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December 22, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-22

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TOL IXNGNoT74.eAhoARO regetsmetyeTeRDAYub DTE CluBEetsone2 eer Chcao9We.,THEFstodetsp i
FIEWNTRSIT H mrnn.Fruhtsttm iii onthatthe7resdenesofoe n eintarpuierity.reate etterup
!iiihistory teUniversity has funds t ofth members of the faculty, writteni a few days ago to the man-
rits credit which have eeii received swhere papers oii different sbjects gers of the organ lie requested that a
E E from various eqnests. The amount are read and discuosedi by the inem- more severe censorship e placed on
is somos $30,000. ers, the editorials of the paper, an inti-
The resolution was discussed which Last evening the club met in the isated that if such a course was not
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T will permit the president anid tress- musetim lecture rooisiad were given followed le would take steps to have
urer to negiare. loais when necessary an address by Dr. Msher, ter utb- the paper idiscotinue pblition.
A STOCK A without waiing for the regular Jet being "Pnysical Landmarks" This mov by Dr. Harper wass
IN THE CITY. nonthly iieeting of the board. This The lecture was ilistratedl by stere- causes by two editorials in the last
'poerwilHpobalybeYivn temop btieoii views. The next imeeting issue of the Weekly which vigorously
asotnlasare desired, which cin- of the club will e with Prof. atakdtenwfcly orderre
as iote pislond.Kesey. ii'i'grding registration. 'ie paper
o i The superintendent of grouiids was Atls 5ngtsmetiiig Mr. F, Lsiske unqualifiedly against tne rule,
0 .WSIGO T ordered to inspect a small wooden Ingrahaus was chosseni to represent aid did iot hesitate to predict swift
B H building, 1ear thiWAhopitalNwhic the Michigan Graduate Citinu the seath for the msesure Dr. IHarper
was formerly used as a atiidry with Graduate Club Covention, which is ias aroused and at oce sent word to
a view tos making it a coitgious to be held in Bostoii duriig the last the nanagers of this paper tht such
___disease ward for costagious cases de- week of IDecesmbe. atesuoullntheupiersiteulin uth-
Svehiped lun this hospitsd iswud o eprite napb
X V k _ Attisateusoi esis, h Literaruy Debate. hiatoss chssig to have the bst in
At he ftenon sssin, heterests of theisstitutionsi st heart.
...N.....Boardl (f Regests atthsosied the The edebate beween this'Aipha is His wids wass grastedh yestray,
tpresident ands secretary to sll andshadulAdehephi dsebsting scieties f thes'whlen Al~lei Hoyt, manusagig editor
'Violin f convey, usesder tle directioss of the Literay IDepasrtsme'it, which was of the Weekli, asd the author of this
fisatce cosssiittee, asy litndosows oh-hhed lsst night, wss very' close. Mhr offesinhg eitials, ws-fsrcel to re-
Guitar, tainedh by fiorliosurers tnder the Carmoidiy of the Aishss i N wois liras-ts frses thei boassd f eitrs.
