THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS WILL FINI) AT OURE STORE ILIE L ARGEIST AND C11OIC EST STOCK We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendars, Christnuas Cards, Desk Sets, Pocket Books, Cardt Cases, etc. AT LOWEST PRICES We would especially call your attention to our B~ooks for children, of whsich swe havo made an unusually large andl careful assortmsent. SHEEHAN & coo 330 SOUTH STATE STREET $* L. A. REMEMBER ! LELAND T. POWERS Will appear on the S. L. A. Course UNIVERSITY HALL, Monaday Eveninag, Jan. 16. He will give his latest success "Katherine and Petruchio," =xox_.=DaY JOS. W. KOLLAUF, t-® New Neck Wear, Bath Robes, 2511 U " Night Robes, Pajamas, is K. " Suit Cases and Trunks. " Special prices for the holidays, D. A.TINKER & SON, ®.g ..334 S. STATE STREET. Interoolloalato Bureof At waflm]G Costumeo. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBiANY, Nc. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class lists and Cape, Class College Pine. Address W. C. KERN, WraesrnMngr., HaskellMusm~a, Univ. of Chicsago FOR.... PROMPT SERVICE laeyaur Pasty anti Calng H olm es L ver OrCersatEIISItI~~ TSLBE.f'-ONE 106. 515 . LIBB.RTY. LAM PS F TUDENTS, We call attention to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75e to 62.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and snost improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rlochester,""itThe Yale,"-T he Royal, ""The lenlin StudettDamp, ""The Perfection Student Lanmp "ci If you want the heat fLamp for the Least 1olsep come and see us. Old Number: 4SMAHANN ARBOR. MICH. D A "THE SU NSIIINE (I' PARADISE ALjLEY" AT T1'HE ATHENS. In "The Sunsihine of Paradise Alley" which is now in its third seson of suc- cess, and which is to he presented here Tsesday, Denmtan'ITompson and Geo. W. Eyer have a sweet and clean picture of certain phasas of New' York iife. The new play has hsd a lose sod rot- ahie run in New' York and Bostos where the clergy anti officers of various organi- nations wrote Mr. Thompson strong letters shout the moral value of the play. It will he givein here in its en- tirety, with tie (triginal east, effects and scenery. ROBT'. MANTEL L. "LA Secret Warrant" presented hy Rohert MHantell will he the attraction at the Athens nent Friday. The play is romantic and written on the same high class lines which mark all the produc- tions of this fascinating actor, The author, W. A. Tremayne,. has hit upttn an intense story which is a part of the French history in the eighteenth cen- tury. Some of the scenes are laid at the Court of thte Dun dOrleans and depict the frailties of thse Bourhan regime. _________ The average numher of patients in the Unoiversity hospital for Decembher was 75.9; the highest numbher, 88; the lowest, 59. The numher of in- patients was 65; of out-patients, 68; total, 133. Loar-Telescope, Leather Cor- ners-Three Straps. C. H. PEL.TON, Sf0 503 East Jeffersona St. Unicersitij Medical Societaj. The Medical Soieity (of the Uni- versity of Michigan oill hold their first reguliar isteetinig next Thursday, JTn. 39. Dr. Vaughan, Dean ofi the lDeparttment twill adilress the maeetinig. Metdictal people and the puhbliin genertal are inted. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. Vita the Aita Arhor ilroad ytou east cecet ftar imaportant points as heloiw. Leave Anns Arhor. 