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December 19, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-12-19

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tiseeticig was held Saturday in WEt ARE
Pabliahed Daily (Sundaynyexcepted) during the Rootm 24, Unilversity Hall, ot those I /XLSV
College year at wvho are trying for the M1instrel AET
6liow, which is to he given somueFO
7Oeec".: The lnt ejool P se i oc ek. AbIout 4()0 1 1r ldtl ---ANN al BNSTR
BoethiPhoe - 1 17. selvs heoce tte eaisinng lsari
,,evSc eoeteeaiigbadMANAGING EitITll l. aidlthe latter expresses itsielf its well FINE
F. 5 .v . 511.leasei b oith wit hI the q uanily acd z S H O E S
It t~siNINS MAN SOE. quiality of the tlet available.
a.E.t , ,'o L. "Clitck" Witltman ias been signed
7.0. :1VCS to'; play the "Yellow Kd" adii B AL' - SHOE - OTOP9 u . NCOURT HSE
P..wJNFIA.1.'tDt{AL,0 .i h Unter-ity wilil ap eai____
Ee LMaa, 0 c. i. LIeee, '55 51, catchy "stut-t."'ITe ceitipiliy still
G. 1.IIUNTeeir. 'it E. ittelude tie U of M 3 1 nol, the l(; a
Clb a~uadMandt~oliClubi, andN e N ckw ar
aboiutt 20-elatrtists mtingkitti
t- e. ,ml n ft. i.'' 111- .1 .nit. de and'i -. 55 11ff 4555

The subsrptioneprce of the'DILis e250fofe
he eatteg ' year. withi a cegtlee ideliveybalore
noeach acity. Notices, cewlleee'alleee, coiln
ether miateteiteiiedforcubicioniimiustiicbe
antted it at the DALYsofeiceleoe A p in o
maitedt to te editori'iibee :Sptt ftile lay
preiuste thiat ttwichlithey are cxpeteitoe
utliertptlonamay tie left at the DPmoffeicec
Meyers, eor loillle' ei tas I.or wt trns
Aattage. seeltribere wilt ceafer a fevor by
repo~rting premptly at hueistfie ally failure at
carriers te deliverc later.
Altlechaplleelini advetising maiteralluttie it
Itoniio wihthevareto lopear.
P. W. tONES.
Thei ' effort lteing itade by1)' tll
'Washingttt's lbirthdtay coitittlee of
thce seniorf late class5 tstllect tihe
necessatry assessmtentt before vtacatiotn
is to be highly couniidted. ''To
niniy titmes in titrmter yealrs lisa this
ciatter heeni alloiwed lttolraig alottg
until thte commiliittee wotildl not kntow
until the last mnomlent to what ex-
tent they ctol gi in ititkiiig the
essential prepalrationis. So tisel
was t110 assesstiieitt tatter tattendtedt
to in oiie of the classes last year that
an unpaid hill had to go~ over thrtoughi
the stunmner vacatioin atid was ciot
paid until ~alpecial assessmnit seas
mAdethtis year. L.et the oilier law'
classes folloiw tlte latidlable examtlell
set hy the seniior law class and the
exercises 0on Fehrualry 22 will he a
credit to the deptartmnict in charge
of themf
Oracle Out Todati.
The sophiomotre pichlicationt, thte
Oracle, is oit today. It is dedicatetd
to.Proft. DeatnC. Worcester, woise
likeness appears as ait rontisptiece.
Tie profesir cilitriltiites anti iiterest-
lng article oii "Tlie EducatiitdlSy's-
tern of the Piliiii~liies." G. Fsretd
Pauol, '99, of Pelerill, Ill., lfol tile
prize for the best sltry wthtiriticter-
Edinbttrght Scholairshlipu." liclprize'
of Aimtt.A t ler. A.series ofi trticle's
entitled "ySoime Iluieits ini the His
tot~i'yof the Utliverstly'' is clittrilili ci
lt by 13 dlii T. lMcCiiclleoli, NV. 'W.
presidientr ot Vi-eulniiiuUtitersity;
Judlge Noahi N. licever alidlhiot.
3JustitiR.IlWitititig, aloll litilitill'fthe
University. 'uefotutlball seaitii is
reviewed bty Calt. Beimiett, acid tile
prospets for the batseball acod track
teamis outliiied biy (etiittitla Linitii
acid M\cLeant. The vtlumtie is ilms-
trated hy a cnmbier itt Ittlf-totes lit
the athletic tetiiis tid officers lit the
class, acid cloises with the usual lot
of "cGrinds."
Williams College will soton hreak
groucnd fo~r the first. College Associa-
tiou building to he erected ini Masa-
chusetts or Rhcode Islanid. The build.
incg is tice gift of aic alucinus accd the
endowmenct fund is pledged by alum-
ni acid undergraduates.:

