4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 111 eo6 S. MAIN ST., and i CHRISTMAS *SHOPPERS WITL FIND) AT OUR STORE THlE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK OF . . . . . . . . s- -:OOK S_ We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendars, Christmas Cards, Desk Sets, Pocket Books, Cardl Cases, etc. A T LOWEST PRICES iair~iinnr 342 S. STATE ST., C.WllanS. W, V. VVEITMORfE 32S TT to.WlimS. CARRI ES UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. - I Intmrollogiatc Bureau o1fiRadomic Gostume. GOTRELL & LEONARD. i ~ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods msds to order sod rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERIN, WesternMngr., Haskell SMuseum, n, o.f Chicago One Horse Sleighs for two people Take 2 Horse 4 or 6 . Your 4 " " 24 " Choice TELEPHONE 1on HOLMES' LIVYERYi Oanopgj for Parties, Bic., Etc. a1s E. LIBER, TY cawlld rattention Fto STUDENTS. calyu~~tnint our .Booko for children, T fwihw aemd We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, of wichwe hve ade ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and an unuoually large most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New llnchester," "The andl careful assortmetes. Yale, " "The Royal,I ""1The Berlin Student Lamp, "" The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want thse heat Lamp for the Leoast lfoisep come and see us. _________Old Number: 4450S. MAIN ST., D A N C ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A SIIE EI A N1\ Under the Red Robe Tonight. Prisoner of Zenda" set the fashion, In response to many requests Charles Froh- "tUnder the Red Rb, ihM.Wl a gave several revival performances & -C o o Liam Morris and a splendid scenic pro of "Under the Red Rots" at the Empire & co . duction, is muakinag a tremendous hit Theatre recently and the furors they OUH throughout the entire country. The crested was tremendous. Prompted hy .330SUT company, which is a most complete one the reception given these revivals he STATE STREET gin every respect, appears at the Athens determinsed to repeat the piece is a few __________________-Theatre tonight. other cities and the peformances here -, csic Studio Here is the opinion of one of thte Will no douht he thoroughly appreciated. leading professors of Cornell College: The Weyman-Rose drama was not only Place, Pipe 05gar) aed Ceeneesittec ITHACA, N. 1., O~ct. 21, 1898. the greatest popular and financial H . H 1, PF R. M. H. GUTSTAsnT, Manager: triumph in the history of the Empire F?..I-I Iii1~. ~4 F E" Dear Sir-We enjoyed "Under the Red Theatre, hut it was also the greatest Rote" so tunch last night that I des ire artistic achievement of the comnpany. A Froa StattgartCoseatury,OGemany. to tank you for declaring so empthati- delightful, brilliant, many-sided per- 312 S. Divisio St. Canuert Piece Tactag cally that you kenew we wotuld, and forutance, the company's telling of ___________________________shtould he glad if you hatve any way ofJ Stanley Weyman a story really enhanced M j(counmsunicating with Mr. Mlorris, to have the charm of the hooks itself. Where- M ILL RD ihim and Miss Gaunt know in part of ever played it delighted its audiences our admiration for thseir performance. ad paved thae way for future successful THlE Particularly gratifying was it also to visits of this organization. This is go- P~tLNTERwitness a slay whtich, witile intensely lug to he the last chtance theatre goers tnteresting, is atbsolutely clean. ' will have to see "t'nder the Red Rote." Aceh Abor, Mieh. Wittest wishes for your success, I LOS T.