THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 CAS S ~More Styles, Finish, andTrmig IS U ITThan Ever Shown Before. $3 to $c"20.0 Goodspeed's,ManSre Students' Laundry Association Wa. VOUGT-Wm. R. FOX, agents foe THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The bet high gde landy in the State. The only machine deseetie hanih in the Weal, GloefniOnsh lan given. All wek popty, netly and carefully done. Office20dS. aeest. Reidene 10Lwence t. New State Phee. a4. MIGBIGtINGENITRRL "The Niagara Falls Rote." CRNTRAL. STANDARD IMEthF Taking Effet Aug. 14, coo8. Milhand Expres..........e3at7aP. . N. Y. & Betn Speilet....... iS.45 FetEstern .................94n Atantie Epreee ......... 45 A. M. Detreit Night Enpreen.. ........ Ct5 GrandtRaidsExItpres. in no.....ll1 Malt&Epress-............ te8A. Beten, N. Y. & Chicge......... tt1 Fot Weternc Epress ..........135. M. G. R. & Ka. Exrese... .c5a5t Chiago Night NEpres..5.... 94i Pacific Express ............... 23 A. M. 0. W. RUGGLES, . W. HAYES, . P. & T. Agt, Chicg. Ag't Ann Arbr TIME TABLE Taking Effect, No. t0, e898. Trins leeve Ann Arhor hF Centel Stand- ard Tin e. NORTHB SOUTH +1:e0 P. Mt. 11:5A. 0. 4:maPreM. 8:4 9:15A. 0. tac::2.5P . 'Run between Ann Arbr nd Tled only. All treins dity except Sundy. . S. GLMOtE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Crn leave for Detroit at a qurter after every hour, beginning t 7:15 a. in. end up to 11:15 p. mn. For Ypilanti at e quarter before the hour up to 12:45 a. m. Cart leave corner Huron ant Main Sts. Tickets on ale at Brow't Drug Store. The Wabash "Continental Lmited" Seven you time and money. (oing home for Chritmas? Look hre, then. Yoe leave Ann Arbor t 7:25 a. mn. ad rech Peru 12:05 noon, Lognport 12:2 p. i., La Fayette 1:19 p. in., Dnville 2:34 p. in., Decatur 4 p. n., Tylorville 4:40 p. in., St. Louis 6:52 p.i., Chicago 2:40 p. in., Indianapolis 3 p. in., Louisville 7 p. m. Close connections at thee stations for all points in Indienea, tiinois andit- souoi. The Cntinetl Limited it the fet, luxirious train of the Wabash Line and pases Milan goig 'West at 8.07 a. m. Conoult the ticket agent of the Ann Aror Rilod for rates and aok him for a Wabash folder. R. S. GEENWwOO, M P. A. Wanted=3 Students To solicitsbcription t the Chicago Record A Sn opporuniy to earn omoaney. . M. STEPEN, 'St L. Students! Students! If disstisfid with yourcaunccdey seraice cm tn the EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A. F. COV)EBT, Peep., t09EB. Wash. St. (Chiocolates tand~ Bon otnits), Telephone Be. itt, 2 Bingo. In bulk and in ianidsome packages, Excellent Wvork end Qaick Sesvice Guaranteed. from one-quarter to five pounds, at ALARIV CLOCKS, $1.00. 60C PER POUND. U.. OF M. PINS, 50 Cents. Now otn sale at Fine Welch iRepairing e Specialty, DROWN'S DRUG STORE, J. L. CHAPMAN. "QHAVE YOU SEEN IThe New Bruno Mandolinsg OFL 12 STRINGS ?" Tey BIG fosa tlG at th~e SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE onoen Liberty Steeet, bet only threee doos feom Main St. ANN ARBOR. COR. MAIN AND HURON STS. CALENDAR. I Saturday, Dec. 17.-Bianquet to the football teatm at Cooky Hotase. Tihursday, Dc, 22, (Eveting).- Holiday Vacation begins in all de- partments of the University. The Women's League will bold a reception at the Barbour gymnasiutm on Friday evening, Dec. 16, at 7:30, to which the School of Music pupils are especially invited, also all niena- hero aned friends of the Leagtue. Special amusement for the eveteing Rooms WANTED--Large soite of unfurnished or partially furniolied rootes wanted. Must be steami or furace he-at antd ini itloacatioan iear University or buintess portiont of city. Address Boix 30, Attn Arbor. 68 LosT--Opeal faced gold svatcha, C. C. S. on case. Rletorn to Alpita Delta Phi htouse sod receive $5.00 reward. 71 C. C. SIT. WANTD.-Students to sell Stut- dents Directories. Inquire at 208 N. 4th ave. 68 ) I 20i Sacte Mete Steeet. 0. M' MART'IN.e.. Holidatl Rates via the Michigan Cen- FUNERAL tral Raihcanj. DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth The Michigatn Central Railway Ave. Ambulance night end doy. Res- still sell to profesoors, teachters and idence 302 Fifth Ave. students on preseattatioac of certificate of atetmbershaip signied by Secy Au Wade, round-trip holidaty tickets atMIr aols one atnd onethirdl litaited fare for the routad trilp.'T'ickets wtill be sold mlliliro"Piss on Dec. 22, 23 anid 24, good to re- i rbl1Ul tl tutrn up to and including Jana. 10, i . l, Leading 1899. We have beena able thin yearW m Ar od Jeweler to exteted these rates ite the Laist to_____________________ Nest York, Bostota, Washingtoin; in GET YOUR City, Omaa, St. Louis and Cairo atnd intermaediate territory. H. W. HAYES. A ocolloiped-oiyster supper will be served at the parlors iof the Church of Christ, oatSotah University ave- tite, Friday eveninag, Dec. 16, from 6 to 8 p. ii. Tickets 15. 68 I swas intthie Music Co.'s store oat Wastitoat St. the other day. What utn earth are they goig to do switha all that music? They are selling cheap, thiougha. l1Ientscbtet, the Ilbotographer. THE MAJORITY OF HARVABO AND YAL STUDENTS WEAR THE PURITAN$HOIS Puritan SholCo. MAKERS. All $ Sizes ANN ARBOR STORE,' 110 EAST HURON ST., NerCo os.F. C. T A Y LO R } MANAGER. 1UNIHES AT W. W. TUTTLIE'S 338 So. Stete Street. OUR PHOTOS .ARE. .7 PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I 1I12 West Huron St. State Phone 119, °A. G. SPAL.DING & BROS. New Yoark - Chicrago. ATHLE"TIC GOODS. Officialtoutfitters Cco eli the heeding cocllegeo schools end athleticaiclubs of thcecountry. Tha eading Bicycle, riddena iy the Inctecleiatet A. A. A. A. Ceamp ions. end callth lehaadingg aolit-gareders. tvery Bequat- site loacese.tBall. FttBaeeli, olf, Teannis, Athletics, Gymasiumaae. Spalding's Offiuial League Ball hs the Official BJlieftheNcational Leege aneli tae leadcinag college esscicationsc. htand-cae UCateloge og Athlehtic tSeoets Free tc anaddraales. Spaldinag's Officiel Beet Bell Geide fee 1899, Mtarchi3t. 1h entsa. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New Fork, Chicago MoVOr's Lgliry Amulc Al Newt Stand, 607 E. William St, Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State St., BindseBoo foe 2Cc. sod upwards, and selhe A. A Waatersan Funtan esoro$.00oandup All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c, Finest tationery in the city oh lament peice WE PATRONIZE GOODYEARWS DRUG STORE.