4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. C I Si .3YT2 aS. SMAIN St,oi ' Wiliam St.JJOS .W: KOLLAUF, AW ig && wfp =.SCARRIES SUOPP ERS ~ITY JEX T BOOKS, Second-hand and New, ancaecalyo WIlLI FINI)Al' 011 STOlE THI'L 1 F I lS I' A Nl I)('lltsF-)''E TSl('l{ We also carry a very Complete Dine ofj Cialenc ars, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, r~i'rFonai en Blackllnou hosFuis AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. A okan0) ------24 O t Washin~gtonSt., a r 5'ithsAve, Intorcolleuiato Bureau o1f16G MIe 6OSUMC.., IBa31, FS I GTEL& LEONARD, W. ARNs sot si~ pes 8Tf1T 7ALANY', N. Y. dJVY,11IsAN,2d 'oc-ple. / yi Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also (lass BlNK Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W0. C. KEEN, Western Singr., jrT~~9i INa Haskeltl Mseums, Uivs'. otf(Chicasgo ias I e 13anki g IBusiness. ChrIstin's Curds, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ass ar Desk Sets, Ogaad1 f ' Capinks ~51tal, 100,c50. Surplusand PJeits, 140,000 CarLld CaSeetc. EERIE ,ransactsasgeneralbanking bu s. Foreign 1111change boughtandesold. Furni10 sheteso LOWEST PRICES BAA)reiNNt. .I 1555SU - AThOLES' IVEY.S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier, We would especially 615 E. LIBERTY. BOTH PHONES 10a. .- call your attention toj J1 hnr!t. our Books for children,FO o Mian nr Set. of which we have made LAMPN SST D NT , aitl .,t . upls,$0,0. rasct sod carefu so rtet We call attention to our complete line of (' enter Draft Nickel Plmated Lamps, aK a i, r~s. C. a (' Os ',iceo-Prcs ranging in price from cs o Te ,$.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and PRD.H Esu -Iier most improved patterns and mnakes. Including "1The New t heater," "gThe Yale," "The Rloyal, ""The Blerlin Student Lamp,"'11 The Perfection Student lR nn C Bao Lamp." If you want the tbest Lamp fot the .Least M3ouey come and see us. The 00un arbor SavinsBk Old Number:-_CaLpitltStack. $'0,00. oSuplus,$10,00 SHE H N44 SO. MAIN ST, L'DEAN I 0J0r" Resoorces,1,t10'.060. ANN ARBOR, MICH. a .rgniedenerth Gnea &~~~~o Cthis4th mi n Mte"aeU . RecivesesoCbinsa sl 330 S O U'I'l I rburI Roilrstl wAill soell1(o studentsfy J.'Fritz ssist a ntCsir sT'LAT E SI'ItdtEl'.1'atl aiersct for illiporpetaent spiints I its Piass Pipe Orgat) sod Con oistion 312 S. Division St. Concert Piano Tunog MUILLARD Ann Arbor. Mich. ) THB RENOWs.NED)MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO Will give lessons (o10tse mandolin and guitar nat the IUiverisit~y Sch1oo l' Mutsice every Friday. For Termss and hours ap~ply to the Secretary. THE .. Corner Candy Store (North of Qarrp's Druig Store) ensad itd ivitation toball awisgfresh goado at r'aonsablhicenss. Lunchesat all t oaurs, fresh Po~p CUlil, 1eantots ad Candy. Host Coffeeanod Sanldwies at WV. 5. PARKEPR'S, 