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December 22, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-22

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j i 1 L ~~~~342 S. STATE St. Cocr William St.,JO , ,K LA F
S nurt~# UNIVERSITY 1JEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Mksaseilyo
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kindBlck Suts
W IFIND+, A~T U Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, S is
214 East OWashngton f5t., xaear 5th Ave.
,... ~. 'IntorGoll6iat6 !Bureau oftRIaCIG GOStUre. , ..7, Pant s.
- I, .j -GOTRELL[. & LEONARD, W. kRNsetu 1t Vtrepres STRlE
nABAsNYY. J.V. Sn a aA, 2d ice-plies
:x Cape, Gowns, and Hloods made to order and rented. Alan Cl astoi.C ATA~.Ca~~c WN
Canes, Clase Fiate and Cape, Class College Pins. A:ddresBN
W. C. HERN, Westera -Mugr.,
We also carry a very Complete Line of 1Haskell ,Muaseum niv. fttah- rca ge Transacts a general

Christmas Cards, AVE Sts
Pocket Books,
Card Cases, etc. H CK A G G

tapital, 5155(1st. tarpstisatd Peofits, (4,000
'trasacts a general lacking baciness. Foreign
exchasnge bougtandse:gold. Fsurniss-tters at
B. 0. KINNII, Pes. tHARRISOtN 5,5th
Vie' fies,
S. W. CLARtKSON, Cashier.

