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December 20, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-20

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AL, 4r

VOL. IX, No. 72.


Tisns: CENTP.

Meet at Notre Dame. Aphalt Paemen
-A NT IL WNotre Dame has nearly completed It is not a generally known fact
1114 a new gymnasiumi which will be one among the steients that the inside
of he argst n te Wst.To cele- half of the streets surrounding the
T T brate the dedication of this building campus belong to the state. State
FINEWINER UITI + H they will open it with a large indoor Senator Ward of this city, who isa
H FNEWITE SITNG' track meet acel 11, 1899. If their great friend of the University, knowss
exetations are realized this will be it, hwver, ad intends to try to
E , E te laigest track meet in the West convince te legislature at its next
-)K-this year. Invitations have been meeting that aii asphalt pavement
seit to Cjicago, Illinois, and Miclii. wotld be the proper thing for the
T WE CARRY THE LARG EST T gait to seed teams. Each college to avenue. From the present makeup
U ~~scnd a teamofn o it iiore tlaii teii of the state legislature, and the coa-
A STOCK A mn. The gymnasumn has a dirt iig Pingee-Burrows sfight it looks as
IN THE CITY. fior, much better thtanmaoard floor, if the few democrats whon will sit iii
for ttie ield events. The ruinmg le assembly will be moiire tlani 'a
track is tlirteeii laps to the mile, a few." Senator Ward happens to be
* L trifle larger thaiiors. Chicago has a democrat aid in coisequene the
not yet decided to send a teaii. isplalt paveienit project dses not
0aAHNGO T U Illiiiois will prorbbly compete and loom up as an imepossibility.
sOa .S HINTONS D Michtigani will senid a teaii if a fete--- "
flmIiiior details caii be arranged. Notre Wrinkle Out Tomorrow.
Damse los a track teaii which coit- Wrinkle will be out tomorrow, and
____ pares very favorably with those of till ciiitain several good features.
J aiiy of these colleges. With this This editin is a Cristimas aid Jibi-
' W k 14 teaimi she hopes toi be able to keep lee nmber combiied, jubilee over
the lesnat at Notre Dame. Prizes iur victory at (Cicaigo. *idinanis
.. i te+NN itil e giveni to act inidividlual the Wriele fvr teh~i le dratw-
Vi~folin, watvrnier i additioin to the penaniit .iig is excellent. TI'el(,citer page is
whichl will be given to (le winiiing by Hlerinm I. Bllovmaid is en-
Guit L11ar teaii, 'he prigrain till consist of titled, 'So Sot Jorgottem." It
tr~p Sthe usual indoot' events. A 0 yards Slows a society couple asout t eiter
u 1Ba jo, dash takes ttieplace of tle 100 yards ai carriage for some oci. 1 functiolt,
aiid 40 yards hurdle iisteadl f a saidtn athlete statitds t oiio side
MJ.and~olin. 120 or 2(00yans, aici there twill le with ini envious tail fo lornt look, for
2no hamterc or diticos evetts. All the Iis days te tassel. The cover
wehv omplet.e erotiotitndia + tther evetts suteh as quarter, halt irtiwii igaid a nusmtberof crtonis
aidimile riiis, bradindt.uitthigh jiiiiiis ire by )Mc~orsge.
WILDER'S PHARMACY *fiwill beliv'ieni hit iterary hart f thliieir is
t te south sttstet. - - lotqute go. A ('rnell ititni triting
...Ii 4O owing In the West, tii Anti Arbotmnot ln g o sal hat
(flie ext seasonpi s iiiieso to biitg (riike ses the lst of their colligi
f'~r®2II ( lll t 111. rostitg intoigietterromitiemce in exehittgee
0 U1 u U thi'lUIU le est tait it haever hh before. - -
Darin-tth ~ eet ite ite eeya e 5t iscoteiniti ttoo coitintie her good "M.'' Sweaters.
wilWiv lnhe sitllihous dayaort
nih.F~nlneo ips,Ciar, asitdiwork in in ttg andh is plantning to '[le "M1 swetters for thle 'Varscty
Tbacc. mtttke thatdepartetitstromge thamioothba1l sitis hve artivied attdlthe
R. E. JOLLY & CO., evetrtutu to itterest more staietts itt plyers ity gt theist by climg att
308 o. Sttt Stret. it. Severl f Fnlirstrt's faculty tdo resiiencue ofCas.(t ir tmd, athetic
hatattkent holiofthec.tmatter t thititmitunitger, t132 Witltetits aeueie.
imstititioni ,nuitaacrewr for tet y~erThnte °14"sieters fr the eser ves
C t rSseto biile asurei. A nuimtberf have mnot c oe yet, butt theu tatge-
si m as gust1oodars cn eti ieirawnmifrotmitthe mett hopi(ie-tliaveethemi t imeits.to
a jiccopesent iesa'tving cres, adinl-ll iistrbtito bfom icv ttOtin. Aitottice
85 Fes OR HER. piobibiilit.)-ait iti ietitllxstiatority memt il Ile mtute itthe ll Jyiif
an ~~hosingiofrs iteginnitng iwill be tey aive inttie
Laeyucadci tes-i' sti adnie. Minnestasand Ripont sill 0- -.
wit n aTherelI ac taor yAn nust stTax
saeepee o)etactareiort en oedicsio fintrothucicmg Ieamd StunfornJiiverity his a
~te city aqua tic shorts at Chicago, bit thCe tux of 860,000 a year extrted frot
hh p sa hissssa yet assumied its defiite it by the State of Calonsia, TChis
C l n' a, fiG shape. It seemsipo ihssible for Mict-oues abut Cnthrughthle ocidus itnt-
*akn td IaU igani to hitatiythting int his le of come tx, by mtenis f hihlthe
_______________________________athletics owsiig o the ftct (thtnosa'te sritga fron this youngiebtt
-7- -7 -suifficientlty large bodiy of waer is splemdid college 25s per cet of its
REM EM BER neaenutough toi the Uiiversity imcomie. Inteligence amd gotd citi-
- - ~zemnship muust be lbougtt siths a pemal-
YOUR FRIENDS. The Dome. ty attaced. No other sttte in the
- Workmten tuenosw covernmg te uniinm, except Usah, makes educations
With a U. of li. Sou- skeletomi irniwork ofte dome omi a inable otfense.
venir ('alendatrnfor 1899, the mi u ilin henscompeted Prf .Jitomfth EaeI-
-Designed by Miss Lovehlt tautf.Jbhnsildofmig.Lw De
The mieatest- and most the structure will add mateialy t itretislladwl.ntmths
arttstc Calendar of tie the tppiearattee of toe buidingt lass tttest silCondsal ms msetyi
season. 1PRICES 50e. Wokib nuie
Some Chicol lsoksWr i eig rushedsas o have lsesCda)
and fancy bookets now University Hlall reasdy for occupancy Dr. JHinsdale entertaimned hCe U.
ready for your ispectiomi whiems (le University opens after the of M. Masnic Clib Friday night.
at our tvo stores. holidays. About 40 swere present.
MICHGANCENTAL. Tile Anus Arbor Railroad
W AH 1 5 Sudents may get tie will sell students' tickets
up row" Down Town day, the 21st, as well as tie iin addition to the other
I.~ St. Opp. Court Houe
nlan st. days already announced. dates previously announced

