2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .4"'4I* Prof McLaughiin's Propheegf. M~usic Studio jor & . P atu4 In a lectuie before his class ili piano, Pipe organ and com~poitian Published Oatly (Sunay eceted) drn ,thoeltei'lo o Prof. A. C. M!.cLaughliniE. H~. TK EIM iP F' Collegeoyear, at in speaking of the purchase of Fa ttec 'noeteOeay THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Louiisina, had occasisti to make sev- eral interestieg remarks on our war 312 S. Dliviion St. Consort Piano Tuniga Bos : th ' 00 ost-1i1onng7to w thh Spain wich has just closed. Bot ttttono14" The first English settlement in THE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO F. i L.mos -in 160," he said, "was iiaile for the MR .tu i~~V~~ lOUSUI',ES 1ANGEm. simile purposeif gettiiig alieadiof Will give lessons on the mandolin and o . Irsta, -so . Spain.''Oiie great anihition of the guitar at the Uitiversity Schnool of xIli 0115. Eitglisht llootd iii America since that 1Muasic every Friday. For T.erms and Athlettc Editsr,'r. iR. Wtttttttnot, so i.. tlty thositeen to drive' Sptiin frsiii boom apply to the Secretary. F. W. JttS, '99, A .iMCiDiOUGALLtt"°01 E, tltis rittinlient. 'Phittitas pirtly ac- F.., EAMNa, 't.{t C.1i1. Eettt. -tt0OhM, ttttillisltctlby our seiztire of West 0. tD. iitttto tt. 'Oi i. lo'ria in the Ltouisinatipnrchiase; G ENIiERA agasittwhtenire jitcliased Eatst anti C: iSotitlierit Florida in 1821,1miindtiill The stisetitito t-- ~~ le cotisuimimitted tent the treaty of he uiption-ttpricettof theDIYr 25 otr pence tritli Spaitn nitw-peiiding is W nte r noechduoti t cscieeriators n 'rtitiedi. Nowthtttt Spaii idstao tter'- $0 othr mttr zfenedfor1}bitatin untherittiylere e aycotiinuec the tiove- matted totle titortbetf otes.itptrftet lt-yot: i ttbyati ertaiicatioit tf Sptsnisii - 0+0 previousttto tttat ol whictl itotare expete to t t-itihi a1th ouh - ea h-otttito eta t be leftat i 5theDItYo t stAmetricani natiotus. By our last his-1.0 lMteerorSttolt yew tnor a tttttoeatttt 10tt.00t sitetmttmmemttmnmy -a Students' Laundry Association Wma. VOUGHIT-Wm. S. FOX, ageats fee THLE GiRAND LAUNEDRY, of DETROIT The bst high grade landry ia the State. The eniy machtne dosmestic finish in the West. Gotefinish astugiven. Aul woek promtply, natly and carefuliy doac. Oie202as. State at. Residence 610 Lawrence st. Nesw State Phsne. 041. MILLARD r PRIENTER Ann Arbor, Miecs AL CLEARING UP Suits and Overcoats Shnits (Sr Overcoats $15.00. 44 44 44 13.50. 44 44 ' 44 10.50. 46 64 6 r 7.50. crestoie'ivet ape.ttl-tlo.attitt iWe have no reuason ti believe that /i JSHIR F --- All cttng na dvt-t t ltt ott t te nit he ho i st y ' a n t again repeat itselfit. V the atist' iy 4 pt. .ttnte dy peou to t th st or ba i un which they ate toot litot. -4 All our Regular Dollar Colored D___ r. Vaughan Lectures. #l Shirts, Clearing Price - - 75ce 0.bI The' imst re'guilat' meetiiig of the 7LOVES i'_Dl:,__A Mlediial Associaitiiuntwas held last i GL VES; i-hlt. D~r. Tatughani lectured to a / f Silk Lined Cape Gloves, $2.00 Time ( otti(ttseilitteiit (fltb is crowed llecitire rom iittomi 'Causes of IlII Glores - - --- 1.50 certaiiily ttt he tongratlatli isi sjltiid ueporiinthrArit.''TieSilk Lined Kid and Mocha, $1.50 its successiut sietiritg \Vill. I. Bryant typioidrFrever intiAiiyof Thite Grilov ies - - - -$ 1.00 tosekii'Iiiotbibt' iices in viiiting the varittis caiiilIs of See onr Windows for Cleoring Prices on Fashionable subject iti wtiichi e-trystudlentt all(tlte ctttiitry andtold SuitOecasadFrihns every citizen is dee-plyinterestedl amldiniier tie~conditioU 1ihe f ou hrisOerot.adFunshns 1esre to utheiilightteniedt hecas of the disease teas pri- WILSON Noble's Star Clothing House, isfortuntietothat lie is to hautix ai u oteusntr od- c vi-t98 Univer-sity Hailwhtreestiilitud mnyd otentssbindit mry condi- t ..eee6't(me citizns aieutt ei ii~ ~tonis d iuujttre wraer. Vaious I.h~ao so~i 209 S. MAIN S T. citiens likemay ear int o erinheletsrai d, lies.wTimearm b e t a v n a e e e i s c s a d f i s h r ySTh o u g h t h e i e e t i m r ottf h i e c a i ti t l i c e i s g i ni e d a cl e a t if v a l u a b l e e x -C 1 _&7 I dates fttr the btasebtill ieaii last iiight i 1erienee frotm weihi they iwill profit outi'uurateieulIt te iiiti-if any auci necessity for camips SOTE5S)MAIFTUESF teas noihrceie yteetu rises iimthis future. IPRESADMNFCUESO olasimic h pl lrevaiils hit-sitilatr ittet- ings later in titetollege yeatr, it is Charles Burtons, 98, if IDetroit, CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. yetl a coiaieraiflgiil titocit tt iuci-asitirei b s mgu t isiie MiCROJSCOPIC FINDINGS. Heiadquarters for all Labora- aerlya cst leiabeorhoursitramtl