2 Published Daily (Sondas exceptd) during th Collgeyearoat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 9 1Toot: TeinOlatd Pess, Hennitntg Block. Both Phoes 147. MIANAING CWt)T01. F. EGmLHAot,'00 L. B'USINESS MANAGER. 0. i.IHANS, '00. EDITIOS. AtltitiaEditr, T. B. Woooot, '00 L. P. W. JONES,9, A. H. RDocoat, '01 E, F. D. EN 'a,' C .O. Le, '0M, G. D. tltottooo. '00 E. Theosbsrtiaopie00otte DAtLY ist4250 for ho olic"' yearoith aregtlr tdlieybttottte nooooeac5t dty. Notites, omotttoiotitttt, ad other iototertoc to tortitoubttlictio ottoet handd'Iio l attttheDAttYo tct eoreo85p.t., 00 maild to tttt' oditr ttbtfore3li, ofathtttday pooevitta to that ott which tteyooeottiectd to Subscriptiosttay he loll, at te DALYatfic, Mycto, 0or Statlal towoetvtatd, 0r witt tutinests afanoae. Sttbtciersc will 'ttonfra faoby reportiog ptomttly at titlofofttt'aty tilooe at caritra to dliverop01e. Altocatgto itt ttttctiittF tattrmt. tteit the tffice y 4p.I. tton te day pretoutth 0 at ont which they 0re to appea, IN CHAGEOFaTOA'S ISS0, P. W. JONES. The result of 1110 Mitleosta-Cli cago dtek is that Michigan atd Chicagot lre scedled to meet in debate this year again. Last year we wro victorios, the year before Chicago tas tritimcphatt. Bot with the mnagnificent teaoa which we have to repreent tuo there is no reason why Chicago's scalp can not be onrs. Trho football teami set the pace aod let us see if the odebaters cannot fol- low it up. The track and baseball teams ito the spring will do their share. The winner of the Newberry Scholarship is soon to be antounced. The two cotestants aire F. W. Loetscher '96, Princeton, and J. B. MCreery '97, Michigan University. -Prinocetsonian. Dr. John R. Effiger, gave a paper oo Lemercier atd the Three Unities, at tle seventh annual meet- ing of the Modern Language Asso elation of Amoerica, wicha tas held at the University Of Virginia, De". 27, 25 0010 29. To the same sessittn Prof. Heinp, of te English depart- ment, contribtted a paper on the Runnic Alphabet. Several piecea of netr appaatus have arrived for tle gymnasium. There is a figer weight machine, twos pairs of lotr parallel bars aitdia patent hydraoulic rowng achine TIhe towing nalcine las been ptt together atd ottp ready for cse ott the tnorthi side of the gyicitasiutm. The tperator, by working ttwo lever, the ends of which are fasteted ttt springs, goes thrcttgh the movement of rowitg oa boat. To give ott added setnse of miotiotn the machine is fin. nislhed with at sliditg seat. The lectures by Prof. Sabit, for- mterly of Vemtntt University, last Tlhursday and Friday, were a big success. Ttappant Hall tas crowdedt at eacit leture atd statdig rootm wasa tt a pretaiumtl. His subjects were aolngoiighes cotoiectedewtoilc- gitceritig qoestois anti maty vali- able poits oere elicited ito lis treat mtent. Prof. Sabino is ote of tic best chemiists ini the coutnttry andott authority oti subjects cotitected witli the study of eogineerig. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Profl. Cooleyj Returns Next Semn-' Music studio Students' Laundryi ter. Piano, Pipe Orgap antd Cotltpesition Wn DOTWt.0.P Prof. . F . Cooley, of the Eng' noeeritng Departmetot of the Utoiver' HF. iH*.I K iY1.TF OL RADLANDY sity, woi has been chilef engineer otan aoOttgt iaoo'aay eoo. Tthoobet high grade laundry to them UStntedarttCteservatioiyryGsteatneronly otachioe domootic flito the UnitetdOttatasneutiPlary Tteimer GlovoeOfinistalao givco. All Yttseiiite sitoce the outbreak tof the 312_S._DivisionSt._ConcertPianoTuningnatly and002 fu5.y5looe.tdoe Spanish-Anmericani war, will returo Now State Phooo.4 too tloe University ini timoe to begio TSP RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO wvork woitlo the secotid setmeoter. He MR . EGN A E ~I.. wao tdetacloed from the Yoosemite tG N PG ,AAI Lta j' Dec. 23, sitoce wrhich dote lie has Will geve lessons on the mandolin and THlE beeo temporary owork at the Leagote guitor at the Uiversity Schiool of PRItNTERt Islatndtoavy yarol. He expects to be Mitsic every Friday. For Termo and relieved frotti duty by the first of houre opply to the Secretory.2 next mntho.