J, i { , i '' r l VOL. IX, No. 70. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1898. THREE CENTS. W~ll Ji) ATHLETIC FINANC Statement oif Expenditures T T H FINE WINTER SUITINGS H E \f E T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T A STOCK A I IN THE CITY. 0 0 R 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Nv x ][B ceipts Since April5 The tinancial statement Athletic Asseciation has jo finised by the Financial 8E Leonard ID. Verdier. The r sbonitted contains detailei meats of the expensses and re, each departmnent of athlecti April 5, 1898 to Dec. 15, 18' printcipaol accounts are giver in full while of the others totals are given. Any mic the Athletic Association who mere odetailed accouint mnay1 same iby cossitioag thoe seces Expenses.........$1 201.01 Se ceiptis............... 148.25 Loss .......................... Expenses .............117.21 Receipts...............838.50 Ios......................... Expenses................ 11806 9 'Violin, ~Receipts .............. 222.34 StI llIS OGuitar, . BSEALLoEARss;\' T ¢ E jxtpenses...........3,499.15 Bano + ecei5)to.............. 1,928.26 f ~Mandolin. 1 L opse.......................... We hvea oeteatostetent an~d a4 (I 4 good quality. Price, rieht.Suopplies ...... ...... $9100.30 W 1tD E R'S P HA R MACOY + Salariesl(Coachesi..2,3015.00 + Tasing 'fable...919.98 3365 Ssusttestr5ecet. 4Prinsting and Adver- f tisina290.40 1++++++4+++++++*4444+4+ P+*1ersonal expenses... 138.05 (inaraistees.......1,22455 Advances.......... 1,100.00 000 uan igIh Service and Later... 235.87 ES. Btal. outstanding eti-CU N GH MO mated to Dec. 30, '98 400.00 CU NN H M O and Re- Real balance ................. .$ 144.101 ALLAMERICAN. of the A Correction. Caspar Whitney Pts Michigan's st been In the U. of M. DAILY of reet CnerAogheEecenBst crtrdate appeared an article usndoer thse sport as following headisg:C(splar Whitsey, tie dle nd fair. :d slate- JUIO LAWs BR~EK LOoE. minded football critic of Harper's cellts i11 The article wvoss misladinsg satd I JWeekly, has picked te following as cs from ill try to give a few facts in co- Aiserict's best elevess playr:It- i98. The nection. sieyls (West Pont), full-baek; Di- ibelow, At a meetinog of the junoir lowsshis(ptisHavr)sotMcid only the Oct. 15, mansossy(f thes smembers gels. ati Hradan crd ;tsber ofrossly stulscribed moesy for class (Yale), Issof. Ossl's; Dalsy (Harvar), Sants a athdetics. quatrter-back; Coonoightamo (Mihi- stve the At a so equen1050t meecting Nov. 4, gans(, ctnter; Hatre (PIenosylania), tary. so otions (f IM. Swvisher' "''histthtltt d oal si(.Haorvrd, gua rls; Chins- NT smtloey rtaistd for athtletic pourpses, lelaio(Yole jootol lillebrasod (Prince- he turned over to the atihletic 1mana50- ts), tackles; Pdlter ( Princeton) gee. fortheo'purpos tf putrchasinoog adaoollowell ( Harvard), cons. $1 52.75 sweaters for thoefootbtall teamot," Mr. Stbstitsutes ios the lite Ov(relol ,flyes motvedl '"thaot Dir. Swtislers' (1'esoosylvossit), Brovn(Ytle), Btur- tmtotion he laidlons thse table.''Corried. sidot (Hartova00), Hautlbot ( Haorvarot), This evidently shsowedtheo feelitog iDtoaltd (Iorvord ),tolltvll (Pesonso $1 78.74 of tise class ioo refereooce tte ur sylvaonia), Pttt (Pinoeto); bacok of chtase of sweaters. thoslint e oeid (Hatrvard), Warreon Mr. Lioodsrloloo omtde to t'totonlt(Hartvaot),lKtoer (West Pintot), whlichis soseotdedlby Mr. Coson, 0'Des (Wisosoin). $1,584610 litot hoc stoey ho' extondeottl eol I/s (soooodtro, ino leng ltcedon (1 classs vithces'for th sloetic'upo'ttss."the ,U-lAomeritt eleven, enoys toe Carroedunv imooutostosl. signtli di;t ostitt otf Len~ilhl(fist itothtieoeaon timte thtere htad bent Michiga00n00000n 50soooed. ThIis is $157059 000lttetintg of lt' tas of icer~ls osotitheo.frst year Westernop] avs has Iove n'lootg Itatl 1een0 saidlor leard aottteveos ben sti~odered int settmatke-up1 swea teverssntil Mr. Ioelles, foooaoocoalof 00inAll-Ameica eam (000and01 0a ilch- secresoreovassapproached s~lby Ms ogto otat t is, bean lgiv e~ a loiee. (Crothoers, oothletic omanatvge, tlo ha lbs crtc -)sa (f Westernoobatoll, request thoat theI secetary sholtdOll0- lo Wet is sot loge till' sotitisk. K. it bill for $355 for sweatrs 10(01 ote 1001(01 of the Eat. Newv ossd chasedi by Mr. (vollers. dstsont pl0ays too's devloped al d1(1e- As (lis lpurchaose was00 ntor - tl ensosve'aso oell 5as ofntsiv.'work((vi od izvolosoolconttrtoy to tle5epretss000-ot (0 on ot'(iool lintes. 