THE I'NIVERSITY OF MJCHIGAN DAILY. 3 - I Shirts 73c Fancy Bosoms, or all overs. $1.00, $1.25, $150 Values.' Your dol'ars draw larg)e salaries in this sale. (~OODSP EED'S, 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET. MIGHlIGRN6G1EJftf1LI C~ENTRAL STA.ND)ARDTiL) f TakingEfteet Aug. 14, 1818 Mail and Expres...........3:t Y 1 . N. Y. & Bosstson pca .......4 Fast Eastern ..... .......94 Atlantic liXpr . .............7 45 A. 3 Detroit Night Expes.. ......5 5 Grand Rapids Exprtess....... 11 to Mall & Express . ...... 18....9 S A. 5 Boston. N. Y. &Chica 0... ...K1 Fast WetenExpess,........ ,PM G. R. & Kal. Express .........54 Chicago Night Express........A4 Pacific Express ......... .12 30 A.M. 'rie Finest Line inl the city, and at very Lowt Prices, at l Students ! Student.! If di seSI i t1y1our)laundr e rvsice clie to tic. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY IA. F. COVERT, Prop., 20911 E. Wash. St. !! Telepitoae No. 211, 2 ingo. Excelilent Workand QickSerice Guaranteed. AL 11 01 I CLCKS, $1.()0. - ( U. 4I'll . PINS, 50 Cents. Fiae Waich Repireing aSpecialty, J. L. CHAPMAN, j 206 Soute Main Street. "HAVE YOU SEEN IThe New Bruno Mandolins OF 12. STIfINUS? They iare 1for5Sa1le'at the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE nown as Lity}treetli butalonly three doos ANN A 111()-1. 0, M, MARTIN. FUNERAL G O. 00. RUGLESI~, fn. 1. 03.YES .P.&T.Ag-'t,Chicago. A 'tAasArbss CALENDAR. ver acceptable umanner, and they DIRECTOR Ho.Herbert 'Welch ini Good 'Fell knew thalithels Anni Arbiir 11101 Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Founrth ft cetLcur use Tns t)llll't standil around 11aiii mleekly Ave. Ambulance night and day. lRes- WARkRBUG{0' ~ ' Stibmlit usto ntinlike thaii twithoutllldeuce 3(12 Fifli fA to. \ day evening, Jan. 19,inNewbherry Hastplill ljagod sceli111[1nV scral. I t s .1 ~ Uk. Eugene V. Deb, isi Gioil Goseru- ut thley seere al llldoometd to ilis- I mIET BEnenit Lecture Course, Tuesday, ainilttmlenlt. o. rtnfr.o Taking Ettert, Nav. X20, r18 .J58 . Iresn r t hel~ r, liii iotl show 1up, 1111d T cin sc.v1)1nnArbor by Cecirl St ad. Wednesday, Feb. 1 -Prol'. Tolls the rolliwsa lied, IegvnC Dean 'II i Leaden. and rime. ig in Quail Guvernmtletureci iirc 30cilig 0) ih5 isaiaie 55hile(oll.XWm.i Arno Leadin NOuRHSOUTtiH bltc.Slitlhm's was1 n~t o l1l t readiol-Tl-sIaILPILJ, Jeweler s:4s A. 51. t,:25 A. AL__________r____e._ er of Itle boaril. '1 tiĀ° . 5M. I120P. m. Regenits Kisfer 1an1d Farr were boiti GET YOUR 1:06tot.S~ur St. Sutton Didn't Show Up --a~ aebel i ro t aesc . Te sayte nwpprrpre s nthe riniia c giit f ifertinigifrol "Ran _et __nntArbrandToleoonl._Thwayhenwspaprreorte s e giintd11 Regen~ll t f solcthi i nL All tralis dailyexet lSunday aleeaotid Iergns os t Yr. sa, lit, uh il)CN I F t sO. 11. GIL.NNETT.Agent. gtee ali hergns om N w ok t ltl watsi I otti l t A r- w.t.IE N1T.G . A. today o tt oud hae thoul~ghttei nlht a qu1(1m1co ldsCo tedl,A1 _______________________bottle of Saritiago waO justsabsut toanaid it ss2:311 before bus~liness twas IW. .T U lL E'S be foutii. C1 ~e. i toll d.