THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 8' I I3~ TEI~CLargest Stock, '17ATiz'1TLAIIILK, Best Styles._ JT kA .1 J IN $.0,$350 4.5, Godped',$5.00, $6.00. G119 Main Street. MWIGfIGRN G6[NTRfIL °The Niagara Fails Route." VN tiM LST~ANDARD) TIME Taking lfect Aug. 14, 1898. Nail and Express ... ....3 47 1P. A. .N.YV. & Boston Special ....... 4 585 Fast Eastern .............9 43" Atlantic Expres...........7 45 A. V.. Dtroit Night Eixpress........ 5 500 Grand Eapids Express.I....1110" biai & Enpress ....0..... 18 A. M. BstnN Y: & Chicago...:..0:i10: Fant Western Express........ 1 38 P.m. dG. It. & Kat. Enpress... ....545 Chicago Night Express.0.... 943" Pacific Exprets...... .12 301A. M. 0. W, RUCIGLES, H. W. HAYES, 0. P. &'I'. Ag't. Chicago. A't Ann Arbor K ,N&3} TIME TABLE Toaking Eff'ect, Nev. 20, 18198. .Teams leave Ann Arbor hy Central Stand. aed Tine. NORITH SOUTH U A50 I m 11:25 A.M. *RIsn hetween Ann Arbor and Toledo oniy. All trains daiiy excepi O tnsciy. It. S. GIIIOtE, Agent. W.1 It.ENNETT. 0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- IOR RAILWAY. Cars leace Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti and 1Detroit every half hour bieginning at 7:15 a. mn. U. of M. car leaves City Hall, Detroii, every night after 'theater. Special U. of iMl cars fsr oil extra occa- nionn. .Baggage, exprersend Students' supplien received and delivered. Wait- leg rooms, corner of Ann and Main streets, Ann Arbor, lii1tGriswold treet, D~etroit. The Wabash "Continfental Limited" Haves you tune and money. (Going home for Christmssa? Look here, then. You leave Ann Arbor at 7.25 a. m. and reach Peru 12:05 noon. Loganstport 12:26 p. usa., LaFayette 1:191 p. Iii., D~anville 2:34 p. In., iDecatur 4 p. i1a, iaylorville 4:40 p. Iii., St. Louis 6.5 2 p. m, thicogo 2:10 p. Itt, Indianapolis 3 p.Ito., iLouisville Close contiections ot thes stations for all points;iIin tliou ts, 1Ii :ioio and Si j. sooni. '10ho t tiuevtal Limile I is tihe loot, Inxurious :tir, of the Ucimzsli Lioe aanti passer S'loangoing West at 8:07 8Conuolt time ticket agent of tho Ann \rhor IRiiroaor t:rttes acid ask lhsm to:' a Xabash folder. ft. S. (n4:ti omeno1n, ADt1'. A. Ohoentral Lines THE DIRECT LINE TO. it> Viiiii.7 (irec I, Tliettlo, Finiliy, Aiiieilis, 'Uolill)i1S, ttiddls'pont, iind (,harv leston, W. Va. Ut ivuisits trains use Lake Shore Union Station at Toledo. Plirougli trains switli Sleepiiig andt Drawing 1itooin caro froin Detroit aitd Toledo. RolftLttN 1103K, CGcneral Passenger A. CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING.l We opeirate the finest tailoring trade iin the city, and equnal any in the State. We iespectfully solicit your valuted patronage. All garments made iby us kept pressed 'and iin repair for. one year. 1O6 E. Husroni. New State Plioiae 413. CALENDAR. Attendance in the Lam Department. iMonday, Jals. I 6.LelindTh . The total enrollmient in the Llaw Potters iii 8. L. A. course. Departmntt of tse University is lareger this year than ever before. Tulestday, Jan. 17---Choral lTinTho re totlhiumber, iticliidiing those coiscert.,.thking the cointlsietl literary anid law Wedniestday, Felt. 1--Prof. Taus- course, esntolleilutiltottoon of Januti- sig in Cood Goivernmseist lecturie try 11 swas 772, t ie sm iore luan coturse. the tota~l enrollmtenit for liast year. Addresses btj President Angell. Tiiie ittiusmiertrlletdotnly ais liaw stustento is 742 as atitist 7:38 for Presildist James 1B. Algell5madelOJana. 