2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Ptahisthed Daily (Suadays exceptedi) dariag the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. )FioEce: The ietted Presse, ifetiag Btock. Beth Phoes 147. MtANAGItNG EDtTORI. F. ENEHARDait, 101 L. IiiSStNE55 SMANAGERI. 0. hIL ee, '00 L. EDITORIS. Athletic Editor, T. B. WOODROW, '00 L. P. W. JOES, '99, A. Hi. McDoUGALL, 'e1 B, F. D. EcAMAt, '01 L, C. H. Lutn, '000M, 0G. D. ileescee. Bi E. Thesubhccriptionapie ofetthe DAILY is ,2.50 tee he college year, twith a reguarel civeryheforee neat each day. Notices, communications, atd otherematteintended ter pelicatioamutactbe handed in at the DALY offee hefoecS5p. m., o maailed to the editoefohete3 9p . t the day previousatlethal at which the yare expected to apper Sc heiptiace may ibt taft at the DAILY Oftie, Meye's, oa toetctanewstantd, at with Biesse Aauager. Stubtcries will cnfetatfavorhy reportiiag promtptly at tisaoffice any tailure at carries to deltverepapet. All cagee it advertisin- matter austt he ia the oafiet hy4 p. a. at the aay preious to that an which they ate to tappear. INaCHARGtEfTOAYa'S ISSE. A. iH. McDOUGALL. Kinyon; Feb. 23, 4 p. mt., at hot- pital, Topography of the Cheat Illustrated on the Subject. Prof. Hinodale; 7:30 p. inc, Surgical 'techuique, Prof. LeSeure; Feb. 24, p. it., Thlerapeutico in Surgery, Prof. Dewey; 7:30 p. mt., Tlreatment of the Commion Diseaoes of the Ear, Priof. Copeland; Feb. 27, 4 p. u., Ex- perienices it a Military Hospital. Prof. LeSeure; 7:30 p. in., Heredity, Prof. Hinodale; Feb. 28, 4 p, .,i PTe Preoent Status of Gynaecological Surgery. H. F. Biggar, LL. D., K. D.; 7:30 p. in., Surgery if the Brain, Dr. H. F. Biggar; March 1, 4 p. in., rhe Trained Nuroe andi the Geiteral Practitioner, Prof. Ceopeland; 7:30 p. mt., Tue Clinical Imiportance of Uri- iiary Analysis, D)ean T1. Smtith, A. M., M. D.; Mlarch 2, 4 p. ni., Dif- ferential Therapeutics, Praif. Dewey; 7:30 p. in., Genteral Discuasion of Medical aiid Surgical Topics, led by Prof. Kiiayoin. Clinical-Feb. 27, 1 p.itt., Opsera- tive GyneologyPacf. Kinyon; Feb. 28, $ a. it., Olierative Surgery, Prof. LeSeure; 1 p. mt Opeitivie (Oph- thalimoliogy, Pact. Copelend; 3 p. in., Neutological Clinic, Prof. Dewvey; March 1, 9 a. in. Geinerdl Operative Clinic, Dr. H.1F. Biegar; 2 p. in., General Medicine, Piof. Hintodale; New Courses in the Homoeopathic M~arch 2, 95 a.i., Gynccoiogy, Prof. Department. Kinyonci 2 p. -in., Ear, Nose and lTroat Clinic, Prof. Ciopeland; March Th le aninouincemieint of the gradite 3, 9 a.ini, Surgery, Prof. LeSeure. anti practical coitrses eof thte Uone______-______ pathice Medical College of the Uni- Mist Nellie Butts, foricerly of versity foi' 1899 has jutst bienissoted. Ann Arboi, but nitt living iin Past. The giaduate course begiiis Feb. 14, dea, al., Itas recenttly tent to tuis and the praictical cliinical course Felt city, a lite of beautiful Mexican haind- 28. BIoethiettarses close March 3. catrveil leather ntovelties. Tue artii- Tue ainm if the grtadutate course is to cems are tmate tof the fittest calfskin furitishi Uniiveirsity privileges to the aidtthle designts are liaindltrituglit. pitysician eiigaged in active' pra(ctice, This worc is quiite aunique' aitd rarely as svell tts tot coiiltegetudtiients. ''le foiuiid iii the Fatst. Miss Butts' stork couirse conusists eef Iwo lectuire's t a a, cata he seit it Arnotltd's, Hailer's atid out' at 4 o'clock in tiii afteittiteiti at Mrs. Lovell's, cornier Sttate aitnd thin ether ini the eveninig. Slicial Williams. laboratory swtrk asill lie arragedl for tose whott desire it. Unity Club Lecture. Th'lere will lie iit fee for ite elini- Prof. J.E.IReighiard silil delivet cal cocirse, atndlphisic'iains are invited his lecttute 'o ''-lie Biolotgy of tileoatn smn ra e etrs ra ae"bfr h nt iib Te swork of the liomoetipathitc lectre is substituted at tuis timle fr faculty weill he reitiforced by cie that of IPiof. 