THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Colege year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. PreIcE: The inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones 1C7. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELARD, '01L. BUSINESS MANAGER. o. H. ANs,'I00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. R. WoOnnOW, '00 L. P. W. JONas, '99, A. H. MDOUGALL,C01 E, F. D.EAAN,'01L. C. H. LNe,'00 M, G. D. HUcNUTT. '01CE. The subscription price of the DALY is tM50 for he acoriege yea, cwithareglarn deliey eore neon each dy. Netice, comccnicaioea, and otheetmate itendtecd leor ehvu clitio cimustbe handed in at the A s * oftienhefe Spit,,en mniled to the editee helee 3 p, .nofe the day peviouc to that n which they oeepected to aNcteberiptions may be Ceft at the DALY Office, Meyer's, t Stelt's newstand, or with Business ranager. Subscribers will confer a favor by reporting promptly at this ofice any failure of cariesto delieepaper. All changes i radvertisinc matter must be in the oflice by 4 p. at. on the lay previous to that on which they are to appear. We are in receipt of 'Sugges- tions" by ''Dirty Player." If the author will make himself known we will gladly publish his communica- tion, reserving comments to a later day. We do not care for the namee for publication, but will not print an article whose authorship is unknown. The committee in charge of the football banquet has shown its wis- dom in postponing it. There are a great many students who will be pre- paring to leave or who for other rea- sons could not attend this week. Giving the banquet after Christmas will give tminy who desire to go, ate opporttnity to do so, who could t otherwise have gone. This disposi- tion oC the part of the committee to suit the convenience of a large num- her who wish to be present, should be met by a hearty response on the part of the student body. This will be the best opportunity of the year to meet our victorious football players and to ejoy an evenitg with theta. Several tetnbers of te cairm- mittee seem disposed to complain at a lack of interest. This should lot be so. At Harvard, Pennsylvania, and Chicago, these football banquets were attended by the presidents of these universities and by some of their most prominent alumni, and were the most enthusiastic and en- joyable social gatherings of the year. The cottmittee will leave no stonee unturned in their efforts to make this an exceptionally enjoyable ban- quet. Enough ought to attend to enable the committee to buy souve- nirs for the team. Those who entjoy a banquet where good-fellowship and college spirit reigns unrestrained and supremse, as who lave a litte of the etlusiastt that makes a man want to get up and do something to show lie isnet dead, but is a real live enthusiastic college man, should not let this op- portunity pass by without manifest- ing a bit of interest in the occasion by attending. Those who go will get a good banquet for their money, and will feel they have been present at one of the fetes that are the col loge man's peculiar privilege. Judge Victor H. Lane, of the law department of the University, left yesterday over the Ann Arbor road for Adrian to spend a few days in visiting old friends. Declned the Oifer. Prof. McMurrich, of the depart- ment of anatomy of the University, has recently been asked by the authori- ties of the Bremen museum to in- vestigate a collection of actinia, com- monly known as animal flowers or sea-anemones, obtained from the South Pacific islands. This offer he was regretfully compelled to decline, as he is at the present time engaged in the study of a sitilar collection from the coast of Chle, made by the authorities of the Royal Museum of Natural Sciences of Berlin. Freshman Glee Club. All candidates for the Freshman Glee Club, who have not yet been examined, meet in Room 24, Friday nigt, Dec. 16 at 7:001 o'clock. Hf. R. KERN, Mgr. Notice to Freshmen Trach Men. All freshmen interested in track work are requested to meet in Room 9, University Hall, Thursday after- noon at 4.15. The war number of the Michigan Alumnus is in great demand at the book stores. In addition to the write up of "Michigan in the War," it contains reproductions from pho- tographs of Sec'y Day, Senator Davis and Assist. Sec'y Miekeljohn; also of those students who lost their lives in the war. This number of the Alumnus is a valuable one and every student should be the possessor of one. Mr. John Griffith the leading man in ''An Enemy to the King" which appears here Friday and Saturday evening, will be entertained at the Chi Psi fraternity by Mr. E. H. Fairburn, a nephew of Mr. Chas. E. Hamilton, also a member of the com~panly. Mr. Chas. E. Hamilton, of the company producing "An Enemy to the King," on next Friday and Saturday evenings at the Athens Theatre is an uncle of Mr. E. H. Fairburn, of the Chi Psi fraternity. Dr. Novy delivered his lecture on Russia at the Ladies' Library yester- day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Latimer gave his lecture on English art at his studio over Calk- ins' drug store last evening. Prof. Craig has received a cable- gram calling him suddenly to Europe. le doesn't expect to return till Jan. 10. Dr. Jessie K. Marden, who was president of the Students' Christian Association last year, las been sent by the American board of foreign tiissions to Aintab, in Asiatic Turkey. IAthens Theatre,I By special arran sert with Mr. ' E..CC hihit,j MR. JOHN GRIFFITH wilipresentSothern'sgrateatplay, An Enemy to The King. TWO NIGHTS, Eriday and Saturday, Dec. 15, 16, With the original co-tumes, scenery, etc. Prices,I25c, 5c, 75 na $1-00. UNIVERSITY School of Dancing -"-r-- Granger's Academy. eni Phone 246. y, saa J ..w. . . a.a s .. .; s.oaaJg_.i. r.a .s.a.r. 4.aaaaaaa ryaai.ias. 3 3 WE ARE... EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR xY HAAN~' andBANISTER' SFINE SHOES BEAUS SHOE STORE - a.-O . ..s :s::mw-. , -s -"- aw . ' a r- a ' a a ~ ~ - la I- New Neckwear. Special Holiday Novelties-All the New Weaves- New Colorings-New Shapes. If you want to be really Swell buy one of our De Jonvilles. No two alike. Full Dross Protectors, . In Plain Black Silk or Satin. Two distinct styles. You find here plenty useful gifts for gentlemen, such as Col- lars, Cuffs, Gloves, Mittens, Canes, Um- brellas, Fancy Hosiery, Suspenders, Golf Hose and Sweaters. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquarters for all Labora- tory Supplies 112S. Main Street, Ann Arnor, Mich. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, None like it elsewhere. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The largest assortment of candies in thecity, made hourly. Oysters served in any style. ~~d If You Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter how small or how large, a Job of WE CAN DO IT Printing for you. Call and get acquainted. The Inland Press, * 0anning Bnock. Peninsular Engraving Co., Detroit, Mich. ANDALL, OAL. EverykiSEBLER, 119 West Washington Street IState Phone 144. Both Phones, No.108. Ann Arbor. In Oose PaccoM, With the coming and going of the seasons are the fashions in Shoes. The Styles of yesterday are soon forgotten in the desire for that of to-morrow. See our windows for the best up-to-date line of the styles for to-morrow. f US HSILLT'O SyAE T Ace or ' tot" RFRLj Aean