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December 13, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-13

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amnaing institutions, its adaptation
et to Yiviliztion.PWitypyor ggra-snC o
11dnof ailtredoltchi-C t 1 y r&bished Dauiy (Sundaysexceptd) dring te tory. Trace the steps whcli great
Coleee ar.at nations have taken in dealing with Have a large adi complete line of-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. priitive people. Weigh1 the conse-
'(0 mm 0heinlndPesteitining Botck. quences of conquest, bigotry, false-
Bino t one? 147. lind, greed ndai(lot. Weigh also
the eit of consideration, honesty, "N o UEO "W E A O"
rMANAG~ING 1IiTOxt. educationi, justice, religioti aiitlawe. Serb as ILEAVY BALBRIG-GAN
P. ENtIsonio, 10L. Fllow the slow aid devtous ays by AUSTRALIAN TAST A IA OOL,
IIUS0.IN ESS 'tIAA(LS . which the principles tof civil adi re-FLE E IN 1)(ohwe iictnflcd,
0i .11 ccv, 'to L. lgios liberty, whlichi welold udear, F E C IE bt oladcto lee)
Athltic Edtor . R ,T.BR W w aeebeen evulveil ntlde rived, if allnaet o kep yuttwatrt.
p. . Stte, 'e, .Mitcaonns, vi *0 ott cani the lane by swici itlike ev-
FO.Esratt~'?M,' ,ortL c. 11 joiun, LN '"oeM;u, ,lotitontiitay lesecturciditaiotigother 201203 SOUTH MAIN ST.
. ID. HlxTTise. '01 11. people. IRetmemter thtthile nst
enihgteed nationse tre nt styeil
fet in govetnitig themoselvesadA m V a r
On nitotyeo. ititnntoie n me t tre very inexpert in goveruintihers+ AM.X ~ ~ m ~ ~
'Teebcrionprie the iiDILY i n iifoer "IakergetAdy rif nstudntoolsWe eceilil fec packtges toI
non tcl a. Nottie, noonn iatisandi aered or the eiie of lt'e g by 'exhres anmitake cre of HAQA-T:
handce ts iet ositnmeatio i GClrhititicilzem ii inte tietietl them ft ou~ i. Also isue Ami.
mietotboedetitor ibefnre 3p imetiy century-to prpr frfre otey Oriders, the best me- For LAMPS of all kind, PORCE-
peviosinnoinatonitwhictmhittie expected ito fti' rltr te ocos E
apaafisby the preitmoton t hme tf di ottitforotiniig remitttntces by LAIN CIiAMiEII SETS, DINNER
cboct~ertn a ef tte DALnoftes, sndttl inaite, 'oliitiledueoncationm mail.
MersnorneSttiis'ietetti ne w mano tiositncsSTanFACCHN.Jp-
t soe. tiwsill ciinife t fa orban d t reatid itn." thee 're ret cmveittene
repotin tpromptliy at ith i te any fattn re ligffrthio 1t GoodSE s aid FN'eltis. Jpn
carients ueiveapr.fottispar ftecity. ese GosadNvlis
Allca sieos tine ~, tiin matersitebein sRecision of the General Cataogue
the titice Op p. toons the dty teviosito a U R Y 1 .M I T
onwhmthyartppa__ he irtgetertlcatalogeiof tie J. J.QU R Y155.M I ST
The Work of the Hijgenie Labor- ffcers and stutdentts of thi. n iiver- CAMPUS DRUo STOE.
cg ity tas issued it 1891,unmder the
torq. editorslhip of Pofts. Demtmniatd
The hygieiic aotratory of the Pettec. It cntainied fle ames of $
University,thichli was built tatu 18,900Opersontsswho hadl beets imiat-
equipp~ed at thel request f the Micloi- tetdatice at the Umiversity, 111127 of 300,
gait Stte Beard f Healt, ftthfils c.atwhiorti were graduitttes. It presented a Wseusill fec thi neist 3ll)days, cnomoemig Nov.
functionswthi citers inlnfanny i- list f alli oticers of the Univerity 1th, etfer ounr metims'e$3.50 Heavy Pox Cttlf, Tan
shecte fromn that of the oler laoat- froit the organization of the first StotmitC'alf. Doutble Stle amdol Ctf Soe for $300
tories oni thin campious. Otnetof its oatmr of PRegets ini 1837 to MalorhWNltf Mn
objects s set forth ini thin;nmemnirittl1890; the natie of tll graduiatis nf WtI ILR 16816M
presetitedl by the botardi itthealth slk- the Utiversiy eownmit Januairy, --.__-
tng for its estabiishmiett, is toex- 1891;tand of all persons wclii iatriei-
atn, aedf o ine fortepenqelei lte , Im dttol before t1687 utlimt lid mftert tn
eti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae!ntused disease. N umuerous siuoihies dmt oi tttitielmfe'tt
of water suspecteil of cntainting the cafe.'hhe ilatbor inveolvedl in thin Prices from $IS Up. r
gers of typhlotid fever tre yearly p1repatrain f these liel, andtoel iiter
ett to thuslatborattory , mand ate ox- prtieUilarly iicinn~ img tceuiattin i.
