4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS WIhLL FIND) ATr CCI STOIIE TII E LARGEST AND) CIIOItLST STOCK OF.. .. .... .. We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendears, Christmsas Crds, Desk, Sets, Pocket Books, Card Cases, etc. A T LOWEST PRICES We would especially call yor attestion to our Boos for children, of which we have made ais unusually large and careful assortment. SIIEEHA1\ & Co. 3.30 SOUTH STATE STREET Mfusic Studio Pans, Pipe orgn nd Csnpstiss R3. H. KKMIlYPF From tu5ttsgat Cnsevaory, Germny. 312 . Divisin t. Cncert Pans Tslpg MILL.ARD THlE PR[NTERt Ann Arosr, Mich. THE RENOWNED MANOLIN VIiRUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will give lessons on the mandolin and guitar at the University School of Mmsic every Friday. For Terms and hours apply to the Secretary. .THE. Corner Candy Store (North of Qarry's Drg Stre) Tenders a ied invitation to all wishing fresh goods at reasonable prices. Lunches at l orsfreesh Pop Corn Pant and Candy. Hot Coffee ad Sandwiches at 1S PARKERS t15 S. State St. MONEY LOANED On Waches, ODiamond,Ohes on othe Pee. sonl Property. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED Offce at residence, 51 E. Lierety S., Ann Ar- bor, ich. All busiess~ condetil. Hforsr,S tos11:30 a. m.ndto3:30 and ts9p.nm. Jseph C. Wtts. Bargains in Secodhand W atchs and Dianonds MAKE A STRIKE BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Main St. T., MAHONEY, - Proprietor. Open Day andNight. 'I~xxmaD - roon. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, New Neck wVeart, Bt atb Robes, ,. i t Roloes, r Sut Cases ansd Teuks Special prices for the Holidays, D. A. TINKER & SON, p334L S. STATE STRELT. Intm ollI16Uate Bureau o1 t16adeGi Gostumfl. COTREL. & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Cape, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Cless Hate and Cape, Clans College Pins. Addres W. C. KEEN, Western M~ngr., Hahkelt l Muse, U.o f te CChicago One Horse 2 Horse 4 5 Sleighs for two people Take 4 or 6 " {Your 24 24 Choice TELEPHONE 106 HOLMES' LIVERY Canopy for Parties, Kfo., E~to. 515 E. LIBERTY LAMPS O STUDENTS. We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging In price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest -and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New liochester," 11The Yale," "The Royal," The Blerlin Student Lamp," The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the heat Lamp for the LeastiMosoey come and see us. Old Number:0 . ANN ARBOR, MICH. D A Student Railroad Rates, On Dec. 22, 23 and 24 the Ann Arhor Railroad will sell to students acid teachers presenting proper cer- tificates sigtned hy Secly Wade holi- day tickets at onie anid one-etlhird fare for the round trip to Minneapolis, St Paul acid intermediate poisits. Also to Omaha, Kanisas City, St. Louis, Cairo, Citicicnnati and iitermediate points, asid to all points East to the Atlacntic Oceati. Also to stations in the Upper Peninusula of Michigan. E. S. GaItMORE, Agent. Pins skating atthde Aenn Arhor Skatinig Park, South Fifth. Pea RENT-Cheap, front suit. Baths, furciace heat. 306 N. Slate strect. 70 Rooms WANTED--Large suite of unurcnishied or partially furnished rooms wanited. Must he steam or furmisce heat acid ini a location cesar Ucniversity or husiness portion of city. Address Box 30, Ann Arhor. 168 FORs RENT-Cheap, front suit. Bath, furnace heat. 331 Packard street. 71 WANTD.-Studens to sell Stcc. decits Directories. Inquire at 208 N. 4lls ave. 70 Ann Arbor Railroad Connections. Via ties Acnn Arhor Risiroad you can consiect for imiportant points as helow, Leave Acis Arhor. 