I v It> P4 VOL. IX, No. 69. WI4Li ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1898. THREE CENTS. T H E T A L 0 R T FINE WINTFR SUITINGS. H * E WE CARRY THE LARGESTi STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. I A I 0 R ++++++++++++++++++++++++I Violin, St Guitar, S ul 'l Banjo, Mandolin. We hae a complete assortment and a good qutity. Prices right. WILDER'S PHARMACY :336 South State Street. 00611 Dapuad NIUI. During the rest of the college year we wittserve lunches at all hours, day or night.atu ine of Pipes, Cigars, and Tobaeeo. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. Christmas Candies FOR HER. Leave your card and her address withus and we will pack securely and express. Shtpaments msay he made trm So-ton or Chicnao to save exprerss. No eaten charge tar paehing or shippiag. Deliceryi t the city free. Galkins' PharIau REMEMBER YOUR FRIENDS. With a U. of M. Sou- venir Calendar for 1899, Designed by Miss Lovell. The neatest and most artistic Calendar of the season. PIICE 50c. Some Choice Books and fancy booklets now ready for your inspection at our two stores. WAHR'S ANN ARBOR Up town Dawn Town State St. Opp.,Court Hose rlain St. EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP. Has Been Established by the Asso- ciation of Collegiate Alumnn. The Association of Collegiate Alum- nm is desirous of encouraging the pursuit of advance courses of study among women graduates of colleges. It therefore proposes to devote $500 every year towards paying the ex- penses of some young woman who wishes to carry on her studies in a foreign country. Applications for this fellowship will be received by any member of the committee having it in charge. The candidates must be graduates of colleges belonging to the association, and applications for the year 1899-1900 must be handed in before Feb. 1. 1899. A competi. tive exaination will not be held, but the bestowal of the fellowship will be based upon evidence of the candidate's ability, and her prospect of success in hr chosen line of study. The fellowship will not usually be granted to those who are intending to take up the practice of any of the three learnsd professions, though such are not formally excluded from the competition; it will rather be be- stowed upon those who are looking forward to positions as professors and teachers and to literary and scientific vocations. Preference will be given, other things being equal, to gradu ates of not more tnan five years' standing. The fellowship will, it general, he held for one year; but ia an unusually promising case, the term may be extended at the discre- tion of the committee. Applications may be made to any of the follow- ing: Mrs. Bessie Bradwell Helmer, 1428 Michigan ave., Ciicago, Ill.; Mrs. Helen Hiscock Backus, 57 Liv- ingston st., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. Christine Ladd Franklin, 1507 Park ave., Baltimore, Md. Ma Go to Pennss. Work on track athlectics is to be begun immediately after the holi- days. There has been some talk of sending the team to Pennsylvania's meet in the spring and to the Eastern intercollegiate meet at Mott Haven in June. The Pennsylvania trip is opposed in some quarters, as the early traisning is not considered favorable to a good season's work. Several of the individual track men will go to Mott Haven, and it is possible that a considerable number will go, but financial considerations will have an influence. The team lost money last year on its trip to Pennsylvania. Medical Society. There will be a meeting of the four classes of the Medical Department Saturday morning at the Medical building to further consider plans for the organization of a big medical society. A constitution has been drawn up and will be considered in detail at the meeting. There seems to be a strong sentiment in the Medical Department that such a so- ciety is needed and the prospeuts are good that the steps taken last Satur- day morning will result in the organ- ization of a permanent society to- morrow morning. Webster Society. The Webster Society will meet to- night at 8 o'clock in Webster Hall.1 The following is the program: Music; reading, Mr. Geake; speech, "Our Indian Schools," Mr. Howell; music,1 vocal solo, Mr. Dodge; debate, le- solved, "That the Senate shoulda ratify the treaty of peace arranged between the Spanish and American Commissioners;" affirmative, J. O. Miller, H. I. Weinstein; negative, D. T. Jones and C. Wisner. Prof. Knowlton will talk on "Judge Cooley in Public Life."' There will also be a business meeting and elec- tion of officers after the program. Jeffersonian Society. - The following is the program an- nounced for the Jeffersonian Society tonight: Current topics, Mr. Russel;t