VOL. IX, No. 81. WIzLLI T H E T FINE WINTER SUITINGS, H T A L WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T A L 0 H Kellar'S Tar Soap. A good tar soap, at a moder- ate price, has long been sought after. Kellar's Tar Soap jest fills the bill. Heal- ing, soothing, antiseptic, sod absolutely pore. 15c a cake. 40c a box. $1.50 a dozen. WILbDER'SPll~mAcy uing he es ofthd colee yarwe wlsevluches atall soars, dy r aicht. Full ainelof Pipes, Ctsened resoacco. R. E. JOLLY & 00., 308 So. State Street. [Chamois Vests. When yen don't wear your Sweater you ought to wear one of these vests. It is cheaper than taking cold. We sell the beat ones at $1.50 to$200 Some for less. p KERHAPS 'IOU WILL NEED anwSweater or Gymnasium Suit. We have a large variety and at Special Prices. We always carry the best grade. SPORTING GOODS Of every description. WAHR'5 ANN ARBOR, MICIH., TUJE TRACK MASS MEETING. To Bring Out Candidates for This Year's Team. Last year Chicago and Michigan tied at the track meet held at Detroit on Juno 5. This year Chicago has a mouch stronger eant thans last, ad they are working to rtrieve her re- cent football defeat. The track muanagemnit has called a mass inet- inig to ho held in Rfom 9, Wedns day evening at 7 o'clock, to engender interest in trackt work, and arrange for thse years work, ad for Cicago's overthrow at Detroit. They are looltitng to the tnow tmaterial Is help do this. Everybody swho has ever dose atny kitnd of track or field work iso strenusously urgd to attend tle tseeting anti hantd in his namse. Speechses till be tusse by Cptain McLeant, and a fetw of the old es. Dr. Rabethge will otlise the sork to be pursused in te gymssnasiumts, atd active training sill be beguttits eartiest. Arransgements sill be talked over fis thte Notres Datte mseet, to be iseluiAMarch 10th, tntsnewiessnswsill be giventqtal chasce wshtilshe std to smake thse trip. Handball Tournament. The filloswitg rules hatve beets coisspiled to governthle lstsndball tournsamsent wtliclh oipensthis sweek. Eachlssmastlhmusttisofisised by 4:15 p.in. s tthe gymnsasitumssclass begin thsesn. Matchses cans be played ether its thse morning or afternsooss at tes most convenient to contestants. Contestants sill agre betsweens tisem n5 somseone to act as referee, and he as swell as each cotestant osust sign a report of te msates whichishsall e left at thesdirectoss office. Thse best tso gamses out of three sall constittte a msath. The drawisforfsttie msathes in singles have ibeen made as folloss: Noordewier vs. Gardner, W. Mc- Neal vs. Leiblee, G. MacNeal vs. Weiss, Adtamss vs. Larmot, Posell vs. Gore, Bishop vs. Chase, Hoffmsans vs. Budge, Beckstransd vs. Loswen- Iaupt, Prof. Dyer vs. Baldiwin, Pes- bick vs. Walsh, Haugitoss vs. Pruesssuss. Sembrick to Sing. All arransgemsetts for the sixths anniual May festival, to be held in University Hall, Mlay 11, 12 ad 13, have beets cmpsileted. 'Ele smanage- mieit has succeeded in securing Sens- brick, wits scored such a phenomsenal success in Berlin and Vienna, ani wits hass been in this country sicee last fall atnd raptured New York asd Chicago by storm. Friday night, May 12, will be Sembrick night, and an opportuniity sill be given to hear the greatest sopratto sitger its the world. The rest of the staff, wo will assist Sesmbrick, is a strong one, atng whsomsssisy bliesnetioned SaralsAsderson, Mdanme Jacob, Evaiss Willains and Myross W. Whitnsey. The engagement of Sem- brick has necessitated sesrne changes in the choice of sorks to be given, and a fuller announcement will be3 made later. SDAY, JANUARY 17, 1899. THREE CNTS The Philippine Commission, "Katharine and Petruhio." It now appears that Prof. Wor- Te third numssber oisiste Stdent's cester insstead f belts5 detailed ft Lecture Assocdiations Course ttlk place act alone as commissioner to thelasst sight. sisg to the severe ill- Philippines, has been namseed a smsss.]ess of Bishop Cheney swhsisws to her of a ciimmssission of five swhichs is hasve filled the Chicagis Aumisnu m. to at tunder the chairmsanshlip of ber, the smanasgemsent secredi Leland Rear Admir-al Deswey. The other T. Posers, the famossus imipersoastor msembers are Maj. Gen. E. S Otis, who appeared ithle jlay' 'Kttharie Cii. Cbas Deisby, and Prof. J. G. ands Petruschio" arranigdilfrst the Sclserssan, president of Cornell Uti celebratedi play o f Shlisesiere "'he versity. Tiseirs sill he tie eyes 'amsitg oithie Shrew." The arraige- throsigis whichs President MKinley sset sas tat madsse Iby te late E. sill satcisthse variouss questios that wits Bioothswstill the exceptionith iat have arisess and sill ins the future there were tree ats ista of tio, arise inthie Philippines. The duties titlesd