THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I8 CAS S More Styles, Finish, and Trimmings Than Ever Shown Before.I $UT3 to $20. Goodspeed's, Mi tet Students' Laundry )association wn. VeUGT-Wm. R. FOX, agent for TOHl. GRAND LAUNIDlV, of DElTOlIT The bet hi_h [rade landrly in the tate. Te only raie homatate t litllinathe wea. Govter fiishalec eiven. All wek lproptly neatly stlcarfully dtne. Office 2 . State Ht. Reiece60 Lawrence st. Ne aSate IPhone. a4. MIGHIIfIN GEThafL The Niagara Falls Route." CENTIRAL.ST5.NI)hltlOTIME Taking Effect Aug. 4, t.895. Malt and Explreac. .........3 7.n.M N. Y. & lnitcttraSPecial .....A 5 Face Eatrn .:.............9037 AtIat~ic Idatrern............7 45 A. a. Detroat Nierht Eslreoc..".... .:555" Grand Iapics Epars ......... t0 Mall&Expr~etss .. ...... ......... iS A. u Roaton N. Y. &Chicago .........83 fat WeternaEprasna....... 1051r M. 0.1t & KalEatrsc.... 545 Cilcat Night xoteto .......... 0f Pacific Etprs .............12 30 A. M. G. P. & T. Ac't Chicago. Agt Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Takng Effet, Nv. 20, 188. Trains learn Ann Arbor by Central Stand. artS rite. 6:43A. a .a a5A, 14:40 P. M. 11 :25A. laP . M. 8:41P. M. a'lan betwen Ann Arhoranaad Toledo only. All trains daily excpt errataay. ES. GILMIOR, Agent. W. 11. OENNETT. . P. A. DE~TROIT, YPSILANTI do ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at 10 minutes after every hour, beiniing at 7:10 a. m. and up to 11:10 p. m. For Ypsilani at 20 minutes beftre tie hour tip to 12:40 a. m. Cars leave corer Huron and Main Sts. Tickets on sale at Brown' D~rtg Store The Wabsh aContinetal Limited" Saves you timeoadoey. goting hme fact Christoas? oottk hreethen. Yota leases Ann Aeor at 7:25 a. m and reach Perua 12:05 noon.oganspoat 12:26 ia tm., Lllaytete 1:19 p. m., Dtvylle 234 P. n., Decatutr 4 a. a., Taayorille 4:40 p . it. lu tao 6:52 p. tm., Chicanocr2:0 P.a, .Indianapolis 3 pit t., Looisville 7 p. t. Close cnectiotns at these stations for all points ita Inditaa, Iinioic and , is saaari. The Continentali Limits.) is the fast, luxutrious train of the Wabashh Line adlpases Milaan going West at 807na.m. conoult the tiekt gent o tiea. Ioc Aror Rat roaaator rate and ask htm fo° a WVaotasla faler 14. S. nase'awoa, Ia P.A. Wanted=3 Students To salii uboacriptioIto the Chicago Record A dnn opportnity to earn some money. 0. Ma STEPHEiNS, '95 L i i Students ! Student ! fhil"I ifalieeatisflei witha yotr landraeriec to tae J EXCELS IOR LAUNDRY (( A, F. CaIVOI.Prsoa., 2,9R.ta I. St.t 'relephonetacNc, 2I 1, 2 liaags. jExcellet Wokaaetaaachtick Sei ie Gutarrateed. Iheianrest Ltaittinte city, ALAR. 1 CLOCK, $1.00. aaitlt vleyLorw Prices, at U. 4)",11. P IN T, 50 Cens. Dru ineotWatacha Repairing atSpactialty, IBrowsn Sore J..1L. CHAPMAN, 206 Sontte SAtantreet. CALENDAR. ! Special Hates Motndlay, Dec 19--Pratf. J. 1E. Tto Ijniversaty sltllelats vita tiae Rergitarol lectireesItefore tile Unlity M ichigan Caitlrtil Railiroad, alccaautt Clb o Tal he Biolo~gy of the Great hoalidtay vacateont. 