t~, prsisisits~re ~ ~~- TA Ahelpsi -ecois~sod 'ifsyeie I Studnt feeling rsanshighs whei it
8I~lS Banjo, Wpreiet adsertrywreslo dhihscooi',Lfytt oll e konhntrreiet.lr
Il"'loIn 'authlorizedhti dischasrge all msotgges sof this Aselphsithird.-M..Rhin e adi e.sssi TihestudresiitIar
iIt~(. ons paymiest sit thi sasmse. Mr.!frank wass chosesis siaslterissc.Th Iprtlids al Isue. is. snstiss~alesssre
Weva compslee asisssisss-snssnstsa I bliss E. Cissis itssissast in Istiss, judsgs w icrB isd i-psescsh ss asssss sssjtiri
gs-itsliqais5 isight-whois st presentiritisisas hisook cihs'sf.A.-(,. Mebagis nititDIr. Coo ltk-s~ihi sssSals.is- h,
s-ic11110ss ,'tle cid s1 e;ii isdi issist t hit this-
WILDER' PI-IARVIACY :RossnanssConstsisttinitah wisc aei'er, jicasfor 1 hoUnitsst'ri teChrh,sesiitsiti iisert sssht
WILDER'S PHARMACY 2instr'uctor isLatiins, $5100 asis siai d tiush Sojd Ssssns , oits his'Ann iide fteuivriysol
s c iencsaest r is ies't. pr'pria'tedh Iois sigesierash atalosget, Arbieshigh siool. A ter this'debaittI' teiir pt ,twcii sthis' hre's-swhich
!.... ..which sill bespublisheud in 1901, the Laxand- ties tDi'j' triiesits 'I tissii isst-Jt
N$1,0(0 is to levsihsablese-t y'ar drw oftie.isis i sts!e se l lltet'ble-i Pedogical Socet.
N o Dai and I j{jj Itslishtis'esrssttsle furnishedlfismsitieesi this- li'ps atisiu s.e Lit's-
J) 1JUiI D Jautim otnstissie as5it is- needied. $70 asyisytiprsen iveishs''i- hasiethis'ft thle- mesetig it the IU. of M
Otssi,tere tectsss ss iss- -sse; es-iarw e'ia ssussss'ssss'ss to bssle used isthe i ratll't'site. sisois' si i st'tsi tus a d ehu es-Assosciatons, "Monsdy evess.-
iilsretuhe talhsssd ay os ith' innM .R r s ata p p' etn
niiigt Fssll is'es-f ipv-, cigrs, sid Ipublis-ihgiosit he I 'stcesdilsgo(f theite list reiss-tie e s -iit'vs . 'i'e d sebate ss- ' sis '-t s~'5 iiis
Tobacnc. 'h's'hiigiuu Schiooas-_ters CIsubs ullisl t h Is' .. i liI si isbeiihish I cthatisi .stei hesshldibe, Ill
R. E. JOLLY & CO., LlUiss-sity News Letter. $2250 was tiA y1tiifits.an 7, 1899. thus'dit'sussio-hsichh i h'slse', two
;08 So. Sats Street sh _usii'th'dfs'-i 'stisst-t s uleP St i tlihihinotntu'ives e'smph'sied; Mir-
_________________________ w__ i tel ithhis the :lit'ssl'tettis lagg lIsuser , , e trtess.s al isis i dss- t itsteesguhi ansishthe
slsuich wsill e sish hby tie profss-ons Ii rt "AlIles, c'stiissssof theltse of syAt tiebisins-sesnseet-
who liiare tosd(lier ner ctsu'es et Ore v\ittt s5 neits ts'- sitgiusissi'():'Ihg it tits eie s-e l chiusie he
Chi~"IStillas fres institutes thesughisut this't rssy 21. I2ssn tl!i r 'aah -isississue s vf ehcswgs-uis-als-v s-c "Ih U
8ade FRHR thans i sendeuuihresdthis'Hoss-isD.Al1 - t' ut it'=os oi -hft i u ii s hssilehws ele'ct'dl ts hnitsry
SUi'ere' f Detroit, A. C. Bartlett and ii'sis is-I lii's- 1 5hie'ss-ts'itscot. itthee'hiihi
tav sor car atih r s-a~dore,:; isogss ti'ii (f (C'Iisags fr his teirs iots.'r' Iis ig~t 5 ii iiipht i 1iid h sll-Isiii-essh htte isisr
s~iieii .simu.Way i hesebtig ps-izes. 'lie' degre e f B. s hio 'sIi Iroiwsi tsteh i.tfss.s'ssns for tese ut ie has
