Putblished Daily (Sundays ecepted) duing the College yoerat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ,)eesee: 'The iloattedPressoHeinc g Block. Both l'l oot 147 MWANAGING JEDITOR. F. ELHARD, oo.'01L, 5I5JSINECSS MANAGERC. 0. 11. 1oot, '00 L. EDITORS. Athlotidtor, T. 1' I. Wooooote, '00 L. I'l W. JOESe,'19, A. .Mt DOUGot.L, '0tE, PD. EAxAo,'00. C11.LUNDe '00M, G. D.lItUosove.'01 E. The esubseription Itice of te ODALe s2.00 fotr he ealleg" year, twith a regttlatrdelivery hefote noonaeach day. Notices, cottooe'cattone.an atheeramatte intenedlfttr publicatio mct be hanled in at O oth 'LYothfec tefote s p to o mailed to the editor efotrtte 3 p..a of teda peeviose to that ont which they hreeoxtected tt apitear. uatesiptionsmay lte left at the DotLY office, Meyer'e, serttotlete tnewstantd, tereittlttcitte- Aanager. 5tutscribers will eonfer a fovotr by reporting Iprataptly at tis offce any failutte of earriere to delive ale. All ehanges ittativetieingmtter coot beini the oailce by 4 peti. onthte tday previutothtt oa which they areeto apett. 1N CHsAGa or TtAY'SlocUs. A. 11. McDIIUGALL. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Christmas Part!. Thle University Schototl ot' Danlcing will liv10' a1Chtristttos party Mondlay evening, Decf. 26, at Granlger's Acttt- lelly. D~r. 1J. B. TDottttttl 110cfalldto silter. lBd ore too totrivted te yltll'- Iy tbad diedo. Slet1a00110 11 tittt'tt. tI'll(, dt o r'sttito I c fricndstto ytis ti.y.-Owoso oAt'pi0. E is. I. A. Lymanll, of Ypsilanti, spen1k tlesdlay ill thitscity. "Tom Ekdson The Electrician." "Tom Edson The Electrician," an AmRefican cometty draoma in four acts, by C horles E Blalney, twilloceupty theostage of the Athena't'heatre, Saatrday, Dee. 24. "-Tern Edson Thbe Electrician," Charles E. Blaoey's omooedty droma, in a ptoy purely Amtericaln and io which the situ- ationa are pooihle aed thte climaxeo reached withoatut rechog the tmagi natito; in faot, tt is one ttf the beot at- tempto at realismtotttat have been pro- duced for atIone time. T'he plotinvolfes the attempto of the viltao of the ploy ho prevent the hero from lightiog a city by electricity, tn whichth ie s(ene to located. 'The first act to laid in the! Denver National lank. The confident- ial clerk of the hank doos his utmotst to Cutting, Ryr&Co. Have a lat'ge atnd complete line of U E AR9 A*USIIkALLANXWOO, FLEECE LINED (hothl oool attd cottont fleeced), till tiadle to keep yttt w1arm. 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST, ChocolateS None So (Hood. ~ n s f~~a We witllchaoea fee lt etttey of 5HEADQUARITERS theseo elitcioos ctttas fo tht to-tttradelt. onequarter an eehoundaif Itt atodOW For LAMPS of all kinds, PORICH LOWNEY'S LAIN CHAMBER SETS, DINNER SOUVENIR PACKAGES SETS anld FANCY CHINA. Japan- Alec n toelct. Take a package hams wth yea. ese Gooda and Novelties. J. J. QUARRY, 115 5, MAIN ST. CAMPUS DRUG STORE. We will for te next 30 days, cotmttencing Nov. 18th, offer our men's $3.50 Heavy Bttx Calf, Tana Stortm Calf, Dtouhle Sole and Calf Shotes for $3. 00 WANf~ & MILLERI. The Sh~oe Mo. Prices from $15 Up. ' i ql Best -'( With thtis issne thte DAILY will ruin the hero of the play by foreclosieg 'tuspetndpubliceationt until Jant. 10. a mortgage on the etectric lighting ___________ works, to which the principal character --io interested. The bask rfaf sesansoun- An examiniation of thte regietratio certiit-d cheek in payment of the mock 6f somec of te larger universities re- gage,. anti the hertuie. who is the bank vests the fact thtkthere is almot president's daughter. witht the asosistaince of a girl friend,, obttins the combination universally a falling off ill the nun-of the safe beittnging to the pres,*dent of her of studetnts in the ptrolessitonal the hank, secores