VOL. TX, No. 73. ANN ARLBOR, THICH., WEDNESDAY, :DECEMBERI 2, 1898. TRE CENTS. j-, The Managing Committee of the aving observed that there was an FnlDepartment Debate in Penn- Americant Shool of Clssical Studies ever-increasing demand upo the silania Preliminaries at Athens has anunnced, for the University for teachers to go otinto T Last evening the debating scieties spring of 1899, three fellowships in the schools of the statc and believing FIN WITE SUTINS. of the Lawv Department Iheld teir Classcal Arciolology. Two of tat tese young men and womeo H FN WITRSINS. H fnldbtefor chsoice of a team to these fellowships are to be awarded stound not be sent out as5 teachers rpesentte departmtett ithtie fital by competitive writtent examiations, witout soteiprofessional prepara- E / E University cotest, whitchl later will while ithtie award of the tird, oter tiott for their work, Pres. Angell Cdecide wino shall debate fsr Michigans attainmuents of the cansidates est- ii 1878 rco~nmeded to the board against Pennsylvania. Thte questionu petig, will be cosiered These of regets the creation of a depart- SWE CARRY THE LARGEST T debated was Resolved, That under ex- ellowships yielt an inceomte of $600) wet of the Scietce and Art of fsg cotditionts thte abolition by all a year, and are to be held for the Teaching. After careful cotsidera- STOCKA civilizesd nations of tieir armies and college term of 1899-1900. The ex- tion tie regents adpted iis recoi- (a HECIT avies, otier tian those required for amitatious will be opent to aty mtan mnedatin and called to the chair I THE CITY.tihe maintetnance of teir domesic or womtat holding te degree of tius created Prof. W. H. Payne, *plice, is feasible. Bachelor of Arts frott an Atterican ntow cacelor of the Uniiversity of * I ~The Webster society representa culege or univerity, atd ill be Nashville. In tis mtove te Univer- 0 tives had thte affirttative and won the given at the Attericanu Scool at Sity of Michigana was tie pioneer 108 C. WASHINGTON dST. te receiving the first two places Athens, at the Atterican School at institutiott of its kind itt the country R 0HE WSHNTO DS. R tgist the Jeffersoiat's third place. Rome, ad at aty of the Attericatmad to it belongs tie Ihoor of estab- R II ~The names of tite winners given itt tttiver its wicht are represetted on lisiing the first chair of tie Science order of their final rattk are L. A. the Managittg Cottnittee of the and Art of Teahing. Pres. Angell W__ ~ilson, '99, Webster, F. D. Eamatai, School was sarply critizied inmanaty quar- V V 1 4-'1 Webster, and W. E. Rydaich, The award of the fellowships swill ters, notably H rvard, whIose presi- W k 114 J~~P01 Jeffersoniatm Thte character of be ttae duritng tie spritg of the dett said that there was no nees for - - te edebatimng was of a hight orer atd Satle year, anti notice will be at ottce sucit aciair as teachers ere born ±.4****~**+*t~~+++ the teatt as chtosen is a well balattced sent to candidateavwo cotpeted atd ot made. V \iolin, ote. The fital debate of the literary All candidates fur one of te two Titme iowever htas cageud the *stcieties will be eld tottight atd the first mentiotned fellowships tmust att views of edutators as to the value t p Ulta~r' fital Uiest debate some tute ttuunce their intetttiont of eteritg an ,nedofscht e p dartment in tlIp nftr teoiuays the exatmitatiuot to the Chairmant of umversttes atd colleges adu today t A~U1lI Bano,-- the Coummiutte ott Felloswships, Prof.most tf tese itstitutiots have their pt ' Medical Scietqi Ofihcers. Benjamtitt I Whueele, of Corell eiartttetttof pedmgmgics. Situetie Mu1ndlolln : ''ie follouwing persos iave beent Untiversity, beore l'ehenary 1, 1899. estmablishmmmentof tie departmmetuthere ± w ho eemmmum a t~mett mum a electeul tosill tie offices of tie liUi- Dmtrimm tielast yemar mchmb'Itetr ,asiutil-r departumentmt has hetestab- + e hav a m p , , tmetands versity uf MiclianMu diali et y fimmmuncial s upor in.as eemt givemtotuulisied at Harvard ammu it is wittno PA M C orgmnzu afa iys iuctie School mat Athmes tihatt prviosly little smtifacint tiat we nte tie WILDERWS PAR A . Luml, Jr., '99, presidett; 1. C. amduthtie udirector is mumwy recivimng a fmact, amdthtie farte cumnplimet to 3 soumh sau stree. Hliydse, '00, vice-pmesidemnt; Miss E. egumlar salay. Exmammimatiuums wll Michigamt of tiemtptpuintmmemt