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January 20, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-20

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VOL. IX, No. 84.







Fresh Today.
0On1 Dau anld Niuh
Durieg the rest of the college year we
will sere luceseeaall hoursedayecr
night. Fell lineeof Pipes, Cigarsaned
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
When you don't wear your
Sweater you ought to wear
one of these veste. ft10is
cheaper than taking euld.
We cell the beat one at
$1.50 to $2.08 Some for
Calkins' Frhfflu.
P anew Sweater or
Gymnasium Suit.
We have a large variety and at
Special Prices. We always
carry the best grade.
Of every description.
Up rown Down Town
State St. Opp. Court IHouse
Main 5t.

He is to Speak in Uniersityj Hall
on Imperialism.
At the Good Government Club
lecture last enight, President MIII-
hlollanld announltlced that a leter had
heell received from Win. J. Bryall
cvherby e Ias defititely prom~ised
to coute to Ann Arber on Feb. 2,
and speak to tie sudents on Imperi-
alists. Perteeses i as also been o-
talied frotm President Agell to
allow Mr. Bryanl to speak in Univer-
sity Hall. As a result, the Good
Government Club are highly elated
as tiley were for a long while in
doubt wheher Mr. Bryan could come
or not. Ever sneehle resiged his
cotmcmission in the army, soliitatiocns
hlave been numerous and urgent slnd
tile club deserves mulh credit for
its success.
As ties lecture is not to be simtply
before tile club, but in Utiversity
Hll whlere adeeission will be cearged
otnewhat nesw arratgements have
had to be mlade. Under such cir-
cumstsances Mr. Bryan always re-
ceives one half ef the sale of tickets,
so single admission tickets for tie
lecture will be sold at 50 cents.
Course tickets however for te re
maluing four lectures maty be had
for the same price.
It is expected tiat parties will be
mlade up all over this section of tle
state to hear Mlr. Bryan as lhe hasl
tn other engagemlets in Mcigan.
Utiversity hal will therefeore prol-
ably be taxed to its liceit on Feb. 20.
Miss Aus Der Ohe Tonight.
The secottd Choral Union Concert
takes place tonigit. Miss Adele
Acs der Vie, tie fatous piatn
virtuoso, will give a piano recital of
ten tnuteebers. With tie exceptist of
Moitz Rosetthal, Miss Ats de Oe
is probably tie greatest piaist o
thte concert slgs this year Her
preogramce will be takete frtt Beet-
lovet, Prattz Kullek, Mendelssoeht,
Cheopitn, Lzt, eetd frotnsueme of 11r
own comepositionls. This will be 11r
first appearance in Ants Arbor for
sevent years.
Thcetnext cottcert will be given by
Willy Burutester, violinis, Friday
eveting, Feb. 3. It ao been decid
ed to reserve seats at $2 eacle begit-
niteg Feb. 4 at 9 a. mt., and cottin-
iteg at that rate for one week, or till
Feb. 11, 9 a. te., when the boards
sill be opened at $1 for each seat.
This is to accommttodate sus persots
as lave recitations duritg the sweek.
Webster Socet.
Webser Society will meet Satur-
day tiglt. Te principal feature oi
tlee preogram will be an address by
Prof. Jerotee C. Knowlton lets"Prof
Cooley in Public Life." A deate
will also take place on the subject,
Resoslved, That Congresstan Roberts
of Utah should not be allowed to
take his seat in Congress." The
afhirtmative wiii be supported by
George Harris and Rlalphe Jernegan.
On the negative will be D. H.
Theomas and John Adatms. Tie us.
nal atnount of music and itpromptus
will be given

