2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. p .X t players, and third, the spectacular MuscSwo features. There is no MgameMuswhich is12 mor eciting totahlbsonlosker. Thse Piano, Pipe 0rgap and Cantpositiant Pubhished Daily (Sundayts exeepted) daring the '1uck'xis visible at all times. *Xhe H P- Jj,~.[Ef Coale~cayeas spectator knssvs instinctively what them object f the galtle is. There is Froia Stuttgartt Conseastory,. Geemasny. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. therefore nothing to distract thi at- 312 S. Divisian at. Cancert Plans Tuniog 'I I ' . The inland Press, Henning Black. tention andt interest uf the spectator. Bath Phaoe 147. The gatos is played upon the ice 'HEP RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MIANAGING FDITOR. by the fastest and best skaters in the U N country andl the movements of tihe MR. V U E E P G , F. BNELHARD, '01 L. mnt are very swift. Thepuncle or 1H055NR55 151ANeAG1,R. W s i i y h Iill give lessons onthie mandolitn and 0.1. ItlAns, '00L. rberds i ht bu b h guitar at the Uniiver-sity School of bu~T0 . og cturved hoctkey' stick.' itIsic every Friday. For Terms and Athletic Etditae, TI. tR. Waaaaste.'~00. Everythiing favors speed and( thatIVhtrapltoheSctry P. w. laNES, '99, A. I1. MciouGAeaaLn, '01u, is te distitiguislhing featuire iof the husae't teSceay F. 1D. EAJaN, '05. C. n. Liau, 'su M. gtame. It tostte fatest ganie layed, 0.1D. Ilasaune. '1B. Whtetnever two teamas entgage iti fast play there is stare to tie a certaint ait- atvoitdtable elemtenttof datager attd Microscopical Su ppl ies roughitess. Atialyze iour feelintgsast Tihe satsciaaptiaontpriae at the ABLY ia n2.5t fae we wiii, we have to asdtmit thtat there-AD ha aotlegeyeaar, ithla areguarlattiaey beatanis still etioughasavtaige'itt httman noneah day. Natcs cuiataaiadDsecigInsrmns ote a aenntne frpiationtmuatela tutre to tdelighti ittsty glatte whlerseiscigisrmns handena theDA LYc Oiatica bsloan a p. at, or there is jatt ouhdagato d masiled to tha editar beforen351). ma.oathe ay verttingagot ieadfgerLCbori- prevsto tha tat aa which theSy sareepeatad to S, sjaw to the spor't, trovideild - tn h ig yanedInLla appear. e1 '. tory woatk yttawllfiad here. Suibasciptionscay b t a th ie DILoffiatc, Skill, teamn play aetc., are also itt evi- MayeI'a, oratle tit'a aeatad. an wtBsinaietia'.This is alwttat «e fitdinalaaer ittbeswl cne0 avrb eue hsiswoJ J U R Y re tin pomtily at t hsoticeany attylureat'oathockey. 'The gatatc isSinitle ttte 1. carriers to dlive aea. Alt cangasgin aet aiinaatlaaateatterms teia11ersaltiilaye tamitls of itgrealt CAMPUS oDRUSTORE. tha aoffica ly 4 p . .anthteaaayeiaa o saaaato that ttlitto ttitlii u gid tht an whichatahey are tito apper.muto aitin odta taiiih. Bec'aause of' theaed aitttaintt- ________________________ IN CHE OTAY'Sat ISaEaileby ltaht'e playe'rsantatheli'basil,__________________ G. D. Ha DNt'T~T'. thae taixpea'lad tisaays laap~peinig _ ___- antalii'spectatoraislakeptita a Itt'ttoili -r - The cali tadte by Capt. MeLeata 'f excti'aaat. It is f'otailali theire it totay'a issaea1'fiat rakiten tmatkes star raninisiatail' otter oitheia'laty. CO LILEG E a fekavstuggestionas ltClih'firsetyear Arrantgaetaantls hatve laeet attde chasssntutiitealy. In tt veartsYit it the Ciiplroprie'itosof theiartarkLJ htas beett very dfultto get hld oi (f skirting ritak aitaVftli avetiae for I '7 the freshattast rack maaterial. For pra'ticaeliotars antd every aftertnoonttC( sotte realsota they toteseary lbacukwatrdltiters is a gouod trti out. Ataottg u 0- itt givitg tieir tiamtto Cithe tilaathoClise 'oiihtave b}'ik 1out1at practici' mtett. Theya'vciinsiider, it seits, that are MAessrs. Braduleuy, Ltaaerty, Sull- a greast leal is expecteilcif' Cleiia ifIvail, Shaintont, hoirttitng, Davis, thaey