Oracle Has a Net Departure.
'[ lie anmimul etitionmifsi the Oraclel
trit placeethoittsale yeterday Several
hsumded copies weere sold amd if the
presemtudemiamd keeps uptilhio editions
till he exhausted ins a fete days. The
botik this year relects creditably ott
hic abiity smith cnergy osithicboardh
f editors.
A inew feature ini Oracle editions
is te cover, In formter years the
bimdinmg as aiays beens of paper.
This year te booik is bosuimd it boards
handsomely coveredh withs blue silk.
I the upper eft hamd crer a
faiscy aisi attrative cut cotaining
Chic nmuosethic bok is stamped in
silver. Itthes durable bitding (le
boiok can be preserved a a suvenir
tif college lays andh will le an orna.
mitent to any library.
The articles inthe book swhie of
the same style sit thosoeein st years
Oracle are both iteresting and in
structive. Thle tiwo stories rc the
best wehich have ever apttredh here
ini t similar putblicattion.
Prof. Woircester gives a valuable
article otlthic EducatiosalthSystemitiof
tlie Philippinmes Ilavimng recently
beemi ou thicIslansiehospetilksith
autihoruicy f hie proublmsitshbexist
there. 'fhiesolutionmwichthte lpro
pouses is hbtbi practictalmnh probahble.
T'i. ihe uisiumtu tfte erly evemts
tf the hitotryosithic Univer sity gives
us very vividh pictureofea rlu y studenti
life ini AnntAsrtr.
'(he prizecstortyhby (11. FreshPalhui
is us storcy typicali of cothlegetife, 'he
hlot is gootd, the inids i t plasitg
andtruemii tinsliieindtuheCisry outs
uchich every stuuenu utanapprecite
'The stoy is Btter thamshi usual
standiard 5of collIege ectories. 'het
ttic.) tehremccivrcs honorbhs. tut-
tiostls hissa itsitincivs. clleg
(sum. '[hepoemsitsegout1 suit su
iimpoeet on sutbeiis isfornme
Thss.cuts uwhichi art its tsheuook r
apphr-opruiate atndhsuguestive. A lhol
theistuarte swork of studen~uts nisse i
he Universit. This ae t.hal f-toses
f cle chassa scietis, the diferntt
'Varsity atdsul case teaums. Auiue
feauturs. is the haslf-tonme cut of tie
capjtatins of the three 'Varsity eant'
The editorsowireeryviny ssidertee
in (liu grimndhdeparutmuent. 'Ihe
grnmds are brighlt amdsitty andutalsos
tck that objectionmahue acrid ansi
cauutito(nme sehichi they usually hatv
During this.months of Nouvembe
hic average numsbe of patients us
(hue University Htospital sas 1.4.
'this is the highist average out recordh
forith (hue ospital.th. singto(i lack of
rooimt it sas oftemi mcessry o turn
patiemnts away, swhie as muamy as 1
were at oswuic eiting for vacan-
cies. 'T'he damnger frosmu the spreit of
diphhtheria shis causedl a temtporary
qhurantineth le first art of last week
is nowseovei amd te hossptal is mmiii
mniug as usuiah agaim.
Moust of (he aws tmdents wihl
leave Wednesday afternoon and
evening, as both rilroads have an-
noumnced rates for that day
Prof. Thompson of the Law De-
piartment is out of the city.

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