4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f CHRISTMAS 111LI C-(:4: PPEo ewNeck Wear,j .............. .......B ath...R o b es,. S HOPPR S 44/ Night Robes, WILL FIND AT OUR STORE THlE LARGEST AND CIIOICEST STOCK OF . . . . . . . . . We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendars, Chiristmsas Cards, Desk Sets, Pocket Books, Card Cases, etc. A T LOWEST PRICES We would especially call your attention to oar IBooks for children, of which we have made an un usually large and~ careful assortment. t ajamas, 44Suit Cases and Trunks. Special prices for the Holidays, D. A. TINKER & SON, :334 S. STATE STREET. IutrOGOlIogidtO Bureau of t16a1611116 ostumo. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANYt, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Westerna Mngr., Haskell Musaesums, Univs. sf Chicags One Horse Sleighs for two people Take 2 Horse " " 4or 6 " Your 4 « " T ' 24 " Choice TELEPHONE 106 HOLMES' LIVERY 615 E. LIBERTY Ganop g for Par~teo, K it., Etc. LAM :PS 00"ST U P")E NTS We call attention to our complete line of Center D~raft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price finns 75c to .$2.50 each. 'These Lamps are of the latest and most imparoved patterns and makes. Including "'the New Rlochoester, ""The Yale." -'' PbRovsal""1 The BerlinStdt Lact I s "at, 'he 5Ferfeeton tar, p..ala JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TJAIL.OR, Makes a specialty o Fine Black Suits, Al Workmsanship. 214 East Washinmgton St., near 6ths Ave. W. J. BOOTs, PatE. S f W. AssoLa, 1st Vice-proa J. V. xna~~, 2d si.pCase SRYI S JOHN. C.WA AT, Asst.ataj BRIW NK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K Or Ann mreba Capital, $100,000. Sarplursad Profits, 140,000 Transeactsa generaltankhing buiness. Foreign exchangehcought and acid. Furnsch tetters of credit. E. 0. KINNE, Pres. HSARRIISON SOULE, VicePras S. W. CLARKSaON, Cashir Car. Main adiHoronStreets. Capital, s650,000. Surpluse, $30,000. reansactt a coeneraltebaking buscneccc R, K xPF, Pae. 02C. Os cat, Vice-Pres FnaD.o. B'n-'.. ahier. Lamp."If you. want the hest Lampfocr the Least foase come and seat us. 11 i I~O aiU3Bn S 1E IA N Old Number: N Capitol Stock. 1=0,000. Surplus, $1m0os0s. 44 SO. MAIN ST., R)Secourccst,hc0,0. S E A NANN ARBOR, MICH. D E N Orgastzed under the Geneal Banking Law _______________________________________________ o thie state. Receivesce deposits, buaancd cells exchangeconlthoprinacipalciciesof ha' United '~ An Enem~ to the King. Ann Arbor Hailroad Connections. ~icaicto "An hEtem yto the King," a remuark- VateAm rhrR t d O mticP lko ac alehorEmeom: Christiat Mock. Pre.; W.nri 330 SOUTH ahle play with a recorct of 200 nights in ca onctfriprtn Pnt sJ rintzAnstittant Cashaer. STAE TRET ewYo; 00nigh tinBso;10igto in Philadelphia and 75 nights in helow. JF'rt tdo Chicago, is to he prehented at tile Athens Leave Amlin Arhor. L M 'Ii tui heatre. P'ridasy and Saturday nights. L M SPENCER, Plato, Plpea Orgar)sad C~possttan The piese was first produced hy E. H. 7:21'a. a.... .Arrivo chicagoc.......s240p. a Sothern and played hy him up to this 1:25 a. .... Attica St. Loots. . 0..652 p. mn 7:25cc.mac..ArriceltatnsaCity ...7:15 a. n nTBH a® H 'Il' -,-, 1w P P season, when, hy special arrangement 7:2a m... Attica Colacaho'.... 2:15 p. a r ] 11 _Yj with him, a new company was organized 7:25 . ..Arrice Niagara tails. 0 l18p. a Froma Stuttgart 'onsaecvatory, Germany. with Johnt Griffith at the head. This 7:25 a. m....ArrivecBuffalo. hps Lf f'IC 7:25a. m.ca.Arrivctt'isciasaai. 