Would you save money? Then buy
your Books at the
Sf-ILfit1M & GO.,
State Street.
For First Year Law Students
We have Cooley's Blackstone,
Anson on Contracts,
Cooley Torts,
lluffcutt's Cases on Contracts,
Biurdick Sales,
Burdick Cases on Sales.
For First Year Medical Students
Gray's Anatomy,
Sternberg's Bacteriology,
Freer's Chemistry,
Gould's Medical tDictionary,
Vaughan and Novy's Ptomaine.
For First Year Dental Students
Gray's Anatomy,
Freer's Chemistry,
Gould's IMedical IDictionary,
Essig Prosthetic Dentistry.
For Literary Departisent Stua-
We have alt the Greek and Latin
W WE UA E ao6 S. MAIN ST., and
WWW , WilLlEMO ,L 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St.,
UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New,
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books,
L We have decided ts sattafy a tang felt want tsr an np-ta date tars cat, nnd s L
have added taoar stack af Cnharassad carriages, a rA.Ly-tab, whtch seats
L faarteen, persns. Caachtng partes wttt saw betsn arder. Secure a date far the L
Y( Tally-Ha. Caalupy
0 Telephone toe. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. I0
Fine Doinestic and Foreigam
has removed to
214 East Washington fit., nrar 5th Ave,
Wilt bepleasedta eetld andewseen-tomes
W. J.Bain, PRES.
W. ARNOLDlet Vie-pres SR
J.naC. WALes, Asst. s.Cashier SJWING&
Transacts a general
Banking Business.
_______________________________________ rin~i I NAIUNRL AROgnized186
TsCaptitat, Xt0t,' 0t. Surplsand Profits, ex40,c0
LA M FQ R'ransactsaageealtbankinggltis. Foeign
sechange boaght and ettid. Furnisth letters of
We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated LampsE. 0. IKtNNtE, Prs.HARRISON sot-L.
ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest anti " e-PresN
moat improved patterns and makes. Including" The New Rochester," "The 5. W. ctARt(0N, cathier
Yale," "1The Royal," "tThe Berlin Studettt Lamp,""11The Perfection Student
Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least ffoiieyg come and see us ' fi S "frf rtic'1 j1 inK.
Old Number' E N0 0 4SO AN S",. r 3ai ndHut n t r 500 t
ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capitl, $5,00.Sult, 0.000.Fra'tee - -
t--RKEM,res~t. CLOE. a SteNPE s Pe.ISn f.
Books, I'rench, IGermsan, Mtatbemati- teftewesfolwn TeDsFvi nreep f ic v sn.-H BLESasir
cat and Engineering Books. Durigtefwwesflong heDIYsnrcptogoby a piehe n- c a
tisa declaration of peace the Univcr- of descriptive mutsic tyMis PeeTh lInruMor Savings Bank
SECOND-HAND BOOKS, sity Hospital sent out four hospital J. Bsllock, '91 of Attn Arbor, ten-at ttl arle
trains to variouspons to bring titled "The return from Santiago." "~ oc.to
DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. back sick soldiers who lived itt the The piece is dedicated to one of AttttOrgaizedt endetrethe GeeralBakinasg
WaternIlaus1L Parker'sFots city attd state, so they could reccivc Arbsor's soldiers weho htad htis arm shtot Stcae.nt s e prinipl itieafy- uie
taro el s. proper msedical attetntion. 'These four off lay a Spatnisht shell at the battle Statesft. dstDrfs bo ledtont propteridenstiftis
trains wers sent as follows: One to of Santiago. On sale at the music OFi~ Crsintak r s.;W .tt1arri-
CapMeade, Middletown, Pa.; two stores tsr Miss P. J. Bullock, 319 N. s re-r ;hs fsoic~ir .Asistat Chier
SHEEHAN & tis New York City, and one to Knox- Divisiott. Price 25c.-----
State treytle, 'en. The one which was Wtn. Charles '99, is nowsoigy h
StteSret sent to Knoxville was the most sue- TN ewe correspotndence for Ann Atbot, LA M B& SPE C R
ceasfoil, as it birottght back fifty-eight Itavina left the Stttdettts iRegtstet last E C R
sick soldiers. Those to Newv York a gTB
were not so fuccesaful, as they year.TH
broutght only ten ott each trip. The To RENfT.-Single room, $1.50;
one to Catup Meade broughst back front suite, $2.25; in a newv modern
t w n y e g t m n o m r r i s h o s . 5 7 L w e c t - 0n i l l b e s e t tt . N o n e o f t h e m e n w h o A t t o v e me n t i s o tt f o o t t o e s t a b l i s h
L E were brought to the hospital died, in Princeton a Chair of Philosophy We keep everything usually kept in a
*g and ttone of the sick avers University with an eadowmvntt of $250,090 itt first-class Grocery and tBakery. Call
I stdens.-Pensylania. mmor ofJatnes MeCosh, unider and see us.
IThe weill of the late Rowlattd Haz-faos presidettcy Princeton became 318 S. STATE ST.
ard thte ealthy wvoolen manufactur-.aos
er of Rhode Island, ittcludes a be- Students wvbo are not already sttp- STUDENTS' LAUNDRY
quest of $100,000 to Brown Uiju- plied with fountaitn pens will fittd a
(Students' Lecture versity. The testator was a toember most contplete assortment at Shee- ASSOCIATION.
of the Brown Corporation. han's. For a few days Mr. Dennis- V.VtGTWMR.F',
ton, representing thte Parker Pen Co., W.VUS'-M .FX
Association.) Win. Caley, U. of Ms great guard will be in the city. Now is your . sANT rax
will coacla the team of Miami Uni- cltattce to obtain the serviceable ttp-1THE GRAND LAUNDRY,
versity at Miami, 0. to-date "Jsinfleoa Peti." 4-7. OFuDETROIT.
Watel Watres Book store is headquarters Exchange your second-hattd books viey mathighec dmsticttati sha the esit.Il
ath for the S. L. A. for students. at Wahr's Book Store. Gloe fisthalogiven. All wok p"''atly
annoutncemntts. Yout can not M. B. Whittlesey '99 htas been BOARD.-Rate, $3.00 per wveek. The Excelsior Laundry Co,,
made business manager of the Itt- First class service for ladies atnd gen-
afford to miss a single numbet. lander vice H. Mt. Rich resigned. tlemen. At 523 E. Washitigton OSF KALAMAZOO.
Tickets will be ott sale early Notice. street. 6 Collas--------------------1... Cent
LOsT-Heart-shaped locket with Shirts........ ..................i
next week. Tite first nutmber Election blanks mttst be deposited chain attachted. Leaf work on one Either finish. satisfation gttaeaatetst Giee
( us a triat
willeOtbr2.Frfe'its the Register's box on or before side. Address " T," DAcLY ise. Office 2025S. State st. Reidesce 61s Lawrtee si..
Saudy1c. ,19.4 New State Phone. 441.
particuslars watch the DAILY
and the Bulletint boards.
College Pins
of Fine