2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pubished Daiy (Snday ecepted) duig the College yeeor.at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'bet: The iead Pess eing Blck. Bth Pheyee147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGLHARDo~a, '0t L. lUSINESS MANAGER. 0. IIthIeA s, 'EL. EDITORS. Athletic Editr, T. R. WOOW, '00 L. P. W. JONES, '9, A. U. Mc'titacott, '01 E, F. D. EAttAN,'OO C.t. Leeo,'OOM, G. D.Hcocuee. 'atE. The subsciptio pice of the DALis le.e50Ofer he college yea, with a recularedlieeyefoe noon each day. Notice, cmmncaions, ad otheematatee inteded foe lblicoata mclte handed int at the DAILY ofdice efore 8 pt., cr tmaled to the editeribefoe 3 p . atoa the day peeviou to that o whicha they ae epected ta ntusciptianc tay be toeft at the DInt'oefie, Mye', 0r Statllet newtd, ocewith Biecs Eatsger. Solcciee will ceafavoerIby repacltg pomptly at tiseoaice ay failae f aieIaodeliecrpae. All chnge io daetiing catemute lent the offce by 4 p. t. o the day preeiaue to tat on which teaetoee apeae. Estabroob Cannot Come. Prf. Trueblolod las received th fllotwitig letter givitg his retools for catcelling his etagageettittat Att Arbior: CHCttAeGO, Jat. 17, 1899. MY DEAR PROFESSOR --Explatatory of recent telegras, I wshil you to utdersatt Inuitre' in detail the rea- secs whichcomel m~ ae te break tmy etgagemett to speak next Satrday at Attn Arbor. VToe case Is which I referred i my telegratts as been preparitg for trial for several years, atd emerged fretithlii' haties citthe oaster in chattcery motishls ago. Ocr cliett is one of thte jutdges of the Appellate court antd the suit itvlves all le has on earth. Intheia crowded state of the docket, and te abolcte scan- ble of litigatts o get the ar of the court, a ctse olce set for trial nust be tried owhet realed ot' go over it- defiitely. I ever before receded front a con- tract to speak, for I know it disap pointto maty people-atid I ate par ticularly sorry to disappoint you and thte studetts of Atn Arbor. Very sincerely yours, HENRY D. ESTAtROOK. Oratorical Contests. The Oratorical Cotmittee reports the followitg dates for te prelimi- nary class cottests: Feb. 20, Jutior Law; Feb. 21, Sophomore Lit.; Feb. 23, Fresh Law; Feb. 25, Junior LFit.; Feb. 27, Senior Law; Feb. 28, Senir Lit. All contestatts must hand itt their nanmes with the subjects of their orations to J. A. Oppeheimer, 417 E. Utiverity by Feb. 1. All ora- tions must be hatded in by Feb. 10. The judges will be announced later. Collection ot Coins. The Utiversity has received a col- lection of about 200 rare ad valu- able colns from Wm. Lambert Dorr, of Federal Point, St. John's River, Pa. Mr. Dorr was at otto time a resident of Ann Arbor. The collec- tion whicht consists prinipally of European coins, waill be placed in the University gallery. Mrs. B. A. Finney left for Detroit yesterday afternoon, having receivid word that her father had fallen and quite severely itjured himself. iMass Meeting for Baseball Men. Miusic Studio A mass meetittg for all baseball Piano, Pipe Orgo aned Corgpoltion meta wrill be held itt Rootn 9 at 7 o'clock tonighct. Speeches will be Fj. LH . I IE-.iNI PI nmatle by teattatger tnd captain and others. Plans for the work of the From Stuttgatoenseervatory, Germanay. season wtill be givetn out anti pros- 312 a. Dliison St. Connert Piano Taniog peels discussed. It is a ttatter of great itmptrtatnce that all baseball THE RENOWNED MANBIOLIES VIRTUOSO meni tatritout, so as tot give a line ott R . U E E A E the matetial atnd tot allow if arratnge- mentts hoc traitnitig to be muadle. All Will give lesoons on the mandolin and