THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 [ LEATIIER Largest Stock, LIT Best Styles. iPA TEN $3.00, $3.50, $4.25, $5.00, $6.00. Goodspeed's, 1 119 Main Street. MIGtIIOFING NIIRfL "The Niagara Fals Route. CENTRAL. STANDIARDI)TIME Takng Effect Aug. 14, 188, Mali and Express ...........3 47 P. M., N. Y. & Boston Speciti ........41Aits Fast Eastern ................942 Atlantic Express-..........7 as A. X. Detroit Niht Express.....555" Grand apids Express.....At11 Mal & Express.........95 10A. . Bosls'. N. Y. &Chicags........613 ast Western Express ...........I r M. G.ER &Ra. Express.......5 45 Chicago Night Epres ..........9+ Pacific Epres ....................... 12 :i A. M. . W. tRUGGLtE, H. W. AYE4, G., P. & T. Ag't (Chicag. A't Ann Arbr TIME TABLE Taking Effect, No. 20, 1i898. Trains leave Ann Arbr by Central Stand. ard Tine, NUstTlt ee+UTII ii~dAAan. ,:2 A 8. " 1240 P M. 11:25 1A. I. 4:5.P:.M - 64 P -Bun between Ann Arbr and Tled only. All trains daliy except Psday. E. S. GILMR~E, Agent. W. Bt. BENNETT. . P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at 10 minutes after every hour, beining at 7:10 a. m., and up to 11:10 p.m For Ypilanii at 20 minutes before the hour lp to 12:40 a. m. Cars leave corier lluron and Main Sts Tickets sn sale at Brown's Drug Store Tho Wabash "Continental Limited" Saves yoo ists nd money. Gioing home for Christmas? Look h-re, then. Yo leave Ann arbor t 7:2 f.ins and rech Pera 12:05 noon. Logixport 1226 p i. Lalaette :19 p. m., Danville i3 p. n., les: tr 4 o. tn., fTap orvile 4:40 p. m., fit. Linis 1052, Cthicago2:i0 p. in.,Indianapoliso p i. ,n., Loisvlle 7P. m. Close onnetions :t these sttons for all poents in lodin, i i locis and is sor, lbsetConstinntl Limiiilc-1 i1 the fost, lsurios trin of tesWabaht Line and base Vilutn o itf Wsat 8&07 i.k. osult t he tickt agent of the :Lano ArmorIti radfor ra(tooand as inkIc. o .s liifoldter Pt. . Griswoani, Nt Y. A, Ohio enrlLines 'THE DIRECT LINE TO Cincinnati, (i11lnn,n Daton, Marietta, Urbana., Athens, Sringilld, Alidlepoenirt, and Charleston, W. V. Throiughl trains ithe Sleepig anti Drawinig Rotom cars froni Detroit arid Tosedo. COBREOF AND STYLISHTALRN. We op~erate the finest taiiloring; tratde in tile city, anti equal any in the State. We respectfully solicit your valuedi :)atronage. All garments nmade'by uls kept pressed anti in repair for one year. 106 E. H uron. New Statte Pboite 43. CALENDAR. JFtll iiiformaiitionwll iibe cheerfully Thutrsday, Dec. 22, (Eveninig). - givens at, Mlichigan Cenitral ticket Holidlay Vacation begilis in all do. office. IH. X. HAYES, Agt. parimelits of the Unliversity. Tuesay, an.10.-xerisesre- "Btuck" Hall h~as been back in sumedl in all departmnents of the Uni. versity. ________ President Angell's office at tile Special Sates University is beinig renmodeled. An ironl ceilinig is being pit ilnanid a To University studenits via the private office swill be set apart froni Michiganl Central Railroad, account the general office. holiday vacation. One and one-thiird first-class limnited fare fur the rounidl'rie Editors of the Oracle have trip tos professors anld stuldenits secur- deciiled to add aniothier page conltainl- ing certificates oif iembershiip signiedig the niamles of the memibers of tile bsy Secretary Wade. Tickets wvill be Eiiginieering class. The Oracle swill sisld Dec. 22, 23 and 24, retun limit be on sale unitil noon today. "HAV E YOU SEEN The New Brunlo Manflolins OF 12 STRIlNGS ? " They are for sale mlt the SHALBERLE MUSIC STORE ow on Libety Stre, butioniy three doors frone iInSt. ANN AIIBOR0. O8 M, MARTIN..~ FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a npecialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Anibuleance night and dny. Ren. iden'ce 30Y2 Fifth1 Ave. Mars adocks, Win. Arnold, 'aa GET YOUR LUNIHES AT W, W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio Jan. 1t0, 1899l'. East-The rates will apiply to New York, Bostoni, Phiiladejlhia, Pittsburg, Baltiniore, Washinlgton, Buffalo, 'Toirontlo anid large ntumiber of instermedetiate points. Sotith--To points on connllectings liiees at Toiledoi. West-To Omiahia, Kanisas City, St. Lotuis, St. Paol, Minineapolis, Missouri IRiver, Cairo, Il., anid intermediate poinlts andt Upiper Peninsula in Slate of Mlicli- gall via Chicagoi, alsos viao Mackinass. Stolioioin H. Bethea '72, of Dixone, Ill., has beell appoinited Unlited Slates District Atiurney fur the niorthiernli dstrict of Illiinois by Presi- denit McKinley. I thiink I shall purchtase one of thole Screllatas isf tile. nAu 1rbor Mus:c Co. to give to iiy frienid for Xiimas. 'They are itt expensiveC, ((le I lisiked at sxas $7.501. T e ntschL rr, the libotogwapber. Ottate lcze11, New York Chlicago. THE MAJORITY OF a ATHLETIC GOODS. 1"RAi;10 AND Oila fitr oalYLE STUDE ILITS iini Spoldin 's Official Leogu-Ball liall (-iif, i, t,1, v slit: t.. Sw orts 41 a t S h ovy- C 0 0 M Iiiit i30. 10liiii:-it hiv e Iall (uidt.for 1899 ci K R.A. C; SPALODINOAI BOS., NewYrs hcg All :1 1y1? Llll[Jt ~ lC Sizes : At Newa Stand, 607 E. William St, ANN ARIBOI STOIIE, 110 EAST' HUR9N ST., Ne-ar Cook THouse. F. C. TAYLOR, MANAGER. Give nie a trial. First claos work and prompt service. PAUL M EYER. F. J. SaCHLIEEDE, 240 S. State St., Binds Biosifore25c.sand upwards, anod rellsA. A Wlate rmeanl'maeetain lent for $1.00 and up All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Finet Stationrry in the city at lnwent price WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.