THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 " Fancy Bosoms, or all overs. $1.00, S h ltfttS $1.25, $150 Values. Your dollars, S hirtg slrisintissle 3011w ~ OODSEE'SSOUTH MAIN STREET. Ml~iIoRN 6,EN~TRlL CRETADSYIHTIOIG The Niagara Falls Route."' C R E T A D S YLS AL RN , CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Nileet Aug. 14, 1898. Mail .and Express . .......3 47 r. xM. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 58 Fast Eastern..............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. Xc. D~etroit Ni-ti Express....... 5 55P Grand Rapids Express .......11 10 Mil Ex~pes ........9'18 A. M. Boston. NY.&Chicagos.. oi.....81l Fant Western Express........ 1 385r .x. G. R.&ExKa.REpres.........5 45 " C''hicagooNight Naprens .......943 4 lacifeclExpress.............12 30 A. M1. We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any ini the State. We respeetfully solicit your valued patronage. All grarnients maide. by uis kept pressed and iii repair for one year'. 106 1E. Huron. New State Phone 411. G.P. & T. Act. iChicago. A;'t Ann Arbor CALENDAR. Northirestern's Debaters. NoridayterJat 13- Micliigti The following is a brief sketch of NN~..RO Y, Nrtlssesernilebte ii Uiivrliy Northsvestcrn's rcpreseiitatives iii the 0 ______Hull. Jai iLlii debiate on Fida y, T. A iliresY Coolke, is frosin Wauke- - Po veers iiri S. L. A. course. 'DA DodrsBrai. lHe served through the recenit - ITiesday, 1Jan. 17 -Choral LI.. 511 war as a sergeant in 'Drsoop A, First TIME TABLE concert. Illiiis cavalry. He is a senior Taking Effect, nv. 20, 1898. Wedn~esiday Fell. 1---Prof. Taus. literary studnit at Northwestern. Trains ieare Ann Arbor by Central Stand- Sic in Good Goveriiimeiit lecture Chlres Lecher i a lasw stiideiita ardtTime.eisa _________________________ course_ :~ii.t. Northwvesterii a1111took this (egree of NORTH j SOUTH Pi. B. at the Uniiversity if Chicago. s 43t ,st .- ni-1:25. __. Fresh Lit Social. Edwin It. Perry is a Caluadian, his *12:40 r . ir:OOA. St. '[le Freshmlieni Nits lire leaivinig birthililace beilig r~loi u.H 1:5 r c. :451' 5 niothinig unudone to have a successful isasulrltrr ttideiit at North. *Ron between Ann Arbor and Toledo enly. All trains daily excepi Sanday.. E. S. GILMtORE, Agent. W. H. BENNiETT. 0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for D~etrofi at 10 minuteo after every hour, beginniiig at 7:10 a. 10n. and up to 11:10 For Ypilanti at 20 mitutes before the hour uip to 12:40 a. ni. Cars leave cortier hIuron annd Mafin Sts. 'Tickets on sale at lBrown's D~rugStore. The Wabash "Continental Limited" Saves you time aiid money. Gloing home for Chiristm~as? -Lookc here, then. Yisu leave Ann Arbor at 7:25 a. in. and reach. tecii 12:0.5 nosii, Logansport 12:2£1 p.I gn., LaFayetis 1:19 p. ta.,Dueville 2:314 p. mo.,lDeciitiii4,Iayorville 4:10 I). m., St. L1.1 :52 0p. em.,Chicago 2:10 p., m1., Ind(ia1apolis0:; p. m., Louisville Sp,. in. Cl oe connectios at these stations for nil points in Indiana, Ilii11510 01(1 dis- soori.'The (Continentali Liiiito-i is the lost, luxuriousotrinaof the W1abash Linie oind riassilia 'oing West at 8:07 a. n. Consult the ticbet agent of tbs .:nArmrelioa orrtes and askhias to: aa Xbish foder 11". . ( ,tiw oooS1T. 1'. A. N dl THE DIRECT LINE TO iileiillati, Coltinibits, Day toll, .Mltli(Atfl, Urbania, Athiens, $Isr-ilsgielid, 1i~llleport, and Cluxciestos, W~. Vet. Through trainisswithi Sleeping and Drawing Posom cars from Detroit and Toledo. social (oni-Fridaly cveiinge,Jn.13. wstrn T _.. , 1. - C, _._se It still Dcelit '.ranger's Academy, atnds tihe 1music0will lbeIfurniishedhby the .Atheiis Thieatre orchestra. Meii- hers of the comminittee ichiarge re- port as pronmising sale iof tickets, kind say thiit lmalkinlg it aii in formal gaitlh- ering is meecting swithi much faivor. All stiidentcscuill be welcomiie and ''frappec" (wiii be prov~ided~ for ali. Wiscosini aid ltIoa avibo iniedin l ai two]) yclrs debainiig compaict. It liii beeln decided to inidefliitely postponeIi the banilquet to the football teuaswichi wasi5to halve ben givena Iimediately after Christmas. An Opera Score-ssouild suit that multslil frienld(If your~s the best (of uinythiing I caii suggest for it iresent. The Anni Arbor Music Co. have ai fine assortmeint. "RAVE YOU SEEN TMe New Bruno Mandolin OF 22 STRINGS?" They are for Sale at thje SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE own nn Liberty Street, bnt only three doars leom, Main St. ANN ARBhlOR. 0. M, MARTIN,,, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res- idence 302 Fifth Are. Ar Maiaaocs Win. AnoldJeweler GET YOUR L U N IHES AT W, W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slats Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio c 1 12 West Huron St. Stole Phner11t9, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. j E,,Yo~rk - (Iiraga. aATHLETIC GOODS. Official soifitestsoial te lead~ing Collieges I T e S al g ylev e ,l:- s C tl: by'try e Ilro:llegiat,. A. A. A. A. Chamonj::s. and( all the l:leainglicc>'ridl~rs. i'.vc ry ilecsi- Athleticts, Gymnasium0:. Spalding's Offieial League Raill Ilaioeo:,:r ('alogtj oi Ath~letic 'ports Spialin;:.O ffl,:ic 1i loase oll ides for le99, March .0J10ets. A. G. SPALIIINO & BR0S.,NewnYok, Chicago Al News Shand, 607 E. William St. Give nie a trial. First claas work and prompit service. MAUL MEYER. S F. J. SCHLEEDE, 3 340 S. Stats St., BsindseBokstar 2te. and upwards, and sells A. A 3 Stentsan Founstain 'rns for $1.00ad up IAll Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c, Pr inest Statianery is the eity ai lowsst prics 1Ketschter, te be tograpber T. e Puritai2 8Ioe Qo. I (INCORPORATRD) IMAKERS OF r~r1 FOR MEN Htio4 ALL STYLES $3.50 The Most "' Up-to-date" Shoe Made. Ann Arbor Store: 110o EAST HURON STREET. FACTORYV -Brockton, Mass. IL aIih1iihhi1i1itih hX X WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.