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January 13, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-01-13

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Published Daily (Sundayes eete(durlaing the
CVallegrs' year, at
secI Ins The iid Prsei , Slening SBlaoc.
Boeth Shoen-147.
F. SENGass1nse. 555L.
t). I5. IAS, 'liiiL.
Athilei ditoe, T. 5R. Woononn, '515L.
P. Wt4. SeN Ise, '99, A. 55. Mt DSlsAi.. 5'01 E
P. D. Cau., '155.): . C. 1.I s. ,'as At,
G.tD. IInI)nU.'01 .
She enbnnsipslion prce of tie' DiAI i 2..tleeo
he esile-,y 'er, itl a reguilar disIis'bufolre
23101) cels cay. Notie. ilsssni s'It itissn-, and
lie mter intnds' ee or publiction551 mstbes-
55511551in ti tese Ane slis's'!)(fieSp o en o
maiestothe ediorlebee p . iofslthes)la
prcsevos 1tlioStit nlehichi 1hey5asse ienctedIn
Suscipinsmatealefts at5 thss'DAIsLY1'ili('(.
Meyce''. ose itollel'sn newssisid. wthll-i
Aujnanec. Slnesriles wil eonfe alfavors1)
reprtig spomply at. tisfie ayfiueO
carrier"s tole.ivvcpaper.
All cisisses iiinderlb-is etc)mlteInI st heisn
So ilichesIy ae to aIsspssy e iasr.1I
tile Ceiistl Whi chiiSs ti hikes)lee S.
ISgl iio nUivieis-iy 11,11 hist ml>III
Sillll. It will lcssk lthi physical ex
ciitesist osetkte giiroi' oree thei i ci
(niell(sitthliiresul t weill counlit jeIst
these 5lii. AMieii l has 15anlienible
refuiJ~~ltion nill thsisi fiels I'cii issi Is)'
VnOIk seisic it delvise st climesil -~
OiSlie threle lim'eletse ve)shse I~iisil
Sllln tii stuenit bis'isly w Sell Sn
SIIStiiSSS. 0111' Oeeni will Iot lulsis
parit. WesSiciy ise Ieas'sed if 1hst
Ilet those ws'oshse.e 51is'Iiegsise1 sui
tttii at O Ieart dosstlseir'-s ty' SIily_
pret5snt. And11tossthe gelileisea oi'
i. ' Iestlernl Ave exltnd a liost
hissllty isslceces. We klies e shan ll~ i
WselSci eise'ho Sltoy'tI'srn's 11 tlsi S ee
they well! sefsei.

Will Debs Get Unit ersitsj Hall?
A lielehsesen e sceive'dlfritne
lice meieameesr of iEgene AV. Deles'
it'S tl' o url'aingl thtil''uesdaey
ieiil t JellIni3 , hs e n I'lset fossi'
lotllce Iitsere iec Goosd Gosvei'inment
Clei leiceleicour'se'. Somiee dificeulty
hesl beeexe'e'rieniceid in ar'ranlgieg is
dllate icWisl ll11S0t.etoflict seih
stile seihich cousdiie- lads. It lis noSt
ve ee' n s'ieeltlediheli theSile scure'
wil he ir ive Pe-il sss idesn t Angesil
and Ssec'etariy Wadlte tteisisito llowiiii
Dehs totes asik inltttiveeeey Hlll.
deise' n of!cthesie Isikic eti's S list
tayi ntle hlse ttmp 'll b md
reet et a.17.
College Publications Lose a Friend.j
Mr. 'cV. IB. Phillipsi, NIcO 1i8sios
aly111m e h 11n rs iills'rithe lps e venlist rsilis 15csn ee
sle'se Att i st 'Il an wi l ccii kesi i'pii
Isl ire IhomieticeRale iCr'eek. lie
lets a ii' tfie v ll ' 's 1atille ist hn 1ili4
theiris lii i s l p"5 Irtmenilti'l' eti
I iisardiy ill ediitori' r Sli' il-lls S irl<il-
tinsettlic te sie''lven'earlor i.iSc
P1tillips' it sill tsiiitiy as l ar ro
liii IlillilitiPres who i vingem rim -ie'Ill
s'cm~lssihhle eial ma~inips'r weiil
sitegre sitole it cthatitil e- Mieltigpstt
iii ic:i hum ae to los sus lnca friendi.
Freshman Social.
'Mlice Co lits lt's' 1ill 5-Ile otiii lt
I is-li sushi si'sii i I)t i t h atilil cil'Instila -
usleniliiille ts iaeie m et diandehai lt
t fai Ilis esto iihe Ii Iel s5'-
i ntsl. TheiiSleloftice ts li s les n5
lhis oe prossses liii'success it is
PI-sdi It n el till rc) n

1l11zc . s'ulio
Plane. Pipe Orgat) end Ce'mpeelitieioo
R. s H"..CKK mBF
Fromc Stuttlgart CouervetatoryOGesimany.
312 S. Division St. Canners Pieno Tunng
01il ive elessonsloD the ma~ndioiin and
ga iter at lice University S-hboolI4)f
Muisic every Fridacy. For Terms and
hours apply to Olie Secretary.