-Op en faced gold atacht C. VeretmtliyursIC. B. uoa case Returis to Plti Delta THE RENowaND ANOLIN VIRTUOSO (Signed) BoaT G. Wannes:.i Phi ltoutse anti receive $5.00 reward. MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, (Professor of Neurology, Vertrbrate 71 C. C. SMIaTII. Zoology and Physiology, Corcell Uni- SEs t EOrmosu sd Will give lessons on the mandolin andvest) - to ortltr noteoat at Henry Bros. (over guitar at the Unsier'sity Schosol d UdeohfRdRtscms ou Nls olly's storte,_State St. 66i Nesceey Fia.Fo eus id ediately after its pronounced triutuph Fists skating at tite Anna Arhor hours apply to the Secretary. at the Empire Theatre. Mr. Williant ___________Norris, the sterlittg young romastic Slttn Pr, othFfit actor who created so many important (WATED-Elvery see to Say the ltes and C nyTHE roles under Mr. Charles Protean a mast interesting egame ever inventod. 'Base Corner Candy Store direction, will head a large organization Batt at usoms." It is ptayed by tinerson 1 . fcompetent actors. That the pou acsh reprsenttng a Oss Buttnine and wiltscouse poulrinrnshits adessoss the sume susany games North atftisasry's iDseg Store) demund for rotnance in novels and on played on she field. Sent prepaid to any udrssc Tenders a keinmd invitatton to atl wishing frshst the stage is not waning is apparent in on receipmt of a5e. goods at reasonable prices. Lunchies at alt the success which "Under. the Red BASE BALL AT BOSECOn., hases, crests Pep Ors, Peauts and Candy.,R . 58,5, 5.ChamheofCoammerce, Baa Coltree and sansdwiches atRosh asiacieved. Ever stnce The Inetseit Mtch. Wi. a. PAnRKER'S, 315 a. State 55. _____________________________________ MONEY LOANED LOOK lMrarkIIfat gift see that thse On Watchae,Dtamaonds, Whses outher Per- namel5 "Hailer"is soalPopry.T isWTCESAD EELYREARE, on the article or on the b)ox. Ithis is a guaranstee that it is WATHESANDJEELR REAIRD. good. Souvenir Holiday Gifts ! Thle largest line ini Wash. Office at residesuce, 555 E. Liberty at.,Ann As- Mi. Adbunesconetal.mHs . tni. out of gifts desiraisle for ladies and gentlenmen. Joseph C. Waits. E xamine otur Stock. Bargainns nScond-handWatchesad Diamonds MAKE A ST'RIKE BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Main St. T.. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. 1 Open Day andgNight. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TAILOR, Mkes e specialty uf Fine Black Suits. At Wohmunshp. 214 East Wahingon S., nears 5ticAe. W. J. Base, PEs. ST T W. Accus , 1st Vie-pee J.V. S E5ee 2 d Vie-pres JaEN.OC. WarT, Ast. Cshir SIVIO BAINK Transacts a general Bankintg IBuiess. FIRST NATIONAL BANK uads 18s3 Capil, 5510,0. 5eurpls and Pofis, 940,00 Trasctsoiaugeneralbaig bsiness. Foeig exchangboughtad sad. Farnish lettes of credit. E.0D. IENE, ires. HARRSON SOULE, Vie-Pes. . W. CLARKON, Cshue Q@I fh anirs k Cor. Sate nd Bintan Sierrs. Cpitl, 650,000. Soeplus, $30,000. Transcusla geel bankingbusiess. R, KEesF, Prs. 0 . a.RENoE., Vic-Pes. FEE. 1,B nusSE. uashior. Tle AnniAfrbor Savitns Bailk Capital Stool. s50,0. Surplus, $50,00 Orueunircd nertheseneral Baunkisg Lus afthIlis State. IRceivse dposis, buy and sell exchageon te opinipal cits uofttho Uited Seatse. Drufts oshd uopsropes idontificatiun Saftiy depositaboas to rot. Oseessaso, ChistinsMac, Pes.; W.D.Barri man, Vie.l'es.; Chas. E. iocos, Cshier; S. J. Prits Asssat Cashier. LAMB & SPENCEI, THE Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M1. Barber Shop ad Batle ioomss. J. Bt. YsOJAsswsR, Pop. 322 S. Stat S RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .. . Wo Gurantoe Or Wurk. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State Street BARBERSHOP 5iDONNE&ELY'S BAR ER HOPIf you desire first-class wrk and courteous treatment try George and Iharry at 32 . State St. ENOCH DIETERLE, Fuea mamrrco Callstteded Day as Night. No. tui . Liety Steet. Residene 535 FactS Ae, Phoes1Its .M.W. MUIWAQRDo [ TAT ST. I~i .