2 TUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~44~2~'t ~To Educate Cubans. &C.0f H . cx . The Cuban Educational Ass WE RE.. tied) of the United Suates lhas be XLS Pblished Daily (Sondays ecepted) doring the dfrteproeo e i ('atieg ar, at a d atiderryieg out the offers miade THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. b neis olg~ nrs~~ i - xns;'iea ndessHening Blck Getter'l Wheseler's stlgrestiot thait HAKAN' 8ald BANISTER' ]frth Phou" 147 thie-ecolleges give Free tuition to twot 01t stoic resecetable (olbiti titdeiiteFN MANAGING EITii'OR. Tflitsocniation has-annetiseedtha(tiM.. .,' ft'. ENG , nv'sitL the responsesrceived fro itiCubans' . 4 . .. t -SHOES ICUSINESS ITWANAGEO. idesiring to accept these offers are iii- a O)e I iitem, '55 i, ti'tl , hut -h l~ti ent nowe- B Eto!L S SHOE ST RE . uS ri9P~. eRtt 5rETo Athletic tEdiitor . R i t iiiota,'Oe L. Cubaits swho roin earsfor their toawt P. W.oF,'1, A. 1. A ITGA L'01 t "~E, bordlandtinc tiidenttal expesebes. No G.0Dtie , 's a. 10itttig neti ttill be allotted orho doj tnt trotmiseto tnake their homtinii t1iAI fh Cuba after their eduicatiotn in the N u v ~ I Unilted States. Testimoials as tit goitd character trill be expected fromit The ubsripionprie: o th DALY s 25foreac stden, jSpecial Holiday Nox elttes-Althe tie cotto5 year, ih a regua eie cry before itee, ei+oeett tv Weaves- New Clr as-e noaseeach itay. Notiea, caaaaarieatiaaet, aind There are, Itee, en reet oue ate inteded for ill odaicatimutbe eti to the associatiotn the names of Shapes. If you Want to be teal SWej@ mailedto tahte ediiar efotre 3ip,.nasoatheiiday you n eisu of speiseal mrt cssut- t prtetiosaoithatowiiicctheyare exptt rc erittasgbr otne of out De Jonv illes No tw'o aper tods(ttawiiiiiyae5peedn ts whlottithe tevoluttioti in Citbta alike. Sbsceritiansta y belet at iteDAILrofe~, has left without a diollar w ith twhichi AiitaeSuscier wl ciir i avr y t}ells) theteiselves. Manty requests r rprteing(aritetlaer hs offiee.an failyoung caret ativei teaa faios tor acadermiactuitioti fir 5(5 Dd F l roes s Pr eco s Al chitages in adoetiegtmatteremt-e ih lavebettntmadsetatd it is liolpel that eofcebl .in ntedalrvoslota anwitey are t.oa.appteayi i o htthe academies trill foltlorthe leadh of ____ __ - =- the colleges aitd grout free tutitioni Ta Plain Flack Silk or Satin. Two IN CIIAtat ap TAY'SaItamE, selol' rsleips to proiper catididates. distitet styles. Yott find here plenty r M 'There will he a meietinig of te DAILY Hoeard at 12:45 ip. m. to- (lay, in iRoomr C. Every year thueisstions of venti- latioir iii the class arid lecture rooitts of tire University is brought tip arid then allowed to rest. The buildings on our campus are, for the greater part,,oldr the ceilings are leerarid the facilities for. ventilation, feet. Hoevever, instructors in charge could do much tie rmake np for ties lack oif ventilating flees by exercising a small grain of common sense. A proper management of the ewindoers will dee musc to keep ties air of a rosin freshar but this rmanagemenit does not nec- cessitate keeping ties rootn as cold as a barii. The urgency of care in this direction was demionstrated yesterday morniing when a yotuteg lady ewas taken to her hieme in a carriage, site hiaving ftdted jir a class-rootn solely on acciiuit of tie absence tef proper ventilatioin. Ott the other lintirhiers are inunertius eases of colds. tit could be recouonted, brieughit ott by ties class-rtioiabeitig at it freezinig temuperatuire. We hiope thaet a stig. gestio aliitg titese lutes trill be stif- ficiettofircause thiose in chiarge to lie miore tcarefitl of the hieialthi if atu detits andil of Itlemselvss First Freshman Social. The iif it- tisoiallofithe ceeiiiimii class ill btc Ihelid f at ngi r's, JLu 13. It istoti be "Lt inlforal iffai- aaxi ulithtisui is txtetiltiito everytitice XX. 