VOL. IX, No. 71. 'WTLLI o Ain ' zw ANN ARfBOIR, MICH., MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1898. T N E T A L 0 R FINE WINTER SUITINGS. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A 1 R W 1L#$+++ ...... IViolin, Banjo, godqalt.Prcsrght. WILDER'S PHARMAOY ~336aaSouhtaSte OwG lDau and NUlit Duintg the reat of the cottage year we wilt -sre uch ateat alt hattr. tay o tttgttt. Ptull tiner atPipes, cigars, and Toacnco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. Christmas Candies FOR HER, Leava yaut cacrd andltee adessa wittte ttated tw erlac ecueely atnda ees.Sttetatey lte madetaromttotate atCthiraga ta saearess.rNa etra thtrgeafar pachtttg at shippeng.Delicacy itt the ctty free, Galkins' rhdalllGU. REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS. With a U. of M. Sous- venir Calendar for 1899, Designed by Miss Lovelt. The neatest and most artistic Calendar of the seasonc. PRt I C ; 50e. Some Choice Books and fancy booklets now ready for your inspectione at our two stores. WAHR'5, .ANN ARBOR lip town Down Town SZte St. Opp. Court How~e lain St. MEDICAL SOCIETY Dcefinitelyj Organized at Saturdac's' Meeting. The suenects in the Meiical D- partmenet held a geceral meeting; Salturday afternoon anid definitelyt organizedi a sociey to be known ast the "University of Micigan Meical Society." A costiution hlad beeci prepared and was read and adopted. It provides for a ceieticg to be held, the secocnd Thursday in each month. The president of ties society is to be choose by the senior class f run amncg their number, the vicepresidectawill be a juccior, the seceeary a sopo. cmore acidlie treasurer ct fresmnan. There is to be a boaril of sevecn directors, ocne frocm each class in the, departmnct. Thle descn of tes de-t arfiet will e a director, aoher is to be chosen fromc the facily acd a residecnt ealimnucs of Acn Arbor is to be the third ecincstdect director.t Secretary Heuber of flee medial faculty was eleced as the faclty directoir. '[le other efficers acdei- rectitrs will be chiosenc by fle differ. ect classes at their class cmeetings. The object f the seciety is ten-ci gecider ceore interest ini the deatrt. nencttn the hart of flee alumnei, stic- deicts atiepotestItsitntiniigeeeral.; Letures till be given t the mtothlly; meetcings by vatriots uhysicians steelit is hoedtfheatmtetictl teeneefriomi tll liver the slte atee elseawhere will lee drawnectee Ante Arbor ath lerefev be- coumee interestedin iithe tdeartmetci acid ifs awork. Such ta result avucld be of the utmtoest imptlortanece to flee meedical schootl andeerlsetisrtve ito briteg eeany stenets to that deatrt ceeneteof fle University. An Opinion About Michigans Coaches. Whlo twill be heesdlctcle of fle U. of Mf. footballiemcnext fail? Sice flee close ofe f o eotball setsee co questioce les been cmore generlly (hs- cussed than thii, stee it yet remaeits to be fically ansewered. Th'ere cate be ce0 oubeit thetfle cotice of ''Jim.e ciy'' Baerd lice thatt rsponesible posi filo unld lee mocst satisfactry call sroundee, but fle claces for getting hiue are cnot cocsirered very bright by fleeciaagemnti. He was practi- cally offered $1,000 for six weeks' coachineg next fall. This is far mcore than les ever beeci offered to a coach, hut it is said that Baird would not listen to if, for tics reasonc that Ie cacnnot afford to leave isa present p. sition for so long a tne. He has a responsible position with a large engineering cocmpany in New York city with every prespect for steady advanceenct iceils chosen profession. Prtlier efforts will be made to get blu, bet thre is small hope of success,lie will be ice Ann Arbor againe next fall for a aeek or 10 days, however, and that mtese some. ''Duch" Ferbert, who has doce wonders duricg his two years of coaching in developicng green men and establishing the Michigace systenm of football playicig on a firmc basis, 'should be retained next year, but notiing is more certaicn than that "Back'"hall ewillnotie head cache agaicn. It is ftse geceral opinion, whliche is sharedl by ties playes as ev-li as fle stuetlees, thatt Hall wavs nt a get ucess as a ceach. It wse veey evideent duritg ties whole, ctisoi that lee was head cucleice name ocly acnyway, for Perbert dii tics work. To be sure, he deserved credit for doing some geood tic tieshie, but he lad icc Heneninger acd Villa tene capable assistacets, as awell as several veteraces oce fleenhe. ' Pa" lien-, cicger aouldlmaeke a -god macctee worrk with Ferbert cext year, but lee is alsoc located icn Detroit ic tics ec- giceericeg busicess. Several lave hicted ct an easernc coachc iceace off-hand aay, ut sorb a, mcove as flee iring cf ii plyer froem ties east woruld meetefcwic a storm of disapproval. Michigane has a systecm if leer oevncewlich spoke for itself once Marshall field Thanscksgivicg dey, acee face seistics of graduatee coachicglave firecly esslisbeed this systeme. Evece "Jerry" AMacaey, flea Princetoci eean, ewho coaeced Mchigantefor tao seen. stens ancd awas perhasthie best ceache theat les ever cmce ot cest, saw flee stroncg poices of lieigac's slyic of playineg, adopted thee, andteeook themtebacck to lp cout his rod ftetee tt Pricetone. Micheigaeniedoes nutfwanet itt castercchexcept lee ctse f a lst resoet. 