1Onett andtethirdl Lakes." .i rt cdateslimtied faire far thecrottd Thulrsday, Dee. 22, (Evening). t ript to professoars andl ttstuets seir- Hlolidaty Vacstiaottbein~gls ill atll de- tag certifiates tof mtemblerslhip signted paartmnlts of thae University. by Stcretlry Wadte. Tickets swllabe sold Dec. 22,'23 ald 24, reltrat limtti The auxiliatry cruiser Ytosetmite, Jan.10,il 1899. Eastt-Tbae rattes' whiichi has ten lalidtut fatrtheltaIsst ill apply to Near Yark , Btastont, thtree tiothtls at the Leagute IslsiadPhladiaelpia, Pit ltliug, Jllllolr, service witht Adttiral Dessey's dlaet. lairge anumbeltrtof intaermtediate tpoinis. Shte will be hfttetdouat at tlae INorfolk Soutt-J.Tt Ipointis alt cantut l lag navy yard attd will niake thte trip tat littes tat Toaledoar. Waest-Ta'oOahta, Matnilta by wav of lte Sutez dail KanRias City, St. Loutis, Si. Patul, Proaf. Mortimter F. Cooley.,sof thte U. Mlittlieapaalis, Mirsittri River, Cairoa, of M., is engitteer oaf thae Ytsetttte. Ill,, atntlitntertteadiate ttinti atnd Last evenitng while Wn. Vitght, Uppter Pentiiain Statletof Miciti- of the Studaelats' Latundry Associa. at iaCacttasavaMiktas talwas dliverinaghits paircels his Fl nomtt illecerul hotrse lrft imittwithotthlis jtriistioti givena atMiclhigatiCetraalticket atnd attemtetealheaid his Master tao iItadlcie. I1. tV. ILAYII5, Agt. place thiat wtould do Ititii tOihartm. - At anyt rate, the laorse was foatt i tn. Kidda, L. '98, ssho las beeno quietly stanading ill fronlt of thle etn- Iattenintht6 le Harvaird lai scholttl tettts' Y. M. C. A. builditng.- this yeair, expects tat spenth ie Iol*- Tims.dttys owithlisticfataily illthis city. "HAVE YOU S14EN The New Bruno Mandolins OF 13 STIfIAS ? " They tare forstole tat thiie SHALBERLE MUSIC STORE Dawn on Labsrty Street.,oattarnly thares doer. ANN Alta][101t. 0. M, MARTIN.., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emhalning a speciaity. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambutlance night andI day. Ites- idence 31)2 FifthA ve. Wim. Arnold, Leading GET YO'JR LUN IHES AT We W. TUTTLE'S. 3.38 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phone 119. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Newr York - Claicago. ATHLETIC GOOD3S. Official otitfitttars to all the leadittg colleges scotsett.,,nthctteataaaai f thaetacountry. 'tsrlts a~ilatIVicycle, riddenrythyIe .teoatlt-giat-A A. A. R. Chttta,ionsaamtod ,ill thae trod tag a1la-9-rial-is. Eavery Mqtal- la or tae l. F'ot Bail, Golt, Tenniso. athaleticas, 0.13 ttu stt Spaaldintg's Offioial League Ball ithe attafftaltal Blall ofthe Nsatinal toagae an l the ataaliaeracoilsa o rllo s et at ttastea talg o a..C j~rt tSpalaagttititt;rsolcal Base Itll Gulie far 189t, 1laaeia aa. t at . A. Gi. SPALDSINGA&15R0S., Now Vork. Chicago At News Stand, 607 E. William St. Gaive me s tial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 3411 S. Stale St., BindseBoohe for 275. and nrtawardo. and sotlesAA Watermaan onan.Pensi for$1.00 andiup All Linen Paper. 4 lbs. for 50c. Finest Stationory ina thoitly ut lowest price i 3 j i t I _ V\ J Ilentscblcr, the Pjbotograpber. E E r THE MAJORITY OF HARVARD AND YALE STUDENTS WEAR THE PURITAIN $HOE-4 Puritan Shoe Co., ; MAKERS. AlSizes 33 0 ANN ARBOR STOlE, 110 EAST HURON ST., Neer cook house. Fe C" TAYLOR, MANAGER. i WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S- DRUG STORE.