--Tunes,gaSoSteSre. DEPTROIT. YPSILANTI A. ANN AR- nip, a c f ~,l. in.7,l.. il.._________ 1 o.Sae tet i BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and Detroit every half hour beginning at 7:15 a. cm. U. of Mi. car leavea City Itall, D~etroit, every night after 'Theater. Special U. of M. cars for all exitra oca- sionn. Baggage, express and Students' snpplies received and delivered. Wait- ing rooms, corner of Ann and Mfain ntreets, Ann Arbor, 1ll Griswold street, D~etroit. The Wabash "Continental Limited" Sates you time and money. Citg home for Christmas? Look here, then. Yon. leave Ann Arbor at 7:23 a. mn. and reach Peru 12:03 noun, JLoganspoirt 12:20 p. in., LaFavette 1:19 p. um., Danville 2:34 p. in., Decatur 4 p. io., Taylorville 4:40 p. in., St. Lonis 0:52 p. in., Chicago 2:40 p. in., Indianapolis 3 p.,in., Louisville 7 p.-m. Close connections at thene stations for all points in Indiana, Illinois and ,!is- sooni. The Continental Limnitedl in the fast, luxurious train of the Wabash Line and passes Miian going West at 8:07 a. m. Consait the ticket agent of the Ann Arbor Raiiroad for rates and ask him for a Wabanh folder. R. S. Ga.Fnnuovoo, M. P. A. OhoCnrlTHE DIRECT LINE TO Bowling Greeii, Marietta, Findlay, Athens, Coliimbuos, Mmtdleport, and Charleston, WV. Va. Colunmbua trains use Lake Shore Union Station at l'oledo. 'T'hroughi trains with Sleeping and Drawinig Room cars from Detroilt arnd Toledo. MOULTON HOUK, General Pansenger Aft. cot tolday was5 the advance iotices The Anili ArbolrMAlsic Co. lever that Ccl. Eli Suttcn, (If Detroit, swas try to force aiii articie (If doubiltful goingtigb be on hand ari diemnsd his mlerit on11a buyer, buit 11o1d strictly to seat as ai regularly elected regent to goods stith 13 iiputaitiors. In ma~ndo- flil the vacancy which Coi. Henry S. ]irisand guitars they carry the Dean hlas been holding doswn n a Waldo, Mlartiniarid Washibarni. 'Rentschler, the ph'otogrtapher. a \,, ',, I " ? i 11mm1111t11h1511miZa mmZ0 ZmaoZZ=n7-IIziI IZIIT~7 7ZSiZ.ISITZ Z li1 I~ lZZZZ0 H- H : N- H-+ : MN NM NH N'a /+ M H ^ }H M F. N N M r r NH M! . .Qry 71 yyyyyy... yyy... MN ti~ N M N M N M H (INCORPORATED) Coo. MAKERS 5OF PU IA FOR MEN sflo 1LES The Most" Up-to-date" 0 Shoe Made. Ann Arbor Store: i io EAST HURON STREET. rn M r H H C G Cyr a N .~i N N M N MN M M H N H H NN H-1 *fH tiH NG NN~ H OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. Statre1Phone, n19, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. NewYorik - Chicagn. ATHLETIC GOODS. Offncial outfitters to all tic leadinig culleges scolslitanr: ath~letice dubs olie ounla~try. The Spaldting Blicycle, ridden boy the Intetrcollegliate A. A. A. A. Chatmpios, and ail the leadiiig college ridert. IEery Requi- site far Rate Bail, IFoot Ball, Golf, Tenis, Athletics, Gymnaosinum. Spalding's Official League Ball Is lie Official B3all if the National Leagae and all the Oaditig college lasscciatlins. tiandan e Cataiogue tf Athletic Spcrts Prete oantyaddess. Spaidng't Offical Bate Ball Guide fcr219, Oilareli83.30(Cents. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chicago HO6kllU VdIIGII DIRECT LINE TO COLUM./BUS. 0. ALL 3.5 FACTORY-Brockton, Mass. ups z ~ uzmc~ uuzu 1;.zsZY~1iii : 7 azuZ Imo su~Ii 5jsc WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.