'i'es fotllowaing exipressini tf op~in- ien leoec oece o hluiste udIied M ~ichi- gai's athete ishisftory very loely fer yeers,tbrings otteat ce iecaehiche is likely fte gaeinefavour. lit- sys: "Michi ga llreadty less ciheeted cececlileeKeee litzpaetrick. \Whei yes get right dcitittfluen e soint youe awill fed thatt Fitzpatrick wthtes real lihed rf afairs this year. Let eit e eerecignizedl to ialeead casch next year; lave "eDutcih" e''Frbert back in ties sites positiceelas15heeleldi this year; ge-f Baid, Benninleger endc mene lie Cunneeinghamee, Caey sed Bienetet back as often as is potssile durineg the ftll, aned tierstwill be iee danecger ftat Micheiganee ail put out a wceak teaete. This wiiilcitt cot ay $2,300 like tiescocehitg teis fall die eithcer, sen co esteree coteche aill be ceeede."-Lef ot jsournal. T'hes Delta Sigma Ne, a high scool fraternity, gave its aceceual bancquet Fridaty evenineg at Granger's hall andda veryejoytebe imteswas leac. The chaperones aers Mesdanmes Travers, Milen, Harris acd Rleh- ards. Ameong thos fromeeoutside ties city aers this Misses Acgell and Hosie, of Detroit; tics Misses Skin- cis, of Mt. Csees; Mrs. Stewart, of Pontiac; Miss Whiting, of Port Huroci; Miss Greeniceg, of Bey City; Miss Dwight, of .Evanstocn,Il.; Mr. Jackson, of Prort Huroi; Mr. Barr,, of Detroit; Messrs. Weidemeeanneacd' McCornicek, of Menomiuee; acd Mr. Broad, of Poctiac. Th'le Chequaue- gancs furnished mtusic. Thce Ann Arbor Railroad will sell students' tickets on Wednesday, Dec. 2 1st, in addition to the other dates previously announcedI T13EsuoE ETh, Sencor Lawa Committees. 'PTse fodhlocing commenittees have bcee apptoitedi iy 1Pres. Egan ocf the senior lace class: A rraeugeeiets- WVeu. Kehe, Califtornia, cairman, J. C. Ammeeermtan, Illineois, J. 'T. Can- nales, Textas, M. B. Ley, Mlissouri, Rt. E. Hyde, uIndiana; N~ashiecgtoc's Birthday-S. Sacegcer, Ohi, chair- umai, H. Nowell, British Columebia, L~. L. Roindhecsonc, Icndiana, H. A. Pen- toc, Ohio, acd R. N. Anderson, Ill- inois Thiseclleteors ice tcsquiz sections are requesteed to nmke their reports to the cheaircmacn of this Wash- icgtocn's Birthday codmumeitee before vacation, acd are further requested to prepare a list of this namces of all those from wheocm they lave failed to collect the class assessmcecnt. It is thee edesire of thies couniteo get thee mconey icc befoersvacation that thesy maey he able to assure this chosen speaker acd also to hiave necessary feuds to beginc arranugemnts for Washicngtonc's Birthday. Christmas Number of Inander Good. 'liesInlaneder is ocut today and -'s one tf thee meost vtaluabuhle nmbecers of thee yeear. ''leaIeding artichle is by P'rof. R. M. Wenley aced is etitled "studlentfLife ice Scotlancd.'' 'Tiu trtiche c-ders the subject very thor- ceughy tende is enliveuedc by severalh of thee proeufsor's est artices. Ine em- pariceg Micheigeane withe teesf ties Scotr-heunieversities, P'rof. Wecnley cwrites: "Alehoucghi ties college 5spirit runcs less hight thancieler, athlietics~ ceutse mucthe le saetsexeiteumetsud inuetiret, hceb ieuctelm y uevoeteexclu- civ-s attenttittei l l s leeanchotf teir edhucatioenc whetheruthey lhappencefto be ini gooduhaemtei standineg ir not. Tic be lbrief, ta Scottish uiersity never setees tuecay fete-incetncy a muancwcho lessoncicl eameberdl withinu thee uluagic waeli; hesdegmesexamue- es ake sufieiset ce oh thies. Thee lroeportionuu rf ucenu ahesgraduae. finalely userd to Ie far smtale than it i-c lerer." Dr. S. A. Jettes wites cn "J'hoerau's Iprisonmcenut" Maca- ger Baird reviews the footbal season acid fliers is aluucusualliy goon ot of stories steelverse. The Regenci Contest. Wooidruff, editor of ties Setiel, furnishes souue iteresting fatsh bear. mg on ties questionc ahether there are any vacauciieee thee oard of University regents for Messrs. Sut- teen acid Judikins, electedh at thus re- cent election, to fill. Mr. Woodruff says that at ties timue of the famous Roe-Deouglas figbt in thus University the Ross factieoewas givenc a majority on the board of regents by thus ap- poinutmcent of a friecnd by the gover-. nor. A. generual election was cose at hand, aced if it aers possible to let tt that time, thus Douglas po- ple were cocfident that they could elect their candidate. Tics question was submitted to Judge (Coley and ex-Gov. Pelch, who after carful rouslderation of the case, advised the Douglas men that ties governor's ap- pointee was entited to serve out the balance oh the unexpired term of lilt predecessor.-Detri JoTurnael, Dec. 13.