®. WETMOR, 342 S.S E St., Car. Willianm St.,*
iinnnrn ~ CARRIES
S nu Prr S~UNIVERSIIY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and NewMatestpecialityf
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fine Bak S is
F 7 { ] r 1. I11101"ET11 Lllt : 'Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, ft
UP 5.. . . ., AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 Last Wahington St.,na too tOAve
ctiimo W. J.BaOTHaPs
_- 0 0 S f 8-)C ~ $ - lotoreolloulato Bureau 01 flGaUdfIG Go alo. W. Aaio,It' . itee to S~fiLT
.I tCiE3,dV~ ih OTRELL & LEONARD. .tatta.C. WALTT, Asst Cahe
AI .Y. 511 V.NY.
Caps, Gawns, ad Haodo made to order and rentedl. Also Class BAINK
We alao crry a vey Complet 1.ine ~Canes, Class Hato and Caps, Claoo College I'ins. Address 'rnet eea
IHasakrll iliac n, Uivc. rorChicago IBanking Businesa.
Chiristmaos Cards,
1)esk Sets, FZ FIRSiTNATIONAL BANK ofrnYdlis
Pocket hooks, PRIOMPT SF111ICE C apital1 W0,00. Srplaus ad Ptofits, 840os0(
Carl Cases, etc. AD. Hscsagnrlbakn uie;.Fri
~ots ~ar i at r I -at E IJNNE, Prst. ItARiRISsN SOTtLii,
- - n. . - .eeK ti c e Qc . . .CLARiSOtN Ca,,liier
We at
S i
S. I
- TE.LEPHOi.NE 106c. t51t5s t. LIBETYamcI
-old espeially - - - a I'ttFt ti eIanrsn
Iyour attentiontoS FRS U )rBksfrcildlit I I. U I U I-NI ITS
of which ate have made 'We call tattenitoit to our csmplete line of (Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, cttiitat, s50ates. Settaaas, $a0,000.Tran aats
ar anonalylago ranging in price froma 75c to $2.50 each. Iltese Lamps are 01 the latest arada
tutd careftul asrmn. ms mrvdpatterns and snakes, Including 'liee'New liseliester F , rrr rs. t .a . Hitt-ra. coasts. rc
Yale,"'1he Rtoyal, ""The Berlin Student Lamnp, ""Trhe1Perfectiont Student
____Lamp." If you waatt the hest Lamp far the Least .Voney cotae arid see us. _
Old Numhert R Ifl 10fl or Savil sBankh
44 SO. MAIN ST., C~1..1 I ,W, f~ ( ~ (oaital stock. 50.00. S0 tin,. 1t0,000.
ANN ARBOR, MICH. *isttts.ilat.
______________ _____________ttoraisedtttnc t h,tatu(.assaitBatttting tat'
-- -- - - - - - - - f th s iSt t auevrte positts usi anit s elilit
3~lO SOUT sleitie atlaitlt to o hest n iiiai- tha I~o Ct'a" assatd tiat etrn sact{tesonte priciplto t, t o'. f t e. lt~eie
ST TE S RE T ac i ll inttairDbar it r si. tl A or reca' tien. li S a ts. it Ats'ttt aascisos.oe detfca
hae' fotoetosxrstc riataWleaoriisilfrltateTrt S4 aMydepoit bx(, itonent
Als the it t llges sat terti1ilg ' est.te Stueartdy A L I I iirn ri !i 1c.~e. .D ar
:3pec 'h tl hsgve a eal orn Abr Ralodlonctos
dth e tileni seh s t ers.eldthe tart At'at ar Birai saol ntret urn an, bottE.fie , a
can tuorartetJforriitz Arsiasttnliliats a ___
den Argell wRlentertali iin jame e- los~a'. ablegramifrmIhint statin
habts at he bti nversittatiaesaned ta.. A oudss5 aai orho e Tan. .
