THE CMY IERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Lf D ~ 'GOOD ONES AT .. $2.00. - BETTER ONES AT .,. $3.00.I Skatl~ Boots 10-INCH HIGH CUT AT~ $3.50. G oodspeed's, Students' Laundry Association Win. VOUGHT-Wme. R. FOX, agente fer THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The beet high grade landry in the State. The only maaehine domeetic finieh in the West. O leve fiih alee given. Alt woek promiptly, neatly aad carefully done. Office 202 S. State st. Residence 610 Lawrene st. New State Phene. 441. E MIIGfRN6[ENTRRL CENTRAL STAND)ARD) TIME Taking Effect Aug. t4, 1898. Mailt adExpressa .......3 47 F. M. N. Y. &Boston Special ....... 4 50 Fant Eatera ................943" AtlanatliEpress.......t... 45 A. X. Detroit Night FEpressa.......1..5 Grad Rapids Expres.......11 i15 Mlall &iExpres.............9 18 A.M. Beston. N. Y. & Chicago ..........1 Fat Westernl Expres....... 1 31? P.m._ G. R. & tl. Exess...........5145 thieage Night Expess........ 0 43 Pacific Express.............12I3N A. M. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Age', Chicago. Agt Ann Arber TIME TABLE Tahing Effect, Nev. 20, 1898. Teains leave Ann Arbor by Cectral Stad- ard Tine. NORITI SOUTH 0:43 A. A1. 1,:25 A .t * 12:40P. hi. 11:25 A. M. 4:56 P. M. 8:401P.M. :35 A. 9. l6: P. M. elgila hetween Aaa Arbtor ad Tolede only. All rates daily exceplt Sunday. E. S. GILMOtRE, Agent. 0'. Hi.BENNErT, Co. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI Sr ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Lars leave for D~etroit at a quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. n. sod up to 11:15 p. In. For Ypsilanti at a quarter befoire the hour tap to 12:45 a. in. (Jars leave corner Hturon and -lai Sts. 'rickets on sale at Brown's Dlrug Store. The Wabash "Continental Limited' Saves you lime ad monley. Going home for Christms? Look here, thee. You leave Ann Arbor at 7:25 a. reach Pore 12:05 noon, Loganseport 12:20 p. in., Lal~ayette 1:t9 p. in., Danville 2:34 p. in., Djecatur 4 p. to., 'l.aylorvitie 4:10 p. mn., St. Loius 6:52 p. in., Chicsgo 2:40 p. n1., Indianspolis 3 p. in., Loaisville 7 p. in. Cloae connections at these statto for all poinis in Indiana,Illioios ad is. noun,.'The t'ontineetsl Limtited is te fasot, laxierious train of the WVabash Line sod pasoses Milain goiag West at 8.07 a. ini. consult the ticket 'agent of the hAsnAr:,or Rahilsad for rates end ash him fo'- a Wabsohfolder R. i;. GRacevaWOOD, ' P. A. XWanted=3 Students Tosolticiet abscrptioseltthe Chicago Record A fneaopportunity toneanome money., G. A1.STEPHENS, t9 L. CDRRECTAN STYLISH TAILQBING.I We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city', and equal any Ini the State, We respectfully solicit your Yalued patronage. All garments made by us Dept, pressed and ini repair for one year. 10(6 U. Hutron. New State Phone 431. CALENDAR. Holidail Rates aia the Michigan Cen- Friday Dec. 1.6.-Weonen's Lesgue 'Ili tral Railwcay. reception at the Barboiur Gymnsiumni li Michigan Centrsl IRailwvay at 7:30. iwill sct1 to profess'rs, tescelirs and Friday, Dec. 16.-Mr. JohunIE. studentsOn01 presenttationt of certificate Lautner befiire the Phileoophical of meombershlip signed by Sec'y Society. Wade, round-trip hcoliday tickets at Thuroday, Dec. 22, (Evening).- onie and onie-thiird limted fare for Holiday Vacation begiiis in all ito- tile rouiid trill. '1ickets wliiticscud partnents of thae University. on Dcc. 22,.23 situ 24, good to re- _________________ turn tip to and iiiclinhng Jan. 10, Prof. R. S. Copeland, of the 18119. We have been able ltis year boiuineopathic meidical deparitmenit of to extende theoe rates ini the Est to the University, has just published a Neiv York, Biotoii, Waishiington; in Question Compenid for -taulents in the West to Missoui River, Kanlsas Medicinle, 011 the generael subjict of City, Orcala, St. Loucis :iini Cairo Refraection:.aid intermiediate territoiry. H. W.HAYES. "HAVrE YOU SEEN IThe New Bruno Mandolins OF 12 STRINGS ?" They are for salt at (lie SHAESERLE MUSIC STORE oiwn on Liheety Street, but only three doors ferom Main St. ANN ARBOR. 0, M. MARTIN.., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalmiag a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night end day. R~en- idence 302 Fifth Are. Wi.rrn l, Jeweler GET YOUR LUN1JHES ROOS V ANT~iOD-La.rge suite or unfurnishied oir pairtially furunishied roos twainted. Mint tbc steaml. o feirnace liettandin a alocaitioni lear University ior buini ess poirtioni ci city. Address Boix 30, Ann Arbiir. 68S Foit RuENT-Glietip, fromiitsuit. Bathi, furiiace heat. 33t Packard street. 71 WA~N'E.-Students toi sell Stu dentt Directiories. Inquiire at 208 N. 4th ave. 08 lentschler, the THE MAJORITY 0! WEAR THE PURITAN Puritan Sh( MAKERS All $ Sizes ANN ARBIOR ST 110 EAST HUF A Chiecker So:ciail is Iti e held in the parnlors of thie Coiigregationial W. W. 'TUTTL. E'S church, F'ridaty evening, 1)ec. 10'. 538 So. State Street. All f'iiendus cii tle' Younig Peoplesi Society tire cordiially iiivitedl. Gt::tt: begiiis at 8 p. ini. OUR PHOTOS President Ailgell. ini his twi i reporit for the year eningict Siept.'30, .. . A RE . . 1898, estimates thtaitlhcre is onei PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH Micliigtiitstudent iii lie u niversity THME liir every 1,.342 inhabiitants of the B e r rym1an Stu dio 1 12 West Huron St. P oto rap erState Phoene 119. oz~raz r 1K.---1-e1"'A. G. SP. FALDI3NG &'t BROS. F e Yerh - Cica~go. F ATHLETIC GOODS. IU IJ L C IUU I ici~ii U ,M S otituetoal3] i-tu tlt ,:e1a TI.e:spa.ldlig B1icyi-1e., riddeni, liethe lritieroiltenaii AuA. A. A. Clmii~tiions. and tal ltel tlj uigheeiiigirsilvi. Iviry Reqitu- site fori liteiBall. Foit halt, Golf, Tennis, 5th-lwte scucftriiiu~lo Spaldings official League Basl a s licOfi'e tiBalofteaatioalleaure t/ A i. SPALDING & BRO0S., New eark, Chicago O0RE, SON ST., 'Al News Sta'd, 607 E. William St, 8faive ole a trial. tFirst class wvork end F. J. SCHLEEDE, 144 S. State St.. Hinidsook oirtt25c. wtuiiisard6dn ielic A. A CC ate. iieFonan e '-asf n$1.(iei unitup All Linen Paper. 4 lbs. for 50c, Fisi ationiiery in the city at loweet price Near (look Ho51u. Fe C.TA YLOR. MANAGER. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.