We woumld especially 515 E. LIBERTY. BOTH PHONES 106._ cSiftli
call yotur attetitiotn tohlouofhchwehvlmd LA PS F RS U E T 1 'rAamndHrntets
of whCcapethttve#5ad,420. Surplus,$30,005. Tasas !
tndttncaretlylarent.We call attenition toor complete line of (enter IDraft Rickel IPlated Lamtps, R Kior ,Pres. C. . GIEVi c-Prent.
aecaeilasrmn.rangintg in price frons 75c to $2.50 each. Th lese Lamps are of the latest andil FaE. HB Bateau. cshtier.
most improved patterns and makes. Incloding "The New iloshesler,"41T he
Yale," rTe Royal," " TJhe Blerlin Studenit Lamp, "'"The P erfection Student
Lamp.' If you want the best Lamnp for the Leapt nize come. and see us. The Rnn Iirhor Savings Bank
Old Number:Catastc.&,00Sups,$5, .
44 S0. MAIN ST., NIA U' fRSteouees. $1,i00,000.
SH E H NANN ARBOR, MICH. DEA a ogaize udlteekee0,005. nktgpaws
E _ ___ __________----. _________.-ofts tSate. tReceives est s bie a ds stie
eoeiate en lithericipltocites of lhe tUnited
co Student Railroad Rates: Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. Sta e. Itesti sheed alolotsper esidientification
On Dee. 22, 23 antd 24 the A teAiiAtnnsr cii os Duineet'esletCheas .itsec.; 0Ca0hieJ
3130 itOUT11I Arbor IRailtroadl will sell lto otitdcn t ceii foi-(I liii liO 1ki t i tl1ItA'Sl . FitzAssiistnet i ier.
SrrATF STlRLEET tt eci-rslrbtstt tile elow, ttr.CR
_ ificateospsied by Sec ~lehoi Lehat ve Alin Abor
Students' Laundry Association (ility tiekets o it e tatltone tlirdiarl : _~ it...rivoS.Iis tiIA B S E C
Wa tt tt- s it - , triste pattl antd itriestilale lpointsc. Al tso . aIIIs..Arive-Ni , s; I sIts . 5 s111
THE GRAsND LAUNIsatY, of DETRIOIT Itio Ittl :< t t .Atv t kt....c11tataha, Ettestis CiotN . :25.i...Arietitt i tirl;Q,
Te Stelt it geads laundrly tssite state. iTse CltiroS, (tlistal 1i:i2l.ttt i a,-itits..Arrthse int t lss is I'h E.-
only intieotatstisc iitisit it) et.li2-5a ti is .Ar Fa ~a,,vl ...
G1 slsi stiasosivelon. Aliworte promtlsiy. potintis, antoI ll potints Est lt lte is:25 a. rri .tt vt l f r1 v.W ,}o.tl 1 1I r Jc e
netyas sitlydss.Atltantic Oceant Alsoito10Alititii ll 1:5a it ... Artes-i i ...,.
001ic,204S. State cscot. e e sidec t610Lawensc tt-U ts t~t~iils S tis ies Stolttttrts c ..tt
NteicStats, Phonet. 441. zttt 5a. i,.Asiesosi ,sii tssee tc i.tts W« e keep esryltilat asattllykept. in 1a
____________________E_______I. SS rist .i t, Agen, : a.t i etor t 'i lnt.itpitnt. s t tsst iSi aceGritser atds a kery. Call
11:21 a.-ii Arrtiosr -t tt 55 5 it I se tie
co~iet,3a~ttll~t ttiloredtlsis oits it1m itiin 5T~
s~c t tli318}S. STATEST
} i sii 51 si s fiel5Itity o-1ss:e. Ii leil(seo its-a't 1), t MArt-e N !--srull K YOU'EtNEX
A f iiine s t ttits oeansoett i oney.s4: f tits Arrive- I'a )t y..... .. 1'i:ti U. 01*M . IarstI'la'Shop
4:6.ts it. ri ese Littttj' i e It'Itt I
i.tM.1STi it NS, 99L. Itis reportedl that a foirmeir tlih i 4:5tpiis t. .,5 eesse G t cf ii 1 :..? ;.r,. ttf :at I o s
f :' i n .. rie t ls t ;: t t s .S1.It Tnojstst's t 12 O t
ilsc tt(t ile, R 1ich1., lhts retturied hitite Itistit n1 Ohtto Central Lines, RAORHOIN
PianoPipe OCys t) ndCampositison I le Jltitlk- utslii eigtbollr- I lie 1e lit hitt lill ue Iit0 rleill~l Isj A SC3I EN CE
hood sif $501},0t(0. Spitl~gel.hI Daytsti t ( ts-i li We Guaratn stee Ott Work.
a". H.il I M P F hthie South , - WARREN THE BARBER.
Fro tuittigarlist C i var Germatny. Flne :satintgt at te A A rbor ttt tWANTED verP o es to 1 tt lit la~5tes t d!- _
312 1S. Division St. Caonce-t Pans Tanlpg Sktttine Path, Sositl ifth. mist ittreitsg t s aedevii lsts THE MODEL ofState Street
___ __eeh repressentintg aasBit- niiiistics+:,ilt ilseB BERleDiscos- & EL,.
M IL.LARD IWANaTD.---Studetto2Iell Stu lt do it il.Setpeai o;,y drs frtet
idnsDirectoiries. Inlquire at 2(08 N. 50BASF BALL.AiTo St try Geiorgstand harry git 332 S, StteSt.
T~f: it u I yFuneral eDrco
Ann Aebr4ist tet.I..ci - 'Calls atenidedOay or Night.
L o f r IYaI Vli,ft lCt~2Nc 12 .Sibt y Sireet. Resd ea 3
THE EN~tOWNlED)MANDOLIN IRITUOSOI 41gft 1ss ha tto utrth Av; hct ttie 11«15.
MR..W. UGEE POE *11le i lailer" is
MR. X. ~IGENEPAGEcon the article o- on the ibix. 'This is ta gltarzlrtE tt- lst it is -" '- " ,
Will give lewsrm sasthe mandolin and eaood. Souvenir Holiday Gifts I cj litlt\ h' L.-
guta"a fnoeee4t Shod f C ounty cof gifts dessiralble forlarglcst(11d I Il i '.. 7
311 i ervy riti, -. For 'cr raiandlsgiitt01 IOkilSi5111 th1( ".I
hours apply to the Secrstary. 1?.--al ll ,t(,,.- t. . - ;'

-. . .THE . . .
Corner Candy Store
(North itt Quarr-y's Drtug Store)
Tenders a kintd ittvitational ishinlt~g freral
gosods at reasontable prics. Lutnces at alt
hors fresh Pop Corns, Peaniti43andsaid sty.
Hot(ff'ee and Sandwices at
WV. S. PARKER'S, 3155S. State Sr.

fzu. f''/858

. I j j ys o

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