Students' Laundry Association
WnVSSOSSIT-Wmt. R. FOX, egensefoe
'rhe bet e h mgeeadelaunryotisye isStats. The
onily mchineetieennetsetn5cielinteiwst.
(stiveOiis ealetsoLivneAllewohk51procptly,
tecatl' aiin aeflcly claim.
Office 202 S. State st. Resieneel0S Lawreneset.
New Stats Phoei. 441.
Ann Asrbns. Mle6

Cnplvsstt t«e,
Yaahheate, . t'.e1'5iU.I

Winter Suits and Overcoats
$2() 00 Suits os Ove'rcoatis $15 00.
15.00c) t 10l. 0.
10.00 117.50.
Aulooir IRegulair Doliar Coiored
Shsirts,(lCharing Prihe - - 755
Sil1k Lined Caps Giovec, $10.00
Cloves ------ --- -----1.50
Silk Lind Kind snd Mot-ha, $1.50
(dloves---- ------ -----$1.00
Son orWindoen for ('IctircyPrices on Fashionab~le
Suits, Overcoats and Fc'cisiegn.
Noble's Star Clothing House,
209 S. MAIN ST.

17R 7:)& z; QC)T
lIIsOSCOIPIC FINI>hINGS. lleaelita~rters for all :I.bora-
teery" Supidies
S12 S. Main Strenet, Ann Aroor, Mich.

steelies ht tue reel 'ss lie tie vIVyItIh' th(>lisn Ilt,, ls-u ('hss-n 1 sst 11,Ls'CtTY n1' 1 I0 0LA
regsslnurecIit£a eCll'sia'o thatiot sil ~ts' tsss 'eD(osstinuli it-u.Ieelike is elnuseere.i. ~ -
hislliu )1a isii dh(sllhaii11.2elu mnt'esx sstisy 1\Kp'e'ss200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET,
b~e deaiiesrd ils Uiiie'esity hllIS i ,i us is t i nsl osus t luiss l. 36 0T SAT'TRE
ctt' 'lsltsah)eS lus yei~' l ii - s (}1'its1 Th eagest aormntic ofus t I l s lt e ncity, 4--- es
te'ss sle' u'l u 15.1 i l 55h I I. nsudi e isouly. Cs t'sleseetditsaeysyyle. -
ands lie'sespurei-ly a et''iiit'tttti I well-~'"77
selil iuinell s h~'. WiSIl ustfor i I ci;° i
silloulsu ottihe u'1,t(i= u ilit is .ollif l If YOU Want Or IPin-sees(, orRelihng, or anythinsg in our lice, no msater
hentllow 1111 iIltili.Illle'uiltItlieidiscss((1 if You i sow smali nihew lalpe,
It-te tiSe susishens II ii cte Iii f a Job of WE CAN DO IT
sill soois co15la iti .11 t . ihtI jJ 41i t 1g fear yotu~. Vciiistund psISleq nl iteel.
t} u~. hsI 5' s' s I i s~' The.11(51 Pin i's5,
jusulp o'ssessus' dl lss 1-il 1. I III sisilsig Ilossl.
Hail suit tOut esilissle liiieI's10elb'o)__
Mas I nu tere-isti ss1t Il o ssGvels ltt11F
is, wests hisui, isss i sis' lz te lldse 1 1 l t -
11111'1,1)1'. Ws ie r ss1)( hti usolkillS sIlI ' s ___ y t y nsn . j )"'- + (
J"ItuilsiVise s. his5 ususss Ill;11' 1~ya~I' i1 IIELIIAI t.L, Y 111 Ce, ~ s,
tailes, lust e e lts eve)tes5) I iss s.i i
sien 1 I'srlllo'nusd psari diills uslsi' eutflDetroit, JMIich.''If
Liscily isut still fhl.ue' stasi tO E' fish. I - I msie teiid in Belcher
settigsaninxq'in sieTiff't5-
of poistics thsanui''llt' lhiuesis. PA n tyle teOal btisk Pie. oQAL. Every kSt'in T
Iff als Interest ill Goo5si(I ovei e '" 'PAYi STIPLYOUu us West14IWssshu iuga ,
4 S ARESS ONcA POST CARD asdweS )1]usstWahigtnStreet
The faculity, sluilcuuis, psalsiua"sien il end youdidpackageneof~meishaoState Pihone 144. RBoth Pesanes, No. 10S5. Acn Arbor.
anld f'r'ied o' th im iu Yit'iy 5155' eui acs, at an0ncets ensh enissosnd__
condgraulte stiieiiice'vesthatsitlEensdusnur sueydie.and us nill seed--- __ - -
Z uaFREEdboh iepas.. ITo eaeh moth is
russisr weic s ealS etliy cuirrenst ,dinated a preiusstoe. Asnyone weaing In Cjosec Pac-,.evs
reasi Diandrdeeaet o oIil unfhailig god luk.} he Birt~hday 5Withlte c ousmiganuSgeisug of the seasessaassthes fashions
Mledical College is Unfode~di. It i6e lessusrpassislbeashy anEr prmie v e rns s ias lc ilss uueayst ua ogte t b iss o
fesed. Send Addresson PeosCard. Sumney i he.TeSv fysedyaeso ogte ntedsr o
to be lhoped thast 5n0 neweP veltp- quired. Pesfumeeurabaie iS sos sold. Mea- theal al te-dmurreaw. See oar win~dows foe the hbetup-ta-dais inof
Ilesitie44'1ll follows to loss for us tue Sn Iis paper. NATIONAL SUPPLY CO. thesteylesafete to-smorrow'.
1,.48. 90OW.arced StL, DETROIT. Men sila Washington St.,E
able and loyal ,professor of surgery. I iR~'~ 1E~ux Ann Arbo n~tn'. .

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