THlE UNIVET'LSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CHlRIS"TMAS "'JOS, W. KOLLAUF, nnnrn .... Bath Robes, HI ..urr.._............ahNiriit obes, TA L OIR STORE THEK LA RESTI AND) (IIO)I(RST STOCK OF . . . . . . . . . We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendar's, (iiisimas Cards, I)esk Set" Poeket Iloolcs, Card Cases, ete. t Suit Cases an rid I usiks. Special prices for the Holidays, D. A.TINKER & SON, 334 S. STATE STREET. lnterGolloulate Bureau o1fleIadouiie 3ostumo. GOTRELL &LEONARD, ALsANY, N. Y. Caps, (Gowns, and Hoods made to ordler and rented. Also (lass (ases, (lass Halo andi (aps, Class C ollege Pius. Address AV. C. KEIIN, %WrsisrnSiigr., HasellilMuseum,Uitnf Clacags Has Received a Fine Line of New Goods. 214 EastlWaniugln St., ussr 5th Ave. Wox . iW Assn, Asst. sirSRI.(~ WINK Transacts a general Banking Businiess. FIRST NATIONAL BANK o O laniOd 86 Capital, aill,t 00. Stcgnanad Profits, l40,000 ''rtanstctsaenaltbankintgtbusinss. Farin exchtangc bouaght adasold. Fussish lsttessof credit. E. D. iKINNE, Pres. HARIRISO~N SOUJLE, Vice-Pres, S. XW. CLARKSO5N, Cashis's. FOil AT LOWEST PRICES Its PROMPT SEIIYICE I NICE CA RRIAGES io m yorPasty ad Calilint o ll Livery TELE.F'liONE 106. 515 E. LIBERTY. We swouldlespeiatlly call yosr attentionto t 1101 Bookts for children, tf sshichwas itive 1made1 ailltilnusuatlly laige ad careful assoirtmsentt. SHEEHAN & coo 330 SOUTH STATE STREET 0 L.A. Tisl space belttngs tothte Stu- dlents' Lecture Association, L A iV1 I XRSTUDENTS, WXe call ..tetttiott to oar comptlete line of (enter Jiralt Nickel Platedi Lantps, I ttt. StSantti tttttltstrets. ransittg in price frotcto It2.30 each. Thtese Lamips are of the latest ait] capitat, :;t,0tt0. 5srtlts, $30,060. 'sraats a miot improved patterns andtd mates. liclttding "1The New iNochester, tt''he gsaal tattkin;g>ties Vale'' he Itoyal," "TheMlelin'StutdenttLamp, ""The 1 erfectioss StudentlR 'i FanPrs. I ICs. CachE, iss. re Lamp ")If ystt sant theets sIamap f r (he IetoO donssy coinsand see us. FE.1 LSi Cher 010d Number:tE N & 00 h laAbr ~a a 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.ANM6. 0 0.-lCapitl St oW.rplavu, sBanko ANS ARBOR, MICH01(i0 RIUiBl. MANTEl I graittdbebltt ireg-ttf the rearis tirack (organietdsstdertelGntratl ngLawnt t Zn oflthtis slats. eivstttc dsit:;t'. , o.antdsel Rosmantic Rtltert riani eli htts a new seasttnl 11n(1it resIs largely Iwithl til exschattge tnthepc ial tiesfttte iastesd Statt.a. Drttft aetdttupon prridentification play this season and it sill its seen at 11e55 materilwhether it s11a11 be a aftty depisit boxs'.totrent. ha Athens next, Friday. 'Ihesramns is bannter ycar or tot. Most ally per- O'Fc:tist satita ilak.Prsc.; W. D). Hattr; from ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o tepnaW.A'retyaan ttof atoundlibody ciln tecome cproi . .Frita Artiatatt a'lties. entitled "A Secret Warrant." IThe slurs is laid at the court of ttte Regent Duo ficienit ill s(ome0 branlchl (f track litil (dOrteans and rices somne vivid pictures letics if lie wsililitnly try. ;Matty star I f Q of the intrigues of the ptalace. track athlietes, especially iontg distance 'n present such a play, the ensemuhle -en nd eiritt throiwers, mnever L M & SPENCER msust be in keeping twith the Star, and klw e r a biiyLAbt fondoiou we hlave every cuufid-nce in Dlr. 'Man kettleaiiy u on t(itT iH E tell's surroundings. Hits comspany, nowv by accideit. under the Hanagemntuof M. W. ianley, will surely be a select and competent French Fiction. use. 'Ihe equipment will also be per. Alt studlents intending to elect feat; in shtort, the lovers of romuance wiii doubtless he store than satisfied at the course 31 in French Fiction fur next pleseutation af this excellent play. semester arc requested 10 meet me for consltaltllioni 011Thulrsday or Fri- Track Men to Meet Tonight. dayl of this wseek at nooiunilRioom 2, ITnight att 7 o'cloc'k, in Elom 9, university Hall. Tis coturse wtill tctu's thte Imass meeting 11lledlinisthle be given o01 Wednesday and Fritday iltercts (oftark athilitics. A. large at 11, ad inl organaizationl wiil follosw nutmhlier (If Inewt1111 are expected to) the planal (f couse 30, nose being al ten. Tile Fre'shlman~-Stophomol~tre giveni. Enr'olimaent is necesoary at inortrckiteetitccur's intieleatler thte Iresenit lime as theC books have ticr of Febra'tary andtid he 'Varsity to ble im~portedl. indo trInwt illn teibeginnlinlg of IOHN R. EFFINGER, JR. !larcht, atnd the Notre Dame ir dior J111. .17, 1899. 84 at cit, to shi6clt repreeattives if the Takhe private lessonsSin dancintg MlichligatrI'ick tea ill t hi e senti, (11 before the Jun~ior Hop1, of Mrs. Ros t lie 10la of Mtoc'lhere is a gretit Grager. Cail at (office Granger's (it ofd f wsork ini store for tracrk camasi- Aaey 12Myad bites and atomle . . Acsdhoyc312patitaind is promisedistli iett. The tllns fttr thte WANEn-Every ass to buy the latestaned mtttsinteresting enatt svss inventd. "note yearst twtrk tiilbela idt1beforle te Ball a atae." It it played hy twaperstons "lapts al at tte mast mitet ig a111111 repesetting t BasBall tint and williscoet ain rustt, hits asdtrrors thtil same at any gamet touachittthetr im~pott bu ltsiness twilililayed an the fieltd. Sent prepaid In any adrests heta'Iransacted. an BaitASEit BALL AT HOME CO., Th5 e met i,1Nvillbe madeitlehie 58, .59,Chantheraof'sCtases.e 0etrait 11ith. CH "ACNE I OUSERS... Fancy Urocers We keep everything ustally kept in a first-class Grocery and Banhery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of 31I. Bar-ber Shiop tni BdidinRoomas. J. R. TaOJAsOWSKii, Psap. 32 5. state St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .. . W~eGuanrantts OusrSWorh. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL o at Stre est BARBER S iPricaDN & Eny's BARBR SH PI11yttu desire first-class work and courteous treatmeut try George and Harry at 332 S3. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, F Callt attendedmiDay as Night. Na 161lE. Lttttty Strest. Bsidns53S Foturth AtePhonen1-5 M.W. MILW'V~ 05 0 0 YOU PROBABLY MU3T BEFORE LONG. 6.-00 Collnmands s ,oo51 selectiona of patterns, of (Ill Iweainlg qualities. WXe will see Ihuit thieytire wsell cttand maidte, WfXGNLF & CGO., A. 123 5. MAIN ST. ...TAILORS.