f Yv . j A r i J ;? " r - - , k ' , ' , i°- r 7 1" L( 1 - P rfr f J ' c/ VOL. IX, No. 78. ANN CL C, ill L U \NI \ C~ II I 1)j TIIItI-E CENTS. DLI3 Xi) Central rebitg Lague eries. T T Totnight i Univerity hall will HFINE WINTER SUITINGS H ocur the deblattt leleii Nrth- Eit E f icin.It 5s e o te hati Laguetheoiler biig the dbate between te Ijiviersit v of T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T chicttlgo antd the university of Mil- STUCKtnesottt which will tke plceei A STOC A licatgo tlsttoiglt. Ideactiots IN THE CITY. critanly pontl to at vey lse a(d intretng cotest. The richigan L 1 team has ben workingktrd dritg a iday since college openedci agait. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. 1O5B0ch itemtbe hs bein sarhitqt H Heey atil e atd book~ that caie ti tinthis noice to fid s omte piece ofinformat tionittheatmighit piovefi Kela 'The Nirtliwest ernitcttniihtoee, K~~i ia i~ iil jproably nott le 1fouttifarhe.in lar oa . beetitevtitg nealy evey aailale A good tar otp, at s otder- tiinutie forthietSpast twotOO Ithtl te ate price, has lontg een itci Its inttgitlg rtdy firth te de- oghttatiter.Kelitrs ITie bcatentd rectl ie thaitt they litvea in. sothing antseptic, cnet 1Ihgnhsarayhl toil abioluteley pure. ie a cnet ii glilt tttd ii eatle. 400 a biox.$150iatiit NoritoiwStetit I ithe Ifalter hts dozen. bthittites Ibetenvitriust. WILD 'SM U MlTe tltetiunntolIile isseil is oet 1~IbU~W PIIA i k~Y hicitis f espeicil iut tiest just ot 111 ai oneIiht is Ieig cni-itrd stloly il legiklile cicese at Ovu 9aD UduNO NMO . 7Va $ itl -itdso,ud'es-d ll NO Thatlio Uited bitates shouilld pi- lai,~ te r 0 niof ite iolleg y socwe itittilt i ml otinttt at iicith ereiter tToiitcoeowst-ernt lans1tle tiirtatie attd R. E. MOLLY & CO. licigi th le tegtie. 3085 So. State Steet Of thle uethitetsof the twotoielig ______________________________________ -theec is liii lit not n (ie whoi 11t1t (ltotid citisiti ltie eperiece ii ChIiamiois dIbt inig ork anid doiis nt pisse= T1iaility. A shottIskecihi of teieti Vests. ttlltihe twot tetlits follows: I~hei yn do't eileone Edwoi t. Ierry iof Nii ortsten, Siweatter yeudn'toght to sawea tar s(ohS irt ii an lii, Ottri, ioie oil these vet. It in Mtch 9, 187.Ile ettlred Nrti cheapee thin takn ol di te.t( cerit acadlemyin tebr'5 Ste ell tie etones at lie is nioawiti miori thel nh tiofi fIi t 5 ose oe ibertl ats, clasceir etise I lili N N Wiii a the Ploaethiiie iteraryto5a iieti- C aiw ' Phainac threulin tasoityIlii ty Sill I itest-iltiintcrdithsie lIe liof 95iwln- _..._ti itg seoi t honor Ie i- tiler REM EM BE/IR- jj\J 3 l (. tieilerofiithe lboges lDeiitie Clii o the cllge o l ga ii ts ie YOUi~1R. F RI]jENK DS trepesettedlthin soseley it aninte With a U. (f . Soi- winilitg bothltets Mrt Petry ity veniri aletittie foe IS9lit a nebro teBtaThtaP Deigined by Miss Lvelfa ttrit IIe Ifst ie llb cktelf duIe tnatet ait os ntn riei tc i estcYItl se artistec (aledear of the last fall's foolliball entil Ieitg cot- seasot. P1'1M (1,t500. sideredott o (f thitoteuim'lest players. Some Coioce Books Atiolt ci Cooke a sec-ldmtirolt ief attd fancey boklets towr readly foe youte inspectionthle Nolrtwesternt-t iiniasornll t at oue two stores. Watkegatt, il., Mlaty'(), 187.Ile gauatedillit the ctss of '95 at ake W A H !*5 Foest eAcl tty (wItore Ie woti UI ~~go ldittedtl ittdecamtation tttti W A H R S gtld nedal it deiat. He titereil ANN ARBOR NorthtwesteriUtiversity i 195 tind wi Town Down Town is at present a seitor in the college f Sate at. Opp. Court Hoe naln St. liberal srts. In 1897 le was on two let lb L g tisItt cfrot t ILL 1BE WARM. , _ , I lst i Ge tsi ii clt sc w 1, 1iae!tlit tilt Next 'Mcting q oa ~srd oil Regents ')"- g prmses Somie LielitPreeed- scity etoaist ttLEsantosn. Ls sp ingi r. tCootkeleIt itcholte n tlist 1ViiatO pti t o-stb le a s-rylively seve db te a a a it he lo tte hBoatrdl (f Retgetts httld cet r-llpii I. it-reoti e s itst -sego ti r t Jatnutitary