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January 14, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-14

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Northwestern Defeated in a Spirited De-
bate Last Night.




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Another victory last night was We need a much greater navy as a.
added to an already long list when guarantee of peace. The lessons of
the debating team of Michigan de- the Spanish war teach us that we
feated the team from Northwestern should not wait to hear the declara-
by a unanimous vote of the judges. tion before we begin to prepare.
The triumph was not by any means George Kingsley opened the debate
an easy one, however, but was all for Michigan. He outlined the posi-
the more glorious for being hard tion on which the negative was to
fought. It was quite generally an- stand. They did not believe that our
icipated that a lively contest was in interests should go unprotected; our4
store for the students and citizens of navy should be increased gradually.
Ann Arbor and the attendance was not radically; our needs and our in.-
correspondingly large. No great terests, not those of some other na-j
amount of enthusiasm prevailed dur- tion, should determine the size of our
iig the progress of the debate, but navy. The affirmative, he declared,
the final announcement of the chair- were advocating an entirely new
man was greeted with storms of ap. policy and are not simply defending;
plause. the increase which has been recently
One thing was especially commend- made in our navy. Our navy is al-
able in the work of both teams, ready large. According to Brassey's
namely the introduction of rebuttal Naval Annual for 1898 we rank
along with the constructive argu- third among the great powers. A
ment. In at least one case the out- large part of Russia's navy is in the
line previously arranged was coot- Black Sea and a treaty prevents it
pletely changed to meet the require- from getting out. There is no prob.
inents of rebuttal. Give and take ability of war with England and
rebuttal became frequent as the de- France so we need not far their
bate progressed, much to the interest navies. The other nations need not
of the audience. be considered as we are already
President Lathers of the Central stronger than they, so our navy with
Debating League called the meeting a normal increase from year to year
to order and after making a few an- is entirely adequate.
nouncements introduced President Charles Lederer spoke second for
Angell who presented the presiding Northwestern. " He maintained that
officer of the evening, Hon. Wit). C. in spite of the declaration of the
Maybury, mayor of Detroit. Mr. negative that we had always main-
Maybury is a graduate of both the tained our national dignity, we were
Literary and Law Departments of obliged to quail for years beneath
Michigan anl made a touching the indignities of England; the peo-
speech on the great changes which ple along our coast were terrified for
have taken place in our University weeks by a phantom fleet. Tue pro-
in the last 30 years. After two se- position of the Czar of Russia will
lections by the Glee Club he ait- accomplish nothing for even R ssia
nounced (ie judges of the debate: herself is preparing to strike a blow.
lion. O. A. Howland, of Toronto, We need a much greater navy to
Ott.; Judge J. A. Barber, of Toledo, protect our merchant marine, and
O.; and Judge Robert S. Parker, of our foreii tttade carried in foreign
Bowling Green, O. le also stated ships. We have a greater shipititg
the rules of the debate and then in- than Germany, France, Russia and
troduced the first speaker of the Italy combined. We teed alt itt-
ereing. crease in our navy to protect the
Edwin R. Perry opened the debate 3,000 miles of sea coast, which
for Northwestern. lie did not spend though fortified in a few places is
:much time in introduction, but pro- still practically defenceless.
ceeded at once to his argument. He Sigismuttd Sanger spoke second
maintained that the war between na- for the negative. He summarized
tions not having contiguous territory what his colleague bad said and spent
will always be on the sea. When a few minutes in rebuttal. We do
such wars have taken place in the not need a navy as large as England
past the victory has always been or France to protect our colonies.
with the stronger naval power. Our They are few, in fact we have not
navy compared with those of other yet acquired the Philippines. They
nations is weak. We rank only at are not colonies with contiguous
sixth, even below that of Italy. It boundries so are free from that
is not possible to construct a modern danger. Their principal cities can
navy when war is in sight. It takes easily be protected by harbor de-
three years to build a battle ship, so fenses. Hawaii instead of demand-
now more than ever the advice "In ing protection is a protection to us.
time of Peace, prepare for war." That was the strongest argument for

its annexatiotn. Belgium and Holland
have more colonies thai we and yet
have insignficent navies. A navy is,
not necessary to extend our commerce,.
for trade no longer follows the flag..
America has a far greater foreigi
trade than Russia or France though,
they have hah larger navies. The
foreign trade of France has decreased
in the past five years in spite of her
great navy while that of Norway has
increased with almost no navy.
Andrew Cooke spoke third for
Northwestern and also closed in time
rebuttal. He attacked vigorously
the statement of Michigan that
America was practically third in
effective fighting force on the sea.
He declared that in the numbers
Michigan gave many ships were
omitted and that their authority was
not recent. A nation to be strong in
war must be prepared to carry on
aggressive war aid a policy which
simply contemplates the building of
coast defences is a fatal one for such
a nation as ours. Hawaii is 2,000
miles away from our shores and
practically defenceless. It is our
duty to offer it suitable protectiun
from possible danger. The Philip.
pines are on our hands and until we
get rid of them we must deal with
them as a part of us and give them
suitable protection. This we certain-
ly cannot do with our present weak
navy. Then we have entered into
matters Asiatic and must be prepared
to meet what may come of it We
need not feel confident of our isola-
tion for coaling stations do not have
to be within a very short distance
from the active operations with
modern colliers who accompany a
squadron. To increase our navy is
simply a business proposition and
should be considered as such devoid
of any matter of sentiment.
Charles Simons closed the debate
for Michigan. Ie first rebutted
several arguments advanced by the
affirmative. le then argued that
the Nicaraguan canal which is bound
to be built within a few years will
double the efficiency of the American
navy. The progress in naval war-
fare is so rapid that a formidable
nay now, may be absolete int a few
years. To enter upon a policy of
rapid increase in our navy means
that we must continue it, fo one
nation arms because another does
and the mad race will never stop un-
til all nations are bankrupt. Then,
it has been shown that modern coast
defences are impregnable against a
navy. Santiago could not be taken
by our navy alone. Four-fifths of
the wealth along our sea coasts is
concentrated at 12 points which can
be amply protected by coast de-
fences. Then America should stand
fur peace. It should encourage ar-
bitration rather than an increase in
armament. It should continue its
properous course in the future as it
has in the past.
The result of last night's victory is
that the Michigan team will meet
the winners of the Minnesota-Chica-
go contest in a debate to decide the
championship in the Central Debat-
ing League. , The debate will be
held in the spring.
tContinaed on age 2.

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