THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 L HIGH ONES 1 I; ii95. MAIN ST. MIGflIGflN 6NTRRL "'The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL STANDARD TIMIE Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mall and Express ...........3 47 P. sm. N. Y.&Boston Special....... 4 58 'ast Easter . ......943" Atlantic Espres. ..1..... 45 A. X. Detroit Night Express........ 5 5 ,rand Rapids Express .......11 10 SMall A Espress.............9 185 A. M5. Bdoston, N. Y.& Chicago . Oi......81l Fast Westerns Express........ 1 385:, .. 3. R.& a i. Esiress..........5 45" thicago Night Express ........ 943 i PacificExipress ............12 30SA. M. 0. W. RUiGOLES, It. W. HAYES, 3. P. A T. Ag-'t, Chicago. Ac't Ass Arbor )ftN7NARB'O1 TIME TABLE Taksing Efrct, Nos. T0, 1898. Trains leave Ans Arbor by Central Stand. ard TineO. NIOTHi StOUTH 8:43 A. 2.125.:FA. A1. 012:40 ps'. . 1:25 . si. 1:50 Ps. .d8r,0sP. m *Riun betsseen Ann Arbsor and 'Toledo only. All trains dailiyeseept Susday. Et. S. GILMLORE, Agent. NV. 11. BENNETT. 0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at 10 minutes after every hour, beginniiig at 7:1(1 a. m. and up to 11:10 p. m. For Ypsilanti at 20 oiinutes befiire the hour lip to 12:411 a. n. Cars leave corner Huron and Mai Sts. Tiekets on sale at Brown's Drug Store. CORRECTAN STYLISH TAILORING.1 WN e opte the fluest tailorinog tratin l the city, atd etqual any ill the State. We respectfully solicit youirl valued piatrtonage. All gatrmlents miadle by us kept prestset dintir epiir folr oneO year'. 106; E. Huon. Ne'w State Phsosne 43. CALENDAR. Fridaiy, Jali. 13-Dr. V. C. Vaughiaii oni 'The Sanitiago Cami- pais," at Hasrris Hail. Fridlay, Ja~n . 13 - Michiigan-i Northssestern debate iii University Hall. Moniday, Isisn. 1i-Lelandl T. Posers ini S. IL. A. course. Tuesdally, Jan11. 17-Choral IUnion concert. Woednesday, Feb. 1--Prof. Taiii- sig in Giold(Governimeiit lecture couirse. Cochran is Coming. J. S. Latlicrs, presiideiit of the Lecture Assuiciatioii, received a lies- sge yesterdaly frini AV, Blourke Cockraiistinig that lie hailbeeini unlavolidably idelayed in Eoirope loniger than hc expected. He states, liuisever, that liestill retiirs in Feb- halve been gi veii las. 27 still be Notice. FT'e11''" football oiieaiters. have arrived iaiid hily be obtaliiedlof Maniager Chiai.Bidil113' Washlte- nisc ave. h1. 11. POTER, Maiiager. Ileidelberg Uniiversity is tryinig to introduce fielid athletics inii iice of stutisldtuelling. Camblridge liss followedl the exam- le of Oxfordin i refusing to grailt idegrees to wsoiieii. Thei Stiiienits' Lectore Assoleislioli has been in existence niearly 40 years. Ex-Coiigreooimaii Willets 5wa10its lirst' presidenit. '111 Michigaii stiidensts ini the Unii- versity last yealr eciie from 295 tisssns aiiu villaiges and11 from 70 Coiintieo. 'The planl of admlittinig Io the Uni-i s'ersity wsithiout exaintionhil, gradui- aites of iipplrovteii higb seciools ws0 begun in 1871. "1[AVE YOU SEEN Theo Now Bruno Manoloins OF~ 12 STRINGS?" They are for sole at the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Dlossn on Libserty Sireet, butl only three doos 1f05m1Main S1. ANN ARBiORt. O, Me MARTIN,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ase. Ambulance night sod day. Reso- idence 302 1Fifthi Ave. Wi.A n l, Jeweler GET YOUR { LUNAHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 318 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ...ARE. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. Slate Phone 119, yy lRentscbler, the llb'otographer. The Wabash "Continental Limited" .2 zzx~xxxxzzII rrx Saveo you timie ind money. I oiog boine foF Christmas? Looko here, then. You leave tnArbor :at 10eich p I Mv Pero 12:05 noon, Lso.aesport 12:21) p,1 .uLahityctte 1:109p. ill., Da)ille 2:34hI p. in., lDecatur 4 p. iii., 'laylorvilhe 4.110 ," I'. is., St. Lousl0(:53 p. in., C hicago 2.40 P. is., Indianaol~sis 3 p~. Ill., Louisville ~ {p. 0M. 02 Close scnnectios at these stations for oll 1p1:ins iIdio,Ililinois ond is- I soonur ihe "ontinental11Liimitedl iothe i ______________ faist, lu iiiioiss train of tlhe Wabassh Line and lasses Slilains going Weot at CMA(~~ O 3;07 ii. 01. Ctiiiit the tisliet igentotfsit IMlKERSL the Anno.x r or lasil noel for roi esandl ______________ a~sk him for a sabtishsfiolder. " Ohio eintrial LinesN THE DIRECT LINE TO ~ ALL STYLES liiaylsssst, CMarielt s, $3.50 Dsbosia, .A ith~ , Spoiliglield, MiWdlepos F, ad Clisoslesotoss, W.V. I110E Flirougli trainis with Sleeping and Draswiig Roomi cars from Dttroit FACTORY-Brockton and Tostedo. r s zjijssmso'ors zzzzztzxsszzZZZruzzzzzrzzxzzzzzzzZZZzz:zxzzzsszxzz zzzz ZZ Z.x Z1 zziri ZZ32 Z3 Z::ZZIIZZZZZ ZZZZ.s.Y i.ii zs xz tzz z2 tzl. Z.z iritacsoRRei 11iff,.. PxfNio0, '0 ZizzzosZ t ttiU A. G. SPA LDING & BROS. is ew 'voirlo - c(ioi'11. S I O ATHLETIC GOODS.1,Ofcaouftestalth1 dn;ol's I scosols aidatlseticeclsisef ,1 iecliosley. II '11Th 1 > d loinog 1M1310, isisiess iF bythe InteloslrsllsgLl WA.AA. A. Cbi :1ip15~ns,5and p all tliii1 Isilisi.,esllss riivro liV:ery Reqi- it oil r Blias Bl, Loot l li, 1(,;(f, enis, NAtlesi,till, mnsisis S Spaldings Offioial League Boll lHI h iial Ball ofithe N~iisil Leaguel G a,0aifi e ldi;(l lel asociastios. W ll c ,lssrie iatoa 'i;u sof Atiletic SLorsei iE N to Ofli ilBaseiBlliGulideIsfo1811, "::A. .SPAL DING A&OBROS., Nesw rork. Chicagos NN Al News Stared, 607 E. William SI, 3-date" Givere ao sild. irot class osork andl prompt service.PA L M ER G F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State St., SBinseBooksfor 25c.andupwards, andsesllA. A Watermlan Fsontannr Pefr $1.00 and op q All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. au'hlihllzhil Finest Stationery in lbs city at lowest price The Ann Arbor ,AST IHURON m, Mass. Most "Up-to Shoe Made Store: v STREET. XVE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.