THE ITN IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 a FancyBosoms, or all overs. $1.00, 71.25, $'150 Values. Your (101 ars jsir L-- 3draw large salaries in this sale. I GOODSPEED'S. ANSTET 117 SOUTH MA IN TET MIGflIGflN GFENTRA~L "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STAND)ARD)TIMES Taking fteist Aug. 14, 1898. M~al and Express .......317 P. AI. N.Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 51 Fast Eastern ...............9 4311 Atlantic Exspres...........7 45 A. V. petroit NIglt lExpress........ 5 553 Grand lapids Express........11 10 " Mll I& Exres. ..........9 19A.. Postsn. N.Y. &Chie o....... 8 13 Faot WesternI Eopress........I1 3*I'P0A. G.1It& al.ol Itouress..........5 45 C(hilogoo Night, lExpress..***** *.t4 Isolti Exlpress............I1253nA. 5. t>. IW. IIIGI.181 11. . I. 13YE G. P. & 'T. Agi 'Id lea o. AgI tAss Arboir TIME TABLE Talinig Elirn, No.520, 188 Trains leavo Anti Arbor by CtratoStand- ard Tn.e. 78011I'll U 8:43 . 1. *1640I' 1A. : a . A1. I:5r)6 1% At. 6:100t' At. 811:1,beteen 1.1SAs Arbor and Toledo:ionly. All trainls dily 1exce1pt tjndauy. E. S. 01101100, Ages t. W. I. ISNNETT. Gr. '. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWVAY. Cars leave Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti tIn:1 Detroit every half Doulr beienillg at 7:15 it. 1. U. Gf M. car leaveo ('Ill Ilall, Detroit, every nighlt afteri-tr . S'pecial U. of M. tcles ftar 111 extra 111.0 (811ns. Iii-g8ge, exprePs 11d stetsll' supiplies received ond delivered. \Vait- 155a roomso, corner of Ann 811n1 limnr streets, Ann Arbor, IllI GriswoldI street, Dtri t. Students ! Students ! 1 "h1-AVE YOIJ SEEN flhi~~~~i'211 Ifdlisstifedli yo ur15 laundry servicecoeolt N w 11VO M~rAil LAUNDRY OF 12 STRINGS ? ( A eA. F. OIVER01 Prop., 009 I+1.Wash. St. They .01re fir 51811'atthe 0 0 , T~leol l o .211,21118ss 158 llctoad lW ServiceGuaranteed. SHAFRERLE MUSIC STORE a1111 lt very Low Prices, at ' U. ()F 31. YPlNT, 50 Cents. from11 'Main t 8. Rrown's Dtrg . '.CHAPMAN) 206i iv,~O~. ~ L OlSote M10111Stool.t. OsM, MARTIN.,. CALENDAR. Fridiay, Jan8. 13-1)1. V. C. Vau hail on 111 -811118Slllllgbo CIIII- Fridlay, Jan. 13- llicligan- Northwtlrl debaite ill Ulliversity 11,111. Plo vrs ill S. L. A. coulse. ITuesda~y, Janl. 17-Clhoral Unlionl sa il(God Governmen~lt lectre' cil irio. Honors to Profl. McLaughiin if thieAmeiicanoois~torirttl Reriein l plilt of 1: ho 1ac1011 i'l ter, 1:111 mitee0 if lthi coun~cil if tlie Amrircanl Hisoicarli Asicnltiln. Avili:lim Maliill, '02, of M~ly City, 11113 left ciii li'(. U. of M. Ridles. At the fi rot r1'ller lllometing of lihe U. of ill. rifles for Ithe'110 lew ar hldi 18180 cr111183g(Capt. Wi11lsolliendlrll his resign.1lel on181 acunlt (if It'e pre011111520 5011wok. 'The1 81111- liltyly itatie11 toIl acceplt it1an111fill- wh ich 11Cal 111Vil-onislgrate if11u111 lo111111 il ait' c nllll -tl y t wiell t 18tt0 the mtter(fIhi resigna~y '51.11tifn 011011b88101en 11 lgin81511. Ill (i ab B18n1ce11('r1st1Lieu. taisllI rfihoivs chllg otfi th1e comp111til.11011ill wll(I 118888 t"ll 11xpects101 11111have Irilesb There stillb nhet1in1g111 of 0110 The (Gice0 1l111 wiltl ilnb at0the FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specilt~ly. Nol. 2011 Fourth Ave. Amblancl~e iight 111d11fiy. lRes- Am Clgocks ! W m. Arnold, Leading GET YOUJR 7383So. 84110 Street. OUR PHOTOS ...ARE .. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 112 West Huron St. ti enb~cble v, the li~otootphr a t Saves yotine1100n0811m0081y. ,i hteN wVr foe Chitris? okh1.11(118till 'S "' t YFo)Qii i ( ATLEICGODS leavo Anmo.Arbor at7:25 a.1in1rindC- LI r 2ATHLEnIC GOODS 10811 12.0)5 81oo110 Lig :811 . 1 2261 J ( J -, )lcil ufitr, i>tllTii ?!,illrc' *Tc in., ti' e tt :9 mIa t 'IO l 18 1:8ir shoolsaw 88111 i ii l 1ii o87 i' llry.8 p. m.,lDeiator 411). in., 188:1:8evill1144:1 " (INCORPORATED) 1.8111 li: A. : t. , i 1.1. -t8:88:88:0 t8h1 11.10. i'0 1.1 3:8106 p2 1 .,1 1::h8ioig- t) :10 :: it:::' . I '' c Og: r ti8. 1:1 1818' p. i1., Indiona::olis 31 p. m1., 1:1 :101 :1 r 72 '. 081:' I :1 llO:l JS r , 188181 i Clos eonectins a t~hs satios fo SaatlOing's Official Leag ue Ball o'. T O . S (l~il. :1: 1 Ihty1:' Lisiitly~e'M fatiuol niral [ t if31o h>\ l:s Ahit es t ti Otll W itac Strt T.JHE -D.3IET Lit TO ALL SYLESTheNMstsUp-o-dte" (e . i 81101. Iril irtlo.woki 1);)Mde. IC. 1;.t rell 1'listiRibY t, C d ilittiiisi".O 051i00 P-l" ' MEYER.t'f~i 19 $.r/ asls. t Antft the-{' is.,eAnn Arbor Store: p F J SCHLEEDE,4 Cil4 h d ctt AtNews StanEAST0 E.RWNllTREET. ALL TYLE TheMos8"Up'o-dte iveie ;eria. Fi11r1lst c8ls wollrkiland THEi'IRETlĀ® Olltn~ ervt~il 511 1(88 811 518808ice.t88 J5515i~i i D'iynrsio 11:1010 CilOS trll1 , lri )~ATRY l_ Shoe, ass.All inen PAU4Lbs. for .c aDayton, . 111,II-i858S)1008805808C05180 OJl)1110I1)( 058103118 P5s S I ie iyatoat et WEbl-t Al(is PATRONIZErGOODYeAR'S.DRU STOE.DE