THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS WILL IN])J AT OURI STORIE THlE LARGEST AND) CAOICEST STOCK We also cary a very Complete Line o Calendars, Chissmass Cads, Desk Sts, Pocket 1Books, Card Cases, etc. AT LOWEST PRICES We wouldl especi~lly call your attetiun to 0o5r Books 0fr children, of which we ave made au usnusually large anidl tareful asoustment SHEEHAN & co. 330 SOUTH STATE STREET * L. As j. 14.A. -- Intorcolloolate Bureau otf16de6miG6Gostume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBsAmY, N. Y. Cape, Gowns. and floods made to order sod rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Cape, Class College Pins. Address WV. C. KERIN, Wenstern Mngr., Haskell Musuns,Univ.of Chicago Fun R.... PRIOMPT SERVICE DICE CARRIIAGsES issve your Party and Calinsg H oI..i es Livery TE.LEF'HONE 106. 515 E. LIBB.RTY. LAM PS FORSTU ENTS. We call attentions to or complete line of ('"enter Dlraft Nickel Plated Lamps, ransging in price from 75e to $2.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Blorhester, ""The Yale" "The Royal, ""The Blerlin Student Lamp, ""The Perfection Student Lamp."nrIf you want the bleet Lamp fur the Leasftaifosey come and see us. Old Number:'0 A N A B R MI H D NPA A DIISE A LLEY . Good G o vc rnm ent Lecture. 'The hietory of the stage of the past The second nuinher sin the Good two seasous would make a harren and G~overnmient Club's course of lectures uninspiring narrative, for failure folb lowed failure with a rapidity that was stlw h ivnissThrdyevsig as unfortunate for managers as it was if this wecek, wthien Herhert 'Welsh alarming tu devotees of dramatic art, stwill speak isis 'The Struggle for Production foliwed production and 'Goosd Governmuent ini America. 'T'le nearly all shared the same depressingletr wilbrvninN bry "fate. In this dearth of things drsimaticietr illegiesiiNs'er and iaong the few plssys destineid to Hall at 8 o'clock. hold the staige since its first production ---------- two years ago was Desman Thomson, Dress Skrsnalreo dfr and fGeo. XW. tyer's greasi ouccess, "'Thekitnelyrfsdfsr Sunshine ot Paradise Alley." It will he 35c it 224 So. Tliayer sI., thirsd house seen at the Athens tonight, and lsivers siorthi of the camspuis. 83 of comedy have a genuine treat in store for them. ilast Saturdlay eveinig the first Intercollegiate Bashetball Glame. frtlrity at Ypsilsanti was organizced Northiwesterni University's hasket- wthen the Nosrmatl Tloastmiaster's CIlb I bllto~~nhasscedueda pause stithi establishsed itself itosoic iety Is' le the Uniiversity of Wisconsiunsaid willknwastePiDlaI. go IsodiMtdison Feh. 1, to iet the Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. badgers. IDr. Hosllister hass aliso at- ransged a gaminothsBeeoit College Vli the Anin Arbotr Rislroad you the fosllowinig dasy. Thme arransge- csun conniect for imsportantl poinits as isents for a gamie wills Wisconisins inihelowt. hasktetbasll is takess hy the studesnts Leave Ann Arhbor. as assusransce that athletic relatsosis 55. Loisi. .....6:5psin with he )12')l havenot een e- 7:5 a. ....Arrive Kasnsas City. ..7:5aD. w itith iirie7aeis:hes 25ssi a. 5...Arrive Columusniis... :5p tirely sevesretd andlasigurs success fors :25a. is..ArriveeBuffalo ...... tO710p.i 72a.n...Arrive iisiati.....5:0pi, Hollistes' in secusrisig a footbsall gaise 7:iu i....iArrive Indiaapols... :5~ 'stllsjWisiosissfor his schedule snextl 5 2sa. ,..Arrive LFortsWayn.... 