VOL. IX, No. 82.
Tar ,Soap.
A good tar Foap, at a moder-
ate nrice, has long been
sought after. Kellar's Tar
Soap just fills the bill. Heal-
ing. soothing, antiseptic,
and absolutely pore. 15e a
cake. 40c a box. $1.50 a
DonI Ddu and NUhK
Daring the rst of the college year we
wil sereluchscatll harsdaysor
night. Fall late an Pipes, (igarssa
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
When you don't wear your
Sweater you ought to wear
one of these vests. It is
cheaper than taking cold.
We sell the beat ones at
$1.50 to $2.00 Some for
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Ia new Sweater or
Gymnasium Suit.
We have a large variety and at
Special Prices. We always
carry the bestgrade.
Of every description.
Up Town Dewn Town
state St. Opp. Court House
main !St.
Starts Out With a Thoroughqh En-
jogable Concert.
The series of Choral Unioa Cott-
certs began its 10t seassla last ven-
log in University Hal with a nis-
cllaneous cnteert, which sas most
interesting trouglout all of the 10
nunmbers composing the program.
The tll!sas fairly well 11110(1 and at
least tars thoussad people were in at.
'The concerat5asiscellaeous it
its nature. The1ltost~s were Mica
Seahary C. Ford, sopranto, of Clve.
ana, ., anal Mr. Glen P. Hall,
tentor, of Chicago. Prof. Staley
ttcted ts cotductor attdlcoattert ttaster
atta Mr. Lotie Elbel swas piatist.
Thec attdiettce, toughaapprciative,
seas sparing wtitatsaplaltate, tie
ontly naumbler ostt the progratautswlicla
was eancareal beittg Mr. Hall's recita
tive soatg''Bells del tao Soisso,"
whlicht sas rettdered alitttttexcellentt
tmtater. Thisalsra Mr. Hall's first
appearace itt Annt Arbor adsill.
thoaaughaloeltaha nt a strong voice, it
is exceeditnglydrlthatd pleasaat at
Besiades iir. Hal's nuaber, te
best atatttbersao(tatthe program scre:
thec chorst, 'Soatg of tie Vikitgs,"
by tite Choral Uniatata datoretetra;
tito part saong ''Night,'' by the
Chtoral Unaiona,atal Mrs. Fara's sotg
sith piato acomanimeanttae, especially
"'Si cais veraavaentatdaes ailes," by
Thte folloswinag is tlhe program.
Overture, "Oberon,"......Von Weber
Choras, ' Song of the ilkings,"..
.........Eaton Fanning
Choral Union and Orchestra.
Aria, "Oceant thou Mighty Monster,"
(Oberon) .................. Von Weer
lMr. Ford.
"Narcissus," An Antique Idyl, Masenet
Chorus, Sol and Orchestra.
Symphony, B minor, ("Unfinished,")
Allegro moderato
Andante con moto.
Part Songs, (a capella.) "Night,"..
..... ...............Rein berger
Love Wakes and Weeps.....Callott
Choral Union.
Rlecitative and Aria, "Bella de too
Sorisso," (R-egi'ella,) .......Braga
Mr. hal.
Chous, Spring Song, (Samson and
Delilah)....................Saint Sasn
Choral Union and Orchestra.
Songs with Piano-
"Listen to the Voice rf Love,..
.....James Book
A Song of Four Seaon,.. Arthr Foote
Si mes vera avaent des iles....
......Reynaldo Hhn
Le bonheur st chse legere ...
..... ...............Saint-Saen
Mlrs. Ford.
Chorus, 'Unfold Ye Everlasting
Portalts,................. ..... Gounod
Choral Union and Orchestra.
Dr. Nlooq Reports on Diphtheria.
,Dr. Novy appeared before tle
State Board of Healtha at Lanitg
yesterday and repaortedl a circular
relative to diplhtleria, typhoid ever
anal consumaption, in wviacha diseases
local plysicians cana have bactero
ltogical examinaations, to decide diag.
noses, made at ctst by sending speci
mesas to the State Labaratory of
Hygiene at the Michigana University.
Tlhe circaular is to be printed and sent
to all haealth officers iia Michigan.
Under thte nesvmanatagemaetanatd --_
training whichl Michiguantalas atopted To the Winners o the Intr.Societ
thils year, site lould have as good Debate
athletic teamasas ay other college it At t e tteting f tle Deating
thte country. Sat far her htopies haave Boartda last nigtt it was 1dcideal to
beena todest antd alto has tatly asired itave a series tf itetrsocity dekttes
to the chamtpionsashiptof the West., atal to atffer a silver cupj as a prie
With thte recent excititag ealture for teswinnertofath e series.
of this itt foo'tball, teattbititatts haveo Thias cupi is oferedtibyte Debt-
graowanatntil tas thaling swill satisfy iug Boaard. It swill belaatatitaatly
manay of theto fllaosers tof athlettcs titetgravedl sitlhst alalarplriate thetme
college uttil swe itvade thteEast, theTe'lticrp is to av aae egrvedloat it
strottgltoldl of college atleltics, ad the cntsts switlhttir dttes, itt arhicl
try esaclationts withathtetm, thias snu- the wtaatino- ssociety tatathpart, atd is
aser onthle diamaonan ud traclk, ext tat be a gift otsrigt ta thtie itater
fall itt foottball,- Whiule fear are so E acla society is tatctatrse its rel-
sanaguinte as to thinisk thtiwse can swia resettatives by a contest or series tf
thue colege baaseball chamaapiansipt tf cnitestsadalnottaata'is t leao ~itteal
toe United States,aso i te tther htadtr electedi ta ateam.a -All saciety
tere are few swho dtt taot thintit hatt prelimaintaries mu tst ha' cloed ly
are till autake a very creditable shuata- Marcha 11.