of a U. P. ftimmuiaub, '99, courmespuoumdimng see- proubaily e givumn Iheme, to tiose wimuuofmA. mautotinhie cair. At presett +**++***++**** +****4 retmry;L. N Uo hujuiu,100, treasurer; uii otk ietsmutum lmtu ieummra iiimm sucm~iu s ,Lk C W*Vo. limmumds, '01, recordimg see- tie mmumtimr olegerepreBse.nHmuuieleLb.Il 0 1 DG1 U ad Night, B arhru try; . . R lauk, '99 01C Pu tie ulee lrstlu m Duurin utest uutc uo mumge year we Br mmu, 0 t .Iultmt 0, tie coummittee aire: Ammmherst Culege, Football Captatns lfor '99 win maumn ucsatau hours, ay mr lruis.liumber ad amu5mga, umem- Browntthuivem ityneymtMasr, Cl- Thimleauding uollegesuanmmulcuhoos nigmt. Fmutl tinme etf t'in~uu cigaruaut}' Tobaco.''' es uf tie boamru uf directuors. lege of ie Cty of NessYmrk, ('oimmm- hmave elected tie folmwitg uen to R. E. JOLLY & CO., Freshmen Law Comtittees. ia Unmiversity, Cormnell Umivesity, captaimthtieir teaummsluarimglie sea 308 So. Stats Street. lrsI i er ftm rsmuatDartumomutCulege, Hamrvardl Umm- sn of 189: _________________-- clsascmssJinsDaprofteifullusitg versy, JuoinsIHipkins Untiversity, Authert- Bthutiue, 101. c aumuutes Captpitdte sutlltmowutng, Mt. Hiolymoke College, Sy rmcuse Uni- Adover-Dmavis, 190. 'omites om imm n aqutu , versty,'Trimity College, CUtvemsity Bates -Put u ruot,1900. Christm as SS.OdMichtigatnA.haimn;Luuero Califoria, Univerity of Chicago, IBuckmelhieuuer, lot). Canuis FORHER. irhday, II. IL WeinsteitMsontauua, PrincetonUnm iivesity, Universityumi Cicagu--Kemnneys,190 Ca d e O E. carmmanm ;h. S. Sirmstmm Micltiua'am Penntsylvamnia, Umiversity uof Vermutt, Coreli--IReud, 1900 tLae yommucmard dheaddues 'a L. W. Maunulesiusum. Vinssar Colge, \Wellesley Comlege, Dartmouthi-'Veumusortim.190(0. nmnd mu me lpcs nhiee int e'oloaimg el olna.hem WesleyauuuUmiersiy, Wiilliams Col- Eeter ....logamto901 rmui:a'eumpres s e. eicryinnpumrted by tiecorintuittee on yells. stturuult mmlMti-til-cutio uthe iy ruen,pig Ihvr I 'ipity, Rapity Rp Medics Want to Burn Text Books,irtnsm -Broen, 100. Naujblty ymu amR iZi p The semior meics are ui in arms Harvard -Brde, 1001. h 11 against Dr. Warthin, istructor 1mm Micigan-Steckle, 101. Special Libraries. patology. They assert that ie gives Nutre Dmte--Mllen, 100. 'lhlere are a nutmber onf Speciml col- themttmtore work thamm it is posssile Pemnsylvania-HIar, 1901. p t letions of botks inthie geteral lib- fusertettt to do and do justice to oter Saarthore-Farquthar, 1901. REM EM BER rary auong whicht hie umore import studies; tat his actiotns towart themt Washingtonm and ,efersn-Mat XTOUIR.FI{IENDS atnt are thte Pasons colectiott in class room are petty, and tat tey thens, containing 4,325 vouinues atnd 5,000 are not going to stantu it loger. Wesleyan--Rymer, 1900. With a U. of A. on- pattpitets, chiefly ott politica ecoto- Somue of te seuiors ottlIhis staff have Wuest Poittt-Stwith, 1901. venir Calendar for 1899, my, the McMiilantShakspeare cl ameady resigned atd tere is talk of Wiliats-Draper, 1900. Designed by Miss Lovel. lectiont of 4,642 vonues atnd 174 nmore foloawitg suit. Wiscosin--O'Dea. Tes tiestalnd otepamttplets, thte Hagermtan coleciont A majtrity of the class are itt favor Wuorester-Norris, 100. seaon.1'tica ~ of history and pulitical sciettce of of burintg Zeigler, the text boouk Yle-McBride, 100. Some Chioce Books 2,600 volumes, thte Dorsch miscel- used inthtie course, it front of tm and fancy booklets now lanteous colection of 1,675 voumes medical building as souom as examti ttaemtoB pn ready for your inspection stud 148 pamphlets, the Feleb leis tions in the stbjet are over withi. flhe Gymntasium will e open du- at our two stores. toricil colectiomt of 1,368 volumes Other ttembers of tie facutty are itg vacatiot fromtaI to 6 every after- and tie Goetbe colection of 948 beginning to kick ott 'Wartlin uon- toon. Classes will be discottinued, ninSvoues. topoizitg tie tite of the students , but admission -to te fuor and bath vis. _lareneG._ reutmrere and taking it all aroutd, tietatter rooms may e had. Mrs Clrene C Wetainsre e.is causing cnsiderabe frictiot.- ANN ARBOR turned home last evettitng from the Detrit Jornal A. W. Hatnd, '77, of Milwaukee, up Tow Down Town north, where she has been visititg Wuis., is looking over the campus and set f.oP ob 35. for some time. The Board of Regents meets today. is a guest of the Sigma Phil fraternity.