1:5 soon fall. Dr. Hosllister still open isego- 1:.5a. si..ArriveCisncisnati.,.75am is2 a ...Arrive Clevelansd...... :5D n tiastios for a foiotbasll gismse whsess the is:2i-asin..a Arrievashington.... 1:O5 p. a haskethall msens visit Mtadisons. 11:25 a. is...Arrivenaltisore ...... :5 .in. 11:2 a.m.s.Arrive Phiiasseipiuis ..4:5 .i .s 1:5am..Arrive 'olusnsi......85 .m 125 a. ...irrdeseDaytns..5....610p. is Civil service examiniationis, Opens8549ip. si..Arrive Ciieissati..... 65055a.n to all, isill lie held inimstollasr'e 8:40ip .e ..Arrive Columbs., ...65a.m 8:4: p.m... AriveNiagra eall.. 55 8a. is townis i insfrels, to gel clerks fliii :0 Spus..irrive uuffalo......740a.s 8:3a .. rieLanising.... Unscle fSsam. Persons wsishsinsgto 843iai..s.Arrvse Orasid Rapids..i2:55snoon kssowi'the dtes tand lilaces asid suit4:56p i.s ciArrive Saginasuw . 5 00 8op.m l 4:56 p. m....irsriaysicity...s83 in. the psositioniscuss he ohtalisenesisan4:5 in....iArriveLaiiss .. .750i p. write Coslumsbians Corresposndessce Col14: tre nO'ili...a...s730d:s lege, Washinsgtons, D. C., asid samse stil hefuisisied titiost cst. WANTED-Every'one to buy the latest and JO S W. KOLLAUF, TAIL~OR, Has Received a Finae Line of New Goods. 214 Eastc Washington St., nar str Ae. W. AssBoss, iivcPRES. W. STAssTaE.i Tsei JusnV wrsa , Asi~t'u2d es SAIVINGS BAINK Transacts a general Bankingg usiness FIRST NATIONAL BAN K of a A tgiud 1053 C'spital, 50,55. Srpus and Profiso,su00 'Crausassgseeral baningibusin ess. Pu cgs sxchansge bouigt andsid. PFassmistessf credit. E. D. KINSNE, P're. HARONS SOUL, Vice.Pes, . s. CLARKeON. Usshies. Cur,. MeidIuo treet:isi. Cpital 50,00. Ssspt1si., ^130,00. Tasasssa R,. Ksr,rs.s C . RESs,Tiei.P ii FPs u 1. 5 a. is Cashiir. Tfh Hnn rbor Sayings Bank tapitali Sisis. 50,000. Supluiss 1,50. Oirganisd sunider'te Ges elBinig Laws sif iihi s ate. SRecies deposit,,s.bus andiselsls esetsuigssnshiiisissiiucitiessif se sited Siatss.Datis casest upns prope ientiiicionu Sfetsy udepositbseo rent; liss sun, Vicees.;Ce.-.s Utus. N, ii ashUuie; . J. 'sit. Assistat Cusiers. LAMB & SPENCER, THlE.. Fancy roce'rs We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. oifVM. Barber Siop and t ths Roons. J. iR. TsssANaswsas1, Prp. 3225. Stte Si RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .. . W'seG uanes Os Wsrk. WARREN THE BARBER THE MODEL of Sate Street BAR ER HOPIf yosu desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Hlrry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH IETERL EEm balmer nd5t Culss atended ay us Night. No. 16i E. Lihety Srsest. Rsidnis 533 S FousriiiAss.Phone 20. - ANN RBOR, :Mw J WR Bal ti home~s." It is playsd hy two persons Losv -Telescope,LeathierGCisc. tush rpsetinga BusseBuss sine and willscr es-IhreP Strasio. pluyed sin she fid. Sens prepaid to any address C. II. PELTON, BASE BALL AT HIOME CO. Sf0 103 East Jefferson SI. a5059,hihames oisCoimerch Whoa you receive Look for&% the Mark!' a gift set that thlt nlamle "Haller'" is 0n the articsle oir on the box. This is a guarantee that it is good. Souvenir Holiday Gifts ! The largest line in Wash. tenaw Couanty of gifts desirable for ladies anld gentlemen. Examinile oilr Mock. ~Is~IIi4/I~c&ISf58