseon011tionllare haing a ihaeiditiegettiing this subject,lea vineg 11111aid secuialit 11a t-aortorefr111thee occasioie. Grover teintionito teeIfor iiily reuers. Wilile Cleelais Ithe htest ositoeerefeise, theselicetares arc initeneded eeecialhly anitd esliperatien 0110of the mlelle- for the iedeeicailBtudents, Jeiyoiei511 beis of the coeiettee is sid to have and eothers interested lre cordially sugegested ex-Gov. Altgeled, of Illi- invited to attend. iiois, tee soeie of tile university Trilon Recocering. autleoiIties. ft is iieedless to samy his ni-_1-rt 5____4, A- ..;.;_ ;propsion wlcas received cwithl atfreest. 1 I1rusis Studio Piano Pipe Orgas) asd Con position R. H. KKM"I" PF From Stuttegart Consseatory, OGesmany. is2 a. DivisionSat. oncert PianoeeTaelsg THE RENOWNED MANDOLINXIVIRTUOSO MIR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will geve lessons on the mandolin and alitar at the Uiiiversity Scliool of, Mhtsic every Friday. For Terms and hours apply to the Secretary. Students' Laundry Association Win. VOGHT-in. R. FOX, agests fsr TME GRAND SLAUNDRIY, of DETROIT The heel high geade lacundsy esthes Stats. The onlysechiss doesticteinish is the West. Glove finish als given. All meshpromsptly, neatir asd earefully dose. Ofies a0a S. Statesat. iiseidescel610 Lawresnesi. New State Phase. 441. MNIITLARD THE PRINTER Ass Ashes. Minh Microscopical Su1ples Ro~ams lIapar HEADQUARTERS Dissecting Instruments.j For LAMPS of all kiieds, PcORCE, Eerytiig yonse edlas Lateosa- LAIN CHIAMBERt SE'TS, DINNER stssy'washkyyou mill Cand here. SETS aiid FANCY CHINA. Japan- J. J. QUARRY, ese Goods and Novelties. CAMPUS DRUG STORE. 115 S. MAIN ST. Cr I COLLEGE STUDENTS THRE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE Prices from BestUp 12 World OLLEGOE msn evesywhsse ase invited ts sesd fos the Washburs Souvesir Cstslog. CIt consinsearly ace portraits ofasiists sand collegisns, betides givingssme accoust ofi the constrctionsf adWsshsurn instruments andsa olseite list of net prices. Firstlsis scdealessthe wosld over sel Washbrns,or istrumsentssmsy be obtiined fsros the mahes LYON & H-EALY. CHICAGO. KOAL.. EVERY KN M. STAEBLER, 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., B0TH PHONES, NO. 108. ANN ARBOR. Chmarles .. ryone, tne 'Varsity mile wealker feer the last thrve years, who swas baeliy burned cwhile layineg Saitta Clans duinlg the vacaetioni,ciii he ale to leauve tilhe hitaltext M\oieeday. .YAlioiighl he ccillttemed lectures it ciii be niecessaery for 11111 to returm to tile hospeital each eday tee have his handmes beandtgeeh. HisC hands cwere barmiedh very severely, his face slighmtly, and tile othmer paurts ol his body teere noet ttuched. Tryon intenided emterimeg for flee plie veaiit, in celilcitevemut leforttmmerly iteldl the college recd, bitt on acceeumie of this accidenithilly ibe ullbe to doe so. Whiile not oeioillsy ijured physical- ly, his nervous asyste hmts semffereila severe shock, fremiwtchebit cwiii take a long flime to recover. TWhere cwas hteld last eveinmg a meeting iii Detroelt of em iuimber ef the imetmbers of tihe ohl U. ief M. Club weithitime purpose of formmig a University climb oii a social basis. The mnovemeintcwas put ipoma a firm footing aud a cemiumittee seas apepoint- ed to prepare a constittion cud by. laws to be acteel uponi at a later meeting. From thiseimnthutsiasm which seas displayedi, there caii be nio doubt of the suces of the project. - Ex-President Cleveland respeonded wcitm a brief telegram stautinig "I cam- miot acceptf." The helegranwsesohowni ai projminenmtpritfesori, miime to thme timmazememntof thtie co~imiitteemanmcwheo hiandied 111115the eispatchm le sale : "Cievelamel crites like a schoolboy." Tme sttudeint comild not kceep lime steery tel time professor's absentmidedimess. IATHENS THEATRE, Minnie Lewis' CaExstraag~anza le Co. a0sGils Tasorasstieme Ballet,,etc. Pricse Ise, 25c adt35e. BOYS ! STOP! KINDERGARIITEN FOR A GAME OP POOL ON BILLIARDS. liarsn St. East of F. and M. Bank. c~ 9 MAYNAND ST. BELL 'PHONE 246. Granltger s ne mngmn o R.RSSGAGR j{ e e Istemesdiats Class-Mosmday evenmsgs. Advanced Class-.Tusdsy evenisgs TIC Programmse Pasty each Saturday Evening. TIKETS, $5.00. Goodi12weeksifromue ofistasting. In close PacQVaraes With the coming and gaine sf the seasons are the fashions in Shises. The Styles at yesterday see sees fosgotten in lbs desire fee that ofto-morow. See ass windowsijor the hell up-to-atseline of the styles fas to-mosrow. JhPIUISHOSA TORE119Anlsibongtsn St.