reading, Mr. Wilson; declamation:, Mr. Crowley; essay, "Longfellow's Shorter Poems," Mr. Lund; oration,c Mr. Thomas; speech, Mr. Barbee; biography, Mr. Donaldson; debate, Resolved, "That there should be a Municipal Ownership and Control of Street Railways;" affirmative, Messrs. Heck and Keneipp; negative, Messrs. Todd and Jackson. Alpha Nu Society. The Alpha Nu Society will meet tonight in Alpha Nu hall at 8 o'clock.' The following is the program: Music;1 paper, V. D. Wlls; improptu, R. H. Kitely; debate, "Resolved, That independent actioss is preferable to' party action in politics;" affirmative, W. L. Wells and R. D. Hollister,' negative, G. F. Paul and J. C. Bills. A general discussion and business' meeting will follow the program. Adelphi Societ. The Adelphi Society will meet Saturday night Dec. 17, at 8 o'clock. The following program will be given: Music, Y. M. C. A. quartet; oration, "The Dying Year," C. D. Hurrey; "Co-education Coasting," J. A. Evans; "Honesty the Best Policy," Mr. Veasy; "Happy New Year," Mr. Dewey. Hat speeches. After the regular program a business meeting will be held. The Philosophical Society. The next students' meeting of the Philosophical Society will occur Fri- day evening, at 8 o'clock. Room 21. A paper: "The Relation of Philosophy to Social Forces and Condition by Mr. John E. Lautner will be read and discussed. All stu- dents are invited to attend this meeting. The Delta Upsilon fraternity will give a house party tomorrow night. Prof. McMurrich published re- cently, in the Jornal of Anatooy and Physiology, London, under the title, "A Case of Crossed Dystopice of the Kidney," an interesting paper on this peculiar malformation. David F. Dillon, '99 L., who was on the debating team last year, will return the last part of this semester in time to take the examinations. He expects to pass them, take the second semester work and graduate with his class next June. ALL-AMERICAN ELEVEN. Harvard Expert Names Best Teams East and West. One of the greatest experts en foot- ball that Harvard has produced, in the estimation of many critics and an able gridiron official, was induced to give his impressions on an all-Ameri- can eleven. The choice of the Har- vard man is presented because of its apparent fairness and chiefly because the West's twvo greatest kickers. O'Dea and and Herseliberger, are named, and Widman, of Michigan, and Slaker, of the University of Chicago, are mentioned as backs. Burnett gets honors for guard over Boal, of Harvard, and Capt. Bennett. of Michigan, is given the end position over Poe, of Princeton. The selec- tion is: First Eleven. Second Eleven. Overeid........ . iray. .. .. Hare.........L. . tBron(al)..L. . Chamberlain.......L, T. Hillebrand........ L. T. Bennett ..... LEPoo..... ...L. Burnett......O. Boai . N........R.G Hnghton. It.... 'i' . oodmean....t. . T. Coehean.e. N.E.Paierc .. .. Daly ........ ( B. E y....... . B. nirroherger..aL. I. B. wedcan. ... Dihlee... . i. . .B.are...... . . Slaker.............F. B. O'Dea...........F. B. Stearns' Collection Here. The Frederick Stearns' collection of Musical Instruments reached Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock yesterday morn- ing and they were put in the room that has been set aside for their ex- hibition, but nothing will be done toward unpacking thems until the cases in which they are to be put arrive. An idea of the size of the collection may be had from the fact that there were 38 large cases, mak. ilg six loads for the "U. Of M." drays. Law Building Dedication. The date of the dedication of the new law building has been set ahead to Feb. 10, on account of the un- certainty of the date when University Hall will be again ready for use. The program will iclude an address in the afternoon by some speaker of national prominence, and a reception in the new building in the evening. President McKinley, and ex-Presi- dent Harrison and Senator Vilas have been mentioned as possible speakers for the occasion. Whist Club Meet. The Ypsilanti Whist Club has in- vited the Detroit, Jackson and Uni- versity of Michigan clubs to attend a meeting at Ypsilanti tomorrow evening. The club from here will attend in a body and the other two clubs will send teams. If this first meeting is a success steps will be taken toward establishing a league consisting of the whist clubs of Southern Michigan. Lamn Department Closes Wednes- da. The Law Department has adopted the plan again this year which has been followed for several years back of finishing work a day before the other departments close for the Christmas vacation. To do this the work of Thursday will be done to- morrow all of the classes having their regular Thursday recitations at the usual hours.