ammniteelfr aittiiimui lfee. Fhoods, formaimtioni egard inmg tie' ohreses! c ii > - Y
such aimt t hoe n h ie n igabe rdaewssected nif Centtaininmg peoisions ele enormuits, bunt wsas justifiedi by tee; ~
ntiiif, are simuilary exaumied An- greatitusefuneseof the volumtcletien Bes
other puirposeefffloe labortotry is to cimtpleed. Nose it is proosedt oe- rs°
carry ci livestigattionumnmot the causa- vise this irst Catlouge, tdinlug te;,
tiottiof idisease, itohierlaps utiote tinimis f studenwho hali ltv' bni'ii iiih
especially itoit reventint. Amngtttattendancemsince 19invriu
ivestigaomuns f this ntmutreumettionwatys suppleueitiimg tie informaiont . Wm-'~--~-~ ord
maiy beftumult f a cmareful study f epecially as reganods the nmomu-gnrmout I - -'~' '
fle genii swlichm is supitiosed ti be thletes At the meetingofittie Boamrd
cause of yellotwnfever. .Prof. Nevy, f iRegentst, NuVlt.lhi, umtnter wsts; OLLEGE en eeywhee iteeiniteS tosend for thc Wshun Soutveni Ctaig.
whitotiasbeeni engagedin iithis iworhk, referred to te xeemiive Committec ; It cntantmct nerly 300 pcrtritof artit andcollnegins, beside gingisoeaccosntt
hosIeti hel to ciocludehnthiat the fr inforiittini regardting ethe 1tib. .'e h ncsnonn-tnhccieectet ciannpeeito e rcs
r F~nirtcassmsidees the worldoversell tWshhiss orinstruentnts maysbe
germi wehichim antooty qiartere tots tbte cost. It iexpecied htthie I otinied tenet he maersn
beenm regotnilec as tim"eitcmse of this mmeccvousome will bring the list dhownum LYON & HEALY, CHICAGO.
die-ease, i in amll proability mit tie tot1210.
cii'.liiy'lusfeegei5, flu iot(, he~peinimmmCub will mooet -C '
therefore, yet tnt be diciovsered. this afteruoot i tt 4:15. Tie clubt
--- -- cwilreoadfle folinsilmg scenes fruomi C i mL GE. ISTUD IENTIS
"The Political RSponsibihittq of 'Mzlchethio''Aci It., scne 1; mtt
TieIuttu'uffo otroigsnV mmeI tAmerican Students. I., scene 4; act IV., pcetie 1; act U L
has its its leaduing mrticim'annabli 10mOm--ni ~ t
per oi-limTe Poitmiiic'al Iisponttihiiiy
tf AtticcmiiStudoents t thin Preseo l
Timt"b JsoemtDmilC ill- Athen s Theatre, h SMOKE
mmit of J ots IHop~kins Universiy. TONIGHT I
He sai t.:T NGH!«hoitisthin' duy oh AneiCtumoTie Gremt New Y ot, Sit nnnn te Brili t VUUI4J
studoents itt this ete state of tafairse ? oitiit ttehaisheqeso ori o o-i t c
siderm. IVe tre mtt inembmes of the UdrIh
Cabimnet, tir of Congress; se are ot Red 1Robe I A NDT LiI0AL. Every kind.
eaeComummsni n ir;w r nth t Lr IELR
studenetts and t eaches. Whatt is utr With i Feneaotstt, includuing N 19 West Washington Street
dity? My atnsuer is a very simmpile MR. WM. MORRIS. [Stae Phone 144. Both Phnes, No. 10. Ann Arbor.
ote. Let Davidh get ready tu eot t Prices, 25c, 5c, 75mmmdi$1i00.
tie Plhlistinie. Let hitm gather the _________________ ls Pcs
pehbbles fir 1bhissig. Gut te yourttn12 j fc P~c~
boos, yomugmemit sildy geogrmaphy UN I VE~RSITIY - With the ceoing md gog of the seasosmte the fasioins
and hisfoy. Biegin tie study of Sch t0Ool Da cme inSles.lTe Stesfyesterday a aresefegetten in teteie oe
Oceatica its vast extetnt, its mautrvel- o ia cn that of tomorotw Seur wntos foric the best up-to-ate ies te
ots attratiio, its extiraordinmary Granger's Academy. jjpf jjj SfHO STORL , 119 Wlashinmgtnm St.
people, its primitive customs, i5mits 11p11Phone46. mitAito.

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