4 CHRISTMAS - SHOPPERS WILL PINT)I AT OUR STOIK lE L 1 RICESIC AND) CIClEST rSTUCK We also carry a very Complete Lille of Calendars, Christmas Cards, D~esk Sets. Pocke, Books, Card Cases, etc. A T LOWEST PRICES We would especially call your attention to our Books for children, of which we have made an unusually large and careful assortment. SH EELIAN &coo 330 SOUTH STATE SItE1+ET .ilhesic Studio Piano, Pipe Orgoq and CongposItion R. H. KKIMPF From Stuttgart ('vacorvatary, Germaany. 312 S. Division'St. Concert Piano Tuniog MILL ARD THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. xrz~' c~cci~.JOS. W. KOLLAUF, New Nick Wear,) B~ath Robes, Suit Cases and Tr-unks. - . Special prices for the Holidays. lWSD. A.T IN K ER& SON, InterGolloulate Bureau ot i Raden1IeGCostume. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBANY, N. Y. Cape, Gowns, and :Hoods mode to order and rented. Also (Closs Canes, Class Hots sod Cops, Class College Pins. Address W. C7. KEk170 Western Mungr., HaskelltMseum onoi mof Chicago One Horse Sleighs for two people Take 2 Horse < " 4 or 6 " Your 4 "4" 44 24 44 Choice TELEPHONE toe HOLMES' 'LIVERY CDanopyj for Yarnies5, Et., Ftco. 515 E. LIBERTYI LAMPS FORSTUDENT We call attention to our complete line of ('enter IDraft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and moot improved patterns and makes. Including "1The New Rochiester," "1The Yale," "The Royal, " "The lerlin Student Lamp, " "The Ferf'ection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Leacsf Money come and see us Old Number: 44 ASDEANIN&SCO ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A N0 8 Student Railroad Rates. On IDec'. 22, 23 and 24 the Ain Arbor Railroadrl will sell to studenits tificates signied by Seely Wadelioli- day tickets, at ~oio aniilonie thiirdl fare fiii the riiiiiiltripto iiMinineiapolis, St Paiul aniiiniteriieirate poiiits. Also Cairo, Cininniiiati and initerniediate pinjts, laid to ill piints East to the Atlantic Oceani. Also to statioins in tlie Upper Peininsuila osf Kichigran. E. S. Gii SiORE, Agent. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. Vili the A in Arhior Rialroad you Cani coniiect fur iiiportaiit points as belowi. Leave Ann Arbiir. 7:25 a. m.... ArriiveCica~go. .....2:10 p. 7:-5 a,.m... .Arriviei'. Lt,i .....65p, n. 7:25 a. in ,Arrive Kan-as('ity ..... 7: i. 7:25 a.i... arrirei':rivcrisv. 'i.. :5p. im. 7:15c aim.... Arrive Niavvra Fatsoii tO8p io 7:25 a, in:.... Arr:ii5f:io.: ... 7:10OPi.n 7:25a i.. Arrive' irci..eil...:30p. i 7:25 a. nt.... Arrive Iniauiiivcis~.SriS p. tit. 7:25 a. im_. .Arrive Lrsirsile. Oat:_: 0p.i 7:2i a. in.... Arrisv'ort Wayne.... Ws:5 noon 11:21,a m. Ativ icinnti.. ..7 0a.m 11:6 a. m... At-rive 'ieveiand ..i.5:i mc. 11:25 tt. m....Arrive Washinigtonc.... :35p. cm 112 . n ..Airiver nviir::i'. . 2:05 1). in. Matks a peciaiy vf Fine Black Suits. Al Workmanshp 004 East WansbigonSt., lia Sli Ae.. W ..no~er, Ppnv ~ t WAa. r..Estrevice pres S (TE C. .WSia r,ArdV.iCahec SfVING& BRINK Transacts a general Blankiing Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or Capial, 100,00. Srpios sd Profil, 4,00 'franoaee a generoilibanking brsine. Foreig no'cirige ibougit and red. tionai tt iers af E. tD. KINNE, Pe,. HARRISON SOUtLF V ict tEree. S. W. C.LARKSN, Coohies, Con. Main aodironesSreet. Capita, 15,(W~ni. Surpia, $0,00, Tranarisaa general rasking bsinnss. R, Rnmer, Pes. C. E OiiNes, VienPrno, Fre. HBlStirn. Carhie. The finn flrbor savings Bank CpritlvStoc. 