risas-ts sssf ces m Isususus .yos'usdlt hs.sity this' sihississt ueovs e1e ssrntiIsislate sisa-
psstin or -h s ns'uic u-its-in Keiith isf 'h's-re iHsaue, hl lpluhsitI-sieres'-evs-il toithis V rs-ut iliy siusilishiilen 'cirturns will tn-
usctre . Iissisi petihionus'usoussthe fscult ifootll tea id't55ti.littintfote
s-i5iss,'I VI -s-ihishteshy s-e thse Cii r iuse his
s ssIIa f te ihoIteury De piu'huueutiutis hi'iie'i. ss ht hutf elil! la ~ nstil sosel. 1hissisgh e issslucit
Galkis PldI11GU o uf hRegeunts issued coutol of 'eeahithe dioi d ofthis auto lushruulsusutl1 the cise'tf1 ine footsbal
hessuier schsosl umaiung it a hpart itsaphshasst cesze eetsiisut o tIce'es-s. 'ses-siIsihsis fou'ss.'d ilns-sss lisshes-s
isf the Uniises'dy, ittssvi1*Iehire-i But it hsen iis.sates'. sey hueesoie ts hi.The visit
stZE V f7'Air BisR usly bTeeun u private euterprise coi the Dr. tMosher to Introeduce Shadow is~ac Isilue wislhItake to the East ailit
huV prt of the faclty. Flisuen per cniu Pictures. e iusri' sf a plesre than a busiuess
YOUR F'R I ENDJT~ss IS, of the prosceess fusoshe tusuei iI-. trip , sill ss-esd te hoiays
schoolih sill go to Cle Uliveeshmy. A ut ist Mis-leu dealsi ofite aslsheilertru s
With a U. of '.41 ou- pst-iianuu ruiusiProfs. Weisey, D)Ou-gu'e ssii-d'suuus-s ii eiht lii AuusAelorse will ascousijsauy hulum
veunir 'alendarseforSil,4,els-ey andstanuluuey askiug fussthe huntousc shadowsissplhotogesiaphiug iti to- iske up~ their resuice liee-.
Designed by Miss Lovell.. shhbi'hiuuiet sa it' a rhl intewr o h vil' ypaim
T'he natest suitdumost A't'wars- Isiced thehrtf-tab 'shills 5he siese ths' s swasss'sogyaketii efissscdofsuefes~a
astc Catoshiss' tf rt , iu h sll. leruht-shis-o us1ir''ts ofthistk.fs hs'tetstli i i'Iehta
sea s+'Hi : coh liKistuiispstse'sfcu- i ls- ;Issiswiil li e'lt tat (usuisser's
ts-uses Choiic Books j Stgg Will Send His Team. its' 'as ti-hliul ht he ys ear1sot h t i nus y 3th.
adreadyf ford3pour ituuulos ectious Suceuhe igssriiouf'su:hi .any gi hy sois-aiiig t i isoriisires- li. andshMrs 1 K It .ihuyhsu, sf l14
at is-tietts ottires. A. U. seet hasusbeeuureducedto ts-25 ustfteetsuli sadw1itutes- sight ssehill s, suuertsiuel tlhss-sueepathic
ceusas- dmadProf. Stagg hIs ho tliu'. m ok asik eartt i slsthSatreayevening.
ecided to sen ill Iis-star track p hsg _ bu oehnre ee]reset
aselwso are us cis-tiiiu. This list At zsuuueetug sf uie se'nior mseicaul F sysh isonu, os ifIlll street, who
ofChicagos uthletes st this meet swil chuss yeserday Mr. (Chasucey W.s- tas uitlithus 34thu Michigaus in Cba,
ANN ARBOR psrobs-iby inlsude Fuair White. ehhop, of D~ubhuque, Iowau, wass eft for the north this afternosonis
Up rows Down Town Malos-uevSnmith, Pettit Burrotusghsuaninuosulsyveectesh class prsurhut 10 is uinchimpoe in hat, and is
Stt t p.cour House .susrsvei saus
State St. Op. s an ud McCarthy. succeed lie. Freuunduesigues. goig to visit hus broher Earl.

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