the neceosary amount departmett with thoe exceptiotll ot of money and retieve~s the hero frotsh h engineeritig. Nearly all of tlc-sI' em harrasoament. Ttte diog ogue is terse universities shosw the usual increased ana to the point, etooieots that are soffi ceet to crealte intense interest to sochli attendance, hot thtis is for the most10 play. Jos. J. D~owling who is wetl known part itt the acadentic odepartmtent. to floe theatre goters of this city. plays At Harvard thtere is no increase itt the dual 'haracter ottloin Edson sod the law schottl attd at MielhiganllntII aery Ford, the Soperintendent of the sosnteei eie aln rpl re ie off. The nmedical anth oier schtools Ohio Central Lines. htave as a role suffered altiost eqtual- The popuolla r ine totCtolutmbits, lv as tmoch. Mictigan's las sochiotol pintfedDyton, Citncintnati atid has of corse a Ituch in ttaller atteti-ol kie 501111. once owitng to the fact that the cou roe has beent increased to threc years Bat this fact whten considered ini the ligt of thle ttiversal decline, or al Athens T e te least lack of tincrease, in te105lT eare schtools of the 'tounitry tw i lladly SAT., DEC. 24 ,elaini the sitouatiotn Iere.~ Statistics also shtoweethat .afterl gr aol taion it. iiuchttgr'eater per coott o, Chas. E. Blaney's Lat- college toocti arc no ontdoillothe toc est Success, comlmerciat raoiks iatic a corresond-iiot tigly 0iattor lpe~r centikill Itiec' tfec slotis, eotheicau0019whtotit mtool 100leg 11 o'nc'rtinlty du ooek btoc. n 111th ielsto a lmuchlligreterkc't tii Anel'r ititirescitig ifac'is theI giea ttierchse ittlte tiootolcoc oil tvtint'laittodinggcolleges. But tie UNrIVE.RSITY'f ticrt~'10-ooalmotetikrily Ii ntcJlt'. Sa ChOOlof Dancing ottocoticot toScools 111001 nockfond -_cii inte ticttly 10 otlel'iOcollegos. C)t- Granger's; Academy. edc'tttottot tiSho llt t c itt it not 000ly ttet t',t t 'it!4 . a greater grot t i bta o OC it ll ________ __ ............__................ scooolo ut atotthountoseolimiowdot II IA heautifal wOit a simtottig Birthday ltetU. of 21. lcttociapttlti ic ts- 'ctcg. otountooted 'oe.e pital Guild have thireeoptikiotsiittany07style opat MelekPie. N therir caro. Two of Orocpopi 1 i lett N DVPAY IHOTHIHCi. YURb S AE attd 0110 from Dakota, ally IBcrsoni DDESONAPSTCR adw wsistittgtoo aid it care fttt'o''111o10011 'ialet hachet Peatoe to sl or uIe s,(if- and tne srangrs wihin ur rt au canutiat etseacht. Whten told antittteItralger so tilil otr gaes etduss cua money. and wte will settd wilt be gladly welcomed as tmemlbers ou FREE both priuce. (To each conth as H. Soile - dicted a prceiossotoe. Anyone weaing or contributoers. Mr's.H ouept'ost. oestones of theie birth-conth insuees theta dent, Mars. F. J. Avery, correspond- retuuanuiling good lack.) These Birthday igsecretary. 5e,ed. end Address onPostCard. Naoeoey tng _____________qu~ired. Perfume retarnable if sot sld. Men- mo thispaper. NATIONDETROIT. c Dr. Mosher has gone to New Yt rk 1, s.ow . arInedLSSUPPLYTR O. c to spend the .holidays. i OLLEG i -' ocoyereeivcite td to seed Cor tte Washohi- ot nirCatalog. C It coooi-.'.'co~ary0y io r~iotoif atitsadc iis0u esitd'esgi it;s i cc-' :? .dof theco'c~c cont c Vo ahbrnitrmenooitsand a completeist ofnet p'ice-. Fisclamgic o'-l-esth-e wold overcelol Nashhccs, oristrentcsct - h- ohtained fecom the makeros Ti t 'A -Pi14 _ -r- Ao(-,n I if 0lit) I I l r ALIS E1very kind. Kb19 Nest Washington Street State Phone 144 Both Phoneo, No. 208. Ann Arbor. i l In Clos5e Pacusseess4 With the coming aad going of the sesos are the fushions an Shoes. The Styles of yesteeday arec soon forgotten n thIe deatre for that tat to-morrow. See our wiadows foe the host up-to-date line at the styles fur to-mofrow. CTAI~C 29 Wa on t 8., RPRILLo'sSSHOE SO Ann Arbor, r