__________________________________ Association OX, agents too of DETROIT nthe State. The ho inthe Wet. worka promptly, ,610 Lawroence st. l4t. AnAror, Mich i i Chicago in Baseball. GENERAL CLEARING UP Thte candidates for the Chicago 4%- OF Uinivei'sity nine have already cool- Ioenceth practice ito the gyoooooitn. W ne -S is a d v ro t MIost otf the olthtetn are b aack atto will ply, boit thte teant io a little shy W ne ut n v ro t ito the batting pttsitionos. Clarke atod1 Garder ast ears reula batery$20.0() Suits or Overcoats $15.00. will tiot be ito.the gaotoo. There is 15.00 « 66 « 13.50. sottoo gtotd tmaterial foir the box but 10.00 75c c 0.0 thie cotcher's hositltintrill be hoardi to till. Mr. Stogg is cotofident, hoow- SHIRTS-- ever, of havitgagnt excelletot teatm, otly p to the stattdardl of precedig IAlh ourtReguar Dollar Coltred feats.y Shirts, Clearing Priae - - 75e Conitapious Ward. ~ GLOVES -- Tloe builditog foronerly used f or a Silk Lined Cope Gloveo, $2.00 landy t heUnvesiyIositlGloveo---- --- --------$1.50 isbegtutrynatdhointoivewrotyfospiall-IIISihk Lined Kid acid Mocha, $h.50 isbeoo troedlotoa vad orco-Gloves---- ------ -----$1.00 tagous diseases. When remodeled it wtill accoonmodate fromoo six to eight See our Windows for Clearing Prices on Fasohionable patieotts, Although the hospital is Suits, Overcoato and Furnishings. toot opeto to patients with contagiosus No l' ta lt in o s diseases, it somaetimes lhappens that ~ N bes S a itig H ue WT such diseases develtop in the wsards, copyrigt 1898t, henoce the necessity for a seperate leohhIeaiior,NiihiiO&. 209 S. MAIN ST. butilding. ______ ___________________________________ Dir. Keene Fitzpatrick, who was . o i recoverinug from an operation whoeto he left for homte to spetod the boll- dayo, is now ito this Massachusetts IPOTERS5AND MANUFACTURERS OP General Hospital at Boston. A short note whlich has been received from CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARtATUS. lois wife says thatt he will probably toot be able to returto for three or MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters f'or all Labora- fouor weeks. tory Suapploes 000 5. Main Street, Ann Arsor, Mich. Athens Theatre, TRY HOT CHOCOLATE,. t/ Third year 01 Denssas Thsopson's Success- 1 OT SAESRE tolSOUH harcote Draa31 Kl TeSunshine of nThe hourly.Ootetsevedin any stylcityohe.ooul s Writttos tar the people who enjoyed The Od Hoosotead. The Boas t'erdi Ladies Qotartet, I Thte Acmeo Male Quartet, Select Cosmpany at 05 Playes. Prieso25c, 500c,75c andt$0. BOYS! STOP! AT THE KINDEllGtlRTh FOR A GAME OF POOL OR BILLIARDS. Huron St. Bast F. andM. Bank. Peninsular Engraving Compangj, if You Want Or ABtnDing, or Rulng, or anythiong on our line, no matter how small or Dow large, a Job of WE CAN DO IT Printing for yon. Call and get acquainted. ® The Ilansd Press, Henning Bleek. M. STAEBLER, 119 WEST WASHINGTON ST., BOTH PHONES, NO. 106. ANN ARBOR. f MAYNARD ST. BELL 'PHONE 246. Granger'S Coderuigotno MRS. ROSS GRANGER. Beginaers' Classes-te~men, 10 a.mo., Satiedoys; Ladios, 4p.m. Saturdays Acrye tItermediate Clos-Montday evenings. Adv-anced Class-Tuesday evenings CTICK Programmne Party Saob Saturday Evening. TCETS, $5.00. Goodt12weeksttrom time o tarttng. DETROITr, MICH. 112 Close Pacessoe With the comiog aod goiog of the sesont aretuhe fashions ][ZAND LL,10 Shao. The Mtyitsofa yesterday ara toon forgotteo to the deoire for ANDA Lthat of to-marrow. See or wiodows tar the beot op-to-datlot of the salsrtostri-morrow. C ( State Phone Is44. nPRIUS SHOE S 1'(' Ann009 WArbor.t~aSt