80,000. Snrin, $lii,i Organiziedirner the Gener inking Lawn vS ii, i~same. ieivedritsr inbinnd els exhageonth ir inrriliiirn en rhetUnied slat's. nlr ae id aroespier idnoiication safety dvipvit bxtorirren. OFcric i iCherii aktPre.;W. D.Hlari nn Vive-r'.,;l'n;ha .lv 0 iroc, Cihir;M, J. Fritz Arptiv aier r. LAMB & SPENCER, THE Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a frstciass Grocery and Bakery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of All. Barber Shop and BthsilRoaools.- J. IR. TrrrJAracwsKr. Prp. 122 S. State Et RAZOR HONING. IS A SCIENCE ... We GaranreGOur Work, WARREN THE BARBER, THE MODEL of Sate Sreet BAR ER HOP is BUrs& ELy'S BA BE S OPI yn desire firt-clasa work and courteous treatment try George and ilarry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, e00 Calls atended Day or Night. Noe. 101-E. LibertySree. Beidence 5t8 8 ForthiAve. Ibennt.l r1:2;a.in .. Arrire Piiiadripiiia..4: n P. 111. THE Chicago Student. 11:25 a. ii... Arrive c'rriruiirvs.5.:,5 o. . 1:25 "i. ru....Arrive Dati n.yi .....6:1ivp. in. PII[NTEIITh'fololorwing staiistics still he of 8O9e p.i..Arrive Ciicinn"'ati ... +:0 a.im 8:10 p. i:., Arrire Cnurribosr.0: ira. in:. inteirevt asroinrtigtlint lSpiite ofras0p. . Arriv NiagncrrrFals 6 :18 .a. Annr AerorMinh. t- iivrbi:1f0 tc, lirelisri .ni...Arrive i3,,llr.. 7.0 a. tit. _ ____ ___- --------._ _ he lilve'Siy o GII~a th re as :43.rid t.... Arrveo Lansing ...... .ii:,':: a. in. THE RENOWNED MIANDOLIN VIRTUOSO beeniIno aplpreciabhle fallinig-off in the 8:4ia.. i.,.. A rrire Grand lRapids .75: 5 n0n niiniier of studenits at Michigani 4:56p ni.... Arrive Saginaw ...8:00 p. ti. M .W. EUGENE pg +AGE, fromu the Pity of Chicago andh its 4:-6 p. ii....ArrivLansirng . 7)t p. m Will give lessons on the mandolin and sunbirrs: Fur the yeiar endeinig in '93, 4:5611. n.i:AriveFint........... 7.30 p. mi. guitar ait the University Sellooslof 108; '94, 119; '95, 129; '916, 151; Maolsic every Friday. For Terms and '97 133, '08, 1613. LOST.--Open faced grold watch, C. houra apply to the Secretary. C. S. Oi cave. Return to Alpha Delta Finie skastinig at (lie AiiiiAror Phi hounse anad receive $5.00 reward. THE Skatinig Park, Socith Fifhh. 71 C. C. SAtITll. Corner* Candy Store POst RENT-Cheap, front suit. WANTED-,Eery oestivboy the latest and i~oth f Qacr'o iro Stre) Bath, fiurnace heat. 331 Packard msn inreresti ng easeieerinvente'd. "Ov:en Tenders a kind invitationi to ail wishing freshr street. 71 eacb repreen Os a Base Bll nine, and will cr goods at ravsroiable prices. Luraches at ail in rini, hire anrierrorisir tiin a aoy giimie bourn. fresh f'erp tirrs, 'eanrits and Candy. WANTD.-stndents to Sell Stn-.playd ono tirefivid. Seal prepaiii tv any addren l~ss Coffee and Sandwicihes at on receinit vSon5. W.5 AtIES 0 .Sae~ dents Directories. Inqsnire at 208 N. BASE BALL AT HOME co., -- --- - --- ____4th ave. 70 55yiD.Caietritich. 0n Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per- sonal 1Proerty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. (Onfie at residence, tan E. Liberty S1., Ann Ar. bar, Mich. Alltrusines confidienrial. Boone, 8' to11:0 a. m. and 1tov8:30and ;oi9p. m. Josephi c. Watts. Bargainin Second-hand Watchies and tiamnonds MNAKE A STRIKE BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Main St. T, MAHGN-EY, - Proprietor. Open Dtap' and SNigkt. They Came Saturday Another lot of Bright, Richly Colored CHRISTMAS NEOKWEAR, direct from the Boston makers. On sale now. -WAGNER & CO., Furnishers, 123 S. MAIN ST.