isag aganst lte Easternutetamas. 'The prelimiantury rtunda will take
If gamtes call be securedl withutat place Mardia 23. Oiltatittday tte
too large us financial latss, aetill Aphas Nuandaa Jeffea stiast Scieties
send a teamu. Dirctor Baird, asa aas aad Atelpii anda Webster Scteltis
annuntrcced in theo D.a,x a fear alays 'aeet. Os April 2ff terwunters of
ago, is tnatwrinathte East for thec tr- tese twra contestosuet it fitalsid-
ptose of arranagitug gamues. lie hopes bate for the Utniersity ctapitu-
tat get at least hlsf a datentaguaes. shianth le silver cti. 'he qes-
Beftre leaving, lhesaid: "I slusl tionu discussed till be te satuese
try to get enought gameus to tamake thte debatedl aitha Chicago: Resled,
trip pay expenses, but I thinlk that it '['at, tasittisg it tat be cotstitau-
till be a hsard maatter for all tlho titonaal, us graduautee feteral icomse
Easterta colleges haave not givena very tax is desirable.
favorable replies to ty letters. 'Fle
expenses awoulad be tooa heavy to al- Senior Committees.
laow as to go East for only one or President L. D. ea-ier of te
taro gamaes. As I wastsaotling tat sesior class has just tapoited tec
conflict witla any dates whicha I saiglht commttittees for tias year. He lass
msake inthle East, I shall cat dei- baen very' impartial iis l apoit-
titely arrange our homse schedule totts std usa fle !onsunittees are
util after I return." rlresetatives of ble wlhale class.
'l'le football eanm till probably 'The nmsses of ble ciairmaesa and
have at least site Easterta gamae inext stenbers follow:
fall. It is too early notw to say aty Reception committee-C C. Ad.
thing definite about next year's foot- atsus, chairmsan; . L. Couper, J. F.
ball, hbut frona preseint indications ble Thsrber, F. L Brownt, C. B. Hale,
gasaec till probably be witha either A. M. Hyde, H. C. 'hurasu, Miss
Harvard or Petnsylvataia. F. L. Petit, Miss 0. B. Pillips,
If any track mit give promise of Miss Nellie McKay.
exceptiotual ability, thtey till beo givesa Arrasngemsent cmmusittee-A. IH.
a clatce this sumsmer, to compelate at Kieth, chairmsan; R. F. Bisop, N.
Mott Havesn gamses whlere thte Easterta B. Ayers, A. G. Mariotn, H. J. Mc-
Intercollegiate is hlcd. Thias will be Creary, J. B. Pll, C. A. Riegelsman,
an induaceatenst to track athletes, blis J. W. Banon, J. L. Fresch, IV.
year for switla good traiting andtadfle B. Harrisatia
abundatuce of mauterial several smen Invitateion commsite-H. . Hi-
sluosld be develtaped whoaa till give bart, cairmsat; J. G. Mclery, A.
btas Easterners a cltse race. Not the Stassell, F. R. Hoover, F. J. Ar-
wrkole track eams will be takein, only buckle, Miss UP. 'Taylor, Miss E. L.
a fear selected because of thaeir good Laud. Mliss M. L Bunker, Miss F.
work ill traitninagtr its constests ice, Jas. Armsstrog.
Senior Enqineer Meeting. Menaorial commuittee-A. H. Me-
At a meeoting of thac Seiior En- Millancairsmas; C. T. Tryon, C.
giteors yesterday afternoaonuthte fol. L Niles, . . Reiley, H. I. Dan-own cm ite waap itdtoD eeis A.Hb lMssG
draw up resolutiotnsosithsie deatha of D. 00 , Miss K. . Miller
Mr. Burr Hardy: F. L. Brownie, C. Cap asd Gown cotsaaaute-P. W.
W,. Whitney asd J. C. Armstratig. Jones chairmian; G. F. Paul, W. A.
Forwardrbsnswata- C. f. Caol, Bliss L. M.
seole. oou uius aa ri-Childs, Miss E tltelberta Williamis,
eacte. ______________ Miss M. A. Slater.
Athletic Board Eection. Auditisg csm aittee-Thos eath,
At the Athletic Boarad itetitig chairnan; J. H. Ehers, L. 0. Davis,
last tnighalMax Barber, '02 Lit., was Wsa. Vaught.
elected to fill te vacascy casedby Aieo a.1 etoe half of
the resiginatioin of CapL. McLean. Afr ttJt.1 dsrya
At the next muetitng will occur te Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, asd en-
election of football manager for ext tailed a latss of $250,001. Dr. H.
year and of assistant baseball maa A. March, a graduate of te U. of
ger for this summuer. M., class tf '86, ad hbrter-i-lawv
of Wmit. Bigg, tf this city, was
Friday, Jan. 20-Aus der Ohe in bunted out. It is nat kiown houw
Choral Union Senise. much insurance le carried.