THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a color $ cw $tyles. Silk Lined or Unlined.I 75C t 25. Goodspeed's, 117 Main Street. Students' Laundry Association Winc. VOUGHT- Vin. N. FOX, a eats cfoe THE IGRAND LAUJND)RY, of DETRISOT The best high grade launedry toa tie Stete. The onym cieedometic fbnich icn the West. Gloe fIiih aeeogivenc. All twork promcptly, natly aciarefully sdtne.j offic 202lS. tate fit. Reidhece titLawrenceest. New' State Phonce. 441. MI6BIGRN 6,EN1R E. 'The Niagara Fails route." CENTCI4c, STANI)AITt) TI1ME Takiang Effect Aug. 14, 1898. McilandtExpress. .........c47cP. N. Y. &lHtontaSpeial . a.......e 81 FstlEastern ................e.943c Atlanctiec peec............ 7 45 A. ccr tDetroit Night tEtpress........ 1 5 Greand Reaidsc Ecciresse.........1 10 Meilt &Expei .. ...........9 1tA. M. Btonttc, N. Y.&K:Chcage . et......81 Fast XWeternc Epres....... 1 lb e. cc. G. t2,. & S{l. Expess...e ..t....5 45" ~Cicago NightIlEixprecc..........9i3 Pacti ic xress..............12 30A . -c. 0). \F. 'tiUtGLEi, St. 'I. HAYES, G. P. &b1.1'. Aglt, Chicago. Agt AcceArbor TIME TABLE Takieg Effect, Naoe. 20, 1898. Trains leave Ace Arbor by Central Steed- a rd Tinee. NOtRTH SOUTH 12:40 A. Mi. 11i25A. Mc. t56aP.eM. 8:4 P. mc. 3 S~~tudents R Students! "AEYVS I S If disatsfied wt ou a nrysrie oleTHGNcOW noMilot (Chocolates .cadtol lBolluns), 'Palelehone Na. 211 ,2 inigs. Ta3al t a'stI In bulk acid ini liatideene paieltages, 'EcellentcWork'anad Qucki Servclee Guaanteed. fromenceequarter to five pccitiis, at AAR CLCiso. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 6'O PER POUND. U. O1F'.IM. PINS, 50 CeltS. Doweca on Liberty Street, buittly threedoors New ocaSbile at bine WatechRepairinac Speciealy, ANAIS BROWN'S DRUG STORE. J. L. CHAPMANc ___ COR. MAtN AND HURON STS. 20l6 bouteeMacca Street. M. MART.91JIN...& CALENDAR. I Special Hates Fr'iay, Dec. lti..-Wsiccei'aLeague T Tciverity aticiecnts via lice receptieon at thae Barbourc GymaiumieaiM\ichigau Ceniiral iiaiii'etati acceunt, At 7 :30. Hoidiay vacatieoi. Oieindcoe-itiiirid IFridey, iDte. 16.-Mr[c. Joalci 1E.1first-cities limiltiei fare' Ior'the rouniii Lauitner before the Phlosoipicaleitrip toa piofessoers ail sitiacits etri- Society,. lug tcertificates lit111(a111leerci1)icsigned i Mondlay, IDec 19-Piof. ..i:. by Secretcary W~atte. 'pickets cill be' Reigicard lecttires ibefore thce IUnity sod Dec. 22, 23 ctcii 24, r'eturncimicit Cliib en TiI'lieilogy ofi'the (Great Janc. 10, 1890. Eatst-i'li rates Lakces." wiii apply tot New ccYoNk, Boseton, Thuirsdlay, Dee. 22, (Eveiiig).- Piliadeipiiia, ittslbuirg, Baltiire, Holidlay Vactiiei beginciniiatll tie- Wiahiingtoni, Tiffalo, Toarontouanu pairttenite of lice Lniv ersity. ilarge inuimiler tol'intermsediate Ipoints. -- - Setitih-Te pinets oii'llconnecig Reception to College Girls. lictee at Tolieiio. et-To Omaha, The Woiman's League wiii give a Kanteas Ciiy, St. Lois, St. Pauli, receptione.toiiight , inith Ilic mailbair Minneaipisc, Missociri River, ('airs, Gymniiasiumci, to the young laidie of I1., anid iiniermeitdite lpoinetutun the Selsoaf Muici. A deliglitfuii Upper Peninsuola in Stll at ofIAlicii- entertttinmeiat icas ibeena prepaired gun~ via Chicigoe, aso~ viaca lckicinw. and later ite the cveinig there ciiilibe ull inoirimation cwiii be c'irfuliiy dlancinig. Aul ceilege girls are iin- given at Micihigan C'entral t iket vitedl. ffiee. H. W. IlAYiESApi. DIRECTOR Emalmeiong a spseicity. Noc. 200 Fourtlh Ave. Amutlace night aind day. Resa- idence 3102 FiaticAe Win. Arnold, Jeee GET YOUR Ar W. W. TUTTLE-9S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS *Rune hetweee AcceArbor aed Toiedo oely. .A RE.. Aul trainse daiiy exceptSunccday. One hcundred acid sixty-twco Tol- In the last issei r af rpers' ES. OSLIIOIIE, Agent. unese from Pais-tuie istory cnd IWecla.y Caspar Whitne'y pails cuia PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH W. ;H. HENNITT. G. P. A. memnories of the cdi of Science ______ caecy inhgam in the X1Aii.Aicn eieveii. T H E fromii3160 to 1790-have jcust beeii Tue article aleesois piettires cif Aid- DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- received biy the University library. Soail and Capt. Benicett, Berrym n S u i ORRAILWAY. ymn Sudi r I 12 est Huron St. Care leave tar IDetroit at 15 minutesa State 1'h