4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH UNVERSTY F MCHIGN DILY STUDENTS Would you save money? Then buy yor Books at the STU DENTS' BOOKSTORE, SfIELJRfl & GO., State Street. For First Year Law Students We have Cooley's Blackstone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley Torts, Huffcutt's Cases on Contract, Burdick Sales, Burdick Cases on Sales. For First Year Medical Students Gray's Anatomy, Sternergs Bacteriology, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical Dictionary, Vaugan and Novy's Ptomain. For First Year Dental Stdents Gray's Anatomy, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medical tDictionary, Essig Prosthetic Dentistry. For Literary Departmsent St- dents We have all the Greek and Latin Books, French, German, Mathemati- cal and Engineering Books. SECOND-HAND OOKS DRAWING INSTRUMENTS Waterman & Parker's Founs- taisnPesns. SH[EUHfN & 60., State Street. Sb.LoA. (Students' Lecture Association.) Watch for the S. L. A. anniouncementts. You can not affordI to miss a single number. Tickets will be on sale early next week. The first number will be October 21. Foi' fuller particulars watch the DAILY anti the Bulletin boards. So L. A. CORRECT MODERATE STYLES PRICES The moat compiete lines of as-ta-date me's Fureishing is the city, is at D. A. TINKER & SONI, 334{ S. State St. deaiers ia Bats, Caps, Fiae Neckwear, E. & W. andClueats's Collars ad Cuff., Facy ad Whita Shirts, Night Robas, Pajamas, Bath Robes, Glym Suits ad Shoas, Laboratory Suits ad Aproas, Underwear. nosiery, Jewelry, CUmbrel- las. Me's Utothes to order at tow prices, fit, qualitty ad style guaranteed. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SWEATERS AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED LONGLEY $3 HAT L We have decided to saeisfy a losg felt want toe as op-to data tare oat, al s0 have added to ear stock of fine horses ad carriages, a TALLY-HO, which seats L fourteen parsons. Coachinf parties will sow betan order. Secura a data for the Y TaIly-Nos. Call up H HOLMES LIVERY 0 Telephone 106. B1B EAST LIBERTY ST. T A L L Y H 0 JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Fine Domestic amid Foreign WOOLENS, has removed to 204 East Washington St., seer 0th Are. Wilt be pleased to oet old and saw customecrs. W.vJ. Bo3TH, PRES. S fIT[ W. Asset, st V ice-pae 1 Jt. V. SHEERAs, 2d Vice-pae fVN JOHN. C. WALTZ, AsstCashie~1IU WINK Transacts a general Bankitig Business. FIRST rNATIONAL BANK OrgooloeniA . Capital, 8t00,ro0. Surplusand Prcots, 840,00 'tranactstagcneraolbankingcusinscs. Foretigs echaeoueght ond sold. Fornsh letters of credit.' E. 0. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOLt. S. W.CLARhKSONCosi. LAMPS FORSTUDENTS 'We nail attention to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, rangitng in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The Yale," ""The Royal," "The Berlin Studenit Lamp, ""'fThe Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Money come and see us. Ol ubr E N0844 SO. MAIN ST., ' A Cor. Mots and Huon te tsl. ANN ARBOR. MICH. L / . - *Copitlt&,000ho. Surplcs, $30000. Trasactslc -ROKccc-,i'es. C.b.GoaE,'cVice-Prcs- Eugene P. Lyle a former U. of M. Noiet--dmn cI e ~Cc, manct in Mexico, has written a novel WVANT--Tromubones, Altos, Cor- Theilo nIH rbor Savings BanK etititled "Don Swashbuckler." 'Tis nets, and Clarionets. Old members Capital Stock.50,000.'Surplusc.$1c0,0005 sory is a dashing and unique to- wrill plciase send in their addresseestta t Rc esuce l,10;'"its tmance dealitig with Central Atmerica ontce to E. P. dePotnt, 509 East Jef- Ci