1.Hucints, which assistance of Dieai T'I. Smiitli, A. M., till he giveti after holidays. Prof'. Ml. D., of Jacksoaniitid H. F. Big-iteigliard's lictturi'wvts very miuece gar, u L. D.; M. D., of Cievelatid. enjoysed weni it wats givent reenltly- Thle compldete schteduele of leettireshbtfiie the zoelogical Field Club. It for the ceoirses is as fcilliows: is illustrated bystroicnve . Graduate-Febi. 14, 4 p.inteeitst Affectionus of the Infaitile Digestie Dr'lorItcrtrinGita Orgtiits, XVr. . Hinusdelt', A. Mt., I. .FoeIsrco nGrn D.; 7 :3(1 i. in., t-eflexes aitil efra ct Ito sais recetly st very seriously tiont, 1R. S. Coe'laned, A. M., M.H.; 1)1iii 5~t hipnteumonia is nose muchcl Felt. 15, 4 p. it., Differenttiaul Stir-hietter.Tho iuglh still qutieseeak lie gictil Diiuyeiusi-, Oscat' LeSeure, ,H1 isablc to sit itp, but will not tadke D. ; 7:30 p. ill., Pathology of thie lirecif his classes unttil after the Puerperturt, C. A. Kiniyoii, M. D.;iolidays.a Feb. 16, 4 p. ti., Sotmte Pitsontt the Vegetable Acidso, W. A. Duwty, M. D.; 7:30 ps' im., 'reaitienit of Alfec. Athens The~atre tioiis of the hInfatiiile Digestive - By secia aL o crt etit r Orgaits, Prif. Hinsedale; Felt. 17, 4 By.eII~a.e1S hteittia p. iin., ('tatrliof1thc Nose and MR. JOHN GRIFFIT H Inifectiont freoni tie Standpottint of thi Sturgeon, Prof'. LeSeuire; Felt. 18. 4 An Enemy to Affection.i, Prol'.IDesvey; 7:30 p. i., Th ig Uteriiie Dislacemtentis, their Treat. TWO NIGHTS, attenti t Pessaries, Prsf'. Kinuyon; Fridav and Saturday, Dec. 15, 16, Felt. 20, 4 p. ini., Obstetruc' Surgery, *Withlutettaigintactce'tc, aceney, eic. Prof. Kintyont; 7:30 p. t., Soite itt- Priesc, 50,cr, 75C and $1.00. Meilica, Priif. Dewvey; Feb. 21, 4 p. U IE ST 111The Liver. Proif. Hlinsdatle; 7:301 U I E ST P. n., Mistakes ini Eye 'Treatmuent, School of Dancing Prof. Coptelandet; Felt. 22, 4 p. in., Surgery of the Jolnts, Prof. LeSeuire; Granger's Academy. 7:30 p. Ini., Pelvic Tumors, Prof. B(atliPatun e 24. Cutting, Reyer & Co. Have atre antI complete line of UNDERWEAR. Such as HEAVY BALBRIGGAN, AUSTRALIAN WOOL, FLEECE LINED (both wiol atd cotton fleeed), all made t.o keep you warm. 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. AM. EX. Mams :6a~aar We recipt for packages to go by express and take care of HEADQUARTERS them for you. Alsit issue Am. Ex. Moiney Orders, the best me-' For LAMPS of all kinds, POEtCE- diumt for sending remtittances by LAIN CHIAMIIEIE SETS, DINNER mail. These are great conveniences SETS aid FANCY CHINA. Japan- for this part of the city. ese Goods and Novelti. J. J. QUARRY, 115 . MAIN ST. CAMPUS nRUGs STORE. We wilfor the next 30 days, coitminicing Nov. 18tH, tilfer str mc's $3.50 Heavy Box Calf, Tan Stsrmt Calf, Double Sole and Calf Shues for $3.00 WIRfR & MI[[[R The Soe Mn. Prices from $15 U p. .p ti '4 < Best -World COLLEGE weteeywheetae inited ted Cr the Wahurna Suveni Ctalg. I t cntains eeaely 3w prtraiteofaratist and clegian,heide gitngeowe accunt or the aettttttr. ci fWahuecintretset and a cmplete litnet pice. Fiestlant wavec deaers the arid ve ell Wathurtn, atintumentstrut atained fraw the mactrs COLLEGE STUDENTS 'HE COUNfTY liii OVERI RANDALL, KQA L. EvrSTAin LEE ti9 (Wet Washington Street iState Phone 14. Both Phones, N. 108. Ann Arbor. Iin c.Osc Pacssucs With the esoting and goingo the sans are the fashions in Shoes. The Styles ut yesterday are icon fosrgatten in the desirectar that of to-morow. Seear windows tee the heel up-tc-date tine at the stlietar to-mosreow. AB U 'S SHOE TOREA'nllaaitinxgtan St.,