3152S. SlateSt5. MONEY LOANED Os Watces, iamonds, Wheels or ether Per- sonal Propierty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Office at residencee 331E. Libert St,Ann Ar. bar, SMich. Allitusinssaconfidential. Hours,5. to 11:3as. m.sndl1soS:30 and ;to 9p. m. Jos-eph C. Watts. Bargains in Seond-had Watcte s adDiamnds MAKE A STRIKE I -BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Maltn St. T. MAHONEY, " Proprietor. Open nay and Nighet. tilicales stgntiI Ity s'y IWadelholl- " (lly tick'tl'tslt(ile 'Ind tite-third fare Leavoe' Anln Arbor, LAMU &~ ULNuLH, fir thelo undit t rl l t iltieaptlis, it 720i AineItlI Pal3 111 ilptt oit lttit. Also 7I2'0a~in....AriveKttt'1H3t.E lo 'itim I:ol 'iS.L ti 7 25. a,.Fr't lttn,5( tl '( I.i p 1 ('airs, ('itt litttti l ttttt termledi it( 55 tt. A ho , iti5 itt II i-an IAtIlatiticOeatii. AIwo1 to stat ittits on 725n.e. Ar5riv o uisville....cy7:rop il ,. 1: 2,5i. n. Arrive Fotle il Oi I- thle Uppe1r ltl tOIIi of 'lilhiiti 025 (t. ri~ '151' ((((1(1010 ..7: 0at. t ebohepeerytllingoitr -tally kept in l E'. S. (Iiioi', .\gent. . first-g Iot~s 100lass5Grtoeeryanod liakery, (iatl r - ----'"In5 t ts.. Arrie,'tiltino t. 05.la tat iiisi3{ see tie. 1is' to hl' "ioltil o .25t it ..~l n. rieI' torill. t o . t 318 S. STATE ST. tio lt, S ie n ts t ait kl It as II r iti 9 ,n . A r v 1 1 1 ~ ' ' ' I n et a " i :50 ,t il Y U 'R E N E X plesit t ahe ll foritri stilitelvc-84 pnt.A i otli ot tC>: RAZORs HON INC doll after ti('lle wuillrtr nda01,t l t (..iffitive s'lo..,u i:en too S A SCI NC 'oI'tttle oli(ill ( ti t'i ll o il i'o l-h 0 8 :43 i.- Arrie1.0a.i.843a n..AriGabs dR1111 -1 2-5 ootlU. A RREN THE BARBER.1O1 ol ((i klyll Nav4:5i6Ip.Ii n ...At rrs ( ~ive touts t h.......:oidep. nt.i t s, Ir 0 t OOMS t the1 c in.., ____ t_ y ti y . .. . :,iptt .R T i ~ A O ~ zt r p 2 S t t Flue sktti4:56itt)e AimtActor rri'BO e a ( il ls ln:,e0 Oilnl Th llntio i~tett reitly 4 .no t...A rie, cas t ass i ies t. "ille T E O Epn.ite Sre Skain P r4.56illl "iI)i.Bo t t..riv' e la11 litss ..(1 ,3is 1).eRa A ZO N N prsne el irrMdp incei- ttelnisrr a elon 05'~~ H P t yn dsr 'Wat NtheBokly( ay- a.i dns t elSt-ltaii S ie at fshe (!SiltPi lea wlet ll setot e GuawrkandeecOurteou reaten tecitf.eW RE ABR dens karetlig, ti tile an t 208 N. ASE BALL Al' t 1buyIte lates t ryGog adarynt32d.SaeS 4t most i70 terestig mi vivnet.d. ba f " Bae HoM D L f Si ate Sre Sk t*gP r , o t it . al a on . It.iCoils atbyeiwidedsons se Nht. LY eacV rprseti gBaenin e tatwithcoe BA BE Oiti PAe totioi t e rm 11his 1n10rros i ai as1any rain I --esr o NTED.ar tl01' o ellbox. ayeis n the il.trpai tohna drit s irst-css okan ortostramn god.nuvnrroldy cets iofle srgstliiGin'Wsh rge i 1 J' denaswirorinty of giftr e sial oaade etl28NenS,1AI Tx i:N E nc 'ry - nd' arr- at- 3"- . Me i t EN0Cnhitle 0(1-unr'lStocct. Caljl s tnddDa re Night . 1