Bath PRoheo, TAIN(Al OL_),
Niooht Ro5bejs,! - tMakes aopecialty of
WILaidI D ilr cFine Black Suits1
STOR THELARGST ! ' specal picesforthe Ho~liday5,
® w . .A.TNK R&SON, 214 EastWasigtnSnar nt Ave,
____ WJ. ooo TS0PRE. STflTh
W. ARNtoO Lt Vice-prey
Intercoloato Bureau ot 16ade11i6Costume. JlON .XWLTZ, Ai.ah iVI
We also carry a very Comnplete .Line of ALBANY, iv. Y. Traissacts a general
Calendars, ~~Cape, Gowne, and Hoods made to olrder and rented. Also ('lass BnigIuies
Citma ards, Canee, (Class Hats and Cape, Class College Pins. Address anlg uses
Chrisktmsacs, W. C. KERN, Wern rto g' FIRST NATIONAL HAK of AnnAro
PekSetsooks, Haskelil Museumo, Univ, orfUChicago FBANTtorglanid O~t
- ti.C se ,E't'.Cpital, l ,C So p1110 andi Profits, 145,000
Crass t. One Horse Sleighs for two people Take 'rot ool a genabanxtkingbuineps. Foreign
Q T LOWEST PRICES 2 Horse it = 4 or 6 t Your crdt 0011101tadtld.Fao N UEce
4 24 Choice E..iNPI.Oli15N ttl,
- ,,, ~ 0. . CL OI~tI i ('01110 .
Cianopy or Io' a'l (co, Et., t
We Would espe'cially
call yourI atentintoo
ouir B~ooks for childrien,
of twhich we htave tmtde
aii llllootiatly laroge
Wie call 11 11101110to0011 complete line of {'oter Draft Nickel 1Plited ItLamps,
rn..;jug in price from11175c too"2.50eaich.I Txese Lanips are of lhe latet ti111
111101 luttpr oved Ipatteor0n1s1and thaes.Including IThe New 1Rochesler,"I1 he
tCoor. Maaledtol ioxx Steetso'ol.
Ca~pitl, 050,1100. Surplus,1'.310,000. 'lTtolateoa
ghl'llerl balln1o1111'o"h.
X, l~i oa', Preso. C.10 Istoooo, Vice-Prex.
FatED. H0 BELYtrashl'iero.
I Langxp" If Yonlwa it the best Lamp llfor the e t / t o 1' oi.% ome.tand s Ij fIIH Iiiiboi'S Vtl[1J
E Old Nuxei t,(spit l Sooool. 0,0110 01 1310,00 7.
S E H N44 SO.MAIN ST., 5lboolll 1s $Y10100
ANN A.RB01, MICH. D A IN 64 (Ile11 ths xo. . I leti lxe llo etll i liti
& C * 1 i'itlS'~1r11 t111 . 10fron t11he 11101 1111111'f I'Nt11e001 itotol fa 1' 1 ott bo .t0 el. '110 1
Ih K 'lcuShtno C ipat . ixox txeio ta' xxi' 8tltefoO£)5Ito'rR 001E1111 1 ilo. Coo rf. .W I).II iI.-
3:0 ~ ~ (Oe xlof o oool lrililxott ventsof bo lier l~ih I~nix ls1 11111 111 1 lf e it Tea0,10 tA ri: i~ tit Cshi11:011101 , ahir I
fo ' ,_A 1 k11111x R I1 111 1111111 xo 111
111113 l °+ti[,t)0'1110111 St 11,11 l'ixxW ''lo
P o,Pdiptxoakof t x x11011111 iioex 1 11 x11101 nivyasa1311) 1'''.lx11'l .
