THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DAILY. 3 CAS SMore Styles, Finish, and Trimmings ri CASESThan Ever Shown Before. I .P 3 t $0.Godped',Main Street. Students' Laundry Association Win. VIOUGHT-Win. IR. FOX, agents foe THlE GRAND LAUNDRIY, of l)ETOIIT The heet high grade laundr'yin the Mte. The only moachine oamtd fiish in athe Wert. Glove ftiilt also civent. All woek preomptly, neatly anadcarefully done. Office 202 S. State st. Resiencese 610 Lawrence st. Neow State Phone. 44t, MI1flIGAN GENTII!L The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL STANDSARD) TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. Mail and.Express ............3 07 P.m. N. Y. & Boton Specil........418i Fast Eastern ,................9430 Atlantic Eopres............7 45 A. K. Detroit Nieht Express ........ ..55 Grand Rapids Express .....111 10 . Mail & Expres..........9 8A. M. Boshorn,.NY. &Chicago . eta....8 3 Fast Western Express........ 1 39 P.iM. tOER & Rti. Enreso .........5 45 Chicago Night Expressn..........i4. Pacific Expresn .........12 30 A. Mn. 0. W. Ri.IGGI.ES, H. W. HAYED, G. P. & T. Agt. Chicago. Agt Ann Arbor 4", RlG'A n TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Nov. 10, 1898. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Context Stand. ard Tine. NORTHS SOUTH 6:4 A. U. *,:25... le. 12:40iP. m. 11i25A. iM. 4:56ileP. 5840 P. l[ *Run heiween Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Snday. E. S. GILMOLIE, Agent. W: H. HENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY, Cars leave for D~etroit at 10 minutes after every hour, beginning at 7:10 a. ms, cud up to 11:10 p. m. For Ypsilanti at 20 min~utes beforetile hour tip to 12:40 af. am. tars leave cornerrHuron atid Alai Sts. ickets on sate at Blrown's Druag Store. The Wabash "Continetttal Limited" S0700 youltlilan rd money.(italog home fog CChriatnal? iLeok li-re, tihen. You leave Anna A:rborlit 7:2 a1. to and reachl tPero _2:05 nton. , L gacpoot 12:216 p, to., Ll"iA eete 1It1 p ,n, Doe yulle 2:11 P. ta., D~ectur 4 t.tia., Tat lorville 4.40 Ip. 00., St. o1 sh:52l. o., Chicano 21(0 1)- 1.: niin,1polasoila p. inl,, Loisvialle 7 p, ill tse oo i'tlllllioao it these stations for sit point0 ill ladiotos, it inois arid -is- 00'111, The IContinttl tnaited1ia the f~iaot, lluxuiousO trait::of the 'Woaah ~ito and it ioea hkllan ging Nest at 8.07 a. m, s. eoaault I hc ticket agent of the Ann Art or IRai road for rates _ ad ak himn fo° a Watoash fotlder a.S nCrEEWO, TMP. A. XTamted=3 Students Toasolicitesubscriptioncttooh Chicago Record A tine opportunity to corn caoe money, G. Al.STEPHENS, Si IL. Students ! Student- Ifdittclaed w100y11 relaundrey esercaom EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A. F . COIV tIli', Prop., 7:11 I,. Wash. 01. Tleonla~e Nc. 11,2 1il. The Finest Lite ill the city, ALA---_CLOY-S, $1.00. and tot very Low Prices, at U. (OF m. PINS, 50 Cesits. 4. ' Drun (Fiae Watch Repaniring a Seily Brows tore. J. L. CHAPMYAN, 2011 Soute Main Street, CALENDAR. Fulltinilformlatiloswilltoe clieerfully Thursday, Decc. 22, (Evenjig).-- givenIi.0., Miliglan Central ticket Holiday Vacationi beginos in all de- Offi. H. NV. HAYES, Agt. parttnts of the Universitv. The Passion Play. Teedtay, Jan. 10.