71Michi s's stroctioss given to theofcBers ot thisslnu no 10te (defensive tis year, class, thevy certaisly ('(old slot lovo.thoueghssoewhattsaproochiog Usni- doneothterowise tloanooaslkthoe cbos oo vrsit Ot Pennosyl vaniao's slllfsl furtler isstrosctions. aorangseont of bebock fielo, wsos Cotld ansytlhisng he fairerlor (((01 aon illustr'tionsin Iis respect. honorable? . "Baseds oisttsis year'ssootiog ossoo Wonlodthte otficers boave bee'nI0jutsti-010 to conlsstet orook of te last fosr 9131.57 fieod so expeninlig thte class montioy yasOsI 10001West tPointst tesead for soweaters in tionface of tle Iscni-ot the 50.Lonl c lass ohiohicludselees smesat thoot wos'xprsseo in he01'otttio als oonell, Micilogaso, Chiaogsasoo to laylbse''Swislher" mtotionsontoth ioscvonosin. There is so littlo to tablle. CitollLbetwnto tatn00y of themosttat aoi Wv toes sol iso favor of otletics .allr(ound cotet isoIthi cass, whioch aas osis tech kownovscosntribotteod is of corse nost fesible, swold 1p1- lille'ror t~oard thoe expess, hot I oduce exceptioally isteresthong gamse. say iso tol fairoess, let class tihletmcs, ,XWisconsin's fate isorishslon lotest oanodcloss lfinassces b1(0aled 5150 it a would pllerhaslno01t he 0(0ooncetin, hbsinssleshocmoner, and01 wheno thoat bustto setweenMichiganosoand Chicm- is clonoe, weesell Ihlave enouoghloney ~gto, o 'Nest Point tanoth(oriocl, oc iso lbs treeasury oasd "w oe oill haove ctier of thoe Eastent teamosssld Oe seatoers to burn.''or otheof IeIs11W(stersotheter l beliesv ee shmsol he thanko fulhteasom cosuldionlyhe decidedl by actusal thamtwe ve ov closs officers thatsthloton play. It hs ditievlt to llce A'Issapo thinisteest of the clas at hesse, sooth is betause slesees 00 ft'svof thoe sll so-st oaldmit that they stve atcted oers, butt I s((hhoudsy sle' belogs $1,12333 honestly, hosnorably, stod inssothote- ot the foot of this ehlss. Nonse of r ought busisesslike omnsner, andol se these teamos, exceplt Sichoiganosmls neeod have no fear' for thse futore made amy otaleisadvanme' in tie with suechs 10031 as ouoff'ot^iers. quality of it plasy over lo-t year. Play, Ball-Play, "-fasir'' Boll. Cormelosond West Point were partiu- Resspectfuimly, larly good isohaloslimglkiclks. "o far C. E. llxsoTnx a.. as ethics are conceroed, Cicago ret- iov rogrdsd; sle played Herschberger C. C. Kokourek, '97 L., is now iad Cavanausgh, a flagrant breachm of Chicago with thoe lace firmn of Bab- the spirit and text of te ries to coclkamd Leightons, imthe Tacomoa wvhichm Chicago had subscribed. I Bsildinmg. elsall take up this and associate mat- Redued Railroad tickets ternmoter fully later. I caim only say wil no besol nutilaftr ossthat tie confidenme spsortemen willnot e sod unil aterplaced iiitie Chicago University midnight Wednesday. l'onatiand on Page 2. Duringsloe rest ofth~e colegeearane nieht. Full lintoteipse, Cigs,, end R. E. JOLLY & V®.! 108 So. State Street. Christmas Candies FOR HER Leave youn card and her adss wit ssandwe will aksekocurely adexpss. Shipineonts nosytot mad~e frsom 5o.on or enChicago to nave evotress. Nts extra charge0ev pttking or tshtpping. eliverosy is toe tysfree. Expensesn..........7,114.15 Dr. Season Tickets....493.50 (Games................06,730.72 Rebate ................. 21.50 Receipts. 81........7,245.72 Profit ......................... Dr. Subscriptions........1,04}9 22 Privileges............. 23.00 f~ines.................... . Memobership lDons....2,60t2.00( Notes .................. 8(1300 Miscellaneous.....191.20 Rleceiptse.............$3,7210.67 Cr. Supplies............588.82 1 Clk~1ins' Ph U [1 i Vu roes ...............1540.00 UORI~ 1(1 IU U Printing snd Ade'g 42.2(0 Personal expenses....137.96 ________ ______ _____Services............... 2335 REM M BE i\otes and Interest... 819.40 IR E Elv B I istiellaneoss.... 41.50 YOUR F RIEN DS. Expenses.........$2,197.34 With a U. of At. Soot. Profit.......................... venir ('aleondar for 1899, rPaOITAN OSCO UNT Designed by Moss Lovcell. Dr. 'T'he oeatest and most Football Account... 1113157 artistic Calendar of lhs Athletic Association.. 1,123.3 season. PRiC 14,50c. - Some Choice ]Books $81,54.90 and faoncy booklets now Balance April 5,1898....2,176.25 ready for your inspectionm at our two stores. Profit .............. .03,811.15 Cr. Baseball Account ....81,170.89 W A H W 5 Tracks 94 ... 1,184.600 Tennis ..." .. 78.74 Interscholastic Acct... 52.78 ANN ARBOR Up Town Dawn Tawn Loss..................$3,286.99 State St. Opp. Courn House- lain St. Balance, Dec. 15, '98.8$ 544.16