Hon. Herbert Welch Told Them in a Baseball Otlook Ifor '99 Appears
Lecture Last blight to be Bright.
Ocne of tihe ceost interestincg cnd 'T'he bcseball tcercgetect is well
tinstructive lectures tht h Ias beene ileasedl at thec resslt of tie cass
givene lere this winter was delivered emeeting last tight. Th'es numeber of
last night by Honc. Herbert Welche of new ente, ceec to Michigatn, but old
Philadelphieloe"Tir Struggle for itt experietce, is larger tate ever be-
Gocce Governeect itt Aceic." fore. 'There cwere aoct 75 at te
Whtctmcade thec lecture epecially meeeting andel eecst of tiese itetend
interesticngsas thecodelet acccunt of trying for the teame. Maty lave
thte persontal work Mr. WelcheIea-cgeiced experience oct college teamses
accoceplished duericg tlhe least 25 or ill the ighe scols before etter-
years. His descrilptioce of Inedicancilg college. One eceourgineg fact
agetecies was tot particulaly favtr- is the lrge ceeceber tying for lie
able tee eoer governenett. "Thoughe battery positicens. The ceecpetiton
thec governetenco doutewcishes In for every picioneel will ie close. Of
dead swithe the Inediaens in a humaete m11~1een ho lyed II last year's
manntccer'' le said " it is a fact tat teateceLunne, MeGe, Miller, Lelr,
there is ad great acmount of iccome-e.Cecedn, Wolf, Mattesotn, Davies atd
tecncy in tle agents it sends totee ee clGicnnis acr still incoellege.
reservatiocns." This le believed twas At tie teeetitg seeches were nde
clue to thecalepointect of netetefete Iy Meaceager Emmnetccs, Cpit. Lunt,
partisan reasoens acedtnt for personal Coache Clarlk, ex-Footbaell Capt.
cmeit. Beeenett acded x-Capt. Miller, Lehr
'rie great proeblecmeicc Phileaeelpheiaeacnd others. 'Tey all expressed te
s low to free ties city gevernentct opicnionthtiat Michigants wocull lave
frocee (ie cnterol of corleoratieens and theis year te best bseball team in
caclhicce politiciancs wiho use tieir its heitry, 'lcehee solod cot be
powcer simeply for sefishleneds. Qucay disceecraged if tey do ceet get a
himiesef is not so powerfclastesfle chacce tesiow teir slill tec first
corporations beheiccdlhimc. -Thetytutslessew cays. Beceuse of tle large
himas teit oocr leu to get ei ertnteuceeler it wiii tales tines to give
fratechises acd privileges tee tiesderi-evrmaatilbteryoywl
meeet of thte greatetmsas of ctzensa who have aec equalchlatce ande be givece a
meildly acquiesce. Whlere is thecferce. trial a eeoec as ipssible. A list of
tet of whlicih a better ceendeilte ef tt the ecw ea ito lhanded inthteir
thincgs is teecucce? F'itst, cenetmucce amettes follews:
lbs elected wiho will act indepenetlty Infieled--J. E. hger, G. Blanco,
of party weneeoccaione reeluires. Hf. K. Ccaft, J. C. 'Taylor, C. F.
Th'ene it is abseoletely cnecesaery to ee l ,H .Hasn .B
deveope taeticdeedenect ateenS esce l Mleshe, R. . fr, eullSo, WV.B
prescwiche can tnt be itnluencced by feGr 'a yluW.J.KrkNeed e, .
advertisiceg conetracts ancdlthereats o Gaysecl, . J. Kirkbi, . .
ioiii ns.A ti ntm cc beSprge, If. L. Mari, IR. J. Bidwell
developed i eeiple themcesevea
demaecnding socmethinig better. Thle Outtiel-E. G. Lipieitcer, E.
gradual applicatiuoe of civil service Lanecder, F. W. Loucies, . S. Hill,
reformcsiee tll braecesuoef1pubic se- Ja. Strasbucrg, L. G. Main, G. Mc
vice. Meet cmust be- appoiedceonc Neal, If. G. Leeis, A. Killian,
their detet. Amtericac will cae a .CteStegecetcc, F. E. (Cooley, I. Mucre.
dismcal failure fruc tete t if we Bttery-Rf.f. Franze, '. F. Mil
tin tnt ecforce service iceour cloiacis le, XW. C. Miller, W. L. Witt, J.
adinisetrationEc negatnd swadced in Jonces, E. Lncdter, f. A. Rantldal, C.
slougihs of disienodr aned sarnaeeuentil F. Muohr, i. C. .Xegargel.
sise adopted a civil service systern.
Now site has the bet adcminitataionee Adephi Societ.
ice ler colonies of any nationithtdtes 'fle Adelpheii Society ancounces
would. lte folowing programceefrits eet
~me-i Saetury niget: Meusic, J. L.
Jeffersonian Society. Frenchi; crrect event, Mr. Reed;
Jeffersontians Society offers fle fol-. debate, "ehsled, iTat tiesUcited
lowineg proegrameecfor toncight. Current States sheoulcd cestrct adcontedrol
topics, L. C. Teck; readicng, IH. S. ties Nicarauantt caceasl;' affrmactive,
'Taner; declaccationc, XW. E. tydlach; Messrs. Evacns, Decey, acd Pettis;
essay, George N. Davis; orationc, A. cegative, Mesas. Weterdale, 'Tuipier
M. Coeud; speech, A. E. Boyntn; acd Myor; critics relort, Dweigt E.
biograplhy, H. L. Kelley; eteucic, Watekis; muso-ic, Messrs. Clark,
Stanley Partridge; debate, "Rjesled Wititark anldl fterut.
Thsat degree menceoncly shou~eld e ad-
mitted to fle Lass Departmenect" Alpha in Societ.
Affiremative, J. F. Barbee ateel W. E. At ties Alpha Net Society Friday
Hosted; cnegative, E. B. Posell andlight tie foloineeg prgracm will be
0. S. Johenson. given: Muini; sory, Mr. Laothers;
Philological Society. iccprompeltu, P. B. Mody; debate,
"lel Cuba be aenexed to the Uited
Thse regular meeeticng of tile Plhilo- States icc ticsenext five years?"
logical Society tusk iplace last night Affircmative, Messrs. fR.SM. XWod acd
in honmEsF, University Hfal. A E. A. Crsin; negative, Messrs.
paper was read by D. HI. P. 'Tieme Montsgocmery sed Kitely; speed, C.
on "TeT'echenique of ties Ireechc B. Moerrill; mcusic. A business
Alexandrine." A general discusson lmeeting sill follosw the regular pro.
followed the paper. gramn.

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