THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HILDEBRAND, THE; NEW TAILOR, 11 .WashingtonSt f+++++++++++++++++++4*4*4++++++*+4*4+-4 *+++++++++ +++++++44++44+f++ 4++4+444....f+f+N "The Nagara Fails Route." CENTRAL STANDIARDI TIME Taking Ef eet Aug. 14, 1893. Maltand Express ...........3 47 p. i. N. Y. R Boston Special.......4A 58 Fast Eastern ..............9 43" AtlantcEspress............7 an A. Y. Detroit Night Ilxtre.......... 5 55 Grand Rapitds Express. ....... to1 Mail &Express..............9 t8 A.n., Boston. N. Y. &Chtcago ..........1 Fast Western Eapress . t........138 r.A. G.R. &EKal, Enres......... al 4 Chtcago NicltO Express'....... 9 43 Pacifc Enxtress.............It 30SA. t. 0. IW. RUl~GLES, B. W. BAYES, 0. P. &T. Ag'S, Chihcago. Ag't Ann Artotr / LF? OAD TIME TABLE TakingEfec, Nov. 20, 1898. Trains lease Ansn Arbor ST Crntral Stand- ard Tine. NORITH SOUTH $:43 A ,s In. IIIIAti. °t24dP t . 11:25A. rt. 1:5I;P. -A. 8:40 P. si. *Ruin betitern snn Arbor and Tttledot(only. All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. IIILMOIIL, Agent. Wc. 11. 1 ENN1ITT. GI. P. A. DETROIT, YPSIL.ANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. CORRECT AN STYLISH TAILORING.1 We operate the finest tailorinig trade in the city, and equal any un tile State. We respectfully solicit your valedipalltronalge. All garlmen~ts imade ty 5us kept pressedi and ini repair for 106 E. Hulroni. Newy State Phonte 43. CALENDAR. Viol. George A. 11011011of 111 Tulesday, Jan. 17-ChlLti UluB dtepatmient of Germanlic lltngtuages conicert. of tile Unliversity, is a, iiembier ofthle W~ednecsday, Feb. 1---Petif. Taito. ciiiititee itf twveive apptoiiited by sig ill Gooti (ovcriioelit leitirithe ?tioiernLIanlguaiget Assoitioni if ctorsc. Aiimerica, tto consider theiost~itionll it 11011. HerbertIWelch ill Good French lindilGermanliiln secondalry Goitvernmienlt Lecture Ciorse, Tlitrs- scols~t, and1 to exainelllCiito atid tily eveinig, J~an. 19, ill Newtberry iinke recotmmenicdlalionls uton(th l- Hail. otis of instrctrionilandIBSthe traiinlinlgof Eugene V. Debs in Giod Govern- teachiers. met5 lcctureC(ourse, fTuesday, Notice. Jan. 31. HIAVE2 YOU SEEN Th eNew Bruno Mandolins OF 12 STRINGS?" They tyre dfor sale ait the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Dossn tn Lit ert3 Sit t siolythee dono ftomi MainSI. ANN ARBOR. 0. Mo MARTIN,., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emnbalruing a specialty. No. 201) Fourth Ave. Amibola1ncetight antl day. tRes- .tdenee 302 Fifth Av10 Win. Arnold, Leading Jeweler GET YOUR D. 13.lRicharidsion, 1)9) .,swho fll injulrinlg hittscif qitetseverely, 5was Chiristm11115vacatitin. Mr. ichard- i the swrestlerslit fte y1m. tilceting ofiithe UnIiversity Hotllic pailciHiospitl iiGuild swilllie lhe 11110 (, )af 1ternooniiatii3 otloi ii tile Ii liiiiof 11ll'sHirisiiii So0 tin S. Univesity aven0011. All eorn Loser1:-A\zoological ioteboiokswi i.liidingltoitsrIecoivery. Aidres mi l Llii it F5. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypslainot OTBveiSting ilitanI..-.111-tiitisi --ice 2 and Detroit every half hoor begioniog hilly's, lTursdaly evening. A 1$12 huys a goodi WalidoiManolin~ at 7:15 a. 01. U. of Me. car leavs ity Po~cketbiook, conltliinlg $10. lb- oith le Anti Arbior Music Co., that11is Hall, Detroit, every night after 'theater. Walrd, 51)3 E. Libierty. guairanited to have It elperetstcnle. Special t'). of Al. caro for ill extra inca-- sion. Baggage, express and Studento' vr rn. rnr nr, ~r, :. .=t supplies received and delivered. Wait-te ing rooms, coirner of Aoonnand NMiain l e ts c r streetn, Ann Arbor, Il1 Griswold street, n S ~ r ~ L Dietroit. The Wabash "Continental Limited" Saves you time nnd money. Gotog home q~mtnn,0sen~0nnSe~neo~n~In,~I for Chbristman? look here, then. You leave Ann Arbor it nnd reaich 8 Pr 20 ooLgnpr 26p 'T'kr Ia) mn., LaFayette 1:13 p. in., Danville 2:34 170"= p. in., Decatur 4 p. to., ITylorville 4:40 11 p.t. oiopii 1ptnLosilp. mn., St. Lonins1:12 p. at., (hicago 1:40 MIINCORPORATEDi)7I 7 p. m. it Clone connections nt these tations for nil points in Indinn,Itliioois anod Iis-f soonr. The Continental Limited in the N 3I,* fnot, luxurions traio of tihe Wabtashi.9___________0_ 1 L ! __________ Lin and paioses Milan going Went it 8:07 a. m. Conult the ticket agenS of 0 MAKER O IFO ME the Ann Arbor Rtailroaid for rates and as imfr laah ode.P r, IA N" Rt. S. GREENWOOD, OFFO. MEN Ohio CnrlLines fOI Bowling +Greeni, Tariett a, ALL STYLES The Most "'Up-to--date"' Flindltay, Attic. $3 Shoe Made. Uoienmbsis, .Mi(dlelport, and rt , 5 Cliarlestott, We.Va Colonmbas trains use Lake Shore Union Ann Arbor Store: Station at SLoledo Through trains swithi Sleeping adii 10EASTHURON STREET. H} Drawving Roin cars fromiiDetrtiit FATR BokoMas and Toledo. FCOR-rckoMas M" u e nnaGeerlI'te{gr{t LUNIHES AT WW. TUTTLE'S :3 S So. )Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Bierryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. StateiRollI.'e 119, A.. G. SPALDING & BROS. TNeu,TYork - (imieao. ATHLETIC GOODS. Oficiai iiiiifier. to ail tie leadiug ncollrgns stout and althletieclittofitttie contry. Tihe Sipaldin.g Bicycler, riddlen: by tihe snteiclsiecoite A. A. S. A. Chmintits, and all thie leaingi ollege ridrs. :Esery eqi- it, forae otaill, Foo:t Bail,olf, Tenntis, Atltics lies. Uytoiu Spalding's Official League Baill Ite Offticial lll ofthelti-NnionmailLeague Itllil~oe ilatai()iit- it Athtletic Sinirts 1 ti l l-iffcial last 1atl Guide- toe 1599, ?Marct 30i. 0iCti ls. A. Gi. SPALINO A&BROS., New, York, Chinago DIRECT LINE TO CO L UMBUS-0. MOUL 1 ON HOUK, General Passers.-er Agt. I L'IIn jZjaZIZ l=XT~rTI nnXasIntmeeiemoe t IS 111W .W ZZZZ:Z.1Lc-:ZIiut ilnilhLZIiurutt5 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.