t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Noete-l litiiy iever' offeiredlthe stutdeints ~ :l/i.S oete l h
before. l'the nitoiicindir the dices- Ikltlltil lily
lioni of "rich Lottie" Libel prolles . exv Weaves- New Colorings-New
to be hriglit liind ct).'.I lie pr Shapes. If yotu wont to be teal S-Well
fortulance swill ,rollably he gtvein two t eIiny one of ourc De Joni illes. No two
nilitis here anltil trill will he tatkeni, okR alike.
the faculty permittinig. A graind
street pairadie twoil bcks lbig switli
hw adswl e a part of tie pro.- ul Dvress Pr oloctors,
ulSapg Up In Arnus. In Plain Black Silk or -Satin. Two/
Coach Staugg oft Chicatgol Univer- distinict styles. Yost find here plenty
ity does nott reliist the inisinuailitins useftil gifts for geintlenien such as Cud-
wh ich Cashlar \Vhiicuiy casts tuponti-I
bothi tie aiiatieuir sanditnigand quaff- lrs, Cuffs, Glove',1lsitteits, Canes, Urn-
icy lot ptly of the Chicago tettnii ild lrel laslFanicy Ilosiery, Suspenders, Golf Ilose.-and
ins writteni the lleupers Weekly Seaetetrs.
oralcle a very caulstic letter iwhich
lie gives Air. tVhitneYti fete ptointerst
aibout ,Vesternt foiotball iti generail0
ar. thShcag o stamli pteduieticlr
MSant tyitcgateadtt neIithis i
in o~rder to Ireveit Mr. \Viitey
friom "mtakitig aniy fturthuer shtiusviing
oh' his delorblelhi ignioriance as regards __________ ________ ____________
Western athletics." ' -_______ ___-_______
Mr. Stagg says thatthle regards thiseR G ~ 0
leatving of lBurnlett, Rogers andit
Cavaiiautgli as heicngitost unlfortunatite IMIPORTERS ASS MANUFAOTURERS OF
acid a jusat catise fur suteint s tio
the amateur stancdicng of the traare, CHEMICAL andt PHYSICAL APPARATUS.
hot that helieahissutndeniahle prooufs
ticat the nieci received til cohsidera- MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Hieaclqtarters f'or alt Labora-
ion of accy kinid fir playicng. He tory Suplies
says:1125S. Malt street, Aen Arbor. Mcdi.
"Cavanaughi has been here for -- - __ ____
tuore thanitwo yeiars takicug a regutlar TRY HO-T CHOCOLATE,
course, acid othi Burniett tand Rutgers Nose ltk it erwrue..
ueclare([ hefuore the athletic hbtardul AT AHNTO TET
tint they icitenduer[toh it elre furtwoi200EAS 6WSOHINTNSTEREET ,-
years. I will try tou see tot it thait 36SUHSAESRE
tich a tit oes cot uccur agin h ei, laur~iagest Oa=one of d ~i i i llect,
and~ to acctompluish this endo 1 will
turge the itilhtiltuiof ua'ile cmaikiing -- __ ___
it inmpotssible fotr a mtt iosutconciesOfYu'Vn Or 'itlicug, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no-matter
Irot~iitii tcitttt 51gtu i how small oc how large,
ate stuietit tio1, cli a Cliicagot a Job of W A O I
tuuiui Btittl le hast5beenit residenceeaWECttD I
fti llyear." Printing for you. ('all and get acquainted.
Ittliert Y. Larnied, '98S, is inttig- The Ilci a ress,
i t store ot Iilio u te inL anisintg, Q E ie utiu 1tierk.
fPeninsular Engraving Co.,
- K Detroit, Michj.
T.1 AQAL. - {Every kind.BLE
K 119) West Washington Street
1!7State Phone 144. Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor.
______________ ___YnWith te cnn nd gigof the sassare the fathions
School o D n igr n hos.The :tyles ifyetraaesonfgteni the desice for
of Dth~i~b lactnofcueoamorow. See oar wiadows far -the test up-te-date lint, of
Granger's Academy. atlet fI1LI 'S SHOE STOfRF,,1AnnArshon ft
Bollt Phone 240.

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