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VOL. IX, No. 85.
Fresh Yesterday.
CHORAL UNION CONCERT. versity will ever go to Detroit is one Prof. Uaughan's Lecture Before the
of the most remote. Al the same it Medical Society.
Adele Aus der Ohe Gies a Brill- might look somewhat practicable if On Thursday evening was held
iant Performance. Detroit would say to the regents: the first regular meeting of the Uni-
'Here are 100 acres of land and versity Medical Society. The soci-
A piano recital by Miss Adele Aus $2,000,000 worth of buildings. Move ety aims to hold a meeting each
der Ohe was given last evening as down here into them.' It would month of the school year, which will
the second number of the Choral then be a choice between Ann Ar- as a rule be addressed by some prom-
Union Concerts. The pianist Alex- bor and Detroit, with only the tempo- ment alumnus of the chool. The
ander Siloti would have given this rary disadvantages that removal of addresses will be on subjects pertain-
number if he had not cancelled his some departments would imply. ing to medical work and will afford
American engagements. Miss Aus '"The talk about moving the nedi- an opportunity for students to broad-
der Ohe filled his place very satis- cal department is most persistent. en their views and keep iu touch
factorily, pleasing a large audience. The people of Ann Arbor gave $20,- with the advancements which are
All her numbers were received with 000 for the new hospital and that is constantly being made in medical
applause, as were two encores which about the biggest claim the city has science.
she gave. Her technique and ex- on the University in any way, as it At least one of the meetings will
pression were perfect. The Etudes has done much more for the city than be given over to the students them-
and Valse of Chopin and the Rhap- Ann Arbor for it. Furthermore, the selves, who will present papers cov-
sodie Hongroise by Liszt were espe- chemical laboratory is the mainstay ering original work which they have
cially enjoyable. The composition of the Medical Department, and to been doing, while in slchool here, in
of her own which she played was separate the departments would ne- addition to their regular routine
lively and expressive. The stronger cessitate the building of a new ciem- work.
and more forceful compositions were ial laboratory in Detroit, which Thursday evening Dr. Vaughan
evidently her favorites, but the would naturally be smaller than the addressed the society, taking for his
softer numbers were delivered with a noted one at Aii Arbor. subject the prevalence of typhoid
charming feeling and expression. "The tendency among universi- fever among the army camps this
Person and attractive bearimg do ties is toward cities, and of all cities past sunier.
much to assist her in pleasing her of any size, Detroit has least objec- Dr. Vaughan was one of a com-
audiences tions as the seat of a great univer- mission appointed by Surgeon-
The program follows: sity. The big advantage would be General Sternberg, who were in-
Sonate F minor op. 57..........Beethoven in the awakening of interest in the structed to visit the various camps
Allegro assai. State University on the part of De- and discover if: possible the reason
Andante con moto. troit people. They very largely for the great number of cases of this
Allegro ma non troppo. Presto.
"The Sacred Three Springs near helped to make it what it was ii the disease, which brought so many fa.
Trafoi,"....... .......Franz Kullak first place. If we could get that talities among the troops.
Suite No. 2, E major, op. 8 (new),----- interest rekindled i would be a great There were three classes of medi-
... . ..........A. Aus der Ohe thing for this University." cal men in the last war, The first of
PInlue. Sarabande. A la B3ourree. gy
Air. Gavotte. Gigue. The professora hearers expressed these were the surgeons who were
Two Songs without Words............ surprise that le should take this already in the service. These men
... ..... ........lendelssohn view, and he remarked tiat he had are all graduates of regular medical
No.1 F major, op.85. long advocated it among his fellow schools and had passed examinations
No. 2 Spinning Song.
Nocturn,Csharpminor,o. p7 professors. However, lie should not before they were accepted. They
Four Etudes, op. 25. Nos.1, Chopin venture to talk it publicly, for Ann were as a irule ien who were compe-
2, 3 and 9,.................... Arbor ieople would be up i arms. teit to perfxorm their duties,'though
Valse E minor,.................. J It was added that, if the commit- from the nature of their practice
Etude de Concert, D flat,...- . liszttee in charge of the proposed bicen- some have not been so situated that
_hsHogre No.1..... tennial celebration in Detroit wanted they could keep in touch with the
MOVE U. OF M. to leave something permanent, the progress of modern medicine. This
professor's suggestion gave them a fact has been recognized, and at the
Professor Thinks it Should Go to chance. present time there is an army medi-
Detroit. Prof. Hempl's Net Book. ca school at Washimgton exclusively
for army surgeons.
The Detroit Evening News of yes- Prof. George Hempl has just pub The second class were those ap-
terday contains the following start- lished a volume entitled 'he Eis.i- pointed by the governors of the dif-
ling bit of news. The friends of est German Reading for Learners ferent states to serve in volunteer
the University must be up and doing Young and Old." The purpose of regiments. As the appointments
and attempt to brush away the dust the book is to furuish the scholar lay with those officials alone, there
that is being raised: with a German text which lie can were no special requirements and it
Every time in the past, when the understand without adhering tio sometimes happened that some of
suggestion has been made that the slavishly to the vocabulary. The these mei were nc t regular practi-
University should be moved from method on which the volume is based tioners. In one of the westeru regi-
Ann Arbor to Detroit, there has been is that of suggstioi by related or imets there were 500 cases of typhoid
a big bosc about enmity to the Uni- associated ideas. The selecti ms are fever, yet not a single case was so
versify, desire to break it up and those which are familiar to most reported.
various other charges. It is some- Americans in the nursery. There The last class were the so-called
what surprising, therefore, to hear are nearly 50 selections, among themm: contract physicians. There were at
one of the leading professors of the The House that Jack Built, Old least 1100 af this class. Many of
University advocating just such a Mother Hubbard, Robinson Crusoe, them were among the best surgeons
plan. Cock Robin and The King of France. who served.
Only a few nights since, a gentle- On the lower half of each page is mm The hospital corps were of a very
man whose name is connected with question in.German referring to the varied make-up. Some of them
educational interests wherever there text above. The vocabulary is es- were medical students and trained
are universities and who is one of pecially copious but at the same time nurses, while the greater number
the most influential men on the concise and clear. Prof. Hempl de- were men who were detailed from
faculty of the Literary Department serves great credit for introducing tle ranks and were with absolutely
of the U. of M., remarked to some here the inductive method of teach- no previous training. In some cases
of his friends: ing German. His method as carried groups of 200 men were detailed for
"It was a bad mistake in the first out last year and so far this year has a single day's service and on the fol-
place that the University was not been a success. This reader is based lowing day another body was sent to
located in Detroit. It should have on the result of several years of in- take their places. This of itself sug-
been placed at Grosse Pointe. Of vestigation. In the near future gests tfle possibility of ami avenue for
course, with the rich homes there Prof. Hempl will publish a grammar the spread of diseases.
now, that land is all too valuable. of the German Language on the Up to the present time there has
I think the possibility that the Uni- same practical principles. lCoatilaeaon Page
006n Dag and Night.
ring r eresi of the olege year
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