respectively, "ThVie Wooig,'' of tite csommsissions as oiutlisned at "The Weinisg,'' ainid'Tie 'Tami- present are grave asnd 550 higher cost- lng.'' It is almsost nedles to say plimnt could be paiel a mnisthsass is thast tie piece was tosrosgly enjy- graisted Psrof. Worcester inthiis ap- able satd sell received. Last ight psissteist. itasMr. Poster's seveithsapplerncee Prof. Worcester is at present its before simsAttn Arbotr asdiseisce and Washington oss business suiposed to thiousghs it has seisel ec year that lie relatinsg to Iis ltate aplphointmsent. Ist('msts be at ltesisnd sitiis reer Itrovidinsg sitshitch ocsrs tos deprive ftire,le acsssehsows-founiisiat te-s itu atid Michigans University of the isisce its shiiris Iis vesatiy smiay isonors thins gransted e iesill probably ave fullh expressions ft the iscreased leave on the steamer sailig frossideslight of ilt frienuhd sshdairser. Seattle Jat. 30, ots sehichspassage is Mr. Pters is prossbby tne first said to have beets engasged for the un~siti .Ameria swhsosCrrein sto cusmmsissioss. That sill leae onl'yisih uessftsl executions the isets of onie tsvo steeks to get ready antd travel to sansssimersonatsig the several cha~r thse Pacific esast.'lie voyiage ts actrso f a play itsise evesisgs Mailia sill resiuire nerly sa sonths etserttainmentf At lesst it is certaini frons tishichs it fohlosws tne commision thatl~t hi-etasily rankshs first inthfaf field sill hardly be able to begin its seorhk of imiipersonastfions todaty. lilt rere- unstil ttse essilof Februasry tr the 1st senttions of the twoetinsis figers of of Marchi. the play wia s1ell w rkel outs. 'STe ciaracter of Bptfisfe, this olds father, Incosistenctj. also sas admisirabhly portrayed. Prof. Henry Adans, its Iis le- Baseball Mleeting. tures on protectiou nds free trade, Ons 'husrday eveniing sf fiPstoek saish recentlty that fhe events of the there will be held is Ietieitg of base- ipast year have suggestedh the 15555i- ball cadidates its Romi 9. The bility of Anerica manufactursing for object is to gef trae of the nes tisreignmmarkets, andthtsifmlwe tre mens slts are esiecialy urgedslts ie to develop fhat lise of tmufacture present ands to listenstis a fete shrt if will be absolutely essentiasi toitatlks frotmiMtanager Emsisotns, Cat. abandon protection. He ooks for a Ltunssamndsters of last year's feams. a revision of our tariff systems in the Nit active work, save perhasssi little near future, amd prophecies that it sit the art of the battery caduiafes, sill be unester guidance of this sese silihe cosmemced suntil sfter the ilees. Tihis is shat is taught its the semsesfer examsinations are outf of the Uniiversity: smit still Eugense Debtlsisay. 'Thiosughs several of the tll forbisddens the usie of University Hall tnest are mm cllege this yeirmoe(f to speakhepon"'rie Laboring Mas's the positiunstsiro'cinichied." 'loo, Interest iin Goodi Governmient"' for there are decidedl vacancieis its both fear thast lie msight touchuon pi-~iti the itsandmutstfiels. It is the infemi- tics its Iis speec.--Times. tionsfithtssse its chsarge ti crry twit --_.__ - or three tinetfr etts-lifsthtie battery Oratorical Association Lecture. positions, so splendiidl ushpruriities Heinry . Estabrotok tie otesi are openi tsasprig cndiiate, All orator andu spetaher is to appar in sems having any abiify ts piy bal University Hall ext Satsurday sisder are requsestedl ts le uesemif at 7 the asspices of the Oratorical Attii o'clock Thusrsday evcniing ad to ciation. The affair is to be inthfts becomse bettem- acqusaintedh with oe nattire ofit receptiuun, sismillsr to thatother tccorded Josephs Jeffersonm last year. Prof. Cooleyj in Detroit. Hlit sulject will be the "Missiont if Prof. M. E. Cooley hs leve of Amserica." MAr. Estabroolk is siteitt absence tiis seek fromts iis duties in fise mosf gifted orators before the tie aval yard at Philadelphia, thamt Aimericamn public amd is tisoroughy le might respondssto t call to Detroit in touchswt ll iheges smit college to testify as ass exiert sitmess on tie msen.lHe shulmd be greeted by a Joura expisosions case. He sett large house. Sunmdiysiths Iis family ithiis city. _______________- Af the cmii of the sweek le sil re- J. W. Bansnons '99, sas srprised fturn to iis duties, whiichs sill Cot- by a small party of friends Friday tisue unitil abosut fts midle of Fb- evensinig it being Iis 20th birthday. muary, senm lie exects ts be released. Elaborate refreshsusents sere serve-d by Cateser Lovell and a thoroughly Mass meetlig of track good tne was had by all. Music candidates ins ROOns 9, at 7 wsa indulgedl us during the evesing. P. im, Wedniesda~y, ~Ja. 18. Up rows SitteSt. ANN ARBOR Down Town Opp. Court louse Clain St.