1J1D1II ' i''01 11 01' 11 s11 xi l IirxxiY1111111o ' I' ll - te
lie 1 , 111a o; .xllxvon the lost. '1ih0gll 11,. l (t lcn~tfl
1rtrH.~ E lie, h ed 1 l 'i- I 11110111 01eth '.1'xi 01 111 0 xilli"l 'Wph cx xe hxix x;"xb 1010^ 11i
101'i Olnxoxd1 f t'i6 Go or
y 111 lxilll1 1 lxxle 'i i i 0 1 l t. o . . 0.11112{ c 10 l oxob xxdox' 11. 1111i xiheos4r/ i oil
O le ri xi lw l } ')if i de111011f11 11 '111 ( 1 x vix 1 crelt+'1(01 SO io'.11111100 tllllt 1 . Sl T r
t~h.(' ~ ~1 i1 'i{?l ;ilollot f!4 if-)l.to 11Yo1 k. 0 Lilxei 0111a1lxx' 0111p110 11 p0' xlo lx1Ixpallyikept ill110
Aooox4 iwoo- and0. xxo tbe.. Oo 01111s00 l'x'lili e 1115 oxl"I'd
'cc i Ot 10NAO~~il iariO ai li y hxl 11' 1 ritlox tix ow rtiooox ra-011111 er101111 tic10110 xihinatrles i N w ck, iandhoel 0 I f ti lttt a ker. al
did ?,z)oxlr)iiot 101111115' iixi ola~. il nlt holeo th 1rs)1tat' f ofini1et. 'nCx Itl1ot~co 01th cott(iote Croix. nd i 022ncs Gun' 311 ,1ST01. T
1V it. lauurI Eo1)r+-iu n,0 ' OlII IetC ixi 1e l 1txx00 iool Oo ixx ' wile0 1 '0'1' as' 1110011110 ' 1111 ei xxiortth ;-
'1ii x lo C ol h xtnixix1111 00xixxxlxx I areIt\tbi no"x, toiAnn 0\11 N-Tooo01 10 11110'RAZ R ION IN
Annititi be literoly 'F , {ibo t, ('r oerso . o rl Xany xtl 01 xxl''111011 51Ioxs x.01 IS C N C
-usic ederytico dly.thor\vleroxof tilli-Oino otiollx E.oFrancois' tnEllistEtheli,(j
TH 3::oi.^it f iD L1t 7IT1pO tEir avg oitoo, 01'lx wtith. 1010 lonemoly'xa111),81110 81. lx, o.01'l 3 111 0 (clixtt Io
hourt 1C0hxtyto hoe ecretay.aSo-o Fcl100i ielxonaExkntiJo
Ej( j ] dxid l botn.'., lielolgo wEihincl(elFixo'k''i1g am110I1,011 IoiWA REN THE BAR ER
THE ceer ria . F r. ers. nd Kigson 100a0 H nsn,5. Sk un , olle1sto o, Soth FS ll 6 TH e GOD e o fa Sttewo rrk
LorerStoreuy LUU "Under the e cd Robe." - 110I Ill OBARBER SHOP i u yotx deire1y
!WANOEIO ibroneo oba te100 e ndfirst-class work and courteous treatment
(North ofi( 1011 r u ttg Store; "Iler the Iled IRobe," twhich mtoeosole 0mot intesin~bbg ,otaloe0e00invted.xo "Baoe
Teaet a lid noitlox to xii ixbltg roh rootxicod aisuctceas at tile Empire Bxtal iaito."It 10istplayediby twxo' perttoitxtry George and IHarry a it 302 .8State St,
gototsiat reastxona~ble prices. .otaunches at ol'Theatre', Neo' Yorhk('ity', rinning fotr twoteach repreentoinog a BaeeBall nane axd ill score10
hours, fresho loop (xr Cor, oenutts andOLaody. oniooxs esnxi h h ota-inxrnsx atd and rrorx. salthe smd 1s011y caetEOH DEE L ae e
sv .iAi~'i',31 .Sa'S. tioio at thxe Athens Thoatre toitorrow on rcecipt oi 15.Funeral Director
-night. Thxis nowo faosso s B iASE BALL AT'i' I CO.,al lootdDt a ~h
adopted for thxe stage by Edwarod tose I.08i, .o0 .1. ChamberoflO 00COIIIILttaer1 ltiocnc1e
MONEY LOANED -Diaiit.N. FouirthtAveon1
on Watc'her:,Oiiamto, Whl o o t her Per- s 't Tjlo
Officto aiodence,311E0. 011100tySt.,An~n Ar , 1 1 O" RCH IRI,5
borMioch. Allloosiness codnl.ob o us,x$,x.,faaa *,
tao130a.in. antdil1'tot30ad ia ottACmbinaton'--
Jeph C. Watis. SrongC minto
Bargaeins itSeontd-hotndWatchest and Diamt~~ond -"
:t"sWhicis you cannollt be witbout. -a
MVAKE A STRIKE _'oiwl lasfn ielts
--ATTH- t w ? 0Ao
BOWLING ALLEY...:. producltions with us50
350 S. Mai St. I
' a rT, MAHONEY, - Proprietor, -. Wa n r& o 1 4
Open Day tacl igt. 123 S. MAIN ST.