also th e urry, of the cotvester.hrat LAM B AAr riRailradCnt etin. t Ircas Gaeyan laky. C.
seechrrs w sill Itsg hen gy e sat -t asorfe asasiaItrtfs'sL" ndse.e
dit's teasraasthe ~Ane niAbraiaia.ra o
A.C us.tire jBeadTh etaPib aterrt 3aie t~~~sieasais'te st~
Th e C ornell R egistersayct h as j ustsbelow. 318 S . S T A T E r
ofra 2 A rit a st yer r.sr> at .. Arrieas t'iissaa sai... 150a.in.1
Ill Ieata ls caaehcl 'IR.e rrofattttttiche ostal ' t -n t a. . ra Astute vaalaus ..ra. :ta n frstOUas rery nXT kry C
ii-2a anass Asiset ae tinatse .. .5:30'--S mt
enA ge nto u eas as 'n aet a ' daiy raanae o aaar s a 2t .A r ttue 'nd an an - tp U. ot I:arbea Suc
reau,7:5a. n. rut veAss is- s lleaa . tis..t7:10 B ll In).r
s"A .celel ia uokrg th fri ra L exc11ess t f at er )tagut. V ey 75t.int.s Arrie-a or~taynesa .12:a5toon18 S.ST TEtT
In ntarb r.112)c.s.. usAri e 1i~nasa -.:50at. nm ronut a p iO5 tt
talloaseattrtar coper ed fear if n acaathed ospar s e f~ ~ gtt til-:0a5 ' a
toralir it rati1tit.25et a n .Areive tiin P.t- . ranYAO REHN ING
1 5 s a.n...Artv Ba's Ttattuttai.. ioa tsssa05c .-p. m.-re
BND T Pl R Chn ytNaclhshaig a vr reo useaon.112,a.i Arr sives Siasoe~ata - S5apa. 1).
tao a bsttune. ie til trtt a nitnk u mberGofl a t iets 1:5bam.. Attiveca- ton.a.t- .6150 ip.nt W R EN TE BA B
succeeae i n booker inthal e a nn. xcesfaaur ara go Mtt, eloll :49p.. i ..Assiv5' icst atsitot ..ta6laestad THE MOi d E L h~ of S t tre
Mohd~y 5V 'i, il8.40$ h'tipr.tyiven.e...stat A rrivaatgese oumu res.. 6:at. "Ba's TOJZ SK, Bro. n2x.&taeL -
'hmu ete retatintelue.wiaandyvacant___ ____4B at .tatno... SA is N i rtuls 6:4a.tana.B RBER-HO
- SAOueeetss ..Arrive aasB altaitas0aaasitu . I yau dei
thue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (fn a-asgttinotut a e ulru t ain ttaasaitati stuteonsat4'3au..Arivat ttasits usussas tat1at50 an) ta i sun ik aOn IarNs ea n
lc resiteh2 earnira oti. durssD statBSEBALAratmn iso t eoge.
! 4:6 p in ... rr~ie lay ity ... 8:3 p.ni. We G ara teeour r r ead
GEO. B. WENDLIone toCbuy the latest a aa
asar ' e xirnanaenuanbereas a s ite I had t r -h liBall t o ..e" Iti apl aye y t esonsain t s r Dayosiu c nL
course. I-Is aill adeliver his L..V I\ I I I V U 1IICA. I it, an 5 oa -ati if
juistly eelebrtatesl lectuare, nalrit' ''1elic' is
oaiatheatile or on thne box. This is a gnstrsaatcto mlat it is
"Miranbeasm andi OweFreaanh od.Souvenir H ldyGifts ! 'h<it' largest late injal ~sh
Revolutiosa," teatw Cotmity of gifts desirstlinle for latdie's taid genatleilian.
in Uniaversity Hall Saturdauy Exanir ouotr Stock.
eveaning, Feb. 4. Rserember
there are still nins numbers.