100 53opm,*' 312S. iviio St Cocer PanoTunngcompany has haid the same measure of 1:25 a. m.... Arrice Indianapolis ... 345p.a m. and considered as competent in the 17:21 a.m.... ArriePort Wayse.. 12:35 soon 11:25a. ...Attie i nc d nacsti.. s.:0ata M i ~~characterization of the dilferent parts 11:25 a.,In... Arrice Clelanad . a..a a:5 nor We keep everything usually kept in a M ILL.ARD othce play. 11:15 a .... Arrile'Washisgtons...1:0s p. m first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call All the origimnal sceaery, costumes 11:25 a. m.... Arrive Baltismoreo....2:05 p.in and see ne. 11:25 a, t.. Arrice Phladelphia,... .4:35 p. m TILE and accessories are used in this pro.-m11:2cc..in... Arrice Columbs...8:5p. a. LIILNTE t duction. m:25 a. in....Arrive Daytona.....l.O610p. ma. 318 5. STATE ST, 0 :49 p. am.... Arrice Cincisnati ......e6:50 a. am ____________________ As eoMa. FOciREoN-Cheap, front suit. 8:40 p. sa.. Arrie Coumbu. ...:50 a. sm. Y R NEXT Batla, fumrnace hleat. 331 Packard 8:40 p. m.... Arrive aualo .......... :0 a. m. THEsmsoan MADOINvm'roso stee,43 a. m.... Arrive Lasaing.. 10:10 a. as. .of X. Barber Slhop TH __________AOL______ t tret 7. 8:3 . n...Arite Gramad tapids._.12:55 son 11~ 4:50 p. s. ... Arrice Sagiaw ......... 0:00 p. m. amid Batha Rooms. M>R. R . EUGENE PAGE, Erniest -Freoeian '01, tas elected 4:6p m..ArieByCiy.... :0I.m . R. TROJANcOWSKI, Prop. 3220S. State 8a hassehall maanasgem'of the stophaomoare 4:50 p. m... Attire Granad Yapiids...9:55 m. mc. Will give lessns on thce mandolin and cas4id:5t6rd rdln.D~. m..c.AttvFicn~at...0.m..RAZOR:3HONING guitar at the Uiniversify School of The Anna Arhbar Skating Park on IS A SCIENCE Masi every Friday. For 'termas and LOST.-Blue helt weith gold huckle. South Fifth is note running. we Guarastee Omur Work houhours apply to the Secretary. Finader leave at DAILY Office andWARNTEB BR --receive reward. 66 Fine skatimng at the Alin Arhor WARNTE 'ABR " THE --- ktn ak South Fifth. THE MODEL of State Street Corner Candy Storie Don't delay your photo sittings gParkBER SHOP is Dc.N ELY', Ramdall's. CLomae early anmd avoid WNTED-PEveye toarbsuhy the latest an BARB you desire Nortch of Quarry's Irg ttmohsasmtlaaiayrs. 6 Biteraaestingcame ever invested. "Base first-class work and courteous ltreatment kin rugitkiSato leilitres he usualholiayrush._ 66 eachllpatime. tItmasplayed hy two pernonn try Georar dHrya 32S ttt Tesdersa kn niaint l ihn rs achrepresenting a BaseMail nine ad will scorre eadHrya s25 tt t goods akt rason'atlc prices. Lucsataall JNYh p f scin rutns, hits and errors the coma as ay aser houss freshc Pop tort, Peanutsad Candy. FoR N-hafotsi.played on thesid.: St prepaid toay address ENOCH Emlastoem Hot Coffe~e and eSndwiches at Iton St sreceipt of l1e5HOE.C.,mbalmend W.S. PAJLtEREd 315S. State St. Bath, furmiace ha.36 .Sae BASE BALL AT HOMEICOILL, FuerlDeco _____ street. 70 108. 109, Chambehr of Commerte, Calls attended Day at Might. MONE LOMEDch. Ss,165 E. LihertyStretet. Besidenea63H 5 On Watches, Hiamonds, Wheealso other Per- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED.I, II- :mi Oftice at residene,331 E. Libet; St.,Asn Ar- m e)' a S atu rd ay ..., bot, Mich. All husnss confidtal.iHoars " Bargains in Seodhand WatcheasduDamons Anl Jsp Wat.A other lot of Bright, Richly ColoredMW MI AR MAKE A STRIKE CHRISTMAS NEOKWEAR 1 BOWLNG ALEY. direct from the Boston makers. On sale now. , SAES 310 S. Main St. T; MAHON EY, - Proprietor. W AG N ER & CO01, Furnishers, " Open Day andINsghL . 123 S. MAIN ST.