5, 118. 'hirmtiiber taskinig tswo adldeeos in the east dutrinig the tie ctmiintetd coutrse of eix years first wecek ini Jainualry. Tue first wstl literary tnd late ssork is 30) the pre- at Peacee l)ale, t. 1.,itie oica~sli ent yeair axsligainist 22 last yeatr.flte beinig the eviction of a0talet int largest iinmber enirotlleth in the de- ineory sof Iowlanid Hazatrid. Presi. partleltii it ot1heslei1h ldeii Angell anid lMr. Haziard were laws coinrse rt iuireil but tswo yelarsi- classmtamt BroiswniUnliversity. The steadftihir1ee is at piresitnt, wsi 67(1. utilmer iatdtress ssas at a it ititntry IDean 11. B. Hlutcinms, 4fi101m11treseiit muss nmeetitig ini Britoklyn. Doetoir ititatito, estimates iliat beitore lilt Anigell spioke on ihe Attlitudle of the close if the cotllegiate year the ttaml Otltotin Eimpire toswardl M issions. enirollmtenitofttfhle depatmtent will be Losi--Be3twveenSkaitinig Rinuk ant1nott leso thou 780, swhichi sill be 15 Jolily's, Thuirsdaiy eveunig. A mtitre than last year's total. potcketbtook, conllaining $10. hie. Ross Blaire,'01. Lit., hs left col- warsd. 503 E. Liberty. lege. l0Reits cbler, the Ipbhotog3apber. " HAVE YOU SEEN Theo New Brunlo Mandoins OF 12 STRINGS ? Thtey ae for sale ait the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Dosn stn Libtty-Steet t tnly tisren dsors ANN ARBIORI. 0. M. MARTIN,.. FUNERAL. DIRECTOR FEmhalming a specialty. No. 200) Fourth Ave. Anibulance night and day. 11on- idence 3023tFiftis Are. Win. A noldJeweler GET YOUR LUNNHES Ar W. W. TUTL' 338 sSio. Stints Streetv. OUR PHOTOS . .A RE. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THlE Berryman Studio I I 2,West Huron St. TePrita 1oe Q0. " (INCORPORATED) MAKRSOFFO MN ALSTYLES The Most " Up--to-date" ni $3.50Shoe Made. ; isAnn Arbor Store: 110 I1EAST HURON STREEFT. H FACT-BoktonktoMass.' ~ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Nen York - Cicapgo. ATHLETIC GOODS. Otficalotfitteerlsit ite leadimngcotlleges shlsasnm athlticstehsfthii veiiountry. Tire, Spalinsgicyier I,riddteti by the Intetreimiiee:,si. A A. A :. {. d all iitithe ig i::iteolc~g~rid ur. Eery BRtsts- st ott cite Balltt.bPotmfBat, Goll, Tennis. Spaldings Offioiai League Bali Is mme OficitalKill simthe NaionaesilLeague iitcttiioiiune i'uuisiuut, oii thletic Sports Fee itou iany i tddes. Cii: iiittt,' OtiS a iai : e hatut Gutide for 1899, A.G. SiALDING c1BRO8,New fok.Chicago Al News Stand, 607 E. William SI, fise ite atr(ital. 1itst claiso work snd prolpt service, PAUL M EYER, F. J. SCHLEEDE, .1450S. SateSt., 1Vtatrrmsain outain Jesis fr $1.00andinup All Linen Paper, 4 lbs, for 50c, Finest Stationerey in the eity at soweet price WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG' STORE.