meti at all interested are utrged totguitar at the University School of attetnd.MAlisc every Friday. Foe Terms and i E' Judges for Pennsilcnania Debate. The following have been natned as judges for the fiual for the Michigatn. Ptenntsylvatnia debate: Hon. Chas. F. Totnetnd, Jacksott; Hon. WN. W. Wedeeyer, Atit Arbor; W. P. Vati Wainklle, Howell, atid Rev. Wut. Aldreichi, Ypsilaniti. The speakers for the Late Depairt- tietnt are Eatiait, Wilson, atndRei- dalelis; foir thte Litertiry Departtiett Cartmotdy, Yout;i, atni Harrisont. Word has beene received frotm Prof. V. J1. Spalditng that he anti Mrs. Spaldlig are att pre esit occup~yinig thae cottage itt which Dr. atid Mrs. J. M. Martitn spenit last tititetr ont tie island otSanetta Catalitna, below Lots Atigeles. Ptrof. Spalding is very muatchiminprovedin i health sitace leav- lng Soucthierin Califorinia, wheare the ciol tnighits anid thae warimidays did nst agree ewithimt. Rev. Joseph H. Crooiker of the Unitarian Celi lct'~oaanoutncedl for tiext Sundayli eveninitg a subject that still proibably interest manety of the stiudentts ini the University. He is tot speatk ait Empire tir Natiot- Whiicit?"'and soietitig cmay be ex- pectedl cptot the lproblemllof expati. sioni. George Seweell, cx '01, died at hits btoine ini Detroit yesterdlay molrninitg. Mr. Setwelilteas a titembter last year ef the Eniginaeeritng Depart- mcetat buitteas comopelled by ill health to leaive college shortly before the second semester. rATHENS THEATRE FRIDAY JANUARY ( 20TH Robert. Mantellh BOYS ! STOP ! AT THE KINDEIIAIIThM FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS. Huone St. Eaot of F. andM. Bank. Peninsular Engraving Conipanqj, DETROIT, MICH. DkANDALL, State Phone 144. boours apply to the Secretary. yyyW Microscopical Suop~ies Dissecting Instruments. Everything yecn need fee Labcora- tory weora yeewillficd beret. J. J. QUARRY, CAMPUS nRUn STORE. Students' Laundry Association! Wmn. VOUGHT-Wm. R. FOX, ogonto for THE GRAND LAUNDRY, or DETROIT, The best high grade laaundry in the State. The enly machine domestic finieh in eke West. Gloeefinith aleo gien. All week promptly, neatly and carefolly doe. ofcae ta2 S. Stole st.EReidene 010 Lawrence at. New State Phone. 44t. MIJ.JARD THlE PLIENTE IR Ann Arbor, Etch HEADQUARTERS For LAMPS of olt kinds,. FORCE.- LAIN CHAMBERN SETS, DINNER. SETS attd FANCY CHINA. Japan- ese Goods and Nuvelties. 115 S. MAIN ST. COLLEGE STUDENTS TIHE COUNTRIY OVER SMOKE Prices from $15 Up. ¢~ ® a ~Best _ -- - the COLLEGE neoneerywherer aeiweted to nend car the Washhurn Soernir Catalog. Itscontainstnearly 300ppotraitsnofartistsand collegian,besidestgiving some account or teeconstructico fWashhurn instrumentosod a nomplete lisfneotrtprices. First-clasn mouscdealersnthe world aver sell Washburns, or instruments may be obtained ram the makers LYON & HEALY. CHICAGO. KOAL.EVEFEFY KIND M. STAEBLER, 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., BOTH PHORES, NO. 108. ANN ARBOR. MAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 246. Granger '8 under management of MRS. ROSS GRANGER. Beo inners' Cianoo-Oenttcmen, 10 a.m., Saturdays; Ladies, 4p.m. Satordays e~iem~y Intermediate Clas-Monday eenings. Adeanced Clac-Tuesday evenings TIKProgramme Party Eacb Saturday Evning. TCETS, $5.00. ocodl12weeksofrom timeoflstarting. In Cjosc Pacceseset With the earning cod going of the season are the fathions in Shoes." The Styles cf yeoterday are soon focgotten in the desire foe that of Itocrrow. See car windows,, far the host op-to-dale line of the ftiles for to-morrow. flDP~I5Cn W~t TAPI tS Wsh~nton5, f1FRI1L oSLcfiOELTOREIU, Ann Arbor.