7:25 a. m.... Arrive Chicago..... 2:40p. in. 1:215 a. m..Arries St. Loai.m .. :02 p. i. 7:25 a. i...ArriesKansas-City..7:15 a.mi. 7:2 a. m... ArriveiColus ... . . :15p. m 1:20 a. ca... . Arrive Niagara Palls.. .0:10 p. ma. 7:20 a. sm.... ArrivecBuffals....7:0 p.i. 1:21 a. ci.. Arie Cincininati...5:30 p. is. 7:250a.cIn.... Arrive Indianapolis .... 3:45 p. mn. 7:20 a. cIn..Arrive Lousville ....7:10lp. ini. 17:205a. in.... Arrive Port Wayne... .12:35 ease 11:25 a.m.... ArriecCincinnati...:5 . m. 11:20 a. m. ... Arrive Cleveland ....05:00n.i.. ii1:20 a. .. Arrive Washington. ...:5p.i. 11:25 an:m... Arrive Baltimoare...2:05 p. i. 11:21 a. mi... Arrive Philadelphia...4:35 p. ci. 11:25 a. in... Arrive Columhus...8:5p.mi. 1:25a. in.... Arrive Daytos ......:1p. ie. 8:49 p. m.... Arrive Cincinnati ...6:50 a. mii 8:40 p. mn.Arive Colsmbus. .6:0 a.mi. 8:40 p. ,m.... Arrive'Niagara 1alls...6:48 a. m. 8:40 p. m.... Arrive Bffal.s. 1...:40 a.mi. 8:43 a. ii...:Arrive Lansing. i.1:50 a. m 8:43 a. mn....dArrive Granid Rapids.. 125t5 nose 4:50 p. Ii.... Arrive Saginaw ....58:0p.mi. 4:00 p. em.... Arrieenay City ....8:0p.m. 4:56 p. in.... ArriveLansing .....:50 p.i: 4:56 p. in .... Arrive Granid Iapds..9:55 p. mn. 4:56su. n.... Arrive Flist ...... 7:30 p.m. LOST-Opeti faced gold watchI, C. C. S. on case. Returci to Alpha Delta Phi house and receive $5.00 reward. 71 C. C. SMIgTH. WANTED-Evey osee Ishay the latest and mostl interesting ceme evee invented. PBase Pall at Heme." It is played hy two persosn echrespeeseting a Pase Poll nine and will ecore in runshits and ceror the sme as any game playnd en she fied. " ent prepaid ts any addres an receipt ofl15c. PASE PALL AT HOMESCo., 508, 009. Chamere oCommerce, Detroit Rich. TAILOR) Mtakee aspecialtylofa fine Black vuis. Al Wrkmanship. 004 East Washington S., near th Ae. W..Psa nio. 8TflT6 W.sso, 1st iimceo J.V.SHEEeAN, 2d Viceepees SR IG JHNa. C. WA AL", Ast. CshieSWIO BflNK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofAnnAro Capital, 1c0,00. Srplssad Pois, 940,0 Trasacteageneraibankinghbusine. Foreign ehange oughti and eold. Furish ltteeaf crdit. .OD. KINNE, Pre. HARSON SOLE, ViePre. S. W CLAKSON, Cshie. Cor. Msin nd Hnrn Stres. Capital, 55,000. Surpls,,$3000,0. Tannsacta genera? asing businee. R, Knr, Pe. C. E.GRENeSs, \ice.rs. FEe. H-PELSE, Cashir. The flin lrbor Savings Bank Capital Stc. 10,000. Srpls, $510,000. Resors. 81,000. Organied undee heOGeera Panig Laws f tis Stae. Rceive depsit, bys and seln exchaege sn th principal ctis sf th United Stats. Draft cashd upo prpeidentiiastisn Safety depsit boes to ent. Crsacen: Christian Mack+Pres. W. D. Hari. man, Vice-Pre.; Cha. E. Hicoc, Cashier; M. J. Fit Assitnt Cahier. LAMB & SPENCER, 1;THE.. Fancy Grocers We keep everything uually kept in a firtclass Grocery and Bakery. Call and ann u. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barber Shop and Baths Rooms. J. Ht. TOoAeOWSc, Prop. 322 S. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .,.. We Gusrantee OnWork. WARREN THE BARBER THE MODEL of State Street BARB R SH in1sDNN & EY'S BAR ER HOPI you desire Seast-loes work and courteue treatment try George and Harry at 32 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Funerae Dand irector Clic ateded Day an Nigh. No. 1. Lierty Stret. Reidence 633~S Forth Ave Pose 19 > H~srt ! They Came Saturday Another lot of Bright, Richly Colored CHRISTMAS NEOKWEAR direct from the Boston makers. On sale now. WAGNER 8&,CO., Furnishers, 123 S. MAIN ST.