signtify their ittentiotat o try AlMninaat, lPeters, liliael, I-etitaira, Su F'os fair the teastm. a' ttwishlto Cspesl Ackley, aitai Martiti. Arrangemeanats this fetit'tttditnfoirtatall tneiw'men a arebitng imatieiw ilitoutisile tei'aaas l - _____________ Students' Laundry Association Wmt. VICOUHT-Wms. R. FOX, agents Inn THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT Ths hett high grae ln dny is the Stats. Thn only macahianedomsticafnish in the Wnst. Gtovenfiaith asoiucen. Alt want peromptly, neatly ad careflly dane. Offce 2tOSS. S0ate at. Residence eta Lawene at. New Stats Shone. 441. MILL RD THlE PRItNTFR Ann Aerboe, Mich Rtaams Ja3aat HEADSQUARTERS For LAMPS of all kitids, PORCE- LAIN CIIAMBEC SETS, DINNER SETS ansd FANGCHCINA. Japan- ese Goods and Novelties. 115 S. MAIN ST. STUDENTS 'HE %OCNlCY VE I MO KE iu ni Ohtn Sceptre3 7- 7- 7 11 that ntuhintg is expected if thtemiantd fort'as fete tatachlats. ithyd snk thtemiiscn- ---sidereil atpraiaeworthiy feat. Two( Te ispt'ofessor s of (ChieagotUtniver-' yeatrs agot. hoowever, tatd it is siever~alto', hieiaddity tresidentill lrper, rale thintg, tiearirt this shiole teamct t emptiltiilaite te fort'tioniotta 'i golf was tmtade ttp of freshtamet. All (hiat cloth this cuttitntgsprinag. is askati is ChatCyouart e otattatd try, antaldon'tt be baickwaardinit givitig _- itt youtrnamtes if vitalhtave ever .._____________________ dotae alty traick wsork tir have allyale- sire arashirationi Ciibecottit'profi-k cietit it tirack attuletics. The mass - meetig calued for Wednesdtiy eveti inag is hldiltmaitnly to get hotldl af te tew aateriah, anti it is to be lioped~ .L thtat satccess swiuh crotntthCue sfforts tafJ ily to te cailtitathe ty tsbahatisaiaihr alu na ett begtin itaeditately, it is tunttihat thie _ matnagetienttlia oi antgibhe es t _ I ice iiath lattenit oes comnate catndidates swilu tot b hi Te Cs ~tB 0"Y'S ! STOP cotaing seasont is to be ati eventtuli AT THE otte talt ahpla'e oa the i t a thllhaiivs I IF R (S1R TFN Prices fromte 1% ;iw .atnp, -C .a .v~1 i hi LF]G'E metn oaat'aat -A1 at.einviteto tend for theWasthburn SouvenaraCatatog. itaconta naryaotyotraaita of artistsancollegiaanas esidesggivingsoae account Firt-camic 'd:oa'.ttnathewrd oeraaellasiiurns ar ntrutmaentsaayhbe obtsaned (naomthe nmakean L VON& HEALY, CHICAGO. I~ V' A IEVE~Y tKIND wearing this'Varsity iAL Hochetj at the Unhversity. a 'hesuintetr sport par excehuence is Hockey." Thia positihIas beeti gaitned duritig telast six yeiars, before this a sort tif ice polo beitig played. The gtatmelaas best Ctaketi nup hy Italty itottrleaditng Utiver- sities itncludintg Yale, Harvard, Pritncetont, Cortnell, Ctlumtbia tatnt Pettnsylvattia ania this year it bids fair to becomte 1Michigtan whlat it is Cs the above natned uttiversithee. 'Ihe resent hevelopmtenit of this gatne is thireefaold: First, its sim- plicity both toCiispectatotrs and players, secoind, its abaorbittg interest for te FOR A GAME OP POOL OR BILLIARDS. fm HursneSt. EataofF.nd M. Bank, M.STAEB1 L ER, 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., Peninsular BOTH PHONES, NO. 108. ANN ARBOR. i J rn ersMAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 246. Engraving Granerr S inanaagemtanaMRS. ROSS GRANGER. Beginners' Clases-Gentleen,a. ut., Satrdays; Ladlins.4 p.aa. Saturdays ta I_ Itemediate Ctas-Moadaycevenins. Advanced Clas-.Ttiesday cvenings PagommnPonty tah Saturdoy Evning. C ornpant,Aedm. TICKETS, $5.00. Go 2wesfo ieo trig DETROIT, M ICH. 112 CJOSe PaCC4vAVV V With the carning and going of the sanarae the fahions A~lvT 'is Shaes. The Styles af yesterday acensoongtten ha the dnaireehue A ux~ ,that of to-macraw. Sen tan windows hsr the Seat up-ta-date tins oh the tyles focta-maraow.n State Phonte 144. fl FIPLUS SHOE SORE, 115Washington tnSt.