'Tittitcii, Mi ses Seely taiid lK(-rgiii i cittpose (lie ments, taildlWit.A. Betiseitler, )ii- rantt, atid .,Trrill uniake olethe iretep- tin commitittee. Thetiiuseumoe f pharitotcognosy has received frotm Frederick Stearns & Co.,r if Detroit, a collectiontoh 40) rare crude drugs obtainetd by the scrioer inember of ties firim duriteg his travels abroadr arid some original containers for Russian ergot, cin- chona and rosewater, Hangsterfer will probably do the catering for the J unior Hop. Doing Cleoer Work. The Michigan Beellet. the official itaiper of the Miichigtar Press Associea- tittn has the follewintioesiay of ate ex-miteer of ties class of '9.9. "Miss Jessie Wing is a bright young wotmatn ewho assists her father ire the edlitutrial rtaneagemeett of his papsertie Lutdingtsn Appeal. Slit has control of tie society, church arid schiool departmenrts anid is doiteg somtte very clever ewtrk." Editor XWiig is also a Universitey of Michigan alumnuits. IHIsgradlu- ated freomi the literary departmeti writh the elass of '70, arid fromtre e lawe departement eith ties class of '72. Ohio Centrai Lines. 'Theipputlar lite tio Columbuhes, Sprirngfield, Dayton, Cietcinrnati arid this Soth. usefuel gifts for gentlermen, such as Col- lar,, Ctiffs, Gloves, Mittens,, Canes, Urea- Irel las, Fancy Hosiery, Suspenders, Golf Hose and Sweaters. Open Evenings this week. IMP'ORaTERiSAND MANUFeACTUtiERS Or CHEMICAL arid PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Lalsora- tory Suptplies 1i2 S. Matie Street, Ane Arbor, MichS. Athens Theatre, TONIGHT. OF OBERAMMERGAU. Ida til aidiy I it? Cat etibliics ad v u. * TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, Ncae ltke it eswee -200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The largestt a-otu t ofCaundicsinattiacity, mdethourly. Oysters0servediintantystyle. s . ~,,,.."1 "._ Of You Wlant or Binding, or Etuiig, or anything in our line, no mnatte how small ior how target, a Job of WE CAN DO IT Pr in t in o for you, Call end gettiequacinted. UNIVERSITYD __ -_ _ --- School of Dancing L -AT- h Granger'sa Academy. fvl'-l1 lc rI1 }. t.P ) s.:46x. v flfsua E gavnSC . ..,,.~a p AsitdatDetroit, Much.0 - O t °hiu V etllO istl L Goltc -r settinig, aalosexuiiteTif anutyclelaOpel :c)tck Pie. A Evr2?nd SIMPLY END AN A L LS . STlAEtOLEIB, ed PAYiiitiE N. OU Nses saaMEce1t9 WestXWahitngton Street, tilt teed you 13 packagesctfImiperishable- State Phone 144. Both Phones, No. 105. Ann Arbor. iolet Sachtuerfumaeoctoselltorusfo a asech hnsolde end usaa ou oey, andetwewiltsed atm FREE boit priesa.(To each metth iso c Pcucaa adicated a precioaus atone. AnyoneeteaigIlesc P c hh to stiaee attheir birth-motahinsaaure sae rear ad uneailiag gaad lack.) Thiese Birthday With the cominag ad going at the seasnsee the fashiona Inessuarpassein beaaty anytFREE preiam eoer ite Shoes. Thea Styles at yesterday are tees forgottensia uhe desire fse fSered. Send AddressaoatPPeerCard. Narmoney aisired. Perfiumte retaurnahle it ntarsotd. Mete- uhaat ust-morrow. Seaeatu wimndows tar the heet ep-to-date lisa at en this paper. RATIONAL SUPPLY CO.- the stytes tar to-morrow. c. 8 . Larnsd Si., DETROIT. Mica nlPujur ' CSHOE T~fe , , aaa Washingiton St.,