-Exerises re- Tonight Edisons only authorized sumed in all departmoents of the Uni. pictures :of the Passion Ploy of Oberma. v ers ty.morgano witl be presented at the Athen y ___________ 'heatre. The animated pictures give a Special Kates faihful repraoduction of Sialmi :Morse's' version of oar Saviour's tife, as presented To Universitsv stuidetnts via the every ten yearcs at tblerainmergan. [lie M..icligato Central Railroad, accounti wholte produion110 is shown in twenty- taio tablena, with orator, choristers holiday vacation, Oine an~d one-thirdl and organist. flrst-class limoited fare for the roiundl "T1he tableaux in their entirety, bring trip to professors anod studetnts sectlr- the Saviours misoion on earth, and lois igcertificates of mleeobersliip signeod saff-rings, before the spectator more ing vividly tioan any portrayal of tongue or by Secretary Wade. ''iktstwill be pen could possibly do. A promuinent cold Dec. 22, 23 and 24, returni limlit laowyer writ, a as follows: 'After the Jan, 10, 1890. East-The rates exh-hition was oeer I left feeling like~ will apply to Ness York, Biostoni, living a better life, becoming a htter 0ma0, trying to ftilow the teachings of Philaidelphila, Pittshturg, Baltimiore, ione whom I now knew as I never knew Washington, Buffialo, Tloronto anod before-MootanotiExpress. large numlber of intermiediate Ipointis. Soutlo--To poitots ono conn~ecinig Buiy something for Choristmcas that hines tot Toledo, West-T'o Oniila, your frienodstill keep, a nalodoolioo Kansas City, St. Lotuis, St. Paoul, Ior instanice wouold be appreeiated I Minneapoilis, Missouri River, Cairto, atmoosore. Geo daowno to the Anno Ar- Ill., andulitntermediate poinots tndoiol ir Mousic Co., Wainogtono St. aiid Upper Peninutlot in Slate of Michil- you swill tbe supprised haosvclhcap you gatn via Clhicagoo, also via Mackinoaw. call get themn. l101entschler, the W"botographcr. THE PMAJORITY OF HARVRD ND ALESTUDENTS, WEAR THE Purta SoeCo., - MAKERS. All+ sizes ANN AIlBIM?*STOIil, ) 110 EAST 1-URON ST._ Near Cook House. F. Cw TAYLOR,. f MANAGER. I "11AVE YOU SEEN The New Bruno Mandolins oF 12 STINGS?" They3'nar for saleat tha SAEBERLE MUSKO STORE Down oiey Sreetloutony toree dsors ANN AIBI0i. 0. M. MARTIN,.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave Amboulance night and day. Rea- idence 3023 Fiftho Ave "N~~1 Q 1iDll IU Win. Arnold_.C.OIer GET YOU.R ION IHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. Staio Phone 110, A. G. SPALDING &t BROS. New York - Chicago ATHLETIC GOODS. O) icitt 1 L:oallilt o eaall ttatalitag te aleges stt .~, aj'ahetiiilerI o ta tioaaaaooley Tite la~ldliooa leyilt:t, retelala bto he it L.itrr lli-,e"-o-6it"A . ta. la- e boad- 11r orr.. Bd,1Foot Baaltl, l,'reeauite HI.Saldin's Ofioial League3 all 1sI al 1 0 ilil ofathei::Nilatlo aae andal iii:e. aittttti°;eao o3i~ i s 1Ti ad-once: C;aXY: liAUa ofar if aao:aac ,Spot Sa hilt:. Oficail ae Ball Guica faa 159O, ma, . 10t,' a ta: A. (. SPALnING&OS11100.New CokChicago At News 51w id. 607 E. William St. Give meicna rial. Firt clata work and promtpt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 3405 . Sae St., tinsleBookefartitoeand opwad, and seleA. A StaRterjuass FoosutaisPs aafor$1.0 and up All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c Finest Sationry in the city at lowest plte WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.