7:25a,. ..ArrtveSt. Lois.att 6:2. a n.t 7:2tt. n.... Arrtve Ktantsas Ctty ...715a 7:25 a. i... Arrtvetattanaha....... :5p n 7:25ta.nt.... Arrive Buffato. ta...7:1 at'in 7:25 a. at.... t-ieleeinicinnati .....5:0pin 7:25 ta. mt.... Arrive Indianapalis...:5~ 7:2ts. nt.... Arrive Latiseillea.... 710p. at 17:25ia. ct.... Arrive Part Wayne....I12:3ano 11i25 a. at.... Arriv-e Cincisnati.... .7:50 a. in. 11:25 a. at... Arrive tCleveland .....551.i. 11l2t a. in.. ..Arrive ovashington....1a5 .sn. 11:25 a. in.... Arrivae Haltimotren.....20p.I. lii25 ant... Arrive Philadelphia ..4:5 dp. in. 11:25 a. at... Arrive Clanttas.0..:55 p. at. 1:45 p. in....Arrivesatn....61 .ic :9p ...Arv incinnati.t..6.0e. ii 8:40 p. at.... An-lvs Coilutbus. et..650a. at. 8ti0 p. ritt... Arcice Niagara 5tsllas.. .6tii a. itt. 8:40 p. ia.... Arrive Huffalo.....1 :45 a. at. 8:43 a. at... Arrive Lansing. l..0:50a. in. 8:43 a. in.... ArrivesGratd Itapids.. 12:55 noait 456iap. m.... Arrive Saginaw.......8:0p. in. 4:56 p. at.... Arrive nay City.0...1:0 p. at. ArrivecLanin . 7:50tp. at 4:56 p."it.... SrinaeGraad'Ltapids...t0:t5 p. at. 4:5t a. iat.... Arrive Pint ......7:35 a. at. WANTED-Every sac as hay the latstand mast interesting ennae ever inventcd. "Sate Sail at Hosme." at in played hy twa persona each rtpresenting a Base nail nine andi will score in runshits and eenrsthe same as anaygame played an the field. Sealprespaid assany addiress an receipt of ate. BASE HALL AT HOME CO., 508, 509. Chamsher of Coammerc, Detrait Mtch. TAILOR, Mkes astpecialty at Fine Black Suits.l Al Wakmanshitp. 214 at Waahngon S., near 5ths Ave. W.J. BoaH, PRES. ST T W. Anasan, 1tatVitepree J. V.S INAeaaec ,tc.psC Sn ,I JOSas.C. WALT , ASai hCtn '1I BiNK Transacts a general Banking Business FIRST NATIONAL BA N K And ' Cpitl, $00,(00. Surplusead Pofit, 8d0,00 Trannsatagceealibanhtinuitness.PForeign exchaangc oghti and nold. Frnshitlueato credit. L+. D. EuNiE, Pes. HAHRISON SOULE, Vic-Pes. ('. as.ntand Enon trat s.. Cnpital, 850,000. Surplus, $0,000. T'anasat a genea aning bhttessa. R,K~xr res. C'E ns N, Vc.res FRas.H- BEL-.Caher Theo Rin Mror Savings Bank Capital tc 5iah. OSrpttsa, $150,000. Reocsct.1100,000.l Organiztedtanderttc tn'atl aning Lawt at ti taticiesdpsit, buy and sells exchangesn the Iprital citie ci ite United Staiaa. lin&cneah-I upoan isaitrsidenificatin Saft'y daposit bttto ntan. Os-ica-: thetetian iMack,.Pas.: W. D. Harrsi Inan,aVia.Pes.;t Ctas. E. Hisaock, Catir; M. J.Fitz AsstittCashier. LAMB & SPENCER, TfIlE., Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a finst-lass Grocery and Bakery. Call and ee ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barber Shop adlBath itoomas. J. . TROJ~ANOWnS, Prp. 322 S. State t RAZOR HONING 1S A SCIENCE.. We Guarantee Or Wr. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER HOP 1isDeos & Envas BAR ER HOPIf you desire fret-claae work and courteous treatment tr Goreand Harry at 32 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fun ralEbamr ietor Calls tended ay or Nigh. N. 161 E Liety Street. Residene 6aM S Fourth Ane, Phone s. .M.W. MILaWRL,!? a StnS AIN 6 /t Shrew. " Single Admission 50 Cents. Course tickets for the ninse remain- mug numhers, $2.00. Tickets and seate can he secured at Wilder's Pharmacy, State Street. ~I4.A" CHANGE TOSES. YOU 66-OO PROBABLY Commnands a good selection of patterns, MUST of good wearnsg qualities. We will see that they are well cut and made, BEFORE LONG. Wf1GNEJR & GO., 123 S. MAIN ST. ...TAILORS.