lsessiit. The excite- clirit inttttitte-to, cter oolleg 1'tt ti o1IIbe Ifutunised b-Regets. list ifll. It e ii o-memb r (f te P i -itt- -td etntwioiip~ iopose to Iold Delthit'leta iiatiernity- ttnd Itis fatthlottiir estts tttidCol.Eli 1R. Suto in it prointent ttorneti-vof Chitagettnd J. L. Juidkits whit et-celected haingen l a t-it miaitiber-of the Chica-tu-oifill twlitt tiiy hdelr-sweovacait- go arfo53oY.in. hf cies It is vey likly ttat the Chatrls Ledeiethle thiridmter t-ttetsill hatt be asle ottldfiually of thte Niltli toecertu tettmt i-is bornt it the courtsl as le qcsionathtoiug Aptril 22L,18711Il~eswetitto the discsedfarI abuttlifouloteitotthIs SoutlDii siont Ihighi ocltnelof Ci-setstioi be icapulbleof amuiiable cago after giadu atiogn ititmithIli elttutttiltii ~oCOtlsit g uarittsctho-Is oillhatiiy. Ile themselves. enterthIIle Lii ne-tof Chioin(5 P~rif. OttoIKircnteetdeclars tat 18 ado - 0n Ihedgre ftoercis mttilitg cletre tanuttu Bacihieritf Piilosi ltd itt July 1 98, thetis n vatyo n itttl itte Boiaid of tliewo t( l i clas rie ncibtig t l e hit- y-Un hattttmat tee sas alwsafIii-tihs etantheitt s seltleil 20 years 1101whiecit tMti ich i t1 idtitte itt ho-.CIleuisA- trne geeItoo tossian nowintheINwiweser lw shol \Vheii iC' . Delttts assked whlat iiii xi te a t hitdeatei-t twithtihellie wt o-inilg Ill eliin ttoe tigetcy caos Iii1I9i). oit 111tien steity : (ieorge Kingpsley' (f fliehietu, is 13(11 Wy 'mttgig to gt rigtt fot Paola, KI-Ci iti, 11111is aptt o1n1 ac tin s tiegillt f the U ni- Stociety fiom his ii t yetiaidt aslee1 Mly ermsioefitetile tgl1y'ex- i-l Iittgiigei l i t- l tii5b itwok t IIit I ttI lost, Li. 1 I, 1~'Ji9, 11td ti t l itridhofIris ertil tt 101c IiiIt( it ig Ililep ndi yA y ts it t het Co els. Ie it s hi li in tt1877 pat.l 8Iiitst it Staigtra ecotittiluitumo Was Flse seti ait heii Ih ti siihi tli ttettt Ile s illad ittith 0-ll gt yestedasy that til Stcietly Itin-itt tcrIitstiitIiyelr.ll(it eito hotill tie caittitof Utrofessrt Ilet lias liltheItt .11itiattill debati-IoftSurty. \Vhlt-itMi. Sutucede Icoi il-tea hi idete t(ll hit Iite e I15 1(iterrtws ap ra hedl, lto -noer, cIcoe - 1897. I (tithesnd I i T I t Ie h oil. t-i s r ethI dictttelaedt ha111 t tht s clt Siet n t 111f1na110tIw ictntet iin a hit l i-c st- it imtin hi Iile b it(] tre 18 itoIl1 elilastirhi hut It O hIit itt lilt cl en toiiertglnt thtttt tst grll(illftSi theVA etbrOraet ti iluii nowtcttlitIefeoshingo ofitle 'hi l Iti lt ctt ic Ia11ur1 inIbte Illtitlet houg tt 1 th at hth1 Dehtritini16t1 Ile(h Mott01led1 ttheftmlilas(illlitbaeyatatr'teditcttg gltrtamma teiIthat 1lacetawllt utt-ittiliwayisbecauihy a-heirgicintu gredt e fot omli sihei alt lscheoc iiideth its hit t ilst ltittt ypihIfeor thi isn TLItt en-t ered ile the tut 1 I I cI calyet ills ittttMiof tsa ge iatt itus, Dep rtm nt f te Ittierst f lft hisch itv cat . lie C icte of Wwn e ueste r dettt eul i tietoor is itnnsfte gnitthit elsi hte O ri Q leuitittc 1 i f9n, tltg(Sl 1h s ot lit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;a fthni liulu fit Sstll) i t i il -na t il ll htat Dre..c '97-utndig98Jt11 14:in efh i nald; o n- t cll I it th amutihgotultiiemtutonli-. leH latgaraaostill EitShio' Y \i. -Ittupi e sireliiti's ou t is itu ul" edlthbe- eitfn l emar ofttiI si toil.yIf.lug titit cae- ofitalettay Cswnhis In a fltugiut y tiiln EutheL icmtLs oan Nitetmi ti gt hI. awtse Webltt, i ste r Soiei titq, 111 aittit i wit h il tthe s it 3- ct. o ti-sthcag IltsirecentIltylgivenestiftth TherlaWebgte.hrtoityutin, W. B. Pranofeach inheyot tuisCobu- thetflloingtIudnfr.ntblur Sat trdays,ilt ito llctuo thtule attaetud- Cvnig If.' n.ottp14:t tIM!0;P sple;hil i sothebtscollese fartltndCura cHriticsrLawcol"r. by Eug IV. . Uamiion' okisUdutel.e Ayn tudress Coke iieoCie Hrrietss'slollages, rshyMeoitall pictere debatoReolv be htuteruiontite t has nn so yt r u esii poleteg hiuitcr'loiIctatloftcathes byrkitgen.Dlaht fratm~ernity1. Prof. . Stan etur nlat